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Madeleine McCann

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  • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post

    I didn't call you sick. I called kate McCann sick. you seem to have problems with basic comprehension. unless of course you are really Kate McCann. then that would explain everything.
    Just for my info Abby, and I really do know nothing about this case apart from the obvious, why do you call Kate McCann sick and I think you mentioned about the husband making jokes?

    Sir Herlock Sholmes.

    “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


    • Originally posted by Sunny Delight View Post

      There are plenty. However this is not the McCanns fault. I believe they are innocent(apparantly I am a child killer enabler for holding this opinion) and as such they are 100% right to take all help possible. I know if it was my kid I would take and plead for as much help as possible. The Politicians may have a case to answer for funding but still in the UK the vast majority see the McCanns as innocent and at the heart of this is a missing 3 year old girl(when she went missing) who deserves to be found hopefully alive but if not to be laid to rest in a Christian burial with love. That is at the heart of this. The little girl. Often lost sight of in the theories and debates.
      Not the Mccans Fault? The whole thing is the Mccanns fault!!God your lost-you really are. even if they didn't kill her its there fault because they LEFT A THREE YEAR OLD ALONE CONSTANTLY IN A FOREIGN LAND WITH THE ******* DOORS UNLOCKED SO THEY COULD GO OUT EVERY NIGHT AND GET DRUNK!! and yes its about the little girl yet you spend 99.9% of your time defending the losers who are responsible for the little girls disappearance or death. exactly like the mccan losers do in there interviews.

      why cant you understand this? IF SHIVA came down from heaven and tried to tell you you still wouldn't understand.
      Last edited by Abby Normal; 05-07-2019, 07:45 PM.
      "Is all that we see or seem
      but a dream within a dream?"

      -Edgar Allan Poe

      "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
      quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

      -Frederick G. Abberline


      • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post

        again with the incomprehension. the joke is how much they've spent on trying to exhonerate the mccans, looking for bogeymen, and on just one family-who happen to be well off and politically connected, instead of the hundreds of other families that need real help.
        You seem intent on mocking and insulting me at every turn. But no matter. Here is the bottom line- the girl is missing. I don't know what happened. I don't know if she is alive or dead. And neither do you. No one does. So until either- the McCanns confess, someone else confesses or the find the body the case is open. Looking at the evidence and using common sense it seems an abduction took place. That is my own opinion. You believe the McCanns are guilty but your vitriol and hyperbole make it difficult to discern what exactly is your theory except for seeing a conspiracy at every turn.


        • Originally posted by Sunny Delight View Post

          You seem intent on mocking and insulting me at every turn. But no matter. Here is the bottom line- the girl is missing. I don't know what happened. I don't know if she is alive or dead. And neither do you. No one does. So until either- the McCanns confess, someone else confesses or the find the body the case is open. Looking at the evidence and using common sense it seems an abduction took place. That is my own opinion. You believe the McCanns are guilty but your vitriol and hyperbole make it difficult to discern what exactly is your theory except for seeing a conspiracy at every turn.
          im going to say this one more time quietly and calmly and then im really done with you. even if they find out that she was abducted by the bogeyman the mccans are still at fault because they

          "Is all that we see or seem
          but a dream within a dream?"

          -Edgar Allan Poe

          "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
          quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

          -Frederick G. Abberline


          • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post

            Not the Mccans Fault? The whole thing is the Mccanns fault!!God your lost-you really are. even if they didn't kill her its there fault because they LEFT A THREE YEAR OLD ALONE CONSTANTLY IN A FOREIGN LAND WITH THE ******* DOORS UNLOCKED SO THEY COULD GO OUT EVERY NIGHT AND GET DRUNK!! and yes its about the little girl yet you spend 99.9% of your time defending the losers who are responsible for the little girls disappearance or death. exactly like the mccan losers do in there interviews.

            why cant you understand this? IF SHIVA came down from heaven and tried to tell you you still wouldn't understand.

            Guess who is struggling with incomprehension now? I was talking about the money and investigation- it isnt their fault it was agreed to. I would do the same. As for fault- yes they have a portion of blame but the fault lies with the perpetrator if there was an abduction. It would be like blaming Catherine Eddowes for being a prostitute causing her death. It was the perpetrator who was at fault. He decided to kill her. And if someone took Madeleine McCann it was the person who did it that is responsible.


            • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post

              im going to say this one more time quietly and calmly and then im really done with you. even if they find out that she was abducted by the bogeyman the mccans are still at fault because they

              And I am going to reply quietly. They left their 3 children. Not one- three. And I have never defended that. I would never dream of doing it. In a million years. But not because I would fear an abduction but just incase they woke and needed me. Or worse case a fire.


              • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

                Just for my info Abby, and I really do know nothing about this case apart from the obvious, why do you call Kate McCann sick and I think you mentioned about the husband making jokes?

                Kate spoke in her book about having terrible thoughts about Madeleines perfect g****als being torn apart. She said this in her book. It is my contention she was attempting to convey and give the reader the depth of the the disturbing thoughts and dreams she was having about her daughter being abducted by a paedophille- possibly some sort of PTSD that needed professional help. She confided in Gerry and he said he was having disturbing dreams to. Abby contends only a sicko would write such a thing.


                • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

                  Just for my info Abby, and I really do know nothing about this case apart from the obvious, why do you call Kate McCann sick and I think you mentioned about the husband making jokes?
                  anyone who leaves a three year and two babies alone in foreign land at night with the doors unlocked night after night so they can go out and get pissed is sick.
                  anyone who continues to do this eventhough that very morning there three year old daughter complained to her "mommy why didn't you come to us when we cried last night" is sick.
                  anyone who creates a fake charity about there "missing" daughter so they can use the money for personal gain is sick.
                  anyone who constantly talks about themselves instead of there missing daughter and dosnt shed one tear during the many interviews they have given is sick.
                  anyone who creates a cottage industry out of there "missing" daughter is sick.
                  anyone who misleads the police force(they flat out lied at first to the police about the doors being locked-they left them open-and later admitted this) trying to help find your daughter and then refuses to cooperate at all is sick.
                  anyone who leaves the country while the investigation is still going on for your missing daughter and there is still hope is sick.
                  and specifically what I was referring to that prompted your query-anyone who writes a book about it and describes wondering what her three year old daughters "perfect little v....a ripped apart" looks like is sick.
                  Last edited by Abby Normal; 05-07-2019, 08:28 PM.
                  "Is all that we see or seem
                  but a dream within a dream?"

                  -Edgar Allan Poe

                  "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
                  quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

                  -Frederick G. Abberline


                  • Originally posted by Sunny Delight View Post

                    Guess who is struggling with incomprehension now? I was talking about the money and investigation- it isnt their fault it was agreed to. I would do the same. As for fault- yes they have a portion of blame but the fault lies with the perpetrator if there was an abduction. It would be like blaming Catherine Eddowes for being a prostitute causing her death. It was the perpetrator who was at fault. He decided to kill her. And if someone took Madeleine McCann it was the person who did it that is responsible.
                    wow great analogy. last time I checked Maddy was a three year old girl who was supposed to be under the care of her parents.
                    "Is all that we see or seem
                    but a dream within a dream?"

                    -Edgar Allan Poe

                    "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
                    quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

                    -Frederick G. Abberline


                    • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post

                      wow great analogy. last time I checked Maddy was a three year old girl who was supposed to be under the care of her parents.
                      They failed her. No doubt about it. But if there was an abduction the blame lies with the sick person who would do such a monstrous thing. Some blame on the McCanns- of course. But most lies with the person who would hurt a child.


                      • Originally posted by Harry D View Post
                        Scotland Yard requesting MORE money for the investigation.

                        Almost TWELVE MILLION POUNDS has been sunk into the search for this girl. There are hundreds of missing persons who haven't had a fraction of that spent on finding them. Absolutely scandalous. Makes me wonder if there's some kind of racket going on. The whole thing has stunk since day one.

                        What kind of racket? To what end? Why would Police officers use a missing child as an excuse to create this racket? Or maybe- just maybe the case was complex and required a lot of dead end chasing of leads until narrowed down to a handful. Then as the investigation moves on some guys become persons of interest that make a good fit as a suspect and need investigated. What is absolutely scandalous is people on the internet insinuating that the search for a missing 3 year old is really just a racket that unscrupulous individuals are using for their own gratification. With not one jot of evidence to back it up bar their own feverish imagination. There is a girl missing- taken in my opinion from her bed. She deserves to be found and she deserves justice. That little 3 year old didn't ask for what happened and she isn't asking now for more money- but she deserves our best efforts no matter what the cost until all leads are exhausted and only a 'professional opinion' can be offered as to what happened by the Met.


                        • Originally posted by Sunny Delight View Post
                          What kind of racket? To what end? Why would Police officers use a missing child as an excuse to create this racket? Or maybe- just maybe the case was complex and required a lot of dead end chasing of leads until narrowed down to a handful. Then as the investigation moves on some guys become persons of interest that make a good fit as a suspect and need investigated. What is absolutely scandalous is people on the internet insinuating that the search for a missing 3 year old is really just a racket that unscrupulous individuals are using for their own gratification. With not one jot of evidence to back it up bar their own feverish imagination. There is a girl missing- taken in my opinion from her bed. She deserves to be found and she deserves justice. That little 3 year old didn't ask for what happened and she isn't asking now for more money- but she deserves our best efforts no matter what the cost until all leads are exhausted and only a 'professional opinion' can be offered as to what happened by the Met.
                          I take it you believe she deserves an exorbitantly disproportionate amount of money spent finding her than other missing persons then?


                          • Originally posted by Harry D View Post

                            I take it you believe she deserves an exorbitantly disproportionate amount of money spent finding her than other missing persons then?

                            Not particularly but then I am not in charge of the purse strings. Nor am I involved with Operation Grange. I am however a British taxpayer and am content with the investigation and its cost. If I had to up my taxes to pay for other investigations into missing children I would do it. At the heart is a missing child. She deserves to be brought home. At the very least.


                            • Originally posted by Harry D View Post

                              I take it you believe she deserves an exorbitantly disproportionate amount of money spent finding her than other missing persons then?
                              Most missing persons go missing locally. In this case, Scotland Yard has had to fly detectives out to Portugal and other countries, paying for accommodation and other expenses. With logistics like this to consider, £12M doesn't seem "disproportionate" for a case spanning more than a decade.
                              Kind regards, Sam Flynn

                              "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


                              • Originally posted by Sam Flynn View Post

                                Most missing persons go missing locally. In this case, Scotland Yard has had to fly detectives out to Portugal and other countries, paying for accommodation and other expenses. With logistics like this to consider, £12M doesn't seem "disproportionate" for a case spanning more than a decade.
                                Ben Needham's disappearance spans even longer but he hasn't had anything like that spent on trying to find him.

