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Madeleine McCann

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  • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post

    exactly-there sole focus was to exonerate the mccans-it was a joke.

    This is a fundamental misunderstanding of the investigation. The McCanns were exonerated by the Portuguese police. They have been cleared of all wrong doing. There was no need to investigate them. A robbery gone wrong. Madeleine wandering off. A paedophille. Child traffickers. These secenarios were still open for investigation. So those were the lines pursued. With the help of the Portuguese authorities.


    • Originally posted by Darryl Kenyon View Post

      That may be true . But the first thing you do in an emergency as such, is think of your loved ones, that is half the panic. She only had to pick the twins up and take these two defenceless 2 yr olds with her.
      And why not try to wake them as well, before or after she went running down the road. It seems reasonable to me that if they were so convinced Maddie had been taken and not wandered through the open patio doors you would wake them up and ask them had they seen a man etc in the room. Or had they seen Maddie get out of her bed. But no, they just left them sleeping the whole time. And speaking of sleeping the whole time didn't Kate think Maddie may have been drugged to keep her quiet before she was abducted. Well if I am a doctor I would be checking on the twins to see if there was any sign of a sleeping drug,or even if they were ok. But no, no sign of either Mcann checking on the twins at all.

      Regards Darryl

      The Tapas restaurant was 60 metres from the apartment. She was screaming as she ran in a complete full blown panic. As a father I can't even imagine the abject terror. Imagine you go to check on yout daughter and something feels wrong- the door is ajar when it should be closed. There is a draft and the door slams shut. You open the door- your daughter isnt there. The window is wide open. The curtains rustling. The other 2 kids are sound asleep. It is easy to sit behind a keyboard and say what should have been done- how someone should have acted. Quite another to face such a situation. The key is the Tapas restaurant was 10 seconds away. Not 10 mins. Maybe she should have called from the balcony but I won't judge her because I just do not know what abject fear and mortal panic would make me do.


      • Originally posted by Sunny Delight View Post

        The Tapas restaurant was 60 metres from the apartment. She was screaming as she ran in a complete full blown panic. As a father I can't even imagine the abject terror. Imagine you go to check on yout daughter and something feels wrong- the door is ajar when it should be closed. There is a draft and the door slams shut. You open the door- your daughter isnt there. The window is wide open. The curtains rustling. The other 2 kids are sound asleep. It is easy to sit behind a keyboard and say what should have been done- how someone should have acted. Quite another to face such a situation. The key is the Tapas restaurant was 10 seconds away. Not 10 mins. Maybe she should have called from the balcony but I won't judge her because I just do not know what abject fear and mortal panic would make me do.

        Actually it was 120 metres walking distance,60 in a straight line, and who said it took 10 mins to get back. Plus then she has to explain what has happened when she gets to said bar and then they have to run back to the apartment. I doubt Usain Bolt would do that in 10 secs


        • Originally posted by Sunny Delight View Post

          This is a fundamental misunderstanding of the investigation. The McCanns were exonerated by the Portuguese police. They have been cleared of all wrong doing. There was no need to investigate them. A robbery gone wrong. Madeleine wandering off. A paedophille. Child traffickers. These secenarios were still open for investigation. So those were the lines pursued. With the help of the Portuguese authorities.
          When you start with a cold case review you go back to the very beginning with a clean slate. Operation Grange didn't, it's as simple as that. If you didn't look at people who where exonerated at the time, half of the recent cold case convictions would not have happened.

          I am not the only one who thinks this about Operation Grange a lot of senior Police officers felt the same way as well. That's not to say they believe the Mcann's are guilty but they feel by not exploring every avenue and possibility it left the waters muddied.

          Regards Darryl


          • Originally posted by Sunny Delight View Post

            The Tapas restaurant was 60 metres from the apartment. She was screaming as she ran in a complete full blown panic. As a father I can't even imagine the abject terror. Imagine you go to check on yout daughter and something feels wrong- the door is ajar when it should be closed. There is a draft and the door slams shut. You open the door- your daughter isnt there. The window is wide open. The curtains rustling. The other 2 kids are sound asleep. It is easy to sit behind a keyboard and say what should have been done- how someone should have acted. Quite another to face such a situation. The key is the Tapas restaurant was 10 seconds away. Not 10 mins. Maybe she should have called from the balcony but I won't judge her because I just do not know what abject fear and mortal panic would make me do.

