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JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year

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  • Arlen Spector created the magic bullet theory to fit the crime. 7 entrances and exits, a back brace, 7 layers of clothing and pulverizing of rib bone and wrist to come out virtually pristine.

    And then the bullet somehow ends up on Connallys gurney. Yet the Secret Service Agent who claims he found it in front of Kennedys foot area in the Limo is clearly lying.

    The same Arlen Specter involved in selling guns to the Iranians and using the profit to try and overthrow the government of Nicaragua and's ok to lie to the American people. But they usually get caught.

    Specter has no credibility with the American public. The magic bullet is the link needed to say it was Oswald.

    There is doubt.


    • The flaws of denial in JFK research are very evident in the need to dismantle conspiracy rumors of body pre-autopsy alteration, proposed by David Lifton, etc.

      No effort is made to explain the legal circumstances.

      No effort is made to understand context and outcomes related to what happened.

      Example #1 DVP:

      “Taking JFK's body out of Dallas and back to Washington wasn't the

      slightest bit sinister. Nor was it really even very surprising under

      the circumstances.

      Plus: It was really Jacqueline Kennedy who was the primary reason for the Secret Service bulldozing JFK's casket out of Parkland Hospital.

      (No) …”plot” to steal the President's body and fly it to some

      kind of Conspiracy BatCave at Walter Reed in order to have covert

      head-altering surgery performed.)

      Nothing sinister there whatsoever. And whether or not it was technically illegal and against Texas law is not a major point at all. The main question to ask regarding the removal of the President's body on 11/22/63 is this one: WAS PRESIDENT KENNEDY'S BODY TAKEN OUT OF DALLAS AS PART


      And the obvious answer to that question is: No.

      Or do some conspiracy theorists want to accuse Kenneth O'Donnell,

      Lawrence O'Brien, the Secret Service, and Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy of being part of a plot and/or cover-up?”

      Notice the False Dichotomy Fallacy presented with with a splash of appeal to pity and topped with straw-man fallacy cherry;

      No one accuses Jackie Kennedy of anything. Why bring it up?

      The legal custody and removal of the body has short term issues related to Jack Ruby. and long term issues related to any definition of legal evidence.

      Once the body is removed, there can be no trial in Dallas for the death of the President. Now the police and citizens of Dallas think a communist has killed the President and he’s going to get away with it

      Robert Oswald sat in a Adolphus Hotel barber chair for a shave on the 23rd and the barber said Oswald should be exterminated. Many phone threats to Oswald’s family. As for Ruby, his lawyer is initially felt that he would get off if they suggested that Ruby had killed Oswald because Oswald was part of a communist conspiracy, and the lawyer knew everyone in Dallas would feel very strongly about communism. I imagine the Dallas Police Department was sympathetic to the John Birth Society. The fact that Marina Oswald was from Russia is going significant enough to have people in Dallas think is a conspiracy.

      In terms of the law violated, it's important to realize that the police are very well aware that Oswald is not able to be prosecuted for killing the President. Leading to a idea that a communist is going to get away with murder, is just a miscarriage of justice that should be addressed with violence. One can see how easily a Dallas policeman would allow Ruby into the basement based on the politics of anti-communism.

      This is a time in America when you didn't hear the word communist without having the word conspiracy after it. Lee Harvey Oswald is the first and only non-conspiring communist in American political history..

      Ruby’s lawyer felt Jack was very persuadable.

      Given the rise in threats against Oswald, it is surprising that the security was insufficient, and Oswald was killed. There may be a relationship between Oswald and Ruby or maybe not.

      There is no doubt the DPD conspired to let Ruby Ruby conspires with the police is a given.

      You do not need hundreds of Dallas police man to achieve this.

      It takes only one man to let Ruby into the basement.

      This illustrates the innate flaw of the False Dichotomy Fallacy.

      It is not necessary to corrupt a police department or the FBI or the Secret Service The conspiracy need not involve a cast of thousands. The conspiracy need only have a switch man as you have a railroad station. Switching the investigation train onto the track that leads away from the truth. An example of this is the White House command center who told LBJ there was no conspiracy on Nov 22nd at approximately 3:00 p.m.
      Click image for larger version

Views:	39
Size:	230.8 KB
ID:	850509


      • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post
        It’s difficult to listen to pontifications from people who have only ever read books written from the conspiracy side. It’s hardly surprising that plots are seen in every corner. The world is riddled with conspiracy theorists. You can’t discuss anything properly when you just get ‘fake’ and ‘forgery’ yelled back at every obstacle to their nonsense. I’m sick to the back teeth of hearing about the bloody rifle!

