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JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year

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  • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post
    I’d like to assess a part of the case and it will be the result of my own thinking and not just an exercise in cutting and pasting someone else’s work.

    The area I want to talk about is The Sniper’s Nest and the location of the rifle and the cartridges and i’m not talking about a discussion on technical issues concerning the rifle and ammunition but just the fact of them being where they were, and I want to do it in relation to three suggestions as to what happened at the time of the assassination. The three are:

    a - That some unknown person created the Sniper’s Nest and planted the rifle and cartridges to incriminate LHO.

    b - That some unknown person created the Sniper’s Nest in order to fire at Kennedy without LHO being aware of it.

    c - That LHO created the Sniper’s Nest and fired at Kennedy from that location.

    So let’s begin with option a.

    So when did our mystery man create the Sniper’s Nest and plant the rifle and cartridges? Aside from all debate on where Oswald was at what time we can reasonably assume that he wasn’t there when someone was setting him up as the Presidents assassin. So where did our mystery man come from? He is to be congratulated for gaining access to a very busy working building, with staff on all floors, without a single person seeing and noting the presence of a complete stranger (especially as he was carrying a large package containing a rifle) While we are at it we have to add more praise for him exiting the building without being seen.

    Then we have to ask ourselves how this man could have known or predicted Oswald’s actions? (as Oswald was naturally totally oblivious to the fact that he was been set up as an assassin) Was he just waiting in the shadows for the off chance that the 6th floor would become empty? What if it hadn’t? What if a couple of workers had stayed on the 6th floor? How could he have got from his hiding place to the Nest unseen? How could he have created the Nest in the first place. What if someone had left, bought a drink at one of the machines and returned to the 6th floor two minutes later?

    Another question is for those that take the Roger Craig seriously. Can we really believe that our conspirator decided to plant cartridges lined up and within an inch or less of each other? How could that convince any investigator? The answer of course is that it wouldn’t. But this isn’t something that we have to consider because we know from the evidence that Craig just can’t be taken seriously.

    Another very obvious question to ask is what if there had been someone on the 6th floor at the time of the shots and they, quite naturally, would have known that no shots could have been fired from that floor because they guy had just set up the Sniper’s Nest and left. Where would that have left our conspirators?

    It’s obvious that the suggestion that some stranger arranged the Sniper’s Nest and planted the rifle of cartridges simply doesn’t hold water.
    All true Herlock, and there's another problem with option A: witness testimony. There were people who saw a man in the window at the time of the assassination, and also at least one man eating lunch on the 5th floor right under that window who looked out and up and saw a gun sticking out the widow at that time. So option A can be safely rejected. One could make an option D: there was a man with a rifle at that window at the time, but he didn't fire the rifle. That's pretty far-fetched too, but no worse than option A.


    • double post
      Last edited by Lewis C; Today, 07:14 PM.


      • Those of you who think that the package that Oswald carried into the TSBD wasn't a rifle, do you think then that he was telling the truth that it contained curtain rods?


        • Here's another try at what the Parkland Doctors said. about JFK’s head wound.

          Specified a location, but not whether it was an entrance or exit wound.

          Mr. Specter - Now, will you describe in as much particularity as you can the nature of the head wound
          Dr. Baxter - The only wound that I actually saw--Dr. Clark examined this above the manubrium of the sternum, the sternal notch.
          This wound was in temporal parietal plate of bone laid outward to the side and there was a large area, oh, I would say 6 by 8 or 10 cm. of lacerated brain oozing from this wound, part of which was on the table and made a rather massive blood. loss mixed with it and around it.​

          Mr. SPECTER - Will you describe as specifically as you can the head wound which you have already mentioned briefly?
          Dr. CARRICO - Sure.
          This was a 5- by 71-cm defect in the posterior skull, the occipital region. There was an absence of the calvarium or skull in this area, with shredded tissue, brain tissue present and initially considerable slow oozing. Then after we established some circulation there was more profuse bleeding from this wound.​

          Mr. SPECTER - What did you observe the President's condition to be on your arrival there?
          Dr. CLARK -
          I then examined the wound in the back of the President's head. This was a large, gaping wound in the right posterior part, with cerebral and cerebellar tissue being damaged and exposed. There was considerable blood loss evident on the carriage, the floor, and the clothing of some of the people present. I would estimate 1,500 cc. of blood being present.​