            Which all could've been avoided if they had hired babysitters for the night, instead of leaving three babies unsupervised as they went on the lash.


            • Originally posted by Darryl Kenyon View Post

              When you start with a cold case review you go back to the very beginning with a clean slate. Operation Grange didn't, it's as simple as that. If you didn't look at people who where exonerated at the time, half of the recent cold case convictions would not have happened.

              I am not the only one who thinks this about Operation Grange a lot of senior Police officers felt the same way as well. That's not to say they believe the Mcann's are guilty but they feel by not exploring every avenue and possibility it left the waters muddied.

              Regards Darryl
              Operation Grange did not have unlimited funds. To chase every avenue would not be feasable. The Portuguese Police- many still in situ- cleared the McCanns of all wrong doing. Why waste funds on that when other open lines of enquiry can be pursued. I keep saying it but there are three key things for me in this case:

              1) There was a paedophille sexual predator in the Algarve who was targeting and sexually assaulting young British girls in apartments or villas(2 attacks in Luz, another 4 about 20 mins outside it). This predator took huge risks sometimes with the parents still in the apartment. The ages ranged from 6-10. Access to the apartment and exit was through a window. This must be a key line of enquiry.

              2) The Smith sighting. They see a man at around 10pm carrying a young girl in pink pjamas through Luz. The child is in a deep sleep. It is only a fleeting glimpse as they reach the top of the steps leading to the street. The man is walking in the middle of the road. The street is very dark so an accurate description of the man seen in a fleeting moment is difficult. Smith a few weeks later believes it may have been Gerry McCann. 60-80% sure. That can't be as he was in the Tapas bar at this time. The real significance of this sighting is a man with a young girl matching the description of what Madeleine was wearing around the time she disappeared. A hugely significant lead and line of enquiry. This man has never been traced.

              3) The McCanns had a routine. They went to the Tapas restaurant every night. They checked the kids at the same intervals every night. Anyone watching would have noticed a discernable pattern emerge over a number of days. This gave any predator the oppurtunity to do what they wanted. However it must be remembered the Tapas 7 all did the same thing. All their children were left alone in their apartments. Did they all drug their kids too. The difference was the McCanns apartment was on the edge of the building leading to the street. Theirs was the easiest to access and escape from.

              I believe this to be a much more plausable theory than the McCanns drugged their daughter, overdosed her, conspired to cover it up, hid her body in a freezer for 25 days, hired a rental car, drove to where the body was stored, disposed of it somewhere else and returned to continue the fake search. All the while being the most recognisable couple in Portugal. Come on guys.


              • Originally posted by Harry D View Post

                Which all could've been avoided if they had hired babysitters for the night, instead of leaving three babies unsupervised as they went on the lash.

                It was totally avoidable. They are partly responsible as carers and protectors of their children they failed them. A 3 year old girl went to bed that night and has never been found. What a tragedy and totally avoidable. Won't help solve the case though will it. What the McCanns should have done will leave us no closer to discovering the truth.


                • Originally posted by Sunny Delight View Post

                  1) They were told not to cry by experts who told them any sign of emotion could well give pleasure to some sicko who may have their daughter. They were told such people take pleasure in other peoples pain and not to give them that satisfaction.

                  2) They protest too much is not evidence. At all. Period.

                  3) They left to go home because they had no faith in the Portuguese Police who seemed to be bungling the whole thing and even accusing them of killing their daughter and covering it up. They also had 2 other young kids who needed some semblence of normality. Kate apparantly did not want to leave but Gerry forced the issue. He seems a cold person really. But being cold does not mean guilty.

                  4) The Smith sighting is hugely significant. That guy has never been found. Smith believed it may have been Gerry McCann. He said he was 60-80% sure. I seem to recall you being extremely critical of George Hutchinson and his powers of recall. Smith saw a man carry a child and made a comment in his direction unanswered. He saw the guy for what- 10 seconds in a dark street. The fact he saw a man carrying a child was hugely significant. His identification of Gerry not so much.

                  5) The Police made a complete balls of the investigation from its earliest moments. They took 4 hours to arrive for a start. They were a complete disaster. Nearly everything from the window to the sofa and locked doors was easily refutable.

