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When Flying Saucers Attack!

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  • Originally posted by sdreid View Post
    Wednesday evening on UFO Hunters, it's First Contact about the UFO that crashed in 1897 at Aurora, Texas. That was the first case I mentioned when I started the original "When Flying Saucers Attack!!" thread back in the old precrash days - thousands of posts lost forever now. It was mostly just Jeff B. and me back then.
    Hey Stan,

    I can't remember if they covered that case and this is a rerun. If it is I obviously didn't see it. There was something about it the other night. Apparently some of the debris was chucked down a well? Seems strange they would do that. Maybe there'll be an explanation for it.

    Hope you're not freezing up there, Stan. It's pretty cold right now, down here.


    "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



    • Hi Cel,

      It was 20 degrees F here this morning but no snow so no problem.

      That program is new it says. The case was covered before on UFO Files I believe but not UFO Hunters.
      This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

      Stan Reid


      • Gotcha. I didn't think UFO Hunters had done that.

        It's supposed to get down in the 20's here, too. Tonight, or tomorrow. Got a nice crock pot full of chili going. Smells heavenly.

        I think they should lower a camera down that well where the debris from the UFO crash was supposed to have been dumped.
        "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



        • Yes but if I'm remembering correctly, that well was sort of off limits.

          I think they tried to dig up the buried alien but I don't guess they found much.
          This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

          Stan Reid


          • A whole range of Forteana on display in the latest issue of Fortean Times this month, from Yeti, Bighfoot, Nessie, to Yoda the four eared cat,
            When Valerie and Ted Rock came across a kitten with four-ears, they couldn't believe their eyes. But they just had to adopt the freaky feline.

            There is a fascinating piece on pre-Incan Mummies, and ancient air ship scares, so I will be off now!!
            Regards Mike


            • I can't believe they actually lowered the guy into that well!!! Here snakey, snakey, snakey...

              Stan, did you notice that the son was very careful about how he responded to the questions they asked him about his dad? Can't say I blame him either.

              It was interesting but I don't know if they proved much. The aluminum might have been part of the windmill maybe?


              "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



              • Hi Cel,

                It was interesting like you said without much new proof one way or the other.

                I wanted them to x-ray that tree.

                The son seemed to be careful about everything he said.

                The snake wasn't too grateful that the guy probably saved his life.
                This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                Stan Reid


                • Anyone watching George Noory's show on Sci-Fi? I believe it is live 4 nights a week. They were discussing ghosts tonight.
                  This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                  Stan Reid


                  • I will be taking part in a massive paranormal investigation on Tuesday with members from 4 groups meeting to investigate two locations on the same block.

                    I have been at the local studies library, local archives, and local heritage centre to gather information on the two locations and will be typing it up this weekend. Local press have also shown an interest!

                    Tomorrow, I will be meeting with several publishers to present sample chapters of my work. I have prepared a sample chapter from each book, and will also be working on a mini bio to accompany the work.

                    Fingers crossed!
                    Regards Mike


                    • Hi all,

                      I finally signed up for Wikipedia. I have taken the time to do these articles:

                      Herbert Rowse Armstrong
                      Milsom and Fowler [the Muswell Hill Murder of 1896]
                      Vannie Higgins
                      Andrew James Peters [the last two dealing with Starr Faithful]
                      Mary Pearcey [I added a comment dealing with the "Jill the Ripper" argurment - quoting F. Tennyson Jesse.]
                      Frederick Porter Wensley

                      Many people are involved in writing these articles, but I've addes somthing to all of them, and did the most on Armstrong, and on Milsom and Fowler.

                      Best wishes,



                      • There's a UFOs Over Earth double feature on Discovery tonight, now and repeated later. This program is a lot like UFO Hunters.
                        This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                        Stan Reid


                        • Hi Stan, I think I saw part of that today on Discovery. I was busy doing Thanksgiving preps---allll day---and kept losing track of what was happening. What I saw was about alien abductions mostly.

                          Happy Thanksgiving to you and the family.

                          Best, Cel
                          "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



                          • On UFO Hunters right now it's Roswell. The program will be repeated in a few hours.
                            This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                            Stan Reid


                            • I purchased a book which may be of interest to you all,

                              The Disappeared by Ian Crofton is a look at the strange vanishing acts across the years including,
                              Jimmy Hoffa, Lord Lucan, Lionel "Buster" Crabb, Amy Johnson, Amelia Earhart, Mallory and Irvine, Glen Miller, and many many more.

                              The book is well illustrated throughout, with newspaper articles and 35 cases to sink your teeth into!

                              I also got a copy of The Patristic Gospels, as I have been reading mine off a disk, which was a downloaded version. It is great to finally hold it in my hands, but my wife was baffled why I was so bothered about a "God Book"!!
                              Regards Mike


                              • Hi Mike,

                                The disappearance book sounds interesting although they did find Mallory a few years back. Irvine is still missing. I like to think that maybe they made it. Their story would make a dynamite movie. I wonder why one hasn't been made.

                                Short sentences today
                                This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                                Stan Reid

