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When Flying Saucers Attack!

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  • Happy New Year Mike, Stan, Celeste, Eduardo, and everyone else. May 2009 make up to us all for the massive disasters (financial or otherwise) that hit us in 2008.

    Oh, Celeste - I did acquire a document three weeks back. Van Johnson had just died, and I came across an interesting letter he set to a friend, including a "Happy Face" illustration he drew that I found somewhat unexpected.

    Hope to get more good stuff later this year.



    • Happy New Year ladies and gents. Hope all is well and everyone is looking forward to a positive, healthy, New Year!!

      I nipped out to get some shopping yesterday and spotted "Monster" by Allan Hall, which is a book about the Fritzl family and the horrendous crimes of Josef, and the imprisonment of his daughter Elisabeth. It is both gripping, moving, and emotional, and not for those easily shocked, but nevertheless, a great read and thoroughly recommended. I started it yesterday and I am halfway through.

      In other news, a local Dr got in touch about a stretch of deserted railway we investigated some months ago. On the 23rd of this month he and his family saw a dark mass gliding along the path where we encountered several anomalies. I now have a full set of notes about his encounter which need reading so watch this space!!

      All the best gang.
      Regards Mike


      • Hi Mike and Stan,

        I have of late been on the Facebook and been looking at who is included and who is not. One of the threads is for McGill University - and there is a list of all the celebrities that attended McGill. Guess whose picture is up? Creamingians will be overjoyed.



        • Had terrible stomach cramps and "D and V" for the past couple of days. Just been chilling out, watching DVD's and reading.
          Regards Mike


          • I hope you're better now, Mike.

            A lonely stretch of railway can be as creepy as a haunted-looking old house.
            "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



            • Hi all,

              Did anyone else see the recent UFO Hunters program about Professor James McDonald's UFO files at the University of Arizona? There was some interesting stuff there.
              This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

              Stan Reid


              • Hi Mike

                In other news, a local Dr got in touch about a stretch of deserted railway we investigated some months ago. On the 23rd of this month he and his family saw a dark mass gliding along the path where we encountered several anomalies. I now have a full set of notes about his encounter which need reading so watch this space!!
                I was looking forward to seeing 'The Signalman' over the holiday, but for some no known reason it was cancelled. That short film, based on the Charles Dickens story, I find very creepy indeed. It reminds me of a night about 35 years ago when, courtesy of a balls-up by German Railways, I found myself at a deserted station in Wanne-Eickel at about 2.00am, and I was never so sh*t-scared in my life!!!

                I look forward to further news of your story, and hope you get over your bad tum - which we've all had this year and I sympathise with you.


                We are suffering from a plethora of surmise, conjecture and hypothesis. - Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure Of Silver Blaze


                • I see that there's a Loch Ness Monster movie planned for a 2012 release.
                  This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                  Stan Reid


                  • Hi Guys, Bad tum gone, just need to shake this sore throat!!

                    The "Untitled Loch Ness Monster" project is making me foam at the mouth, just hope they don't turn it into another gore fest!! It would be nice to see a film about a mans addiction to hunting Nessie, but execs want blood, gore, and cgi plesisaurs spinning about all over!!

                    On Railway ghosts, I have several books and was told a story some years ago by a good friend.

                    It was late and he had been given his slip to allow him home for Christmas, so he left the base and walked to the local railway station. He got a train to the connecting station, but realised that there was no other train until early next morning, so having his kit, he camped under one of the railway shelters and awaited morning.

                    At about 3.30 in the morning he heard the rattle of a steam engine and noticed the lights approaching down the track. The engine stopped and the signal man got out of the cab, so my friend enquired as to it's destination. He told my friend he only went so far, but this was good enough as the hile would take only an hour or so across open country. The signal man told him that there where only three carriages and all full of fish, but again, my friend was quite happy to sit in the relative warmth of the carriage.

                    Finally arriving at his destination the signal man told my friend that "We cannot go any further" so my friend thanked the man, and bid him farewell. He thought it was a little weird when the train pulled away, travelling further along the track before vanishing into the icy night.

                    Arriving home in the early hours, his family where happy to see him, and laughed about him smelling of fish and smoke!

                    Some days later, near the station, my friend popped in to thank the staff, and sent a bottle of the finest wisky for the signal man, but was told that no steam train had used the tracks for years, and the singal engine with three fish coaches was destroyed during WW2!

                    The story was releated some years ago, and details where sketchy at best, but he was adamant it happened, and quite thankful that it did.
                    Regards Mike


                    • Glad you're feeling better Mike. Our weather and flooding have moderated but now we're getting ready for the gubernatorial putsch.
                      This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                      Stan Reid


                      • Hello Gang,

                        Back to the old non-holiday grind. I'm glad to see things are looking up for some. Mike's better, Stan's still above water, and Jeff is happily rescuing documents. I hope the rest of us are doing well.

                        Jeff, I used to have a big crush on Van Johnson, good old red head. Of course I didn't know how old he already was when I saw his movies on TV! I was just a kid. Congrats on the nice find. Who's Eduardo?

                        Stan, You guys up in Illinois are not alone. We have a dingbat for gov, too, as the Wall Street Journal this morning bears out. Sonny Perdue and his Go Fish project. He's cut the veterans and other programs to fund a fishing attraction on a lake that is drought struck. You can find it online.

                        Mike, That's an amazing story about the train. My aunt has a story about a train spook, also. I'll see if I can find her letter and get the details. It was pretty creepy. Glad to hear you're feeling better.
                        "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



                        • Cel-You have a way to go to catch up with us. Our current governor, who's a Democrat, has been arrested and is about to be impeached. Our last governor, who was a Republican, is now in prison.
                          This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                          Stan Reid


                          • Stan,

                            So that's why so many of you folks from the Land of Lincoln voted Libertarian! Joking, joking...

                            Actually, there have been some rumblings here, among some, about impeaching Chicken Man aka Sonny Perdue. He's a Republican, so it will never happen here. There have been some shady land deals in our sun fried southern neighbor state, but of course he wiggled out of it.

                            Yeah, you guys have had a bad run on the governor's office, haven't you? But at least you didn't have Zell Miller! Barf!!!
                            "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



                            • Cel-Did you get that gun for Christmas?
                              This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                              Stan Reid


                              • Hey Stan,

                                We're going to take lessons at a firing range, where you can try a number of different handguns. Then we'll pick the one that's right for us. There are two very long classes that are offered and then, of course, we can go regularly on our own. Frankly, with so many nutcases in the world, I'll feel better taking these lessons and having a gun on hand, for self-defense, just in case.

                                The tragedy which occurred over Christmas, when that s.o.b. shot that little girl in the face, and killed the whole family, has strengthened my resolve to follow through with this.

                                The more comfortable with a gun the better, I guess, so that there is less to worry about in a confrontation. God forbid that should occur.

                                I haven't seen what happened with the appointee for Obama's Senate seat this morning, but I'm sure it will be shown ad nauseum on CNN.

                                I don't know if I saw the UFO program you mentioned or not. I know I saw one right before Christmas. Seems like ages ago now.
                                "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.


