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JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year

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  • Originally posted by GBinOz View Post
    Hi Fishy,

    Compliments on your post # 3864.

    For many years I believed that the fatal head shot originated from the grassy knoll. However, when I reviewed the evidence presented by Sherry Fiester, that all the injures to JFK's head were confined to the right hand side, I realised that, while there were shot(s) from the grassy knoll, none of them were incident upon the president's head. The angles just don't add up for that conclusion. I am now persuaded that the fatal head shot originated from the south knoll, and that there was an almost simultaneous shot from behind. This may have been from the TSBD, or from the Daltex building. The shallow wound in the President's back was, I believe, intended to be so in order to tie that wound to the Carcano. This round would have been hand loaded using a reduced charge and fired through a 30 calibre rifle utilising a sabot, and probably came from the Records Building rooftop where a cartridge case was found some years later.

    It seems that while we are in general agreement, there is some room for differences.

    Cheers, George
    Having actually been to Dealy Plaza and actually stood in these spots what struck me the most were the angles and distances. As a recreational gun user with a .22 rifle with scope ( FBI registered) I would classify these shots as " professional ". These were not unprofessional shots by any stretch of any imagination. Even with a misaligned scope the head shot was not random. You would expect randomness in this case with Oswald because 1) he was out of practice with a rifle ( you don't just pick up a rifle and fire it...especially at a President. And there is no proof he practiced). 2) The Carcano firing a 6.5 mm round would have kicked adding to the complication of precision and timing. But the government will have you believe...anyone could make those shots with a scope. Even with randomness as a factor. Even by someone who at best achieved Marksmanship over 5 years earlier when practice was daily.

    The spot Zapruder stood was an almost perfect vantage point except for the street sign. It can be used However to assist in angles and distances based on its specifications. We see it's use in frame by frame analysis but also see it's controversy of the when. When was Connally hit in relation to the frames?

    The Plaza is a perfect kill zone so this Fact only adds to the problem of trust in any search for how it was done and whether Kennedy was professionally assassinated. Why did the motorcade go down Elm and just head straight fo the Freeway and Trade Mart. All issues that became legitimate questions. The answer became obvious in a classic Crossfire arrangement in Daltek, Book Depository and Grassy Knoll. Or at least it became an obvious point of any conspiracy theory of who. Who benefited? That answer became obvious- LBJ, Hoover, CIA, MOB and the Companies who feed the Military Industrial Complex.

    The grassy knoll distance to target and angle to target ( Frame 313) is roughly around 60 feet. However the car was moving so the head would be a moving target in any case of firing position and angle. Frame 313 shows an explosion in the right temple as the head moves back and to the left in less than 1 second by frames. Having stood behind the fence where Lee Bowers saw 2 men at the time, it aligns easily with Frane 313
    This Fact adds to the lack of trust in the WC.

    The other angle would be from a perch on the 6th floor to Kennedys head and back/throat exit to Connally for a total of 7 entrances and 7 exits, including bone but somehow comes out pristine. Unlike the same jacketed bullet that hits the head that fragments into pieces no larger than a quarter of an inch and most 1 or 2 millimeters in size.

    You can perhaps understand the doubt. Especially when Humes decided not to trace the path of the bullet from Kennedys back through his neck. As a result there was a need to explain Connallys wounds and hence the Single Bullet was born. Reasonable doubt was a result.

    The Warren Commission Autopsy failures resulted in the endless Conspiracy theories. Zapruder frame 313 eerily matches an easy shot from the grassy knoll. Could Oswald make those shots in 4.8 seconds, was Connally hit with another shot, etc. etc.....

    The folks who used technology to do laser scans and continue to advance the technologies do not support the Single Bullet theory based on the shooting angles. This challenge appeared in the Jim Garrison appeal on January 31, 1969. The laser scans support this appeal challenge. The alternative is Arlen Specters own theory Trying to prove it after the fact. Which one is right?

    There is plenty of reasonable doubt in this case. The Warren Commission did not satisfy it and only fueled the doubt. The 60s were a turbulent time and created PTSD for many American citizens who lived it. Its not a joke.

    Technology may still play a roll in this case.


    • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
      Yet we have a ''witness'' who confirmed what Clemons saw!!! 'two men running in opposite directions ' , so i guess your argument void.
      Clemons had two men running away.
      Wright and Holan both had one man running away.

      Clemons, Wright, and Holan disagreed on
      * How many people they saw.
      * What those people looked like.
      * How those people were dressed.
      * What those people said.
      * What those people did.
      * How those people left the scene.
      * What direction those people left the scene.

      Yet you believe all three of these contradictory accounts.

      "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

      "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


      • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
        Even Dr Humes didn't believe that CE399 caused the wounds in JFK and Connally.

        Mr. SPECTER - "Dr. Humes, under your opinion which you have just given us, what effect, if any, would that have on whether this bullet, 399, could have been the one to lodge in Governor Connally's thigh?"

        Commander HUMES - " I think that extremely unlikely. The reports, again Exhibit 392 from Parkland, tell of an entrance wound on the lower midthigh of the Governor, and X-rays taken there are described as showing metallic fragments in the bone, which apparently by this report were not removed and are still present in Governor Connally's thigh. I can't conceive of where they came from this missile."
        Isn't this the same Dr Humes that you accuse of lying about JFK's head and neck wounds? But now he's an expert on ballistics and on wounds he only saw in photos?

