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JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year

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  • How could Oswald be identified so quickly as a suspect after the Kennedy assassination?

    The APB [all points bulletin] for the suspect of JFK's assassination was described as an early or mid-twenties caucasian male between 5′9–5′11 in height with a slight build and wearing a grey Eisenhower-type jacket. We call such jackets today "Windbreakers". In the 1950s and 1960s, those jackets were made with materials such as Poppin or "stiff" cotton weaves.

    Such a description should have had most of the local and federal law enforcement representatives stopping just about everyone on the street (look at the films immediately after the shooting; everybody and their uncle is wearing one, just in Dealey Plaza alone). Yet they [Dallas PD] first went to a church a few blocks from the murder of Officer J.D. Tippit. A witness(s) claimed he and another man followed one of the shooters of Tippit down the driveway/alley adjacent to the house where Tippit was murdered but lost him when he went to a parking lot. All witnesses claimed that one of the shooters wore a grey Eisenhower jacket. Lo and behold, someone found a grey Eisenhower jacket on the ground in a "church parking lot".

    By the way, this "church" was called "The Abundant Life Temple". It was a refuge [safe house] for Cuban [anti-Castro] refugees, military-trained operatives, and CIA-controlled terrorists, with many chapters throughout the southern United States, particularly in New Orleans.

    The next lead the Dallas PD followed came from a shopkeeper, who claimed a man walking down a street had passed in front of his display window and "looked suspicious". This suspicious man entered a movie theater (adjacent to his clothing store) without paying. That may seem like an observant citizen, who was looking for the murderer of Officer Tippit or at least the shooter of JFK and Gov. Connelly, only there's one problem. The APB was only broadcasted on "police frequencies". The commercial radio broadcasts hadn't circulated the description of Tippit's shooter(s) or JFK, only the shooting in Dealey. By the way, no one knows who reported the description to the Dallas DP dispatch.

    As I stated before, the description was so general that just about anyone could have fit the APB.

    Back to the murder of Tippet. Every eye witness who saw the murder of Officer Tippit gave contradictory descriptions of Tippett's killer(s). I say 'killers' because at least one witness claimed there were at least two individuals involved in the shooting of Tippet. One witness, Benevides, later retracted his statement to law enforcement after his brother was murdered. Both he and his brother looked alike, and it is believed that the murderer of his brother (who was never found) mistook his older brother for him.

    Another witness [Clemmons] said she saw at least two men, not one, involved in the murder. She was warned or threatened by law enforcement representatives not to speak about her testimony to anyone, not even her family, or she might be in "serious trouble". She complied somewhat. Her testimony was never entered or quantified by the Warren Commission or the HSCA. Still, her statement is on file with the Dallas DA and in a filmed interview by Mark Lane that you can still see on YouTube. The only media interview she ever gave.

    Then you have the LHO time frame.

    If LHO had murdered Tippit, he would have had to walk/jog/run nearly a mile in under thirteen minutes to get to the movie theater. Yet no one in the route postulated by the Warren Commission saw him or anyone else doing this in the time allotted. Maybe he got a ride by bus or car. If so, it would make sense. But LHO didn't [couldn't] drive, and no bus had a route that would have taken him to the theater in that time frame. Nor are there any records indicating that a taxi picked him up. If a friend had picked him up, how would they have known WHERE to get him? His landlady stated he never used the phone; during his brief stay before departing the rooming house. Remember, he supposedly shot the president does anyone think he would stand out in the open to wait for a ride from a friend, a taxi, or a bus? No, I don't think so, either.

    Given the witness testimonies of the murder of Tippit. The general description from the APB. The grey Eisenhower jacket (discovered in the opposite direction of the movie theater) in the parking lot of a rather suspicious "church". One has to wonder, "How was he caught so quickly?".

    Now, a few tidbits. Jacob Rubinstein a.k.a "Jack Ruby", had recently bought a home in Oak Cliff. Less than a few blocks from where Officer Tippit was murdered. The witnesses and the residents of the neighborhood where Officer Tippit was murdered knew him. He was regularly seen in the community and visiting the home, where he would later be murdered.

    This might not seem strange unless you realize the Oak Cliff district was never Officer J.D. Tippit's patrol area. The Dallas PD can't account for the entirety of his actions leading up to and immediately after the assassination that day. Tippit was seen at least once bullying customers so he could use a pay phone at a local [Oak Cliff] laundromat just before or during JFK's assassination. He was known to frequent this very laundromat regularly. Again, this laundromat wasn't his regularly assigned patrol area. Go figure.

    Also, Officer Tippit was having an affair with one of Jack Ruby's dancers. Tippit had gotten her pregnant, which back then [circa 1963] would have been disastrous for his career. Not only that, Officer Tippit was married with children at the time. Suspiciously, on the morning of the assassination. His wife stated he kissed his little boy and told him, "No matter what happens, I want you to know I love you." The dancer that Tippit was seeing lived in the house that he was killed in front of. And Tippit and other law enforcement personnel regularly worked for Jack Ruby as bouncers and bagmen in his two clubs.

