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JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year

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  • Originally posted by Patrick Differ View Post
    You can perhaps understand the doubt. Especially when Humes decided not to trace the path of the bullet from Kennedys back through his neck. As a result there was a need to explain Connallys wounds and hence the Single Bullet was born. Reasonable doubt was a result.
    Many mistakes were made in the Bethesda autopsy. None of them were why the Single Bullet Theory was created.

    The Single Bullet Theory was created due to the timing shown on the Zapruder film and the speed at which a Carcano can be fired. That meant that there were either two gunmen or that one bullet had inflicted JFK's throat wound and the wounds in Connally. Only 5% of the witnesses thought they heard 4 or more shots and no evidence was found of a second shooter. Dealey Plaza is also prone to echoes.

    Ballistics testing done after the Warren Commission has shown the Carcano had the penetration to inflict all of those wounds. Testing has also shown that Carcano bullets passing through ballistics gelatin that simulates muscle, start to tumble. Forensic examination of JFK's clothing and skin showed the upper back wound was an entry wound.

    The tracheotomy performed on JFK's throat used the bullet wound there. This obscured whether the wound was an entrance or an exit wound, and the precise location. Some Parkland doctor's thought it was an entrance wound, but they did not know about the wound to JFK's upper back when they examined him. X-rays showed no bullet in JFK's neck or torso, so the evidence shows that JFK was shot in the upper back with the bullet exiting his throat.

    Forensic examination of Connally's back wound and clothing showed that the bullet was tumbling when it struck him, leaving what they call a keyhole pattern. Striking sideways while tumbling is consistent with the deformation of the Stretcher Bullet and neutron analysis has shown the lead fragments taken from Connally's wrist match the lead of the Stretcher bullet.

    Examination of the Zapruder film shows that any depiction of Connally sitting directly in front of JFK and facing directly forward is, at best, an error. Using the actual positions shown, a bullet did not need to curve to strike both JFK and Connally and inflict those wounds.

    Not believing the Single Bullet Theory raises several questions that I have not seen a Conspiracist answer.

    * Why was the bullet that struck Connally already tumbling when it hit him?
    * How could the bullet that struck Connally have missed JFK?
    * How could the bullet that passed through JFK's throat not have struck anyone or anything else inside the limo?

    "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

    "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


    • Excellent points from Fiver. What CT’s have done from the beginning and continue to do is to assume that Arlen Specter was looking for a ‘get out’ and so he ‘created’ the SBT out of thin air but this suggestion doesn’t fit the reality of the situation. They were faced with a situation where they had a gun with just three cartridges and the majority of witnesses saying that they heard three shots so the WC needed to find out if it was possible that the two men were hit by the one shot or were the majority of witnesses mistaken (not impossible considering the echo chamber nature of Dealey Plaza.) So they had to investigate.

      So CT’s incorrectly (knowingly in some cases) assume that this piece of investigation by Specter and his team was to achieve a specific desired aim and they refuse to consider that this was simply a case of them testing a second option. They of course knew that it was physically possibly for Kennedy and Connolly to have been hit by separate shots so they needed to know if it was possible that they could have been hit by the same shot.

      It’s a convenient assumption. There was nothing dodgy about Specter’s investigation.

      Sir Herlock Sholmes.

      “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


      • Originally posted by Patrick Differ View Post
        The folks who used technology to do laser scans and continue to advance the technologies do not support the Single Bullet theory based on the shooting angles.
        This was done for PBS NOVA Cold Case JFK in 2013. The technology supports the Single Bullet Theory.
        "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

        "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


        • The Single Bullet Fact Fiver.

          Sir Herlock Sholmes.

          “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


          • Fiver and Herlock- Technology Advances it's 2025. I referenced 2023.


            • Originally posted by Patrick Differ View Post
              Fiver and Herlock- Technology Advances it's 2025. I referenced 2023.
              Technology advances. The laws of physics don't change.
              "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

              "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


              • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
                Using the mastoid process and the acromion as measuring points was brilliant from a deception standpoint. The mastoid process is the bony structure behind the ear and by being part of the head, is easily moved as the head moves.

                The Acromion is top outer edge of the shoulder blade and is also easily moved by moving the shoulder up and down.
                Welcome to Conspiracyland, where men with no experience in forensic autopsy making a mistake is "proof" of deliberate deception.

                Your source never disappoints for providing humor.
                "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

                "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


                • The Laws of Physics and Geometry do not change. However Technology does advance. Digital Twin is a new Technology and has proven the single bullet alignments are wrong.


                  • Originally posted by cobalt View Post
                    The fact that the murderer was confronted whilst apparently doing no more than walking along the sidewalk, yet felt the need to resort to violence so quickly, also lends weight to a link with the JFK assassination. So I will work on the basis that the two murders were connected.
                    The simple answer is Tippit saw a man who matched the description of JFK's shooter and decided to stop and question him. The man panicked and shot Tippit, then ran off.

                    Originally posted by cobalt View Post
                    So why did Tippit stop? Well, we know his behaviour was reportedly erratic around this time.
                    There are claims that Tippit's behavior was erratic around this time. I have yet to see an explanation for this alleged behavior.

                    Originally posted by cobalt View Post
                    So who killed Tippit? I think Tippit was killed by a person connected to the JFK assassination and I don't mean Oswald obviously. I think he knew, by sight at least, the person he stopped and that person viewed Tippit as an immediate danger to the conspiracy.
                    Why would Not-Oswald being stopped by Tippit be even the slightest threat to the Conspiracy?