        Oswald killed Kennedy using that rifle. It shouldn’t require discussion. It’s what happened.
        But there isn't any evidence that he did and no evidence he did so alone, in fact most evidence suggests a second shooter. That's certainly what the CIA analysis said, anyway, but the commission was under instruction from Johnson to find no evidence of either a domestic or foreign conspiracy.

        You ask for "something new" but that information has been coming out for over 30 years, yet anyone who believed the Warren report then, still believes it now and treats the thousands of official documents that have been released as "Conspiracy Nut" propaganda.
        Let's start with a simple piece of bullshit that got exposed... Hoover stated for the record that Ruby had never been a ""paid informant" for the FBI. The truth was that in the EIGHT covert meetings the FBI held with Ruby, he provided NO actionable evidence and therefore was never Paid for information.
        The Bullet that was "identified" as CE399, was in two places at once according to FBI and Secret Service records... while it was being handed over in the Whitehouse to the FBI, it was already being processed at the FBI. The bullet shown to the men at Parkland who found the bullet was never identified by them as such. A report that never made it to the Warren report showed that senior FBI agent Bardwell Odum had shown the bullet to both Tomlinson (the orderly who found it) and O.P Wright (Personel director who Tomlinson gave it to, and who gave it to the secret Service) said that the bullet they were shown didn't look like the bullet they fund, and that it wasn't a jacketed military round and more like a pointed hunting round. When questioned by the ARRB, Odum said he had never even seen that bullet, let alone taken it to Parkland for examination. No documents detailing the events that bare his name, bare his signature...

        Secret Service agent Elmer Moore when questioned by the ARRB said he regretted having to strongarm the Parkland staff into saying that the neck wound was a wound of exit, and that Chief Rowley had forced him to.

        But as to did he do it.
        Let's ignore that paraffin wax evidence used to "prove" he fired a gun that day also showed that he hadn't fired a rifle. And lets forget that historically, being thrown in the bag of a police car is one of the main ways false positives are created in nitrate and gunpowder evidence being on an innocent persons hands.

        Even Warren Commission members doubted their own story.
        Richard Russell tried to voice his concerns at the final meeting of the Commission with concerns that they weren't addressing. He called Johnson to raise the point that he didn't believe Kennedy and Connally were hit by the same bullet, and Johnson agreed with him. He went on to become the first. and loudest, member of the commission to criticise its findings and said that he believed there was a conspiracy, but that the FBI were not interested in investigating any further than Oswald, and were not forthcoming with any evidence that might point even tangentially away from their initial findings in November 1963 that "he did it and he did it alone" and that they were more interested in protecting their own public profile than finding the truth.
        But "Conspiracy nuts" eh...

        Junior counsel Wesley Liebeler sent a raft of concerns in the detailing of both Oswalds ability to do the shooting as presented in the report as well as its inability to put him in the window at the time of the shooting, He explained any fingerprint or fiber evidence only showed that he had touched the rifle at some point, not that he had fired it and certainly nothing to show he had fired it that day. He pointed out that no one saw the rifle in the Paine's garage, only that there had been a blanket that had at some point held the rifle.
        He pointed out that the argument that his room HAD curtains rods did not take into account that Oswald said they were for a new apartment, and was looking to move himself and his family into a new apartment.
        He pointed out that if they were to believe Frazier about the existence of the package and the way Oswald carried it, they should not discount his repeated statement abut the size of the package.
        My favourite line from his memos is this "...the testimony of the employees as set forth in that paragraph is also consistent with Oswald having been in Ethiopia at the time of the assassination,"
        He tries to get them to address the matter of why Victoria Adams did not see Oswald on the staircase... for some reason the commission requested her filed statements and tape of her evidence be returned to the Commission for "distruction" (It seems that he filing department were either unhappy with this or weren't on the same page, because they replaced the file with the Warren Commissions written request to destroy it... oops) so the report never provided her testimony and based their appraisal of her testimony on a story they created from whole cloth.
        But his boldest comment, that tells us everything we need to know about the commissions actual business and purpose was... after tearing holes in the evidence used to support Oswald's ability to do the shooting... this;
        "The Commission could then conclude that the best evidence that Oswald could fire his rifle as fast as he did and hit the target is the fact that he did so."