          Mr. SPECTER - What was the condition of the President when you arrived?
          Dr. GIESECKE - There was a great deal of blood loss which was apparent when he came in the room--the cart was covered with blood and there was a great deal of blood on the floor. There was--I could see no spontaneous motion on the part of the President. In other words, he made no movement during the time that I was in the room. As I moved around towards the head of the emergency cart with the anesthesia machine and the resuscitative equipment and helped Dr. Jenkins to hook the anesthesia machine up to the President to give him oxygen, I noticed that he had a very large cranial wound, with loss of brain substance, and it seemed that most of the bleeding was coming from the cranial wound.
          Mr. SPECTER - What did you observe specifically as to the nature of the cranial wound ?
          Dr. GIESECKE - It seemed that
          from the vertex to the left ear, andfrom the browline to the occiput on the left-hand side of the head the cranium was entirely missing.​​

          Mr. SPECTER - Will you describe as precisely as you can the nature of the head wound?
          Dr. JONES -
          There was large defect in the back side of the head as the President lay on the cart with what appeared to be some brain hanging out of this wound with multiple pieces of skull noted next with the brain and with a tremendous amount of clot and blood.​

          Dr. McCLELLAND - As I took the position at the head of the table that I have already described, to help out with the tracheotomy, I was in such a position that I could very closely examine the head wound, and I noted that the right posterior portion of the skull had been extremely blasted. It had been shattered, apparently, by the force of the shot so that the parietal bone was protruded up through the scalp and seemed to be fractured almost along its right posterior half, as well as some of the occipital bone being fractured in its lateral haft, and this sprung open the bones that I mentioned in such a way that you could actually look down into the skull cavity itself and see that probably a third or so, at least, of the brain tissue, posterior cerebral tissue and some of the cerebellar tissue had been blasted out. There was a large amount of bleeding which was occurring mainly from the large venous channels in the skull which had been blasted open.

          Mr. SPECTER - Will you now describe as specifically as you can, the injury which you noted in the President's head?
          Dr. PERRY - As I mentioned previously in the record, I made only a cursory examination of the President's head. I noted a large avulsive wound of the right parietal occipital area, in which both scalp and portions of skull were absent, and there was severe laceration of underlying brain tissue. My examination did not go any further than that.​

          Mr. SPECTER - What did you observe as to the nature of the President's wound?
          Dr. PETERS - Well, as I mentioned, the neck wound had already been interfered with by the tracheotomy at the time I got there, but I noticed the head wound, and as I remember--I noticed that there was a large defect in the occiput.
          Mr. SPECTER - What did you notice in the occiput?
          Dr. PETERS -
          It seemed to me that in the right occipitalparietal area that there was a large defect. There appeared to be bone loss and brain loss in the area.​

          Mr. SPECTER - What did you observe with respect to the head wound?
          Dr. SALYER - I came in on the left side of him and noticed that his major wound seemed to be in his right temporal area, at least from the point of view that I could see him, and other than that--nothing other than he did have a gaping scalp wound-- cranial wound.​

          Said that the bullet entered the side of JFK’s skull and exited the rear.
          Mr. SPECTER - Did you have any opinion as to the direction-that the bullet hit his head?
          Dr. AKIN -
          I assume that the right occipitalparietal region was the exit, so to speak, that he had probably been hit on the other side of the head, or at least tangentially in the back of the head, but I didn't have any hard and fast opinions about that either.​

          Did not specify a location.
          Mr. SPECTER - And what did you observe the President's condition to be at the time you arrived?
          Dr. BASHOUR - The President was lying on the stretcher,
          the head wound was massive, the blood was dripping from the head, and at that time the President had an endotracheal tube, and his pupils were dilated, his eyes were staring, and they were not reactive, there was no pulsations, his heart sounds were not present, and his extremities were cold.​

          Mr. SPECTER - During the course of your presence near President Kennedy, did you have any opportunity to observe any wounds on his body?
          Dr. CURTIS - After I had completed the cutdown, I went around to the right side of the patient and saw the head wound.
          Mr. SPECTER - And what did you observe there?
          Dr. CURTIS - Oh--fragments of bone and a gross injury to the cranial contents, with copious amounts of hemorrhage.​

