Originally posted by Patrick Differ
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The back wound being lower than the throat wound makes the SBT implausible? No problem. Just move the back wound up to the neck.
Connally being seated in front of the president makes the SBT implausible? No problem. Just move Connally's position 10" towards the centre of the car.
The position of a rear shot low on the skull would result in an unobserved exit wound in the face. No problem. Just move the position of the bullet wound.
Then this diagram can be proffered as a solution:
Just overlook the inconvenient fact that this diagram leaves the Harper fragment undamaged and the Temporal bone, clearly seen flapping in the Zapruder film, undamaged.
Zapruder film shows rear exit wound. No problem. Just deny it.
Ignore primary evidence from Boswell, Finck, Sibert, O'Neill, Bennett, Hill etc as "mistaken" in favour of lawyer interviews forty years after the event.
That said, the reconstruction model below is said to reflect what Humes stated that he saw:
It is this model that leads me to consider a shot from the front through the temple with the exit wound in the occipital, followed very quickly by a shot from the rear causing the injury to the top of the skull. IMO this sequence is visible in the Zapruder film.
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