        Nothing like starting from the assumed presumption of guilt...
        Last edited by A P Tomlinson; 03-16-2025, 10:32 AM.


        • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

          I just can't believe for the life of me that today 62 years later , people such as yourself still believe Oswald fired 3 shots from the tsbd and killed the President ,acting totally alone .

          With everything we now know ,all the different eyewitness, medical experts ,sworn testimony, etc,etc that Completely Contradicts the warren commission findings .

          Never in my whole 60 on this planet , having had an interest in may crimes in all history , having studied the jfk assassination since I was 15, have I ever ever seen such a more deliberate case of a complete cover up lack of interest of the authorities of the day to find out the truth .

          So you'll forgive me Herlock ,but if but if it takes discussing 50 points at the same time in the hope of doing so ,then so be it .
          I believe it because that’s what the evidence tells me.

          The problem is that a conspiracy of that ludicrous complexity couldn’t have happened.

          Just because you say… “have I ever seen a more deliberate case of complete cover up,’ it means nothing because it’s just a reflection on your own poor judgment. I could equally, and with more credibility, say “I don’t know why you, with whatever job you had or background that you have, think that you are in a better position than Vincent Bugliosi (Deputy DA for LA from ‘64 to ‘72 where he successfully prosecuted 105 out of 106 felony jury trials, a lifelong Democrat [so no right-wing Kennedy hater] he is on record as initially believing that RFK was killed as a result of conspiracy, he also wrote two books seriously criticising the government so he was no apologist)

          He spent 20 years researching the case (any idea that someone would spend 20 years to produce something dishonest is not worthy of consideration) He then produced a 1600 page book with a cd-rom of at least that many pages again. The most in-depth analysis of a true crime in the history of true crime by an absolute mile. It was massive news when it finally came out and yet you, and others, couldn’t be bothered to get it. Why? Because your mind is entirely closed. Your opinion has been formed by liars like Mark Lane, like Jim Garrison (a criminal) like Oliver Stone, like Robert Groden, like Beverly Oliver, like Ricky White, like Ed Hoffman and many many others. You have simply listened to those already aboard the bandwagon. Most of whom make their living, at least partially from this case.

          I, on the other hand Fishy, read first a straight run through of the case. I then read around 40 conspiracy based books before actually considering the possibility of a lone gunman. Only then did I read Posner and a couple of others. Bugliosi put the final nails in the coffin of this childish (yes I’ll use that word again because it fits) idea of a huge conspiracy.

          Oswald was the lone assassin. If you can’t see it then you are biased. It’s as simple as that.

          PS…after virtually every post of yours Fiver has ripped it apart but you never comment or discuss do you. You simply move on. Why don’t you have the courage of your convictions to defend your points Fishy? Your points have been thoroughly rebutted.
          Last edited by Herlock Sholmes; 03-16-2025, 10:21 AM.

          Sir Herlock Sholmes.

          “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


          • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

            Your missing the point

            I'm not talking about autopsy pathologists who all agree with the fake findings!! I'm talking about the Medical experts who all saw the back of jfk head at 12.35 on the 22n Nov 1963 .
            And you are ignoring the point but here I go again trying to explain the obvious when you clearly do understand but are avoiding confronting what I’m saying.

            You favour the Parkland doctors….ok?

            I favour the Bethesda pathologists…ok?

            Your doctors weren’t examining wounds my pathologists were…ok?

            My pathologists weren’t trained to assess wounds yours weren’t, they were largely junior doctors still in training…ok?

            My pathologists deliberately examined all of the wounds in detail….ok?

            Your doctors were trying to save Kennedy’s life and were focused on his breathing…ok?

            Kennedy was resting on the back of his head, his body was never turned over, how could they accurately assess the back of his head…ok?

            The back of Kennedy’s head, as per all, was covered in blood, gore and matted hair, which would have looked like a wound to anyone not making a close examination…like the Parkland doctors…ok?

