Originally posted by GBinOz
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If there’s one thing that can always be relied upon it’s that in any discussion about the assassination of Kennedy by the 100% guilty double-murderer Oswald that those proposing these childish conspiracies never…and I do mean never…want to answer the awkward questions which show that the very idea of a conspiracy to be preposterous. They are too intent on being influenced by people like Garrison, Stone, DiEugenio, Lane, Stone, Groden etc to take a step back. It’s always a case of quibbling over bullets and guns and suchlike. Every single point they make has been countered by experts but all that they have as a response is the standard “well they would say that wouldn’t they.” So that one is used to ‘dismiss’ evidence and expert opinion that they don’t like and stuff like photographs, x-rays, documents etc are dismissed by cries of ‘fake’ and ‘forgery.’ Easy isn’t it? But there are some questions that they can’t dismiss with the above…leaving the one remaining tactic…a rather embarrassed silence. So…I don’t suppose for a second I’ll get answers, let alone meaningful ones…but I live in hope.
Two Stones, but no mention of Burkley or Sherry Fiester?
- As we know that Oswald didn’t deny carrying a large package to work, indeed he came up with his ridiculous lie about curtain rods, then we know that he could only have been carrying his rifle. So why did this ‘innocent’ man take a rifle to work?
Then why did Oswald himself feel the need to invent the curtain rods lie? Why didn’t he simply say “I wasn’t carrying a parcel; they must have been mistaken”? No, he had brought a large package to work and yes he made up a stupid lie on the spot to defend himself. You haven’t confronted this very obvious point.
2. Why did the ‘innocent’ Lee leave his wedding ring and $175 (pretty much every cent that he owned) if he was just heading off to a normal day at work?
A dangerous day as a CIA asset.
Which might be true if he was a CIA asset but he wasn’t. Why do you assume a complex answer whilst ignoring the obvious? His gun was missing from its hiding place, he carried a large parcel, no curtain rods were ever found, he pretended that he didn’t know Kennedy was coming. Clearly he was intending to shoot Kennedy.
3. Why would a group of powerful plotters have dropped 3 cartridges on the 6th floor when they would have known about a second gunmen’s which could have left them with more bullets that cartridges?
No answer to that one I notice. Because there is no answer. No conspirators could possibly have been so stupid.
4. Why would a group of powerful conspirators have placed a second gunman at a spot directly in front of a carpark used by the Dallas Police and just behind any number of observes (many of whom had still and movie cameras)?
Decoy - where are all these photos and films from people who were looking the other way at the President?
I don’t understand your point. Anyone on that side of the Knoll could have turned around and seen a gunman had he existed. Those on the other side of the road would have been facing the President and therefore the imaginary gunman.
5. Why would a group of powerful plotters have been so unutterably stupid as to setting up a fake autopsy when the body had already been seen by numerous people at Parkland?
So that "unutterably stupid" people would disbelieve the doctors at Parkland who said the head shot was from the front.
Ah, I’ll take note that I used that phrase to describe our unknown plotters, you used it to describe myself and others. The point of course, is why would our conspirators (if they had existed) have allowed this insane situation to have arisen in the first place. As I’ve described it before, it’s like a bank robber putting on a mask after he’s robbed the bank. How can this be believed?
6. Why would a group of powerful plotters have used such a massively complex plot requiring numerous highly difficult actions post murder when a child could have conceived of a much simpler, far more certain of success assassination plan which would have required zero post-assassination actions? The simpler the plan the less chance of error.
Any competent assassination attempt uses a crossfire from different positions to ensure the job gets done. The distorted explanations are left to those that come after with an agenda.
Just how many assassinations can you name where this crossfire was used? Lincoln, McKinley, Garfield - no, Bobby Kennedy - no, Gandhi - no, Martin Luther King - no, Malcolm X - no, John Lennon - no, Olaf Palme - no. Actually George I can’t even find one.
A shot from such a short distance as the picket fence was, according to the experts that I’ve read about online, an unmissable shot to a decent gunman. According to you, our man fired once and blew Kennedy’s brains out. Absolutely no need for a 6th floor gunman.
7. Why would our powerful plotters have involved so many people that it’s impossible to count them, when everyone knows that it’s always a case of ‘the fewest people possible in-the-know.’
See 6. The fewer the people, the less the chance of achieving the objective.
The fewer the people the less the chance of someone spilling the beans. One person behind the fence and one getaway driver. Job done, killer gets away. Two people. Versus your 1000.
8. Why couldn’t these powerful plotters have come up with a car to get Oswald away from Dealey Plaza? What kind of dimwit sets a man up, drops him right in the s**t, then leaves him to roam around, get arrested, talk to the police, make a TV appearance etc. It’s a joke.
Oswald isn't laughing.
No answer…ok.
9. Why would Earl Warren, who worshipped the ground that Kennedy walked on, have presided over a corrupt commission? Why would he and the other Kennedy admirers (counsels, staff etc) have done so? Were not one of them decent, patriotic men? Those men that all saw military service. It’s very easy and very ‘trendy’ to sit on a forum and accuse people of being traitors to their country because the ‘all authority and all institutions are evil’ attitude is the one that’s on trend these days but to some people, especially in years passed, felt a strong duty to their country. This was less than 20 years after the end of WW2 and during the Cold War.
Orders from higher authority. The dissenting opinions were suppressed.
A convenient assumption with no evidence to back it up. An no, errors and omissions don’t justify a response of conspiracy and yet that’s what happened. It’s nothing more than a cliché.
10. And talking of the Cold War. When the biggest fear of every politician and citizen was the threat of nuclear conflict with the Soviet Union what kind of lane brain plotters would pick as their dupe a traitor? A man who had defected and offered to give away military secrets.
No he wasn't, and didn't. Both the Americans and the Russians knew he was a CIA asset, as were many others in that program.
Yes he did. And again, that’s no answer. A government trying to avoid panic and to avoid any steps toward further confrontation with Russia would hardly have chose a defector as their fall guy. But again, we are in ‘far reaching plots organised by idiots’ territory.
There was no big conspiracy. The very notion is utterly preposterous. Childish. The result of people pursuing an obsessive hobby over the years to the detriment of truth and the American people. It’s absolutely fashionable to trash the reputation of decent, patriotic men these days. I find it sad and pathetic that people seek to profit from books, documentaries and personal appearances on the strength of it.. It’s the infantilisation of the USA. Oswald alone. 100%.
The terrible "WHY WOULDs" accumulate.. No evidence, just manipulative speculation accompanied by resort to protestations of childish, sad and pathetic. Sherry Fiester's work is definitive to those who actually choose to examine her conclusions, and only those that rely on the obfuscations of lawyers will fail to appreciate that fact
The ‘why would’s’ accumulate George because they never get answered properly as your responses have just proven. And there’s another little dig on the subject of ‘lawyers.’
I don’t care about Fiester. She’s the latest in a long list of fantasists who seek to drown the obvious in a huge turgid lake numbers that Conspiracy theorists find endlessly exciting unless they don’t suit their cause.