Head Games : The deliberate and fraudulent coverup of President Kennedy's head wound --- Part II
The morgue witnesses
Several witnesses who were present at Bethesda and saw the President's head wound described it as a massive wound to the right rear of the skull.
Chester Boyers was a Chief Petty Officer in charge of the Pathology Department at Bethesda. He told the HSCA in 1978 that "there was a large wound to the right side and towards the rear of the head". ( ARRB MD 62 )
Boyers was never called by the Warren Commission.
One of the autopsists, Dr. J. Thornton Boswell, told the HSCA that "the wound was fairly low in the back of the head and that the bone was completely gone above the entry wound." ( ARRB MD 26 )
Dr. Boswell's Warren Commission testimony covered just a single page ( 2 H 377 ) and he was never asked to describe the wounds he saw.
Tom Robinson was the mortician whose job it was to prepare the body for burial. He was present during the examination of it. He told the HSCA that it was at "the base of the head, where most of the damage was done." Robinson described the wound in the back of the head as "ragged", about three inches in diameter and circular.
Tom Robinson was never called before the Warren Commission.
Floyd Riebe was a photographer who took pictures at the autopsy. He told the ARRB in 1997 that, "the right side in the back was gone. Just a big gaping hole with fragments of scalp and bone hanging in it." ( ARRB interview of Floyd Riebe, 5/7/97 )
Floyd Riebe was never called before the Warren Commission.
FBI agent Frank O'Neill told the ARRB that there was a "massive wound" in the rear of the head and there was bone missing. He stated that a portion of the skull was taken into the autopsy room as the autopsy progressed and that this piece was "found on the car floor in Dallas by one of the Secret Service agents." ( ARRB interview of Frank O'Neill, 9/12/97 )
O'Neill's recollection of a piece of skull recovered from the back of the limousine corroborates Secret Service agent Clint Hill's description of a piece of Kennedy's skull lying on the rear seat. ( 2 H 141 )
Frank O'Neill was never called before the Warren Commission.
Secret Service agent Roy Kellerman, who rode in the front seat of the limo, saw Kennedy's head wound at Bethesda. He estimated the diameter at about 5 inches, located at the rear portion of the right side of the head. He said that it was "to the left of the ear and a little high" and testified that that part of the skull was "removed", clarifying that by "removed" that it was "absent when I saw him." ( 2 H 80-81 )
Jerrol Custer was the X-ray technician who took the x-rays of the President's body. He described the head wound as a "king sized hole...I could put my hands together and place my hands in the skull". ( ARRB interview of Jerrol Custer, 10/28/97 )
Jerrol Custer was never called before the Warren Commission.
In this essay, I've been able to document 19 witnesses who have claimed to have seen an enormous wound at the rear of the President's skull consistent with a wound of exit.
But the autopsy photo of the back of the head shows no such massive wound and there may have been a reason for that.
The autopsy photos: evidence of fakery
Witnesses claimed to have seen two different sets of autopsy photos after the autopsy. In one set, it is reported that there was an entry wound in the front of the head at the hairline and a massive exit wound at the rear. In the other, a small neat wound in the rear of the head and a blasted out "flap" on the right side.
The Warren Commission never published the autopsy photos. Instead, they published drawings to illlustrate the path of the bullet and its effects. For this they called on medical illustrator named Harold Rydberg, Head of Bethesda's Medical Illustration Department.
In March 1964, Rydberg had a meeting with Captain John Stover, the Commanding Officer of the Navy Medical School. Stover explained that Drs. Humes and Boswell were about to testify before the Warren Commission. Rydberg was ordered to prepare medical illustrations of the wounds sustained by John F. Kennedy. When he asked Humes why they were not using the photographs taken at the autopsy, he was told they were considered to be "too shocking" and had been sealed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and were therefore not available for testimony.
Over the weekend of 14th/15th March 1964, Rydberg worked in a small office at Bethesda with Humes and Boswell. Rydberg was not allowed to take in any photographs of John F. Kennedy.
Boswell told him: "that they had no photographs, no X-rays, that I was going to have to do this one verbally... We'll tell you what to draw."
By March, 1964 they DID have the photographs and x-rays for reference so the only reason for not using them was because the autopsists sought to control what the drawings depicted.
Having confidence that the autopsy photos would never be seen by the public, the autopsists then had free reign to depict the wounds however they wanted.