          Mr. SPECTER - What did you observe as to the condition of the President when you entered?
          DR. DULANY - Well, at this time his pupils were fixed and dilated and he had a large head wound---that was the first thing I noticed.​

          Mr. SPECTER - Now, will you now describe the wound which you observed in the head?
          Dr. JENKINS - Almost by the time I was--had the time to pay more attention to the wound in the head, all of these other activities were under way. I was busy connecting up an apparatus to respire for the patient, exerting manual pressure on the breathing bag or anesthesia apparatus, trying to feel for a pulse in the neck, and then reaching up and feeling for one in the temporal area, seeing about connecting the cardioscope or directing its being connected, and then turned attention to the wound in the head.
          Now, Dr. Clark had begun closed chest cardiac massage at this time and I was aware of the magnitude of the wound, because with each compression of the chest, there was a great rush of blood from the skull wound. Part of the brain was herniated; I really think part of the cerebellum, as I recognized it, was herniated from the wound; there was part of the brain tissue, broken fragments of the brain tissue on the drapes of the cart on which the President lay.​

          Mr. SPECTER - Did you have an opportunity to observe any of his wounds?
          Dr. WHITE - I saw the wound in his head as he was brought into the trauma room where he was treated.​

          Did not see the wound.
          Mr. SPECTER - Did you observe any wounds on the President?
          Dr. HUNT - I actually did not see the wounds.
          Mr. SPECTER - Did you at any time see a wound to the head?
          Dr. HUNT -
          No; I didn't see it.
          Mr. SPECTER - And was there something obscuring your view from seeing the head wound?
          Dr. HUNT - Yes; I could see his face and I could also see that a great deal of blood was running off of the table from his right side and
          I was on his left side.​
          "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

          "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


          • Originally posted by Patrick Differ View Post
            Arlen Spector created the magic bullet theory to fit the crime. 7 entrances and exits, a back brace, 7 layers of clothing and pulverizing of rib bone and wrist to come out virtually pristine.
            Here's an example of two men wounded by a single bullet. Here's an example of two men killed and a third wounded by a single bullet.

            I'm not sure why you mention the back brace. The bullet went through JFK's neck.

            Originally posted by Patrick Differ View Post
            And then the bullet somehow ends up on Connallys gurney. Yet the Secret Service Agent who claims he found it in front of Kennedys foot area in the Limo is clearly lying.
            Landis was lying, the only question was whether he did so in 1963 or 2023.

            In 2023, Paul Landis claimed he saw a fully intact bullet "sitting on the back seat ledge, where the cushion meets the metal on the car."

            Landis claims he "So all the time I've been standing there, I've been kind of fumbling with the bullet in my pocket. I took it out and I set it by the president's left foot, and it was like a white cotton blanket on the table, and the bullet started to roll off the table, and I reached out and grabbed it, and there was a little wrinkle in the blanket. So I put the bullet so that it wouldn't roll off. It stopped in that blanket."

            This would be a good time to note that Landis is selling a book and that his 2023 statements contradict his 1963 statements.

            "By this time someone was lifting the President's body out of the right side of the car. Agent Hill helped Mrs. Kennedy out of the car, and I followed. Mrs. Kennedy's purse and hat and a cigarette lighter were on the back seat. I picked these three items up as I walked through the car and followed Mrs. Kennedy into the hospital.

            The President's body was taken directly to an Emergency Room, and I think I remember Mrs. Kennedy following the people in but coming out almost immediately. The door to the Emergency Room was closed and I stayed by Mrs. Kennedy's side. Someone, in the meantime, had brought a chair for Mrs. Kennedy to sit in and she sat just outside of the Emergency Room. There were several people milling around and with the help of a nurse we cleared all unauthorized personnel out of the immediate area.​

            "Most of the time while in the hospital I stayed right next to Mrs. Kennedy. Twice, I believe, she went into the Room where the President was; however, I remained outside by the door. A short time later I still remember several people standing around, and I asked a doctor for help in clearing the area. At approximately 2:00 p.m. the President's body was wheeled from the hospital in a coffin into an ambulance.​"

            But Landis doesn't just contradict himself, he contradicts where bullet CE 399 was found, which was Connally's, not JFK's stretcher.

