I ran across to Kearley and Long's warehouse. The door was ajar, and I pushed it open, and called on the watchman Morris, who was inside. He came out. I remained with the body until the arrival of Police-constable Holland. No one else was there before that but myself. Holland was followed by Dr. Sequeira. Inspector Collard arrived about two o'clock, and also Dr. Brown, surgeon to the police force. [Coroner] When you first saw the body did you hear any footsteps as if anybody were running away? - No. The door of the warehouse to which I went was ajar, because the watchman was working about. It was no unusual thing for the door to be ajar at that hour of the morning.
KEARLEY AND LONGS WAREHOUSE WASN'T AN EMPTY WAREHOUSE! It had a watchman who habitually left the door to Mitre Square ajar while he worked the entire warehouse. Only someone who often went to the orange market would know this habit.