            When asked by Bugliosi, Dr. Carrico (who was there) said that ‘absolutely’ those doctors could have been mistaken..ok?

            They clearly were mistaken. And yet you prefer a ridiculously convoluted conspiracy position involving faking and lying. It’s silly.

            And again…..remember my question that no one will answer and which you will ignore again too….

            What kind of ant-brained, addled, clown troupe of a bunch of conspirators would have gone to the massive trouble of a fake autopsy only to have allowed a bunch of doctors, who weren’t a part of the plot, to have seen the body first?! I’ll use the same analogy again - it’s like a bank robber putting on his mask after he’s already done the robbery and is on his way home.

            Sir Herlock Sholmes.

            “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


            • I need to correct one of the statements in my previous post.

              The report bearing Bardwell Odum's name that made it into the report evidence said that the two men at Parkland DID identify the bullet.
              It was later investigation by HSCA and ARRB investigators that revealed that they hadn't identified the bullet they were shown (CE399) and that Odum had never been involved in handling that piece of evidence.


              • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
                "I'm just a Patsy"

                .Lee Harvey Oswald .

                But hey, I acted totally on my own when I shot and killed the President of the U.S

                Nice editing Fishy.

                As you well know, if you listen to it all, he was saying ‘they only picked on me because I was in the Soviet Union.’

                It’s quite noticeable that he never mentions conspiracy either Fishy. What kind of plotters allow their dupe to wander around and get arrested.

                As Fiver’s Larry, Curley and Mo stuff that some people actually believe.

                Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                • Originally posted by Patrick Differ View Post
                  Arlen Spector created the magic bullet theory to fit the crime. 7 entrances and exits, a back brace, 7 layers of clothing and pulverizing of rib bone and wrist to come out virtually pristine.

                  And then the bullet somehow ends up on Connallys gurney. Yet the Secret Service Agent who claims he found it in front of Kennedys foot area in the Limo is clearly lying.

                  The same Arlen Specter involved in selling guns to the Iranians and using the profit to try and overthrow the government of Nicaragua and's ok to lie to the American people. But they usually get caught.

                  Specter has no credibility with the American public. The magic bullet is the link needed to say it was Oswald.

                  There is doubt.
                  Spectre’s theory has been confirmed by modern day technology. The single bullet theory is a fact. But yours is indeed a ‘magic bullet.’ Where did that extra bullet vanish to?

                  Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                  “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                  • Originally posted by scottnapa View Post

                    The flaws of denial in JFK research are very evident in the need to dismantle conspiracy rumors of body pre-autopsy alteration, proposed by David Lifton, etc.

                    No effort is made to explain the legal circumstances.

                    No effort is made to understand context and outcomes related to what happened.

                    Example #1 DVP:

                    “Taking JFK's body out of Dallas and back to Washington wasn't the

                    slightest bit sinister. Nor was it really even very surprising under

                    the circumstances.

                    Plus: It was really Jacqueline Kennedy who was the primary reason for the Secret Service bulldozing JFK's casket out of Parkland Hospital.

                    (No) …”plot” to steal the President's body and fly it to some

                    kind of Conspiracy BatCave at Walter Reed in order to have covert

                    head-altering surgery performed.)

                    Nothing sinister there whatsoever. And whether or not it was technically illegal and against Texas law is not a major point at all. The main question to ask regarding the removal of the President's body on 11/22/63 is this one: WAS PRESIDENT KENNEDY'S BODY TAKEN OUT OF DALLAS AS PART

                    OF A CONSPIRACY AND/OR COVER-UP?

                    And the obvious answer to that question is: No.

                    Or do some conspiracy theorists want to accuse Kenneth O'Donnell,

                    Lawrence O'Brien, the Secret Service, and Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy of being part of a plot and/or cover-up?”

                    Notice the False Dichotomy Fallacy presented with with a splash of appeal to pity and topped with straw-man fallacy cherry;

                    No one accuses Jackie Kennedy of anything. Why bring it up?

                    The legal custody and removal of the body has short term issues related to Jack Ruby. and long term issues related to any definition of legal evidence.