            What Landis describes is a magic bullet - only he can see it, it lets him enter and exit the Emergency Room unseen by anyone, leave the bullet where no one else sees it, and then it magically teleports to Connally's stretcher, having acquired damage that Landis never saw, and teleporting two fragments of itself into Connally's wrist.​
            "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

            "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


            • Originally posted by Patrick Differ View Post
              The same Arlen Specter involved in selling guns to the Iranians and using the profit to try and overthrow the government of Nicaragua and's ok to lie to the American people. But they usually get caught.
              Lots of people were part of the Iran-Contrs sffair. Feel free to provide evidence that Spector was one of them.

              Specter has no credibility with the American public. The magic bullet is the link needed to say it was Oswald.

              There is doubt.


              "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

              "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


              • Originally posted by scottnapa View Post
                Once the body is removed, there can be no trial in Dallas for the death of the President.
                I have repeatedly cited Texas law showing you are wrong about this.

                Oswald was arraigned for the murder of President Kennedy before Justice of the Peace David Johnston at 1:35 a.m., November 23.

                Mr. HUBERT. Now, let's pass to the arraignment concerning President Kennedy, and I wish you would dictate into the record the same information you did as to the first one.
                Mr. JOHNSTON. All right, sir. This was the arraignment of Lee Harvey Oswald for the murder with malice of John F. Kennedy, cause No. F-154, The State of Texas versus Lee Harvey Oswald. The complaint was filed at 11:25 p.m., was accepted by me at 11:26 p.m. It was filed at approximately 11:25 p.m. by Capt. J. W. Fritz, homicide bureau of the Dallas Police Department, and was accepted by Henry Wade, criminal district attorney, Dallas County, Tex., and was docketed as cause No. 154, F-154 at 11:26 p.m.
                Shortly after this is when the defendant was taken to the detail room or the assembly room.
                Mr. HUBERT. What happened at this arraignment--was it the same as before?
                Mr. JOHNSTON. He was not arraigned at this time. He was then arraigned after he was removed to the detail room where the press was allowed to have their first interview with the defendant, with Lee Harvey Oswald.
                Subsequently in a conference between Captain Fritz, Mr. Wade, and two or three of his assistants and myself, and Chief Curry--it was decided to go ahead and arraign him and that arraignment was held at 1:35 a.m., November 23, 1963, in the identification bureau of the Dallas Police Department, and once again I appraised him of his constitutional rights, read the affidavit, and advised him again that I remanded him to the custody of the sheriff, Dallas County, denying bond as capital offense. He was also told at both of these instances that he would be given the right to contact an attorney of his choice.

                Care to explain why you think you know more about Texas law than DPD Chief Curry, Captain Fritz of the DPD Homicide Bureau, Dallas District Attorney Wade, and Justice of the Peace Johnston?
                "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

                "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


                • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

                  So you don’t have time to answer my questions as you promised to but you have time to make a post as long as that.

                  Duly noted.
                  Hello Lock
                  I have not forgotten
                  I owe you more answers.
                  The answers will be short or long.
                  As it happens the next one that addresses your point will be long.
                  I have three other things I would like to post and talk about. I’m not sure what the hurry is for you given that I’m not sure there’s anything I could say that would get you to change your mind and the arguing back-and-forth takes a mental toll,
                  I’m happy to have conservations, it doesn’t happen often.
                  There is an unnecessary bit of snark present in your post.
                  I’m going to have eye surgery at the end of the month as I have mentioned previously.
                  Staring at the computer screen right now it is a tiring exercise.


                  • Originally posted by scottnapa View Post

                    Hello Lock
                    I have not forgotten
                    I owe you more answers.
                    The answers will be short or long.
                    As it happens the next one that addresses your point will be long.
                    I have three other things I would like to post and talk about. I’m not sure what the hurry is for you given that I’m not sure there’s anything I could say that would get you to change your mind and the arguing back-and-forth takes a mental toll,
                    I’m happy to have conservations, it doesn’t happen often.
                    There is an unnecessary bit of snark present in your post.
                    I’m going to have eye surgery at the end of the month as I have mentioned previously.
                    Staring at the computer screen right now it is a tiring exercise.
                    Hello Scott.

                    First…my apologies for not taking into consideration your eye problems. I hope that the surgery goes well.

                    Second…yes there was ‘snark’ in my comment and yes I shouldn’t really have aimed it in your direction.

