Originally posted by GBinOz
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"When one first stands behind the picket fence, he/she is struck by a number of sensations. First, there is no clear shot at the middle lane of Elm Street [where the limousine was] until the instant of the head shot, allowing for no earlier shots or tracking of the moving target. It turns out that the intended victim is obscured by road signs and a white retaining wall about ten feet in front of the fence.
An even more compelling problem was driven home during the filming of JFK. I was fortunate to be able to stand near the camera as this scene was reenacted. With the street crowd added as it appeared on the day of the shooting, it became clear that, insofar as the first two shots are concerned, a grassy knoll shot was also obstructed by the crowd that lined the sidewalk. The assassin would thus [have] had to shoot through the white wall, the road signs, and bystanders to get to the President. If the assassin shot Kennedy in the head, he had to shoot in the first second the car emerged from behind the retaining wall, again past (or through) the heads of spectators." - Guy Russo, pro-conspiracy consultant for Oliver Stone's JFK.
If there was a headshot from the front, it would have to:
* Be fired at a laterally moving target less than 1 second after the target became visible. That's almost impossible.
* Strike at the same instant that a rear shot hit JFK's head. That is impossible to do on purpose.
* Be completely unnecessary, since the Book Depository shooter had already put a round into JFK's head.
* Not penetrate the far side of JFK's skull.
* Completely disappear, leaving no bullet fragments in JFK's brain.