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Useless Thread...

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  • Suzi
    Snow's fairly useless.................................

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    Yeah and a Goodnight to you Dufus.

    You know it is making me sick to my stomach but I'm starting to like you.

    Not enough to call you a friend of course. That would be too disgusting for me.

    My brother and I used to talk to each other in this manner, maybe that is why I feel a sense of comfort in this.

    Thanks Ally, you lop sided bag of sh*t.


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  • Ally
    [QUOTE=BLUE WIZZARD;62914]Ally,

    Yes I did say Idiot, more than once, how is it possible not to when speaking to an Idiot such as you.
    Well you could have at least changed it up a bit with synonyms like moron, retard, mental-defect. The point is, if you are going to insult someone, if you can't keep from being redundant, make an effort at least not to be repetitive.

    You have a user name Queen Mean, that sums it up for you, a miserable frustrated bully. With a vile mouth and attitude, you have an agenda to crush idiots.
    That pretty much does sum up my agenda perfectly. Thanks for volunteering.

    I知 sure you do not mind me saying this because you have admitted that it empowers you to hear such remarks about yourself, so I guess that I am complimenting you, feeding your ego.
    Best meal I've had in a long time. Pretty soon people are going to start thinking I paid you to provide me with this much entertainment.

    How can you live with yourself?
    Fairly easily, you'd be surprised.

    how it must be driving you crazy, not to slap them in their faces when they do not meet up to your standards, do they not know, they are sitting before a narcissist vile person whom is sitting in judgment of anything that they may say.
    It really does drive me crazy not to slap them, which is why I don't resist.

    I have read some of the post in which you are attacking and bullying what you would call an idiot, whom did not conform to your standards of thinking, what a hypocrite dufus you are.
    Your education really shines the further you go on.

    Why don稚 you crawl back into the hole you came from and bully your friends, as I知 sure you do anyway?
    But why would I do that when you are providing me with such entertainment right here?

    Wow! I feel great. Gee, Ally is that how you feel after pulling the wings off a fly?
    Pretty much, see why I don't resist? Even if you were to beat me, you've done it by becoming me, which by your own words is a "hypocrite dufus evil, lying piece of excrement, narcissistic vile person". Thank you, and good night.

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    Yes I did say Idiot, more than once, how is it possible not to when speaking to an Idiot such as you.

    You have a user name Queen Mean, that sums it up for you, a miserable frustrated bully.
    With a vile mouth and attitude, you have an agenda to crush idiots.

    Who died a left you in charge of such a huge task? What a job it must be for a frustrated Old bat like you to attack people on this site, merely for your own twisted pleasure.

    I知 sure you do not mind me saying this because you have admitted that it empowers you to hear such remarks about yourself, so I guess that I am complimenting you, feeding your ego.

    How can you live with yourself? Not to mention anyone else. Do they kowtow before coming into the room in which you are sitting on your throne? And just waiting for you to attack them, you must be thinking, such stupid people all around you, it must be very painful for you to pull in your talons and fangs, how it must be driving you crazy, not to slap them in their faces when they do not meet up to your standards, do they not know, they are sitting before a narcissist vile person whom is sitting in judgment of anything that they may say.

    I have read some of the post in which you are attacking and bullying what you would call an idiot, whom did not conform to your standards of thinking, what a hypocrite dufus you are. The people you attack in your bully like fashion have more intelligence in their hair follicle than you have in your entire body. You are a lying piece of excrement as far as I知 concerned.

    Why don稚 you crawl back into the hole you came from and bully your friends, as I知 sure you do anyway?

    Wow! I feel great. Gee, Ally is that how you feel after pulling the wings off a fly?


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  • Celesta
    Originally posted by Sam Flynn View Post
    Sorry, I won't do it tageen.
    Not your endeavor, Sam! Mine!

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  • Paddy Goose
    One more and it's Baba Ga Noose!

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  • Sam Flynn
    Originally posted by Celesta View Post
    Sam, and what a pitaful endeavor.
    Sorry, I won't do it tageen.

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  • Ally
    Yeah you scooped me too, Celesta so :-P.

    That's the problem with puns, they are one-note wonders and everyone has the same one....sigh.

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  • Celesta
    That was supposed to say: My sense of hummus, Sam, and what a pitaful endeavor.

    I waited all night to post falafel today and my pun gets scooped! Guess I'll have to take it with a dose of tahini.

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  • Magpie
    Not just pitaful, they're downright falawful!

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  • Ally
    If I didn't despise puns so much, I'd say Gareth's jokes are pitaful.

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  • Celesta
    Originally posted by Sam Flynn View Post
    I think that's "tabouleh", Cel... or was that just you showing off your sense of hummus
    My sense of hummus, Sam, what pitaful endeavor. Thanks for noticing!

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  • Ally
    [QUOTE=BLUE WIZZARD;62696]Ally,

    You are not bothering me, on the contrary you are boring me.
    I am so boring you can't help responding to me over and over and over....oh yeah that's like the textbook definition of boredom.

    You are so predictable I knew that you would reply you idiot.
    Well of course, you make it irresistible.

    And as for the trademark you are as gullible as they come.

    What an idiot.
    That's the second time you've said idiot in one post. Would you like to borrow my thesaurus so you can sound slightly more literate when insulting people? It really comes in handy.

    You are so easily fooled yeah you knew it was a trademark.

    What a liar you are. I'll tell you what, lets say that you up and disappear like a fart in the wind.
    Your similes are pure poetry.

    You ignorant fool.
    That closing "you" was supposed to be "Your", wasn't it?

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    You are not bothering me, on the contrary you are boring me.

    You are so predictable I knew that you would reply you idiot.

    And as for the trademark you are as gullible as they come.

    What an idiot.

    You are so easily fooled yeah you knew it was a trademark.

    What a liar you are. I'll tell you what, lets say that you up and disappear like a fart in the wind.

    You ignorant fool.


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  • Sam Flynn
    Originally posted by Celesta View Post
    Kaboolie? Isn't that a Middle Eastern dish made with chickpeas?
    I think that's "tabouleh", Cel... or was that just you showing off your sense of hummus

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