                    Once the body is removed, there can be no trial in Dallas for the death of the President. Now the police and citizens of Dallas think a communist has killed the President and he’s going to get away with it

                    Robert Oswald sat in a Adolphus Hotel barber chair for a shave on the 23rd and the barber said Oswald should be exterminated. Many phone threats to Oswald’s family. As for Ruby, his lawyer is initially felt that he would get off if they suggested that Ruby had killed Oswald because Oswald was part of a communist conspiracy, and the lawyer knew everyone in Dallas would feel very strongly about communism. I imagine the Dallas Police Department was sympathetic to the John Birth Society. The fact that Marina Oswald was from Russia is going significant enough to have people in Dallas think is a conspiracy.

                    In terms of the law violated, it's important to realize that the police are very well aware that Oswald is not able to be prosecuted for killing the President. Leading to a idea that a communist is going to get away with murder, is just a miscarriage of justice that should be addressed with violence. One can see how easily a Dallas policeman would allow Ruby into the basement based on the politics of anti-communism.

                    This is a time in America when you didn't hear the word communist without having the word conspiracy after it. Lee Harvey Oswald is the first and only non-conspiring communist in American political history..

                    Ruby’s lawyer felt Jack was very persuadable.

                    Given the rise in threats against Oswald, it is surprising that the security was insufficient, and Oswald was killed. There may be a relationship between Oswald and Ruby or maybe not.

                    There is no doubt the DPD conspired to let Ruby Ruby conspires with the police is a given.

                    You do not need hundreds of Dallas police man to achieve this.

                    It takes only one man to let Ruby into the basement.

                    This illustrates the innate flaw of the False Dichotomy Fallacy.

                    It is not necessary to corrupt a police department or the FBI or the Secret Service The conspiracy need not involve a cast of thousands. The conspiracy need only have a switch man as you have a railroad station. Switching the investigation train onto the track that leads away from the truth. An example of this is the White House command center who told LBJ there was no conspiracy on Nov 22nd at approximately 3:00 p.m.
                    Click image for larger version

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ID:	850509
                    So you don’t have time to answer my questions as you promised to but you have time to make a post as long as that.

                    Duly noted.

                    Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                    “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                    • There is no doubt the DPD conspired to let Ruby Ruby conspires with the police is a given.

                      You do not need hundreds of Dallas police man to achieve this.

                      It takes only one man to let Ruby into the basement.​
                      This is impossible. Just before he came down Oswald asked for a sweater. If he hadn’t done that, and someone hadn’t gone to get him one, Oswald would have been on the van and gone by the time Ruby got there.

                      So that’s the end of that.

                      Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                      “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                      • Originally posted by A P Tomlinson View Post

                        But there isn't any evidence that he did and no evidence he did so alone, in fact most evidence suggests a second shooter. That's certainly what the CIA analysis said, anyway, but the commission was under instruction from Johnson to find no evidence of either a domestic or foreign conspiracy.

                        You ask for "something new" but that information has been coming out for over 30 years, yet anyone who believed the Warren report then, still believes it now and treats the thousands of official documents that have been released as "Conspiracy Nut" propaganda.
                        Let's start with a simple piece of bullshit that got exposed... Hoover stated for the record that Ruby had never been a ""paid informant" for the FBI. The truth was that in the EIGHT covert meetings the FBI held with Ruby, he provided NO actionable evidence and therefore was never Paid for information.
                        The Bullet that was "identified" as CE399, was in two places at once according to FBI and Secret Service records... while it was being handed over in the Whitehouse to the FBI, it was already being processed at the FBI. The bullet shown to the men at Parkland who found the bullet was never identified by them as such. A report that never made it to the Warren report showed that senior FBI agent Bardwell Odum had shown the bullet to both Tomlinson (the orderly who found it) and O.P Wright (Personel director who Tomlinson gave it to, and who gave it to the secret Service) said that the bullet they were shown didn't look like the bullet they fund, and that it wasn't a jacketed military round and more like a pointed hunting round. When questioned by the ARRB, Odum said he had never even seen that bullet, let alone taken it to Parkland for examination. No documents detailing the events that bare his name, bare his signature...

                        Secret Service agent Elmer Moore when questioned by the ARRB said he regretted having to strongarm the Parkland staff into saying that the neck wound was a wound of exit, and that Chief Rowley had forced him to.