                  6) How do you know how you would react if your child was taken? You seem to be looking at this coldly. In a sense of panic and in a moment of abject fear realising your child iss missing sprinting to your spouse yelling they are gone is not unreasonable. Who knows how you would react. Panic and fear make us do stupid things.

                  i would never leave my children alone in an apartment or in the house alone. Crazy. Despicable even. However they have paid an awful price. People sticking the boot in is not right.
                  hi sunny

                  ) They were told not to cry by experts who told them any sign of emotion could well give pleasure to some sicko who may have their daughter. They were told such people take pleasure in other peoples pain and not to give them that satisfaction.
                  with all due respect-this is nonsense. you cant help your emotions-especially in such a tragic incident like this. and lack of emotion is indicative of guilty parties. and sociopaths-which the mccanns truly are.

                  2) They protest too much is not evidence. At all. Period.
                  its indicative of guilt of consciousness. especially when they do it constantly without even being challenged. without once expressing concern for their missing daughter. its all about them.

                  They left to go home because they had no faith in the Portuguese Police who seemed to be bungling the whole thing and even accusing them of killing their daughter and covering it up. They also had 2 other young kids who needed some semblence of normality. Kate apparantly did not want to leave but Gerry forced the issue. He seems a cold person really. But being cold does not mean guilty

                  they left because they knew they werent going to find her alive and no need to stay. no way in hell in that situation would both parents leave with a missing child and the investigation going on and any hope of finding her. at least one would stay. this is huge red flag. huge.

                  The Smith sighting is hugely significant. That guy has never been found. Smith believed it may have been Gerry McCann. He said he was 60-80% sure. I seem to recall you being extremely critical of George Hutchinson and his powers of recall. Smith saw a man carry a child and made a comment in his direction unanswered. He saw the guy for what- 10 seconds in a dark street. The fact he saw a man carrying a child was hugely significant. His identification of Gerry not so much.

                  smith said the man looked like Gerry Mccan. period. its a valid eyewitness sighting.

                  The Police made a complete balls of the investigation from its earliest moments. They took 4 hours to arrive for a start. They were a complete disaster. Nearly everything from the window to the sofa and locked doors was easily refutable.
                  here we go with the blame the police argumentum absurdum.

                  ) How do you know how you would react if your child was taken? You seem to be looking at this coldly. In a sense of panic and in a moment of abject fear realising your child iss missing sprinting to your spouse yelling they are gone is not unreasonable. Who knows how you would react. Panic and fear make us do stupid things.
                  not like the mcanns that's for god dam sure
                  "Is all that we see or seem
                  but a dream within a dream?"

                  -Edgar Allan Poe

                  "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
                  quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

                  -Frederick G. Abberline


                  • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post

                    hi sunny

                    'with all due respect-this is nonsense. you cant help your emotions-especially in such a tragic incident like this. and lack of emotion is indicative of guilty parties. and sociopaths-which the mccanns truly are.'

                    Not so. I have explained why she did not cry. She was advised not to. Now if the one thing you can do is not give the sicko who may have abducted your child any semblence of satisfaction at your pain you will do it. And anyway I mean are you seriously using this as evidence?

                    'its indicative of guilt of consciousness. especially when they do it constantly without even being challenged. without once expressing concern for their missing daughter. its all about them.'

                    Ah its all about them is it. So they accidentially killed their daughter, covered it up and all this searching and publicity is actually because they enjoy it. Its all about them. Like when have they ever mentioned their daughter except every single time they are interviewed.

                    'they left because they knew they werent going to find her alive and no need to stay. no way in hell in that situation would both parents leave with a missing child and the investigation going on and any hope of finding her. at least one would stay. this is huge red flag. huge.'

                    Again not evidence just judgement on what you believe to be the correct moral action.

                    'smith said the man looked like Gerry Mccan. period. its a valid eyewitness sighting.'

                    He said he was 60-80% sure. And yet Gerry McCann at 10pm was sitting in the Tapas restaurant. Confirmed by those who worked there. So Smith was wrong. The fact he saw a man carrying a young girl wearing what Madeleine was supposed to be wearing however is hugely significant.

                    'here we go with the blame the police argumentum absurdum.'

                    Are you familiar with the Joana Cipriano case. An 8 year old girl who disappeared in Portimao in 2004. I suggest looking it up for some disturbing comparisons with the McCann case. Who was one of these officers involved? You guessed it. Our very own Goncalo Amarel.

