Originally posted by Patrick Differ
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The Single Bullet Theory was created due to the timing shown on the Zapruder film and the speed at which a Carcano can be fired. That meant that there were either two gunmen or that one bullet had inflicted JFK's throat wound and the wounds in Connally. Only 5% of the witnesses thought they heard 4 or more shots and no evidence was found of a second shooter. Dealey Plaza is also prone to echoes.
Ballistics testing done after the Warren Commission has shown the Carcano had the penetration to inflict all of those wounds. Testing has also shown that Carcano bullets passing through ballistics gelatin that simulates muscle, start to tumble. Forensic examination of JFK's clothing and skin showed the upper back wound was an entry wound.
The tracheotomy performed on JFK's throat used the bullet wound there. This obscured whether the wound was an entrance or an exit wound, and the precise location. Some Parkland doctor's thought it was an entrance wound, but they did not know about the wound to JFK's upper back when they examined him. X-rays showed no bullet in JFK's neck or torso, so the evidence shows that JFK was shot in the upper back with the bullet exiting his throat.
Forensic examination of Connally's back wound and clothing showed that the bullet was tumbling when it struck him, leaving what they call a keyhole pattern. Striking sideways while tumbling is consistent with the deformation of the Stretcher Bullet and neutron analysis has shown the lead fragments taken from Connally's wrist match the lead of the Stretcher bullet.
Examination of the Zapruder film shows that any depiction of Connally sitting directly in front of JFK and facing directly forward is, at best, an error. Using the actual positions shown, a bullet did not need to curve to strike both JFK and Connally and inflict those wounds.
Not believing the Single Bullet Theory raises several questions that I have not seen a Conspiracist answer.
* Why was the bullet that struck Connally already tumbling when it hit him?
* How could the bullet that struck Connally have missed JFK?
* How could the bullet that passed through JFK's throat not have struck anyone or anything else inside the limo?