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  • Originally posted by plang View Post
    Ola Amigos and Gringos,
    Accents eh? I've discovered first hand that accents are different from state to state, province to province, in North America, as well as they must be worldwide. Can't understand a word my fellow Canadians are saying in the Maritime provinces, even though it's english. (Never mind Quebec, that's a different can of worms).
    Celesta, do you have that southern belle accent? Or that Texas drawl?
    How 'boot you Mike, ****ney? Stan, you got that Al Capone Chicaga twang?
    How come Americans pronounce 'washington' as if it has an 'R' in it? Like this, warshinton. Or hanger like this 'hang-[B]g[B]er? Like it has two G's in it. How come Brits always drop the 'H' ?
    Wonder what kind of accents extraterrestials have?

    Saw that No Country For Old Men yesterday. Had to see it after reading this thread. It had to be good, 'cause I didn't go out for a quick smoke, or go for a whiz. Top of the line movie making. Javier Barbems character absolutely brilliant. What a nasty p#&*k ! A bit unrealistic though, in real life Texas is much more dangerous and lawless than that. Liked the ending, it was left open for a sequel.( I hope )

    Thats enough of my drivel for the moment,
    There is no sequel to No Country For Old Men. The ending means that no matter what happens that you wont be able to rid the world of evil, like Bardems character (which just like you I agree he was definately the right one to win the award for best supporting actor).

    They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. - Edgar Allan Poe


    • Hi Justin bro, At one time thought there could never be a sequel to [B]Alien[B]'cause it would ruin the whole precept.

      Stan, how's 'boot a sample of Inland Western accent?



      • Here in the UK we have regional accents and dialogues.
        Birmingham is Brummie,
        Liverpool is Scouse,
        London is ****ney,
        Down South they all sound like the Worzels,
        Here in Hull we pronounce things thus,
        Road= Rowed
        Going Out= Gain art
        It a bloody awful accent!!

        Just noticed that you no longer write dick, and i was going to say look at dick van dyke's awful ****ney accent in Mary Poppins!! (my mistake it is actually ****!!)

        Celesta, i worked at that factory for a year and everyday was an adventure, all the toffee you could eat, and loads of dark places to explore.

        Regards Mike


        • I saw Mary Poppins last weekend and had to explain to my wife why I cringed every time Dick VanDyke opened his mouth....

          Americans claim that Canadians say "aboot" instead of "about", but I don't hear it, myself.
          “Sans arme, sans violence et sans haine”


          • Hey! Got an idea. Got this half acre and house on the Sunshine Coast of B.C,
            2010 Olympics. Not far from Whistler, I'm thinking party! Three bedrooms, full facillity's. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.Gotta make the most of what comes your way 'for you die. Don't want money, want adventure, which unfortunately means you need money.

            Without adventure, civilization is in full decay.



            • Hi Plang,

              I guess my life is in decay, I crave adventure and excitment, unfortunatly it makes the ticker work overtime which is not a good idea!!

              Regards Mike


              • Mike, that's the key, excercise your heart.

                Disclaimer: if you drop dead, this post is null and void.


                • Hi Magpie, In the Atlantic provinces, it does sound like a-boot, but it is very quick. Sort of the same way Americans use 'uh' . (uh five miles) (aboot five miles).
                  Wondering why you were allowed to type 'dick'. I can't type cockney.


                  • Hi Mike,

                    Actually the thing is to balance what you can do with what you want to do.
                    I have been in pretty bad health the last year, and still I go out when I can.
                    I just don't do anything really crazy.

                    I also find surfing the internet helps a lot too.



                    • Hi Everybody,

                      Oh my! Things have been moving fast on here since yesterday.

                      PLang, I don't have much of what you would think of as a southern belle accent, but hardly anyone does. There are some achy-fakey upper crust types who think that's they way they are supposed to sound, but many of them are graduates of a---ahem---certain university. I intentionally tried not to sound southern. I might sound more like Julia Roberts, who came from Georgia also, and who probably also spent time trying not to sound southern. Her brother Eric Roberts still has a bit of his southern accent. You have a point about how quickly accents change from spot to spot. The people here, who are real Georgians, all sound different! Some sound really redneck others just sound southern. Most of us aound here don't sound like Jimmy Carter or Rosalyn, although Plains in only about 2 hours away, or maybe less.

                      Mike, I like the way your Yorkie folks sound, at least the way they do on paper! (Are you sure you have a good doctor?)

                      Jeff, Some Canadians do say aboot, but I don't think they all do. Some people along the coast of South Carolina, in the Charleston area, also say aboot.

                      Stan, I also say those words the way you wrote them. I do hear War-shing-ton sometimes, too.

                      Who sounds good when they talk? Sam Shepherd, Sam Elliot, Morgan Freeman, Paul Newman...

                      Y'all take care. Is anyone else having problems posting?
                      "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



                      • Originally posted by plang View Post
                        Hey! Got an idea. Got this half acre and house on the Sunshine Coast of B.C,
                        2010 Olympics. Not far from Whistler, I'm thinking party! Three bedrooms, full facillity's. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.Gotta make the most of what comes your way 'for you die. Don't want money, want adventure, which unfortunately means you need money.

                        Without adventure, civilization is in full decay.


                        Well, nobody better try to get me to go to any synchronized swimming at those Olympics.

                        Last edited by Celesta; 03-02-2008, 04:24 AM.
                        "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



                        • Hi all,

                          Jeff-Hope you get to feeling well. Is a date set for your surgery?

                          This coming Monday evening they are doing Mothman on the A&E Network program Paranormal State.
                          This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                          Stan Reid


                          • Surgery on hiatus

                            Hi Stan,

                            As a matter of fact I finally saw my personaly physician last Wednesday. He asked me to get copies of an MRI series and an Edoscopy test I took two weeks ago to him to go over. Then I set up an appointment to see him to discuss whether or not to go on with the laporotomy. I am becoming more and more convinced that I should wait on that, but we will see.

                            In yesterday's New York Times was an obituary for Mr. Ben Chapman. You knew him best from the one movie role that he will always be linked to: the Creature from the Black Lagoon.

                            Otherwise nothing else to report on this end.



                            • Hi Celesta, long time no yak. You are not a fan of synchronized swimming? For some reason it makes me 'randy'.
                              Georgia is a beautiful State, isn't it. Love those warm summer nights.
                              So how do you pronounce 'hanger'? Did you see 'No Country...'? Could hardly understand a word of the narrator at the begining, what kind of accent would you call that? I recognized some of those panoramic views. Some of it must have been filmed around Sanderson? It almost makes me want to go back to long-hauling. Almost.
                              Did you see that shiny saucer-like object dart across the screen in the opening shot?

                              Plang(can't find my guitar)


                              • Hi Guys,
                                To hear what a Hull person (myself) sounds like just nip over to the Ripper Net Podcast, they are downloadable now, all the links are on Ripper Media Thread.

                                I have three doctors, 2 Cardiologists, a Proffessor and The Department of Work and Pensions looking at me, none can agree on treatment, should I take drugs (not really intrested in that especially in the long run)
                                Or an operation!

                                I usually have my children here who keep me active, and yesterday i cleared out my spare room, and took everything to the attic.
                                It was dark up there and when I switched on my flashlight, I saw it, 2 huge white eyes and the largest teeth I had ever seen.........
                                Regards Mike