                    Originally posted by cobalt View Post
                    Tippit, rather like Oswald, was beginning to realise that events had spiralled out of control and sensed a danger to himself. Both men were killed/arrested within an hour of each other reaching for a weapon. Tippit's stopping of the pedestrian was an attempt to regain some control over events, an action which was not welcomed.
                    If Tippit sensed a danger to himself, at a minimum he would have drawn his gun. And there is no reason to assume that the shooter wasn't Oswald.

                    "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

                    "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


                    • I’d just like to make the very obvious comment that there’s nothing wrong with considering that the most obvious option might actually have been the truth. We know that Oswald left his rooming house and ended up in the cinema. We know that the location of Tippit’s murder was on that route. Oswald left the rooming house at, let’s say 1.00. He is arrested at 1.50. Tippit is killed at around 1.15. Approximations but close ones.

                      So….while Oswald is walking a route someone is murdered on that route at around the time that Oswald would have passed the murder location by someone that a pile of witnesses identify as Oswald. Then the gun that Oswald pulled when he was arrested turned out to have been the one that was used to kill the man.

                      This particular episode is hardly the Wallace Case is it? How much more obvious could it be?


                      Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                      “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                      • So why did Tippit stop? Well, we know his behaviour was reportedly erratic around this time.

                        There are claims that Tippit's behavior was erratic around this time. I have yet to see an explanation for this alleged behavior. (Fiver)
                        You and me both. Or why Tippit was such a well known in Oak Cliff he might have stood for election to the local council.

                        Tippit is killed at around 1.15. Approximations but close ones.

                        Not according to star Witness Helen Markham or various others who time the killing at least 5 minutes earlier. This is approximate for sure, but completely demolishes the notion that Oswald walked from his rooming house. And it invites the great unanswered question: where was Oswald going, and who was he hoping to meet?


                        • Originally posted by Patrick Differ View Post
                          The Laws of Physics and Geometry do not change. However Technology does advance. Digital Twin is a new Technology and has proven the single bullet alignments are wrong.
                          Knott Laboratories is assuming that the shot hit at frame 225, where the Zapruder film shows JFK was hit some time before frame 224. Zapruder frame 225 is significantly different from the way Knott Labs portrays frame 225, turning Connally's head and body farther to the left than the Zapruder film shows.

                          If Connally was positioned where Knott Labs places him, then JFK must have shot Connally with an invisible gun.
                          "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

                          "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


                          • Originally posted by cobalt View Post
                            There then follows a list of strawmen, ripe for burning.
                            None of Herlock's points were straw men.

                            Originally posted by cobalt View Post
                            It has been pointed out on numerous occasions that the lone gunman theory is a figment of the WC imagination and no more.
                            It has been claimed that the lone gunman theory is wrong, but so far the ballistics, acoustics, fingerprint, photographic, and x-ray evidence support the theory.

                            Originally posted by cobalt View Post
                            The assassins in Dealey Plaza set out to kill the POTUS and they succeeded. Why on earth would they care about photographs of the Grassy Knoll or direction of bullets? All they needed was a link to Cuba (Oswald) and a rifle on the 6th floor.
                            If a Conspiracy wanted to frame a lone nut, they would care quite a bit about photographs and the direction of bullets. That's the position of any Conspiracist who claims that the evidence was faked.

                            Originally posted by cobalt View Post
                            ​johnson partly scuppered their plans by steering the lone gunman theory which, in its WC form, depoliticised the crime.
                            So a Conspiracy that risked their lives to murder a President and frame Cuba did nothing when LBJ threw that all away by refusing to blame Cuba?
                            "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

                            "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


                            • Trying to discredit Knott based on a Zapruder Frame st 18.5 frames per second is absurd. But is shows how far the WC apologists will go to defend it.

                              There is a second laser scan company that proved what Knott did. Thats called repeatability.

                              Kennedy and Connally were both at different angles from the 6th Floor windows. Its not hard to understand.


                              • None of Herlock's points were straw men.
                                They were called 'strawmen' by me since they assumed that a conspiracy was focused on 'framing' a lone gunman. This is also a misapprehension Fiver labours under. I pointed out that the Lone Gunman theory was a product of the Warren Commission.

                                If a Conspiracy wanted to frame a lone nut, they would care quite a bit about photographs and the direction of bullets. That's the position of any Conspiracist who claims that the evidence was faked.
                                I know there are various CT positions but that is not one I subscribe to. They wanted Oswald in the frame obviously but smearing a cell of fellow travelling pro-Castro fanatics would have suited their purpose better. The basic purpose of the conspiracy was to assassinate the POTUS and cannot be described as anything other than successful in that respect. Once power had been transferred, which it was within a couple of hours and without military of popular opposition, then the events surrounding the assassination could be controlled.

                                So a Conspiracy that risked their lives to murder a President and frame Cuba did nothing when LBJ threw that all away by refusing to blame Cuba?
                                Assassinating two Presidents within six months might have aroused some suspicion. The Cuban elements within the conspiracy were given no more than mere revenge but maybe that helped, given their sense of betrayal over the Bay of Pigs and the Missile Crisis. The military would have been uneasy about confronting the USSR over the agreement not to invade Cuba so could accept escalation in Vietnam as a compromise. The Texan oligarchs got their man in the White House and if they were unhappy about LBJ's social policies could at least pocket their tax concessions and benefit from weapons manufacturing.
                                When LBJ failed to calm the social unrest within the USA he realised his time was up. Better to retire than open himself up to what was being enacted upon RFK and MLK in 1968. So he did.

