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When Flying Saucers Attack!

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  • Originally posted by Celesta View Post
    Stan, I saw those two shows advertised back to back yesterday and had to laugh. I knew I'd see something posted about it today. Looks like they're out to get you guys.
    It must have something to do with our Senator running for President.

    Hope you're feeling better Mike.
    This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

    Stan Reid


    • Yeah, Stan, I was thinking that, too.
      "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



      • Feeling a bit better today but the last 30 hours have been a nightmare, I was even struggling to keep water down!

        We have an investigation planned from 19.00 to 22.00 at one location, then at 22.00 we are to travel to another location to another investigation.

        On Thursday I am giving a local history and paranormal talk to a group of homeless guys at a homeless shelter across town. It has taken a lot of research but it will be worth it.

        On Friday I will be giving a local history and paranormal talk at a community centre, then we will be conducting an investigation there.

        After there we have another location booked for an all night halloween investigation!
        Regards Mike


        • They only found this Yeti print about four days ago.

          Mike seriously you must come to Canberra it is supposed to be the most haunted place in Australia!

          Tour Overview:

          This is the history they don’t put in the guide books, this is a tour that shines a spotlight into the hidden underbelly of the nation’s capital. A unique, three hour experience visiting sites of crimes, hauntings and murder in Australia's national capital. Visit the darker side of Canberra's past. Hear tales of:

          * The Canberra funeral parlour that was once a hot bed of espionage activity.
          * A poltergeist that regularly wreaks havoc in the War Memorial.
          * Which Canberra church used to be a train station at Sydney’s Rookwood Necropolis (City of the Dead)?
          * An Australian Prime Minister who haunts a popular Canberra hotel.
          * Why some security guards refuse to work at Old Parliament House.
          * The truth behind tunnels linking the Lodge and Parliament House.
          * A $10,000 piece of art buried deep beneath Commonwealth Park.
          * The diplomat who was turned into a pin cushion by blood thirsty murderers.
          * The hidden cave in Canberra’s CBD.
          * Missing coffins in Lake Burley Griffin.
          * The embassy plagued by screams from the past.
          * An old homestead that makes people’s noses bleed.
          * The hidden treasure yet to be discovered in Yarralumla.
          * Light supper (tea, coffee, hot chocolate and cake slices) in one of Canberra’s most haunted buildings.
          * A visit to the very spooky Air Disaster Memorial.
          * Plus much much more...

          Transport is by Mini Bus and therefore suitable for large groups such as schools, work and social clubs etc.

          * Minimum 15 persons required, maximum 19
          * Price is $64 a head, includes light refreshments
          * Departs 7pm (8pm during daylight savings) from Mobil Service Station, cnr Mort St and Cooyong St Braddon
          * Duration approximately 3 hours
          * Special Offer: Sell all 19 seats, pay with one payment and the organiser travels for free!
          * Consumption of alcohol in our vehicles is not permitted and intoxicated or persons adversely affected by alcohol or drugs will not be permitted on the tour
          * See the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) here
          * Wearing of fancy dress or just plain black is encouraged!

          This tour can also be done on your own bus, please enquire for cost.
          Tim also caters for the conference market, and can do half or full day scenic tours or themed tours, etc for your group.

          To register your interest for Tim's next round of Haunted Heritage Tours of Old Parliament House, email

          The Whole Site

          Last edited by belinda; 10-28-2008, 05:22 PM.


          • Wow sounds like a fascinating place. I still do not permission to travel on medical grounds, but if I could, I would. We have friends and family living in Oz, and it is a place I have always wanted to visit, due to it's natural beauty and links to the ripper case.

            I have not seen this latest Yeti print, I will look on the net for it.
            Regards Mike


            • Haunted Canberra sounds fantastic Belinda and I only live 90 mins north of you. The people of Picton (no, I don't live there) may disagree with you as they like to claim the title of Australia's most haunted town.


              • Hi Gang,

                Did everyone have a decent Halloween? Ours went surprisingly well.
                "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



                • The night before Halloween I gave a lecture at a homeless shelter in West Hull, it went really well, and Susan and I really enjoyed the warm hospitality of our hosts. What was nice, is that thay had tried, unsuccsefully to gain information on the building which they occupy. I found the full history, and I typed it up, and presented it to them at the end of the talk.

                  There are several local libraries close by, so I hope that little bit of history, will motivate people to look a little deeper!

                  On Halloween, we were supposed to speak at a local community centre, but no one conformed this, so the wife and I had a quite night in. We had over 12 groups come to the door, and each one was met by myself wearing the full Michael Myers costume from the hit movie "Halloween". Suprisingly, only a few people were scared, mostly teenage girls who ran of screaming, "Stay away, I don't like you" but the younger children loved it!! We went through three big bowls of candy, but everyone was safe and had fun!!