        "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

        "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


        • Originally posted by FrankO View Post
          Hi George,

          Sorry that I wasn't clearer, but that isn't what I'm suggesting. Fishy claims that the Zapruder film confirms that the governor wasn't hit before frame 230, just as Connally stated. If that were true, then I wonder how he was still able to be holding onto his hat until (relatively) much later. So, based on the Zapruder film, I conclude that Connally was either hit when he was first reacting/moving (i.e. at frame 224/225 or so) by one bullet that caused all of his wounds or he was hit in the back at at frame 224/225 or so and in the wrist at some later point. But, as I've said before, I remain unconvinced of a later point as there's no clear reaction to be seen from governor Connally. Or, at least, I honestly don't see it.

          Hi Frank,

          I'm not referring to timings. You pointed out that the hat was held at shoulder level. How can a descending shot through the back and out the front at about 15cm below the nipple manage to then hit the back of the wrist at shoulder level?

          Cheers, George


          • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

            If only they were ‘your’ replies Fishy.
            So now its not okay to source information from others as well as my own 100s of reply on this topic.

            You've done the same throughout herlock . Stop whinging and stay on topic with the evidence.
            'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


            • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

              I haven’t accused a single Parkland doctor of lying. So you invented that.

              And what about the Parkland doctors that didn’t place the wound in the back of the head? And what about the main doctor who admitted that they could easily have been mistaken.

              You have no answers I’m afraid Fishy. All that you can do is to keep cutting and pasting the words of other conspiracy theorists who keep repeating the same nonsense.

              Let me tell you what proper evidence is Fishy. Evidence that stands up in court. Ask any legal person what a Judge and Jury take notice of…

              On your side….some people in Dealey Plaza who saw/heard shots and were trying to save their own lives. A split second gunshot.

              Plus….a few largely inexperienced doctors….in a traumatic situation, in a situation when they were, admitted by themselves, totally focused on the throat and chest, many of whom weren’t near to the head, in a situation where the LOCATION OF THE ALLEGED WOUND WASN'T VISIBLE….and with a wound to the side of Kennedy’s head running blood to the base of his head.

              Against…three pathologists specifically examining that wound…photographs confirming the wound…x-rays confirming that wound…a film showing a wound to the side of Kennedy’s head and definitely not the back…14 more pathologists who examined and confirmed the 3 pathologists work…the numerous independent experts who examined the photographs and x-rays in minute scientific detail and found absolutely no evidence of tampering.

              Dream on…in court this is an open and shut case. Conspiracy theorists genuinely should be embarrassed for even entertaining this kind of thing for a second.
              According to you they lied , were mistaken, were idiots , or never existed.

              Which is it ?.
              'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


              • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

                According to you they lied , were mistaken, were idiots , or never existed.

                Which is it ?.
                Why do you keep asking this question as if I’m trying to avoid answering. I’ve told you my thoughts a hundred times but ok…if you somehow managed to miss them I’ll go for my 101st attempt.

                I believe that the Doctors at Parkland who thought that there was a wound in the back of Kennedy’s head were mistaken. Is that ok Fishy or will I have to go to number 102?

                Now will you answer one?

                What about those at Parkland who didn’t think that there was a wound to the back of Kennedy’s head?

                According to you they lied, we’re mistaken, we’re idiots, or never existed.

                Which is it?


                Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

                  So now its not okay to source information from others as well as my own 100s of reply on this topic.

                  You've done the same throughout herlock . Stop whinging and stay on topic with the evidence.
                  I source material as part of a post and add my own thoughts and interpretations.

                  Fiver does the same.

                  You don’t.

                  You just cut and paste the work of others. There is never any content that actually comes from you apart from one line gloating comments.

                  It’s about our own personal content (which is the reason for a discussion forum). Or in your case, the absence of it.

                  Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                  “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                  • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
                    In this case, there is no conflict but rather a deception: Col. Finck's testimony on the wrist wound was never included in the Report. You wouldn't even know it existed if you hadn't read the 26 volumes ( which none of them have read ).
                    How can you include a page from the Warren Commission Report and still claim that that page wasn't included in the Warren Commission Report?

                    And why are you assuming Dr Finck is right about the number of fragments taken from Connally's wrist, but lying about everything else?

                    "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

                    "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


                    • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
                      In other examples, the Report flat out lied. Like when it said that Johnny Calvin Brewer saw Oswald pull a revolver from his waistband ( pg. 179 ), when Brewer testified that he did not ( 7 H 6 ).;
                      Brewer and two other patrons testified that they saw the revolver in Oswald's hand. How do you think it got there - magic?

                      "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

                      "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


                      • Originally posted by cobalt View Post
                        If you took the time to read my response you would not need to post the same question again. I made it clear that IMO the killing of Tippit was not premeditated. The word 'unnecessary' is your own imagined CT theory of the killing, not mine. It was clearly very necessary to kill Tippit- not just shoot him- in someone's opinion that afternoon at that time.
                        So why do you feel it was necessary for anyone other than LHO to kill JD Tippit?

                        "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

                        "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer

