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JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year

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  • Arlen Spector created the magic bullet theory to fit the crime. 7 entrances and exits, a back brace, 7 layers of clothing and pulverizing of rib bone and wrist to come out virtually pristine.

    And then the bullet somehow ends up on Connallys gurney. Yet the Secret Service Agent who claims he found it in front of Kennedys foot area in the Limo is clearly lying.

    The same Arlen Specter involved in selling guns to the Iranians and using the profit to try and overthrow the government of Nicaragua and's ok to lie to the American people. But they usually get caught.

    Specter has no credibility with the American public. The magic bullet is the link needed to say it was Oswald.

    There is doubt.


    • The flaws of denial in JFK research are very evident in the need to dismantle conspiracy rumors of body pre-autopsy alteration, proposed by David Lifton, etc.

      No effort is made to explain the legal circumstances.

      No effort is made to understand context and outcomes related to what happened.

      Example #1 DVP:

      “Taking JFK's body out of Dallas and back to Washington wasn't the

      slightest bit sinister. Nor was it really even very surprising under

      the circumstances.

      Plus: It was really Jacqueline Kennedy who was the primary reason for the Secret Service bulldozing JFK's casket out of Parkland Hospital.

      (No) …”plot” to steal the President's body and fly it to some

      kind of Conspiracy BatCave at Walter Reed in order to have covert

      head-altering surgery performed.)

      Nothing sinister there whatsoever. And whether or not it was technically illegal and against Texas law is not a major point at all. The main question to ask regarding the removal of the President's body on 11/22/63 is this one: WAS PRESIDENT KENNEDY'S BODY TAKEN OUT OF DALLAS AS PART


      And the obvious answer to that question is: No.

      Or do some conspiracy theorists want to accuse Kenneth O'Donnell,

      Lawrence O'Brien, the Secret Service, and Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy of being part of a plot and/or cover-up?”

      Notice the False Dichotomy Fallacy presented with with a splash of appeal to pity and topped with straw-man fallacy cherry;

      No one accuses Jackie Kennedy of anything. Why bring it up?

      The legal custody and removal of the body has short term issues related to Jack Ruby. and long term issues related to any definition of legal evidence.

      Once the body is removed, there can be no trial in Dallas for the death of the President. Now the police and citizens of Dallas think a communist has killed the President and he’s going to get away with it

      Robert Oswald sat in a Adolphus Hotel barber chair for a shave on the 23rd and the barber said Oswald should be exterminated. Many phone threats to Oswald’s family. As for Ruby, his lawyer is initially felt that he would get off if they suggested that Ruby had killed Oswald because Oswald was part of a communist conspiracy, and the lawyer knew everyone in Dallas would feel very strongly about communism. I imagine the Dallas Police Department was sympathetic to the John Birth Society. The fact that Marina Oswald was from Russia is going significant enough to have people in Dallas think is a conspiracy.

      In terms of the law violated, it's important to realize that the police are very well aware that Oswald is not able to be prosecuted for killing the President. Leading to a idea that a communist is going to get away with murder, is just a miscarriage of justice that should be addressed with violence. One can see how easily a Dallas policeman would allow Ruby into the basement based on the politics of anti-communism.

      This is a time in America when you didn't hear the word communist without having the word conspiracy after it. Lee Harvey Oswald is the first and only non-conspiring communist in American political history..

      Ruby’s lawyer felt Jack was very persuadable.

      Given the rise in threats against Oswald, it is surprising that the security was insufficient, and Oswald was killed. There may be a relationship between Oswald and Ruby or maybe not.

      There is no doubt the DPD conspired to let Ruby Ruby conspires with the police is a given.

      You do not need hundreds of Dallas police man to achieve this.

      It takes only one man to let Ruby into the basement.

      This illustrates the innate flaw of the False Dichotomy Fallacy.

      It is not necessary to corrupt a police department or the FBI or the Secret Service The conspiracy need not involve a cast of thousands. The conspiracy need only have a switch man as you have a railroad station. Switching the investigation train onto the track that leads away from the truth. An example of this is the White House command center who told LBJ there was no conspiracy on Nov 22nd at approximately 3:00 p.m.
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