                  Tonight we have discussed taking the children to the local park as there is a spooky funfair, and other dark festivities, sadly, the rain has turned the field into a mud bath!! So it is looking unlikely.
                  Regards Mike


                  • We had lots of little ones this time. That's nice. They were too young to know the line "Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat." Every one of them thought it was hilarious that when they said "Trick or treat!" my husband responded "Smell my feet!"

                    My husband has just finished re-installing our camera over the front deck and he has also built a speaker system, so we could see and hear anyone approaching the front door and simultaneously play a cassette tape with creepy noises. You wouldn't believe how many kids looked wide-eyed at the speaker, with the eerie sounds coming out, and asked me "What's that?" Some of them didn't even get it that I was joking about the torture chamber.
                    "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



                    • It goes to show the American influence that 5 years ago, children would wish you a "Happy Halloween", now it's "Trick or Treat".

                      There was one group of young teenage lads, usually they can be quite cheeky, but when I walked out in my Michael Myers suit, I just heard them fall silent and gasp! They were really nice, and wished me both "Happy Halloween, and in case we don't see you - Merry Christmas" which made me chuckle!!

                      There was also a group of little girls, with their mums all dressed as witches! They all looked really smart, and it is nice to hear them laughing. Until they knock, and the screams kick in!!
                      Regards Mike


                      • My youngest son was being married the next day so I was a little too busy to participate in Halloween this year.
                        This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                        Stan Reid


                        • Mike,

                          You're shameless!

                          That's hilarious, BTW.

                          Actually, to give them credit, a number of them did wish us a Happy Halloween this year. If they don't say trick-or-treat or something like Happy Halloween, then I tell them they are going to have to say 'the magic words' because I don't just hand out candy. If they don't get into the spirit, they get zippity-do-dah from me. I always get my way on this.


                          Congrats on your son's wedding.
                          "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



                          • Thanks Cel - two down and one to go
                            This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                            Stan Reid


                            • Sunday was awful, I had taken the family to our friends, whose little girl was celebrating her 1st birthday, but after a couple of hours I got really ill.
                              Rather than ruin it for everyone, I slid out of the back door, and told the wife I was heading home. She would bring the kids home later.
                              But as I was walking home I began to vomit, then the rain started, it was huge blobs of rain, and I was soaked.
                              I tried hugging the buildings and tree's to avoid the main downpour, but I got soaked.
                              When I arrived home, I stripped off, jumped in the shower, then went to bed. I slept from 4 until about 8 last night, but even when I woke up, I felt awful!

                              Feel better today, but for how long, who knows!

                              Congrats on your son's wedding Stan.

                              New series of Most Haunted starts in the UK soon, and there is another several part tv show about getting into the minds of dead serial killers!!
                              It's on Living TV in the UK, I will try and get a title and air date.
                              Regards Mike


                              • Conversations With A Serial Killer, starts Tuesday, 4th November at 10pm.

                                Conversations With A Serial Killer, traces the lives of some of the most fascinating serial killers of our time through a blend of documentary, archive material, eye-witness accounts and, putting the unique LIVING twist on the crime genre, also paranormal investigation. This show is a must for Most Haunted fans or anyone with an interest in true crime stories and serial killers.

                                The series hopes to open up a spiritual dialogue with deceased infamous murderers who have terrified and fascinated people for years, as well as documenting their lives and investigating the influences upon their earthly existences.

                                Each episode will feature British investigative journalist Julie MacDonald and American psychic medium and ex cop, Bobby Marchesso. They will look into the lives of one infamous serial killer per episode, tracing their lives and attempting to spiritually communicate with these tortured souls, perhaps haunting the locations they frequented when they were alive. Julie and Bobby will track the lives of serial killers Ted Bundy, Aileen Wurnos, Albert DeSalvo (The Boston Strangler), John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Richard Trenton Chase, Belle Gunness and Charles Starkweather, visiting the locations where these renowned serial killers lived, worked and preyed on their victims.

                                The journey across America offers compelling, yet terrifying, insight into the most complicated killers in history, accessing those who knew them, feared them and caught them. Exposing the dark side of America the team searches for the spirits of these horrific butchers, whose names still haunt the world and have become synonymous with their crimes. There will also be first-hand accounts from surviving victims, psychologists, school teachers, criminologists and psychologists to help understand what made these killers tick.

                                This is a fascinating series that will have you spooked from beginning to end.

                                Conversations With A Serial Killer: Ted Bundy, starts Tuesday, 4th November at 10pm.
                                Regards Mike