                        But as to did he do it.
                        Let's ignore that paraffin wax evidence used to "prove" he fired a gun that day also showed that he hadn't fired a rifle. And lets forget that historically, being thrown in the bag of a police car is one of the main ways false positives are created in nitrate and gunpowder evidence being on an innocent persons hands.

                        Even Warren Commission members doubted their own story.
                        Richard Russell tried to voice his concerns at the final meeting of the Commission with concerns that they weren't addressing. He called Johnson to raise the point that he didn't believe Kennedy and Connally were hit by the same bullet, and Johnson agreed with him. He went on to become the first. and loudest, member of the commission to criticise its findings and said that he believed there was a conspiracy, but that the FBI were not interested in investigating any further than Oswald, and were not forthcoming with any evidence that might point even tangentially away from their initial findings in November 1963 that "he did it and he did it alone" and that they were more interested in protecting their own public profile than finding the truth.
                        But "Conspiracy nuts" eh...

                        Junior counsel Wesley Liebeler sent a raft of concerns in the detailing of both Oswalds ability to do the shooting as presented in the report as well as its inability to put him in the window at the time of the shooting, He explained any fingerprint or fiber evidence only showed that he had touched the rifle at some point, not that he had fired it and certainly nothing to show he had fired it that day. He pointed out that no one saw the rifle in the Paine's garage, only that there had been a blanket that had at some point held the rifle.
                        He pointed out that the argument that his room HAD curtains rods did not take into account that Oswald said they were for a new apartment, and was looking to move himself and his family into a new apartment.
                        He pointed out that if they were to believe Frazier about the existence of the package and the way Oswald carried it, they should not discount his repeated statement abut the size of the package.
                        My favourite line from his memos is this "...the testimony of the employees as set forth in that paragraph is also consistent with Oswald having been in Ethiopia at the time of the assassination,"
                        He tries to get them to address the matter of why Victoria Adams did not see Oswald on the staircase... for some reason the commission requested her filed statements and tape of her evidence be returned to the Commission for "distruction" (It seems that he filing department were either unhappy with this or weren't on the same page, because they replaced the file with the Warren Commissions written request to destroy it... oops) so the report never provided her testimony and based their appraisal of her testimony on a story they created from whole cloth.
                        But his boldest comment, that tells us everything we need to know about the commissions actual business and purpose was... after tearing holes in the evidence used to support Oswald's ability to do the shooting... this;
                        "The Commission could then conclude that the best evidence that Oswald could fire his rifle as fast as he did and hit the target is the fact that he did so."

                        Nothing like starting from the assumed presumption of guilt...
                        Honestly, I’m sorry but it’s all been addressed. I am so sick of listening to it all AP. Secret meetings, so and so apparently talked about the Bay of Pigs whilst Lyndon Johnson did rifle practice using a photo of Jack Ruby. Blah, blah Military Industrial Complex blah blah Oswald was James Bond blah blah they were all in on it blah blah.

                        Man on floor of building.
                        His rifle.
                        His prints.
                        Cartridges matched scientifically.
                        Man escapes when there was no need if innocent.
                        Man kills police officer.
                        Man’s behaviour on the day totally indicative of guilt.

                        Guilty…no need for any further discussion. They could have had a trial on the 24th and found him guilty.

                        Oswald was a double murderer. Not a shadow of a doubt.

                        Conspiracy theorist have done the greatest act of muddying the waters in the history of the world.

                        Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                        “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                        • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

                          I believe it because that’s what the evidence tells me.

                          The problem is that a conspiracy of that ludicrous complexity couldn’t have happened.

                          Just because you say… “have I ever seen a more deliberate case of complete cover up,’ it means nothing because it’s just a reflection on your own poor judgment. I could equally, and with more credibility, say “I don’t know why you, with whatever job you had or background that you have, think that you are in a better position than Vincent Bugliosi (Deputy DA for LA from ‘64 to ‘72 where he successfully prosecuted 105 out of 106 felony jury trials, a lifelong Democrat [so no right-wing Kennedy hater] he is on record as initially believing that RFK was killed as a result of conspiracy, he also wrote two books seriously criticising the government so he was no apologist)

                          He spent 20 years researching the case (any idea that someone would spend 20 years to produce something dishonest is not worthy of consideration) He then produced a 1600 page book with a cd-rom of at least that many pages again. The most in-depth analysis of a true crime in the history of true crime by an absolute mile. It was massive news when it finally came out and yet you, and others, couldn’t be bothered to get it. Why? Because your mind is entirely closed. Your opinion has been formed by liars like Mark Lane, like Jim Garrison (a criminal) like Oliver Stone, like Robert Groden, like Beverly Oliver, like Ricky White, like Ed Hoffman and many many others. You have simply listened to those already aboard the bandwagon. Most of whom make their living, at least partially from this case.