                    Third…you honestly don’t have to bother answering it’s my intention not to post on this subject again (if I can show a little will power)

                    Fourth…you say that nothing will change my mind as if I’m being bloody-minded whilst the conspiracy side are the open minded ones. I’d accuse the conspiracy side of being bloody minded. Of starting out from a position of conspiracy and then seeing everything in terms of it.

                    Ill finish by saying….all of those wider questions that I put to you….not one single poster has ever answered but, more importantly, no matter how confident conspiracy supporters on here claim to be, I have TWICE asked them to tell us what they actually believe…Oswald plus GK gunman, Unknown 6th floor gunman plus GK gunman, gunman firing from elsewhere and GK gunman, not one of them had the courage of their convictions to state something so simple.

                    Anyone would think that they were uncomfortable with scrutiny.


                    Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                    “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                    • Originally posted by A P Tomlinson View Post

                      You are 1) doing the usual trick of ascribing general ideas of stupidity to an argument that I don't hold, and 2) over simplifying matters.

                      Show me any evidence that Oswald was on the 6th floor of the building at the time of the shooting. And if the words "Howard" and "Brennan" are about to flit through your mind let me put THAT to bed straight away.
                      Brennan was talking absolute rubbish that any lawyer with a brain would have been able to tear through by having the court take a quick trip to Dealey Plaza, stand beneath the building at the point where where Brennan was and put someone standing at the window in the way Brennan described, have it open the 12" it was on the day and ask Brennan to describe that persons height, age, weight and hair colour. It was impossible to see a man from his waist to the top of his head standing at the window unless they were about 2' tall. Brennan couldn't identify Oswald in the line up until later in the day, after the news had coincidentally started showing his picture on the TV. The best Brennan came up with was that Oswald looked the "most like" the man he claimed he saw. And that had nothing to do with the fact that oswald was the only one in the line up who had just been beaten by cops, and looked like it.
                      No one was able to identify the shooter they saw in that window.

                      I notice that earlier you mentioned Oswald and the sweater... and how that time delay was most fortunate for Ruby. So we'll use your own rationalising the other way round and see if that stands.
                      The exact same argument applies to Oswald, but I doubt you'll see it that way.
                      Oswald was seen on the ground floor at a few minutes before 12:15 eating his lunch. Had Kennedy not stopped at Love Field for an extra 15 minutes to gladhand with the crowd. He would have been pulling round the corner of Main onto Houston at the time the assassin was seen eating his lunch. Lucky for him that Kennedy was running as late as he was in order to get up there, set up the nest and reassemble his rifle.
                      Of course, of there's nothing to cut and paste from the Warren Report on this as rather than try and clear this up, that witness - Carolyn Arnold, whose FBI statement gave Oswald an alibi, was never brought to the Warren Commission or re-interviewed by anyone connected to investigating the assassination.
                      Of course, Eddie Piper and Bill Shelley who both saw Oswald down stairs at around noon were both called, as their testimony wasn't at all threatening to the narrative.
                      Nothing unusual there, as Victoria Adams, who testified that she set off immediately to head down the stairs ended up in the report as having waited a minute before heading down the stairs where she was said to have met with Billy Lovelady and Bill Shelley who were behind the TSBD for a few minutes (she never said that, only that she saw them later...), and despite her asking to be part of the recreation so she could show them, and protestations that Sandra Styles (who was with her on the stairs) Elsie Dormand and Dorothy Garner (all of whom have since corroborated Vicky's statement on numerous occasions including signed affidavits) would tell the Commission she was right, they dismissed her account... and refused to investigate further by following up on her claims.

                      Obviously this posed a problem for the narrative, as Oswald SHOULD have been on that staircase. It was the only way he could have got down to the 2nd floor lunchroom in time to meet Truly and Baker. He was on the second floor within 90 seconds of the shots being fired.
                      The recreation walkthrough showed that such a timing was possible, but never considered introducing any known factors that might dispute it.