Commission exhibits 385, 386 and 388 are the drawings Rydberg did according to the "memories" of Humes and Boswell.
The drawings, however, do not match the autopsy photos. They show a bullet wound at the base of the neck above the top of the shoulders. The autopsy photo of the back shows a bullet hole below the top of the shoulders.
On this basis alone, the value of the Rydberg drawings as evidence is questionable, at best. At worse, they're a deliberate attempt to hide evidence that JFK was shot from the front and that Oswald was not involved in the killing.
The House Select Committee on Assassinations in the 1970s gave us a number of witnesses who had not been called by the Warren Commission.
Some were Bethesda witnesses who have come forward to describe what they saw in the morgue that night. When shown the official autopsy photos, they claimed that the photos did not depict the wound they saw.
Mortician Tom Robinson told the HSCA that there was a wound in the right temple at the hairline, measuring about a quarter of an inch. ( ARRB MD 63, pgs. 2-3 )
Note: this is about the same size hole ( about a quarter of an inch ) described by Dr. Ronald Jones with regard to the throat wound ( 6 H 54 ).
Corroboration for Robinson's observation of an entry wound in the front of the head comes from autopsy attendee James Curtis Jenkins, interviewed by Patrick Bet David:
Further corroboration comes from Dennis David, who claimed that a few days after the assassination he saw slides from a video of the autopsy filmed by William Bruce Pitzer that showed an entrance wound in the front of the head and a massive exit wound at the rear.
In addition to this evidence, White House Photographer Joe O'Donnell told the ARRB in 1997 that he saw two sets of photographs in the possession of Robert Knudsen, a Chief photographer for the Navy who was assigned to the White House. ( ARRB MD 231 )
More evidence of a wound in the front of the skull comes from an autopsy photo of the back of the skull, showing a massive wound in the right rear and a smaller hole in the front of the head:
Evidence of the coverup of that entrance wound in the front of the head comes in the form of one of the autopsy photos, where a black square was added to the photo:
Faced with all of this evidence, that at least two shots ( one to the throat and one to the head ) of the same diameter were fired from in front of the President, the House Select Committee simply buried it.
"There is no medical evidence that President Kennedy was hit from the front and to the right".--G. Robert Blakey, Chief Counsel, HSCA.
The morgue witnesses
Several witnesses who were present at Bethesda and saw the President's head wound described it as a massive wound to the right rear of the skull.
Chester Boyers was a Chief Petty Officer in charge of the Pathology Department at Bethesda. He told the HSCA in 1978 that "there was a large wound to the right side and towards the rear of the head". ( ARRB MD 62 )
Boyers was never called by the Warren Commission.
One of the autopsists, Dr. J. Thornton Boswell, told the HSCA that "the wound was fairly low in the back of the head and that the bone was completely gone above the entry wound." ( ARRB MD 26 )
Dr. Boswell's Warren Commission testimony covered just a single page ( 2 H 377 ) and he was never asked to describe the wounds he saw.
Tom Robinson was the mortician whose job it was to prepare the body for burial. He was present during the examination of it. He told the HSCA that it was at "the base of the head, where most of the damage was done." Robinson described the wound in the back of the head as "ragged", about three inches in diameter and circular.
Tom Robinson was never called before the Warren Commission.
Floyd Riebe was a photographer who took pictures at the autopsy. He told the ARRB in 1997 that, "the right side in the back was gone. Just a big gaping hole with fragments of scalp and bone hanging in it." ( ARRB interview of Floyd Riebe, 5/7/97 )
Floyd Riebe was never called before the Warren Commission.
FBI agent Frank O'Neill told the ARRB that there was a "massive wound" in the rear of the head and there was bone missing. He stated that a portion of the skull was taken into the autopsy room as the autopsy progressed and that this piece was "found on the car floor in Dallas by one of the Secret Service agents." ( ARRB interview of Frank O'Neill, 9/12/97 )
O'Neill's recollection of a piece of skull recovered from the back of the limousine corroborates Secret Service agent Clint Hill's description of a piece of Kennedy's skull lying on the rear seat. ( 2 H 141 )
Frank O'Neill was never called before the Warren Commission.