                          I, on the other hand Fishy, read first a straight run through of the case. I then read around 40 conspiracy based books before actually considering the possibility of a lone gunman. Only then did I read Posner and a couple of others. Bugliosi put the final nails in the coffin of this childish (yes I’ll use that word again because it fits) idea of a huge conspiracy.

                          Oswald was the lone assassin. If you can’t see it then you are biased. It’s as simple as that.

                          PS…after virtually every post of yours Fiver has ripped it apart but you never comment or discuss do you. You simply move on. Why don’t you have the courage of your convictions to defend your points Fishy? Your points have been thoroughly rebutted.

                          The evidence tell me the opposite herlock , you just refuse to accept that because your to far down the rabbit hole of your own making . There no hope for you when you put the likes of that idiot bugliosi above the men and women of parkland hospital .Expert medical doctors and nurses as ive said who were there at 12.30 pm on the 22nd nov 1963 when the president was wheeled in to trauma room 1, who all witnesses the massive hole in the back of his head. Accept the truth herlock, its less painful that way .

                          You,ve been lied to for so many years ,your pride stops you from admittting your just plain wrong . Now once again as others have pointed out ,you have gone and made it personal with your replies . But as always i dont care to much fot that nonsense ,ill just keep showing the mountain of evidence that blows your warren commission to bits . Its some much more fun that way than to engage with any further dialog with you .

                          70 pages down 924 to go

                          'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


                          • CE 843: Proof of Fraud in the JFK Autopsy Evidence
                            • MORE ACTUAL EVIDENCE

                            CE 843 is proof of fraud in the JFK autopsy evidence. CE 843 consists of three fragments that were supposedly removed from JFK's skull during the autopsy. However, these fragments look nothing like the fragments that Dr. James Humes said he removed from the skull and that appear on the autopsy skull x-rays. The 7x2 mm fragment is plainly visible on the AP x-ray, and it looks nothing like any of the fragments seen in CE 843. Moreover, Humes said he only removed two fragments, one 7x2 mm and the other 3x1 mm, not three.

                            For those few researchers who still believe that the largest fragment that Humes removed was the 6.5 mm object seen on the AP x-ray, CE 843 is equally problematic. The 6.5 mm object is perfectly round except for a neatly cut semi-circular notch on the bottom-right side (viewer's right). None of the three fragments in CE 843 looks like the 6.5 mm object, and no combination of those fragments could have formed the 6.5 mm object. The largest CE 843 fragment is roundish in its overall shape but it is not perfectly round; it has no semi-circular notch in it; and it has a virtually straight edge on the top-left side (viewer's left) that constitutes the fragment's longest side.

                            Of course, we have known for years from multiple sets of OD measurements that the 6.5 mm object is not metallic but was superimposed over the image of a small fragment in the outer table in the back of the head, and even Dr. Larry Sturdivan has acknowledged that FMJ bullets will not deposit fragments on the outer table of a skull when they strike the skull.

                            I had forgotten about the serious problems with CE 843 until someone inadvertently reminded me of them in an exchange about the 6.5 mm object yesterday. My memory refreshed, I also recalled that Dr. David Mantik had discussed this issue in some of his writings.

                            CE 843 is also HSCA JFK Exhibit F-258.

                            In his essay "The JFK Autopsy Materials" (LINK), Dr. Mantik provides images of CE 843 and the AP skull x-ray, and he says the following about the problems posed by the exhibit:

                            This is one of the most shocking contradictions in the entire case. The shape of the larger piece of metal is nothing like the supposedly identical piece seen on the X-rays. No measurements taken on this piece can explain its bizarre transformation in shape. Most likely, it is not the piece taken from the skull. Its origin is unknown.