                    'not like the mcanns that's for god dam sure'
                    Lets hope none of us are ever in the situation were we find out. Where is your empathy?


                    • Abby would you admit that the proof there was a sexual predator operating in the Algarve area targeting young British girls who were on holiday and in apartments or villas- that entry was gained through a window, that 2 cases were in Luz and 28 overall in the general area is highly significant. I mean like hugely so. A person who took huge risks as the parents were sometimes in the next room sleeping. The risk involved in taking Madeleine McCann would not have been as great initially. This would be my major line of enquiry. This could be the key to the whole case.


                      • Originally posted by Sunny Delight View Post

                        Thanks for the apology. I won't respond to the totally unprovable allegations you have made in regards the parents conduct towards their children. It has not be proven either that Madeleine said why did you not come to us when we were crying the previous night. That is a tabloid rumour and idle speculation. It was proven much to the Portuguese Police fury that you could in fact open the window from the outside. Not much but you could. But why would you if you know the door is open? The answer is- an escape route or exit route. It was opened from the inside by the intruder incase he was happened upon or used it to exit. The story about the locks is not unusual. Faced with Police questioning and fear of being accused of neglect initially Gerry claims the door was locked. As it becomes apparant Madeleine is nowhere to be found he tells the truth. They are awful parents- they left the patio door unlocked so anyone could walk in off the street. You have your mind made up on the parents though so fair enough. I am convinced it was abduction by a sexual predator.

                        As I have stated there was a spate of offences committed by a sexual offender on young girls in the area for a few years previous- normally British and normally in an apartment. Entry was usually through a window. Exit the same way. Usually the parents were even in the apartment so this was someone used to taking extremely high risks. Someone who was probably compulsive. Did he go one step further that night and abduct? Maybe even on a spur of the moment. Compulsed to do it. Escalating his activities? He is seen by the Smiths carrying Madeleine to whatever location. That time of year in Luz was very quiet according to the Smiths who holidayed regularly there. I believe this was someone local who knew the area and who had a history of sexual tendancies towards young girls. The fact a predator was operating in the vicinity of the crime is hugely significant don't you agree? At least a significant line of enquiry? That the Portuguese Police did not follow up on thoroughly. They were a disgrace Abby. An absolute disgrace. Slow reaction times- didn't attend the scene for 4 hours, failed to preserve the crime scene, were not equipped to deal with what was happening. The PJ who took over the case(equivalent of the FBI) and Amarel were no better. Maybe even worse. Beyond incompetent.
                        hi sunny
                        I won't respond to the totally unprovable allegations you have made in regards the parents conduct towards their children. It has not be proven either that Madeleine said why did you not come to us when we were crying the previous night.
                        what are you talking about? its recorded kate saying this on TV for gods sake.
                        It was proven much to the Portuguese Police fury that you could in fact open the window from the outside. Not much but you could. But why would you if you know the door is open? The answer is- an escape route or exit route

                        the window in the room is situated that the killer would have to walk past Maddie (and the twins) to open it. so the abductor comes in an open door (two of which there are so he knows he already has two avenues for escape) walks past his target to screw around with a window he has no need for, and take the extra time and noise to do it,then goes and scoops up Maddie and leaves through the door anyway. yeah right.

                        The story about the locks is not unusual. Faced with Police questioning and fear of being accused of neglect initially Gerry claims the door was locked. As it becomes apparant Madeleine is nowhere to be found he tells the truth.
                        theres so much wrong with this statement I don't even know where to start. so fear of being accused of neglect (rightfully so) hes going to lie to police, therefor obstructing justice, impeding an investigation, screw up the polices ability(those bungling key stone cops you disparage at every chance by the way) to help find his daughter. oh yeah totally acceptable. good grief sunny. Hes lying-changing his stoy. INDICATIVE of guilt. pure and simple.

                        As I have stated there was a spate of offences committed by a sexual offender on young girls in the area for a few years previous- normally British and normally in an apartment. Entry was usually through a window. Exit the same way. Usually the parents were even in the apartment so this was someone used to taking extremely high risks. Someone who was probably compulsive. Did he go one step further that night and abduct? Maybe even on a spur of the moment. Compulsed to do it. Escalating his activities? He is seen by the Smiths carrying Madeleine to whatever location. That time of year in Luz was very quiet according to the Smiths who holidayed regularly there. I believe this was someone local who knew the area and who had a history of sexual tendancies towards young girls. The fact a predator was operating in the vicinity of the crime is hugely significant don't you agree?
                        nope not really. whenever these cases come up theres always these losers about. you could pick any town in the world and find some recent evidence of burgleries, sexual predators,etc. unfortunateyl these cretins are everywhere and they usually have nothing to do with the specific case.