    Billy Lovelady, a Texas School Book Depository team member, worked alongside LHO. Lovelady could have been LHO's brother (look up the name, see for yourself). Anyway, Mr. Lovelady had a fascinating history before his employment with the depository. He had been incarcerated and dishonorably discharged from the US Air Force for the crime of theft/gunrunning/smuggling. Guess what one of Jack Ruby's more profitable ventures was. Both LHO and Lovelady were referred to the TSBD by Ruth Paine. Mrs. Paine was a confidant of Marina Ozwald and just happened to be the daughter of a former State Department official. Her aunt was formerly a secretary to Allen Dulles; if the rumors are true, her aunt was also one of Alen Dulles’ mistresses. Mrs. Paine considered Dulles not only a friend but an adopted ‘uncle’. Small world?

    Strange, a US Marine defector with a top-secret security clearance (that was never revoked, by the way) and a former gun smuggling guest of the US Military penal system happen to work at the same building, with the same company, on the same day, at the same time the presidential motorcade parade happened to drive by and both men looked nearly identical.

    LHO, if the conclusions are valid, was a paid informant for the FBI/US Customs and a "sometimes" operative/asset for the CIA by the Office of Naval Intelligence [ONI]. Yes, I know; bare with me.

    The few things we know (though documentation) is that federal law enforcement officers had briefed LHO on several occasions after his return to the USA. No documentation of these meetings has been released to the public. But at least some of the records that have been acknowledged have either been destroyed, lost, or, get this, "Classified under the grounds of National Security", still some fifty years later!

    Remember, this man was a defector to the USSR and was allowed repatriation back to the US without so much as a day in a prison cell. Why? Well, the most apparent reason was he was an agent for some intelligence agency or was being watched by some intelligence agencies to see what or who he would contact now that he was back in the States if he was a defector.

    Now, let's say he wasn’t a legitimate defector and had been ordered to infiltrate a group(s) or befriend a person or persons planning to threaten or assassinate the president. Let's say he warned his supervisors before the assassination, but something went wrong on the day of the assassination. Immediately after the assassination, he went home to gather his wits and proceed to a predetermined rendezvous that his supervisor had designated. While there, both LHO and his supervisor would confer on his progress as an informer in relative safety without raising suspicion. Say, a coffee shop? A laundromat? Maybe, a movie theatre? But once there, LHO may have realized that he had been set up as a fall guy as the murderer of JFK.

    Nothing about his capture nor his history makes sense.

    'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


    • Originally posted by scottnapa View Post

      Most folks listening to the Cliford tapes focus on the tug-of-war between Bethesda and Walter Reed.
      "-Yes General Clifton?
      - We do not want a helicopter for Bethesda Medical Center. We do want the ambulance and a ground return from Andrews to Walter Reed. And we want the regular post mortem that has to be done by law, under guard, performed at Walter Reed. Is that clear? Over.
      - That is clear General Clifton. You want an ambulance and a ah….another limousine at Andrews and you want the regular post mortem by law done at Walter Reed.​"

      Thanks for the answer Scott. Do you think it interesting that at that stage there still appeared to be doubt about where the autopsy was going to occur? Wouldn't you think that setting up an autopsy that was to have a prearranged outcome would have taken considerable time and effort? I can’t imagine that those involved would have just fallen into line on an issue like this.

      Sir Herlock Sholmes.

      “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


      • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

        Great Videos , The Audacity of the WC to think they could fool those of us with Brains and Common sense .!!. They got the Sheep tho i guess.

        Gee George , Whats taking people so long to work it out ???? How on earth could anyone, given the fact the the WC was instructed to find a lone gunman 3 shot conclusion at the expense of everything else known at the time and for the next 62 years , believe a word of it !!!

        Staggering this has gone on for this long .
        You’re being very free with the insults for someone who is regularly criticising others for far less Fishy. To be honest though I’m glad that you used that opening sentence because I read a book a while ago on why people fall for conspiracy theories and one of the reasons is a desire to be seen as ‘cleverer’ that those that disagree. A perfect illustration of the point by you.

        You, and the rest of the conspiracy community (who believed Garrison’s 20 gunman, and the man with the loaded umbrella, and the sewer rat shooter, and Hickey’s accidental headshot, and White’s dodgy diary, and Jackie the killer, and Greer the gunman, and barking mad Badgeman, and the pathetic Prayer Man, and the three tramps who turned out to be three tramps, and the Airforce One operating theatre, and Woody Harrelson’s dad, and imaginary Saul, and Cooper’s ‘aliens did it’ theory, and the French drug dealers, and Nagel the nut job, and the loaded lookalike) can hold your heads up high as you have so much ‘brains and common’ sense as you compare yourself against those of us who have the wild theory that a disaffected, rather strange young man took his rifle and shot a famous person. I ‘crazy’ we are.