                      Garner even stayed by the stairwell door as Vicky and Sandra went down the stairs and saw no one else till Baker and Truly came up them a few moments later. But that wasn't in the Warren Report so we can all safely assume it just didn't happen and they were all conspiracy nuts or just "silly women", which was how Bellin and co painted the situation.
                      But they all lied . That the standard response you'll receive no doubt.
                      'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


                      • Arlen Specter gave an interview to US News and World Report in 1966. Almost 3 years after the Assassination. He became, Chief Investigator for the Warren Commission. ( His words)
                        in the interview he admits some shocking details. Like the contradiction between Parkland and Bethesday autopsy in terms of entry and exit wounds on Kennedy. He also said they used probabilities based on this some level of evidence and that the Warren Commission came up with the " conclusions". Shots came from behind because that's where the gun was found.
                        He also did not know ( in 1966) whether the FBI or WC had seen all the Kennedy photographs. He believed the WC did not but it would not have changed the outcome. He was unsure of the FBIs actual involvement period.
                        Specter also goes on to say that both Parkland and Bethesda had " limited access" to the body but he felt Humes had enough time for producing a detailed Autopsy report. Eventhough Humes destroyed his notes? ( or was told to?).
                        Kennedys body was being prepared the morning of the 23rd.
                        Limited access and time ?? Conclusions based on probabilities? We didn't need to see all the photographs?
                        Specter in 1966. He had no idea who suppressed the photographs.
                        Sure...I'm going to believe the Chief Investigator for the WC who apparently...just wasn't sure.


                        • Originally posted by Fiver View Post

                          ​Care to explain how your "TRUTH and Facts" say that is was Oswald's rifle and that it wasn't Oswald's rifle?
                          Care to explain the Mauser transformed into a Carcano ?
                          'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


                          • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

                            Hello Scott.

                            First…my apologies for not taking into consideration your eye problems. I hope that the surgery goes well.

                            Second…yes there was ‘snark’ in my comment and yes I shouldn’t really have aimed it in your direction.

                            Third…you honestly don’t have to bother answering it’s my intention not to post on this subject again (if I can show a little will power)

                            Fourth…you say that nothing will change my mind as if I’m being bloody-minded whilst the conspiracy side are the open minded ones. I’d accuse the conspiracy side of being bloody minded. Of starting out from a position of conspiracy and then seeing everything in terms of it.

                            Ill finish by saying….all of those wider questions that I put to you….not one single poster has ever answered but, more importantly, no matter how confident conspiracy supporters on here claim to be, I have TWICE asked them to tell us what they actually believe…Oswald plus GK gunman, Unknown 6th floor gunman plus GK gunman, gunman firing from elsewhere and GK gunman, not one of them had the courage of their convictions to state something so simple.

                            Anyone would think that they were uncomfortable with scrutiny.

                            Thank you for your comment. I appreciate you understanding my situation
                            I have very good doctors. I'm sure things will go well but it is a surgery and there's a chance I could lose eyesight. Might be one in a 1000 or one in 10,000 Knowing that possibility exists is worrisome and fills my medium sized brain with anxiety.


                            • Originally posted by Lewis C View Post
                              Those of you who think that the package that Oswald carried into the TSBD wasn't a rifle, do you think then that he was telling the truth that it contained curtain rods?
                              No. Oswald lies often. Curtain rods seems to be just something he's saying to say something. I do not know why would Oswald buy curtain rods for an tiny room he doesn't own? On the other hand the WC lies about the bag. The MC dissassembled is 34". . Linnie Mae Fraizer saw Oswald carrying it holding it at the top and the bottom not hitting the ground; Buell Fraizer saw Oswald carry it cupped in his right hand with the top under his right shoulder.
                              The FBI measurement in Frazier's car's back seat 27”. WC gave Fraizer a lie dectector test which he passsed and so the WC elected to not publist the results of a test they did not like. To this day Fraizer insists there was no rifle in his car


                              • From Vincent Bugliosi’s Reclaiming History:

                                "2:04 p.m. [CST] --- By the time the president's body is ready to be moved from Parkland Hospital, the row over the state of Texas's jurisdiction over the body has turned into a major imbroglio. Medical examiner Dr. Earl Rose refuses to listen

                                Admiral Burkley says, enraged. "This is the president of the United States and there should be some consideration in an event like this."

                                "We can't release anything!" Rose screams. "A violent death requires a postmortem! There's a law here. We're going to enforce it."

