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When Flying Saucers Attack!

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  • ....... It was a ginat 7 foot long stuffed Crocodile Teddy Bear!!
    Talk about giving the heart exercise, my dad was footing the ladder and couldn't stop laughing!!

    I love accents, my best friend was from Hull to moved to Birkenhead for years, when he returnedhe adopted their accent.
    "Heyy meight!"
    He was a good kid and was killed a couple of years ago in a bike accident, we used to be MC's on local pirate radio and played hundreds of raves together.

    We still have not watched Stardust yet because we are watching the entire season 7 CSI Vegas again, in the uk the episode were all disjointed so were starting from scratch on the trail of the miniture killer!!

    Hi Jeff, I hate endoscopies, i had stomach ulcers at the age of 8 and they dosed me up for an edoscopy, i had other ideas and woke up half way through with the strength of 10 men, i pulled the tube from my throat and attcked the staff, i had to be restrained and drugged again, it took me about 7 hours to come round after the op, and i was choking up blood for days!

    I also hate Barium Meals, they make you lay on a table which is like a fairground ride, spinning all over. They make you drink some sort of chalky milk, and whilst that makes you want to be sick, they spin you right round, baby right round, like a record baby round round round!
    I wanted to throw up by the end but they found the ulcers!

    Recently when i went through ablation therapy it was awful, but i tried to remain calm.
    They sedated my legs then gave me blood thinning drugs, then stuck "Stents" into my artery, right up my legs and body into my heart, i was able to stay awake and watch it on tv!!
    They gave me paper underpants which eroded after all the blood!
    After the op i had to lay still and flat for hours because my artery was still bleeding, i had massive bruise and couldn't walk for ages!

    Take care guys

    Regards Mike


    • Mike, sorry [SIZE="1"]a[SIZE="3"]boot your health. Are you having us on? You are only 29 are you not? In any case, you are a swell fellow, no dowt a good chap in the pub. Saw a fantastic UFO last night. Myself and two friends were on the slopes of the Cascade Range, Steve was on a moterbike, Rob and myself were in a pick-up, this flying saucer hovered over steve for a bit, then shone it's lights on us, then almost silently (there was a bit of a whooshing sound) glided on down into the valley. It was a perfectly designed machine.Then I suddenly awoke. Bummer!



      • Yes, only 29, 30 in November, I have always been healthy, eating well, no drugs, no smoking occassional drink in my younger years.
        I used to hit the gym 3 times a week, running, swimming, cycling, long distance walking.
        I have always looked after myself which made it even worse when i was diagnosed, and worse when i see the local drug addicts swanning around fit and well!

        I had stomach ulcers and asthma as a kid, but both were either treated or disappeared!
        I used to hike 30 miles a day upto 5 days a week and not feel any fatigue or pain, now i have to sit down when i walk up the stairs!

        Mentally it won't get to me though, i wrote to British Heart Foundation and offered (when i am well) to walk round mainland Britain for their charity to help others.
        They told me to get well first.

        All i seem to dream about at the moment is rollercoasters!!!

        Regards Mike


        • Hi Jeff,

          I know how you feel. My dentist always wants to pull my wisdom teeth but I say why if I'm having no problem with them?

          There is supposed to be a remake of Creature From the Black Lagoon out this year. My hopes aren't too high though.
          This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

          Stan Reid


          • Hiddy-ho Folks,

            Jeff, I had the laproscopy back in 2004, for the removal of my gall bladder, and I was up walking the hospital hall that night and at home the next day. So it should be okay. Did they see any gall stones in any of your tests? Trust me completely on this, you do not want to pass one of those. I hope they can get you fixed soon.

            Mike, I didn't mean to pry about your medical treatment. My mother died because of medical malpractice by her doctor and negligence by the hospital. Our lawyers told us that her case was one of the two worst cases of negligence they had ever seen. One of those lawyers is a cardiac surgeon, BTW. The negligence comes in because when they discovered Mother was bleeding, they did nothing for her, until it was too late. They don't even dispute that they killed her. All this has made me so suspicious of medical people. That's why I asked.

