Originally posted by Patrick Differ
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No mention of a "flurry" of shots. No comparison to a "shooting gallery". No speculation on number of shooters. And no one else in the car heard JFK say anything after he was shot in the throat.
By the time of Kellerman's Warren Commission testimony, "two" has become "a flurry", but Kellerman, on questioning, both said that it was two shots and that it was at least two shots. And they occur after Kellernman has turned forward, not while he was facing JFK, as he claimed in the initial report. Later on, Kellerman again says he heard a total of three shots, and that the Zparuder film showed evidence of only three Shots, but believed that "if President Kennedy had from all reports four wounds, Governor Connally three, there have got to be more than three shots, gentlemen."
Mr. SPECTER. The question which I had then started to ask you was whether you had any impression at the time of the second and third shots, which you described as a flurry of shots, as to the point of origin or source of those shots.
Mr. KELLERMAN. The only answer I can give to that is that they would have to come from the rear.
Mr. SPECTER. Well, is that the impression or reaction you had at the time of the flurry?
Mr. KELLERMAN. That is right, sir.
Mr. SPECTER. Have you ever, since the time of the assassination to this date, had any contrary impression, reaction, or view that the shots came from the front of the President?
At no time does Kellerman claim that there were multiple shooters or that he felt like they were in a "shooting gallery".
At least as late as 1981, Kellerman dismissed of the idea there was a Conspiracy in the death of JFK.
The only claims that Kellerman thought there was a Conspiracy come after his death from other people.