                                A crush of forty sweating men are clustered around the wide doorway as curses fly back and forth. One of them looks like he might belt the medical examiner at any moment. Theron Ward, a young justice of the peace for the Third Precinct of Dallas County, makes his way down the corridor. Too timid to buck the medical examiner, the young justice tells them there is nothing he can do. "In a homicide case, it's my duty to order an autopsy," Ward says in a tone much too weak for Dr. Rose's pleasure. "It shouldn't take more than three hours.” Ward tells him, "It's just another homicide case as far as I'm concerned.” O'Donnell's response is instantaneous. "Go **** yourself," he yells. "We're leaving!"

                                A policeman next to Rose points to the medical examiner and the justice of the peace and says to the president's men, "These two guyssay you can't go."
                                "Move aside," shouts Larry O'Brien, moving toward the officer. "Get the hell out of the way," O'Donnell hollers. "We're not staying here three hours or three minutes. We're leaving now! Wheel it out!" he orders.
                                The Secret Service men shoulder their way into the patrolman, who wisely capitulates. Rose, overpowered by circumstance, steps out of the way as the casket is wheeled toward the emergency exit, Mrs. Kennedy hurrying alongside, her fingertips touching the bronze finish.”

                                Bugliosi digs deeper than DVP and gets somethings right:
                                There's a law here. We're going to enforce it.”
                                my duty to order an autopsy.”
                                “overpowered by circumstance.”

                                And a few things wrong. It doesn’t help that Bugliosi is a mediocre writer.
                                refuses to listen” NOT true. Dr Rose is following the law.
                                “…crush of forty sweating men.”Really? 40 sweaty men sounds like a wet dream in an unfinished romance novel.
                                One of them looks like…”non-specific sentence describing emotional mood. Either have a man’s name or remove the statement.
                                Too timid - NOT true. doing his diligence
                                These two guys -sounds like a mob hit with made men. Again, doing diligence.
                                The story as Bugliosi​ tells it, is presented as a victory. The writing is emotional to the point of melodramatic: Mrs Kennedy touching the casket. Etc. Dr Rose is mocked as a petty interloper, a man who inserts himself into the situation by obstructing the affairs of state; to be pushed aside for ignoring the needs of Jackie Kennedy on the worst day of her life. The trivial melodramatic tone ignores the legal ramifications.
                                Interesting choice by a lawyer. There is a cost to ignoring the law.

                                It cannot be ignored that the skills shown by Dr. Rose in Dallas with the autopsies of Oswald. Tippet and Ruby showcase a high-level of professional standards. Dr Michael Baden commented that he would grade the JFK autopsy as performed by Humes as an “F”. A failure.
                                Baden contrasted that by giving Dr. Rose an “A” grade.for the Oswald autopsy.

                                After Oswald is killed, previously inadmissible evidence can now presented as “facts” for the political WC trial by committee.
                                Evidence that would be dismissed at a real trial is accepted by WC apologists.
                                There is sufficient proof of FBI intervention. One, insertion; changing newspaper story in Times Herald. Two, substitution; the Minox camera fraud .3) Destruction; where are Sandra O’Conner’s color autopsy photos?: FBI also presents a photocopy as an original evidence. The Oswald money order only exists as a photograph copy .

                                The Warren Commission lawyers investigating Jack Ruby; Leon D. Hubert Jr. and Burt W. Griffin sent a memo to J. Lee Rankin on May 14, 1964 listing “Areas Not Adequately Investigated.” Much of the Ruby intelligence is not investigated in Dallas, rather gathered and reported by FBI to Washington D.C. commission.. One of the problems is, of course the FBI and J Edgar Hoover thinks that there's no such thing as organized crime and so the mob implications, Ruby attempts to buy Jeeps for Cuba, Ruby seen in casinos in Havana are never followed up. Indeed the European press reporting on the assassination is inclusive with organized crime. And excluded from the Warren Commission.Many avenues of investigation are limited to the prosecutorial presentation of the WC. The Dallas investigation is shallow by design. Does Oswald drive or not. He was issued a drivers license.

                                When I visited Dealey Plaza on the 22nd, many locals volunteered their opinion that there was a conspiracy. Everyone said Ruby knows Oswald. The police let Ruby into the basement.. Everyone knew someone that knew Ruby or saw Oswald or a policeman.
                                In light of that statement. Enjoy this choice bit from Robert Oswald’s book. A surprising story.

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