                            John Hunt has much better quality images, obtained from NARA. Incidentally, I saw only two, not three, fragments at NARA. The largest, however, bears no resemblance to the corresponding image on the X-rays. The larger piece shown here is pancake shaped and was 107 mg. On the other hand, the X-rays show a club shaped object on both X-ray views (see Figures 2 and 6 above). The studies done by the FBI on this object spectrographic analysis and neutron activation analysis required only a tiny amount at most, about 1 mg, according to one of the FBI experts. (p. 15)​
                            'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


                            • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

                              The evidence tell me the opposite herlock , you just refuse to accept that because your to far down the rabbit hole of your own making . There no hope for you when you put the likes of that idiot bugliosi above the men and women of parkland hospital .Expert medical doctors and nurses as ive said who were there at 12.30 pm on the 22nd nov 1963 when the president was wheeled in to trauma room 1, who all witnesses the massive hole in the back of his head. Accept the truth herlock, its less painful that way .

                              You,ve been lied to for so many years ,your pride stops you from admittting your just plain wrong . Now once again as others have pointed out ,you have gone and made it personal with your replies . But as always i dont care to much fot that nonsense ,ill just keep showing the mountain of evidence that blows your warren commission to bits . Its some much more fun that way than to engage with any further dialog with you .

                              70 pages down 924 to go

                              And people wonder why I express concern for the thread. This is the standard of ‘analysis’ that we get. He’s even stealing phrases from me


                              Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                              “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                              • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
                                CE 843: Proof of Fraud in the JFK Autopsy Evidence
                                • MORE ACTUAL EVIDENCE

                                CE 843 is proof of fraud in the JFK autopsy evidence. CE 843 consists of three fragments that were supposedly removed from JFK's skull during the autopsy. However, these fragments look nothing like the fragments that Dr. James Humes said he removed from the skull and that appear on the autopsy skull x-rays. The 7x2 mm fragment is plainly visible on the AP x-ray, and it looks nothing like any of the fragments seen in CE 843. Moreover, Humes said he only removed two fragments, one 7x2 mm and the other 3x1 mm, not three.

                                For those few researchers who still believe that the largest fragment that Humes removed was the 6.5 mm object seen on the AP x-ray, CE 843 is equally problematic. The 6.5 mm object is perfectly round except for a neatly cut semi-circular notch on the bottom-right side (viewer's right). None of the three fragments in CE 843 looks like the 6.5 mm object, and no combination of those fragments could have formed the 6.5 mm object. The largest CE 843 fragment is roundish in its overall shape but it is not perfectly round; it has no semi-circular notch in it; and it has a virtually straight edge on the top-left side (viewer's left) that constitutes the fragment's longest side.

                                Of course, we have known for years from multiple sets of OD measurements that the 6.5 mm object is not metallic but was superimposed over the image of a small fragment in the outer table in the back of the head, and even Dr. Larry Sturdivan has acknowledged that FMJ bullets will not deposit fragments on the outer table of a skull when they strike the skull.

                                I had forgotten about the serious problems with CE 843 until someone inadvertently reminded me of them in an exchange about the 6.5 mm object yesterday. My memory refreshed, I also recalled that Dr. David Mantik had discussed this issue in some of his writings.

                                CE 843 is also HSCA JFK Exhibit F-258.

                                In his essay "The JFK Autopsy Materials" (LINK), Dr. Mantik provides images of CE 843 and the AP skull x-ray, and he says the following about the problems posed by the exhibit:

                                This is one of the most shocking contradictions in the entire case. The shape of the larger piece of metal is nothing like the supposedly identical piece seen on the X-rays. No measurements taken on this piece can explain its bizarre transformation in shape. Most likely, it is not the piece taken from the skull. Its origin is unknown.

                                John Hunt has much better quality images, obtained from NARA. Incidentally, I saw only two, not three, fragments at NARA. The largest, however, bears no resemblance to the corresponding image on the X-rays. The larger piece shown here is pancake shaped and was 107 mg. On the other hand, the X-rays show a club shaped object on both X-ray views (see Figures 2 and 6 above). The studies done by the FBI on this object spectrographic analysis and neutron activation analysis required only a tiny amount at most, about 1 mg, according to one of the FBI experts. (p. 15)​
                                I don’t know how you manage to do all of the analysis above Fishy. Well done. Great skill and knowledge.

                                Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                                “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”