        The irony isn’t lost on the rest of us Fishy. You are making such wild claims, and have been fed them for so long, that you’ve become immune to how bizarre they actually are. A lifetime of reading only conspiracy based books can only have helped your confirmation bias.

        Sir Herlock Sholmes.

        “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


        • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

          Its staggering how people cant distinguish a lie from a fact .

          LBJ stated in the early hours after the assassination that it was a ''matter of national security to pin all the blame on Oswald'' to avoid a nuclear war. Continuing to chase other assassination leads could easily point to the Soviets. President Johnson told the Warren Commission to make sure they place all the blame on Oswald so that the US didn’t end up having a nuclear exchange.
          Your opening sentence should be asked in a room with a mirror.

          Because he wanted to contain any wild, unfounded rumours, of Soviet involvement for very obvious reason Fishy. This wasn’t a game that was going on here. Johnson was the President. Do you really think that a man known as one of the wiliest political operators in American history is going to spill the beans on some kind of conspiracy over a phone line that was recorded? Come on.

          Last edited by Herlock Sholmes; Today, 11:20 AM.

          Sir Herlock Sholmes.

          “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


          • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

            How could Oswald be identified so quickly as a suspect after the Kennedy assassination?

            The APB [all points bulletin] for the suspect of JFK's assassination was described as an early or mid-twenties caucasian male between 5′9–5′11 in height with a slight build and wearing a grey Eisenhower-type jacket. We call such jackets today "Windbreakers". In the 1950s and 1960s, those jackets were made with materials such as Poppin or "stiff" cotton weaves.

            Such a description should have had most of the local and federal law enforcement representatives stopping just about everyone on the street (look at the films immediately after the shooting; everybody and their uncle is wearing one, just in Dealey Plaza alone). Yet they [Dallas PD] first went to a church a few blocks from the murder of Officer J.D. Tippit. A witness(s) claimed he and another man followed one of the shooters of Tippit down the driveway/alley adjacent to the house where Tippit was murdered but lost him when he went to a parking lot. All witnesses claimed that one of the shooters wore a grey Eisenhower jacket. Lo and behold, someone found a grey Eisenhower jacket on the ground in a "church parking lot".

            By the way, this "church" was called "The Abundant Life Temple". It was a refuge [safe house] for Cuban [anti-Castro] refugees, military-trained operatives, and CIA-controlled terrorists, with many chapters throughout the southern United States, particularly in New Orleans.

            The next lead the Dallas PD followed came from a shopkeeper, who claimed a man walking down a street had passed in front of his display window and "looked suspicious". This suspicious man entered a movie theater (adjacent to his clothing store) without paying. That may seem like an observant citizen, who was looking for the murderer of Officer Tippit or at least the shooter of JFK and Gov. Connelly, only there's one problem. The APB was only broadcasted on "police frequencies". The commercial radio broadcasts hadn't circulated the description of Tippit's shooter(s) or JFK, only the shooting in Dealey. By the way, no one knows who reported the description to the Dallas DP dispatch.

            As I stated before, the description was so general that just about anyone could have fit the APB.

            Back to the murder of Tippet. Every eye witness who saw the murder of Officer Tippit gave contradictory descriptions of Tippett's killer(s). I say 'killers' because at least one witness claimed there were at least two individuals involved in the shooting of Tippet. One witness, Benevides, later retracted his statement to law enforcement after his brother was murdered. Both he and his brother looked alike, and it is believed that the murderer of his brother (who was never found) mistook his older brother for him.

            Another witness [Clemmons] said she saw at least two men, not one, involved in the murder. She was warned or threatened by law enforcement representatives not to speak about her testimony to anyone, not even her family, or she might be in "serious trouble". She complied somewhat. Her testimony was never entered or quantified by the Warren Commission or the HSCA. Still, her statement is on file with the Dallas DA and in a filmed interview by Mark Lane that you can still see on YouTube. The only media interview she ever gave.

            Then you have the LHO time frame.

            If LHO had murdered Tippit, he would have had to walk/jog/run nearly a mile in under thirteen minutes to get to the movie theater. Yet no one in the route postulated by the Warren Commission saw him or anyone else doing this in the time allotted. Maybe he got a ride by bus or car. If so, it would make sense. But LHO didn't [couldn't] drive, and no bus had a route that would have taken him to the theater in that time frame. Nor are there any records indicating that a taxi picked him up. If a friend had picked him up, how would they have known WHERE to get him? His landlady stated he never used the phone; during his brief stay before departing the rooming house. Remember, he supposedly shot the president does anyone think he would stand out in the open to wait for a ride from a friend, a taxi, or a bus? No, I don't think so, either.