                        "Is all that we see or seem
                        but a dream within a dream?"

                        -Edgar Allan Poe

                        "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
                        quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

                        -Frederick G. Abberline


                        • Originally posted by Sunny Delight View Post

                          Lets hope none of us are ever in the situation were we find out. Where is your empathy?
                          are you ******* serious? where your sympathy, empathy, compassion for the little girl whos dead or living a life of torture due to her parents? wheres your sense of justice?
                          at the very least. THE VERY LEAST-the mccans are sociopathic selfcentered losers, guilty of child neglect whos actions led DIRECTLY to there childs abduction.

                          I don't give a flying rats ass about them. wheres my empathy? its with the poor child of course.
                          where the hell is yours?!?
                          "Is all that we see or seem
                          but a dream within a dream?"

                          -Edgar Allan Poe

                          "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
                          quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

                          -Frederick G. Abberline


                          • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post

                            are you ******* serious? where your sympathy, empathy, compassion for the little girl whos dead or living a life of torture due to her parents? wheres your sense of justice?
                            at the very least. THE VERY LEAST-the mccans are sociopathic selfcentered losers, guilty of child neglect whos actions led DIRECTLY to there childs abduction.

                            I don't give a flying rats ass about them. wheres my empathy? its with the poor child of course.
                            where the hell is yours?!?

                            Empathy is different to sympathy. I have untold sympathy for Madeleine McCann. I have empathy for her parents who have lost their child and she has never been found.


                            • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post

                              hi sunny

                              what are you talking about? its recorded kate saying this on TV for gods sake.

                              the window in the room is situated that the killer would have to walk past Maddie (and the twins) to open it. so the abductor comes in an open door (two of which there are so he knows he already has two avenues for escape) walks past his target to screw around with a window he has no need for, and take the extra time and noise to do it,then goes and scoops up Maddie and leaves through the door anyway. yeah right.

                              theres so much wrong with this statement I don't even know where to start. so fear of being accused of neglect (rightfully so) hes going to lie to police, therefor obstructing justice, impeding an investigation, screw up the polices ability(those bungling key stone cops you disparage at every chance by the way) to help find his daughter. oh yeah totally acceptable. good grief sunny. Hes lying-changing his stoy. INDICATIVE of guilt. pure and simple.

                              nope not really. whenever these cases come up theres always these losers about. you could pick any town in the world and find some recent evidence of burgleries, sexual predators,etc. unfortunateyl these cretins are everywhere and they usually have nothing to do with the specific case.

                              So the 28 cases of breaking into apartments and either assaulting, attempting to assault and in one case attempting to abduct children/a child(the child the attempted abduction took place on was a 3 year old girl) all in an area 30 miles in and around Praia da Luz and 3 in Luz itself is not really significant. It just that there was a loser operating in the general area and he was probably innocent. But the consultant and doctor on holiday with their children are guilty because- they didn't cry which means they are sociopaths, they went home too early for you and that screams guilt as they didn't act how you feel that should. They hid their childs body for 25 days then hired a car and disposed of it somewhere else. Right. But the proven sicko operating locally probably had nothing to do with it. Hmmm.


                              • There is no evidence that the window shutters were tampered with, Kate McCann lied about that and later said the abductor cane through the unlocked door. Again why would you leave your children alone with an unlocked door, the door was locked, but by saying so you can claim the abductor came through it. Jane Tanner 's evidence gives McCann an alibi as she stated she saw an man carrying a child while Gerry was talking to another man in the very narrow street. Gerry did not see this man, which would have been impossible to miss had he existed.

                                There is no physical evidence that points to an abductor, but plenty of evidence that points to an accident in the room, blood and cadaver scents and dna. The McCanns have attempted to control the narrative rejecting any evidence that does not agree with their version of events, It is inconceivable that Scotland Yard had already made up their minds that she was abducted and told not to investigate the McCanns so ignored evidence that did not fit the narrative,breaking all the rules of cold case review, The 'mythical' abductor is never going to be found. The McCanns have powerful friends

                                Miss Marple