Secret Service agent Roy Kellerman, who rode in the front seat of the limo, saw Kennedy's head wound at Bethesda. He estimated the diameter at about 5 inches, located at the rear portion of the right side of the head. He said that it was "to the left of the ear and a little high" and testified that that part of the skull was "removed", clarifying that by "removed" that it was "absent when I saw him." ( 2 H 80-81 )
Jerrol Custer was the X-ray technician who took the x-rays of the President's body. He described the head wound as a "king sized hole...I could put my hands together and place my hands in the skull". ( ARRB interview of Jerrol Custer, 10/28/97 )
Jerrol Custer was never called before the Warren Commission.
In this essay, I've been able to document 19 witnesses who have claimed to have seen an enormous wound at the rear of the President's skull consistent with a wound of exit.
But the autopsy photo of the back of the head shows no such massive wound and there may have been a reason for that.
The autopsy photos: evidence of fakery
Witnesses claimed to have seen two different sets of autopsy photos after the autopsy. In one set, it is reported that there was an entry wound in the front of the head at the hairline and a massive exit wound at the rear. In the other, a small neat wound in the rear of the head and a blasted out "flap" on the right side.
The Warren Commission never published the autopsy photos. Instead, they published drawings to illlustrate the path of the bullet and its effects. For this they called on medical illustrator named Harold Rydberg, Head of Bethesda's Medical Illustration Department.
In March 1964, Rydberg had a meeting with Captain John Stover, the Commanding Officer of the Navy Medical School. Stover explained that Drs. Humes and Boswell were about to testify before the Warren Commission. Rydberg was ordered to prepare medical illustrations of the wounds sustained by John F. Kennedy. When he asked Humes why they were not using the photographs taken at the autopsy, he was told they were considered to be "too shocking" and had been sealed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and were therefore not available for testimony.
Over the weekend of 14th/15th March 1964, Rydberg worked in a small office at Bethesda with Humes and Boswell. Rydberg was not allowed to take in any photographs of John F. Kennedy.
Boswell told him: "that they had no photographs, no X-rays, that I was going to have to do this one verbally... We'll tell you what to draw."
By March, 1964 they DID have the photographs and x-rays for reference so the only reason for not using them was because the autopsists sought to control what the drawings depicted.
Having confidence that the autopsy photos would never be seen by the public, the autopsists then had free reign to depict the wounds however they wanted.
Commission exhibits 385, 386 and 388 are the drawings Rydberg did according to the "memories" of Humes and Boswell.
The drawings, however, do not match the autopsy photos. They show a bullet wound at the base of the neck above the top of the shoulders. The autopsy photo of the back shows a bullet hole below the top of the shoulders.
On this basis alone, the value of the Rydberg drawings as evidence is questionable, at best. At worse, they're a deliberate attempt to hide evidence that JFK was shot from the front and that Oswald was not involved in the killing.
The House Select Committee on Assassinations in the 1970s gave us a number of witnesses who had not been called by the Warren Commission.
Some were Bethesda witnesses who have come forward to describe what they saw in the morgue that night. When shown the official autopsy photos, they claimed that the photos did not depict the wound they saw.
Mortician Tom Robinson told the HSCA that there was a wound in the right temple at the hairline, measuring about a quarter of an inch. ( ARRB MD 63, pgs. 2-3 )
Note: this is about the same size hole ( about a quarter of an inch ) described by Dr. Ronald Jones with regard to the throat wound ( 6 H 54 ).
Corroboration for Robinson's observation of an entry wound in the front of the head comes from autopsy attendee James Curtis Jenkins, interviewed by Patrick Bet David:
Further corroboration comes from Dennis David, who claimed that a few days after the assassination he saw slides from a video of the autopsy filmed by William Bruce Pitzer that showed an entrance wound in the front of the head and a massive exit wound at the rear.
In addition to this evidence, White House Photographer Joe O'Donnell told the ARRB in 1997 that he saw two sets of photographs in the possession of Robert Knudsen, a Chief photographer for the Navy who was assigned to the White House. ( ARRB MD 231 )
More evidence of a wound in the front of the skull comes from an autopsy photo of the back of the skull, showing a massive wound in the right rear and a smaller hole in the front of the head:
Evidence of the coverup of that entrance wound in the front of the head comes in the form of one of the autopsy photos, where a black square was added to the photo:
Faced with all of this evidence, that at least two shots ( one to the throat and one to the head ) of the same diameter were fired from in front of the President, the House Select Committee simply buried it.
"There is no medical evidence that President Kennedy was hit from the front and to the right".--G. Robert Blakey, Chief Counsel, HSCA.