            Given the witness testimonies of the murder of Tippit. The general description from the APB. The grey Eisenhower jacket (discovered in the opposite direction of the movie theater) in the parking lot of a rather suspicious "church". One has to wonder, "How was he caught so quickly?".

            Now, a few tidbits. Jacob Rubinstein a.k.a "Jack Ruby", had recently bought a home in Oak Cliff. Less than a few blocks from where Officer Tippit was murdered. The witnesses and the residents of the neighborhood where Officer Tippit was murdered knew him. He was regularly seen in the community and visiting the home, where he would later be murdered.

            This might not seem strange unless you realize the Oak Cliff district was never Officer J.D. Tippit's patrol area. The Dallas PD can't account for the entirety of his actions leading up to and immediately after the assassination that day. Tippit was seen at least once bullying customers so he could use a pay phone at a local [Oak Cliff] laundromat just before or during JFK's assassination. He was known to frequent this very laundromat regularly. Again, this laundromat wasn't his regularly assigned patrol area. Go figure.

            Also, Officer Tippit was having an affair with one of Jack Ruby's dancers. Tippit had gotten her pregnant, which back then [circa 1963] would have been disastrous for his career. Not only that, Officer Tippit was married with children at the time. Suspiciously, on the morning of the assassination. His wife stated he kissed his little boy and told him, "No matter what happens, I want you to know I love you." The dancer that Tippit was seeing lived in the house that he was killed in front of. And Tippit and other law enforcement personnel regularly worked for Jack Ruby as bouncers and bagmen in his two clubs.

            Billy Lovelady, a Texas School Book Depository team member, worked alongside LHO. Lovelady could have been LHO's brother (look up the name, see for yourself). Anyway, Mr. Lovelady had a fascinating history before his employment with the depository. He had been incarcerated and dishonorably discharged from the US Air Force for the crime of theft/gunrunning/smuggling. Guess what one of Jack Ruby's more profitable ventures was. Both LHO and Lovelady were referred to the TSBD by Ruth Paine. Mrs. Paine was a confidant of Marina Ozwald and just happened to be the daughter of a former State Department official. Her aunt was formerly a secretary to Allen Dulles; if the rumors are true, her aunt was also one of Alen Dulles’ mistresses. Mrs. Paine considered Dulles not only a friend but an adopted ‘uncle’. Small world?

            Strange, a US Marine defector with a top-secret security clearance (that was never revoked, by the way) and a former gun smuggling guest of the US Military penal system happen to work at the same building, with the same company, on the same day, at the same time the presidential motorcade parade happened to drive by and both men looked nearly identical.

            LHO, if the conclusions are valid, was a paid informant for the FBI/US Customs and a "sometimes" operative/asset for the CIA by the Office of Naval Intelligence [ONI]. Yes, I know; bare with me.

            The few things we know (though documentation) is that federal law enforcement officers had briefed LHO on several occasions after his return to the USA. No documentation of these meetings has been released to the public. But at least some of the records that have been acknowledged have either been destroyed, lost, or, get this, "Classified under the grounds of National Security", still some fifty years later!

            Remember, this man was a defector to the USSR and was allowed repatriation back to the US without so much as a day in a prison cell. Why? Well, the most apparent reason was he was an agent for some intelligence agency or was being watched by some intelligence agencies to see what or who he would contact now that he was back in the States if he was a defector.

            Now, let's say he wasn’t a legitimate defector and had been ordered to infiltrate a group(s) or befriend a person or persons planning to threaten or assassinate the president. Let's say he warned his supervisors before the assassination, but something went wrong on the day of the assassination. Immediately after the assassination, he went home to gather his wits and proceed to a predetermined rendezvous that his supervisor had designated. While there, both LHO and his supervisor would confer on his progress as an informer in relative safety without raising suspicion. Say, a coffee shop? A laundromat? Maybe, a movie theatre? But once there, LHO may have realized that he had been set up as a fall guy as the murderer of JFK.

            Nothing about his capture nor his history makes sense.

            Ok. You’ve cut and paste the opinion of a man that you like the sound of.

            I’ve just read through this piece 3 times and this guy is the perfect example of a conspiracy theorist. PLEASE I’m begging everyone on here to read what this clown is saying. It’s a veritable Conspiracy Theory handbook. For any fans of Viz magazine this guy really is Grassy Knollington.

            And THIS is the kind of person Fishy takes seriously and yet apparently he sees nothing wrong in anything that this guy posts. I’ve emboldened some of the worst but I could have done more. The guy should be applauded for fitting so much crap into one piece. Jim Garrison would have had him on the pay roll in a heartbeat.

            Sir Herlock Sholmes.

            “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”