            PLang, I have no doubt that synchronized swimming has that effect on you! Actually, I say "hang-ur." I haven't seen "No Country..." but I love Tommy Lee Jones so I will. Georgia has some nice places, and it has one of the best state park systems in the country. It also has some ho-hum places, also.

            The movie I had the hardest time with was The Commitments. It was ten minutes before I could begin to really catch what those people were saying! Yet I loved that movie!

            Good Sunday to all.
            "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



            • Hi Celesta,

              It is true I have a really bad group of medical proffesionals behind me, constantly reassuring me, it's only my heart!!

              For a taste of the Hull accents, here is a clip filmed outside a bar in the city centre, there is some bad language, but hey It's Hull!!

              A trannie and a gay guy fighting outside a gay club in Hull in Hull..Hilarious to watch!!

              Regards Mike


              • Hi Mike, Stan, and Celesta,

                That's just it Celesta - they found no stones in the gall bladder. They cleared out some gravel in the duct. I still have pain, but I'm used to that more or less.

                You see - after a quadrupal by-pass a few years ago, and the crazy abdominal surgery required last April and last August, I have a chest and abdomen that resemble a tic - tac - toe board. The laporectomy may turn out to be needed (although I truly hope not), but if not why rush into it? So I can have a few more "X"s on the tic - tac - toe board?

                Mike you have my tremendous sympathies about your heart problems as well as your dislike for the preperations for various medical examinations, etc. I hate that god awful gunk we have to drink for the colonoscopies. They try to make it more palatable by a choice of different "fruit flavorings". None are any good.

                Actually Stan I would be surprised if a fancier version of THE CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON would be better or not. My guess is not.

                Interesting - certain films they never try to duplicate: INTOLERANCE, CITIZEN KANE, THE GOLD RUSH, THE GENERAL, FOOLISH WIVES, LE GRANDE
                ILLUSION, RULES OF THE GAME. Like they know who not to compete with.

                I see the Rendelsham update showed it was a flying piece of pie (?) Reminds me on the one episode of THE WILD, WILD WEST
                (with Robert Conrad and Ross Martin) dealing with U.F.O.s: "THE NIGHT OF THE FLYING PIE-PLATE" (William Windon was also appearing in it). Maybe the Grant Administration, or at least it's fictional representation, knew something we did not!

                Best wishes,



                • I listened, Mike, but it just sounded like a bunch of angry Brits! I did notice a strong "oh" sound in the predominant word used. Thanks for the demo. I'm going on faith that most Yorkshire men don't wear bras.
                  "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



                  • Originally posted by Celesta View Post
                    I listened, Mike, but it just sounded like a bunch of angry Brits! I did notice a strong "oh" sound in the predominant word used. Thanks for the demo. I'm going on faith that most Yorkshire men don't wear bras.
                    Not on a Sunday
                    Regards Mike


                    • Why do I have to send every post 3 or 4 times before it will go through?

                      Anyway, the Mothman show is on tonight.
                      This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                      Stan Reid


                      • Originally posted by sdreid View Post
                        Why do I have to send every post 3 or 4 times before it will go through?

                        Anyway, the Mothman show is on tonight.
                        Hey Stan, I've had the same problem since Friday or Saturday. I've been copying it, hitting the back button, logging in a second time, pasting the post in the message box and going from there.

                        Is this Mothman the movie or what?


                        P.S. It worked that time. "Wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles..."
                        "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



                        • Hi Celesta,

                          No, Mothman is on Paranormal State on the A&E Channel.
                          This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                          Stan Reid


                          • Gotcha! Will take a look. Thanks. Doing okay, I hope?
                            "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



                            • Doing fine thanks. Just dare not risk wasting time writing any long posts.
                              This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                              Stan Reid


                              • Hi all,

                                I need instructions on getting my profile back on. I tried yesterday, but could not do it.


