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When Flying Saucers Attack!

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  • Thanks guys, it appears the condition has has got worse since my last checkup, the cardiologist was shocked that i had not undergone any tests between appointments!
    I had an ECG were they traced the "Bizarre Beats" and the cardiologist also listened with his stethoscope and heard it on several occassions.

    I have to undergo a 24 hour ECG, a heart scan and some more blood tests are planned, he advised another 4 months off work!!

    I fear the Hull Letter is gone, luckily the Hull News carried a transcript and description but i would still love to see it.

    The Colour of Magic should be shown over Easter Weekend so will probably available after that date.
    Regards Mike


    • Originally posted by Mike Covell View Post
      Thanks guys, it appears the condition has has got worse since my last checkup, the cardiologist was shocked that i had not undergone any tests between appointments!
      I had an ECG were they traced the "Bizarre Beats" and the cardiologist also listened with his stethoscope and heard it on several occassions.

      I have to undergo a 24 hour ECG, a heart scan and some more blood tests are planned, he advised another 4 months off work!!

      I fear the Hull Letter is gone, luckily the Hull News carried a transcript and description but i would still love to see it.

      The Colour of Magic should be shown over Easter Weekend so will probably available after that date.

      Mike, I am sorry. This is discouraging, I know. Hang in there, okay? Can you find some time for meditation and relaxing techniques to help with your stress? You are going on my prayer list, you and your family, two- and four- legged.

      Why didn't the cardio guy instruct you to get the tests?

      Please take care.
      "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



      • Thank you celesta,

        I engage myself in writing and have a few articles on the way, this helps me relax and gives me satisfaction.

        The proffessor who saw me in september was pretty lame, he was the guy who asked me, what I think we should do!!!

        This brings the tally up to,

        4 Doctors,
        3 Cardiologists,
        2 Proffessors,
        and a medical board from D.W.P!!
        and that is not counting the wonderful doctors and nurses who dealt with me whilst i was admitted into hospital!!

        I am having a quite day with the kids today, my son is watching tv, and my daughter is ready for her nap, Spot the hamster is asleep, until bed time when he will make endless noise in his cage!!
        Regards Mike


        • Is it possible to maybe go to another city to check on this, Mike? I keep thinking of Mother and what happened with her, so I know these guys are not infallible. Is this hereditary? Sorry to pry, but it troubles me. You are too young for this. I know you are doing the best you know to do.
          "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



          • I have had so many second opinions I am losing the plot, of who said what.

            I have a lot of faith in my doctors and they assured me it would not kill me, if things do get worse the emergency services get here within 5 minutes, my parents are four doors away, and all the neighbours know me and my situation.

            I have a special pass that allows me to byepass accident and emergency and go strait to the Acute Assesment Unit, were we are all on first name terms.

            Insurance is taken care of, and my mother has a disk with all my funeral plans.
            Regards Mike


            • Originally posted by Mike Covell View Post
              I have had so many second opinions I am losing the plot, of who said what.

              I have a lot of faith in my doctors and they assured me it would not kill me, if things do get worse the emergency services get here within 5 minutes, my parents are four doors away, and all the neighbours know me and my situation.

              I have a special pass that allows me to byepass accident and emergency and go strait to the Acute Assesment Unit, were we are all on first name terms.

              Insurance is taken care of, and my mother has a disk with all my funeral plans.

              Oh, God, did you have to put that last line in there?
              Last edited by Celesta; 03-17-2008, 06:46 PM.
              "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



              • Just have to make sure my family is taken care of, and looked after.
                It is of course the last resort, there is plenty of fight in this young pup yet!!
                Regards Mike


                • Did I post the IMDB link to Colour of Magic??

                  Here it is anyway,

                  Premiers on Sky 1 on March 23rd/2008.
                  Regards Mike


                  • Hi Stan,

                    I don't know if you confused Stoner with another young killer - Alexander Mason, who in 1923 murdered (or may have murdered) a taxi driver in Brixton. It was one of those big cases that somehow get forgotten. The only witness against Mason turned out to be the only other logical suspect.
                    He was acquitted, but due to a robbery in the crime that was provable he ended up in prison. In 1939 he joined the navy, and he was killed in action during the war.

                    Not all war experiences change these characters for the better. Donald Merritt was involved in naval activities in the Mediterranean, rising to the rank of Commander. He used his small boat for his work. It is, however, clear that Merritt used the overall espionage and war work to cover some clever bits of smuggling and war profiteering.

                    Best wishes,



                    • Charles DeLint. Anyone a fan of this author?
                      "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



                      • Hi Jeff,

                        That case could be it or I might have been thinking of witness Alan Close (Wallace) or "murder suspect" John Duff (Croydon) who believe were both killed in the war.

                        At any rate, I did finally get Rip#87 thanks to Eduardo so I did get the read the well done obituary you wrote for Goodman.
                        This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                        Stan Reid


                        • Originally posted by Celesta View Post
                          Charles DeLint. Anyone a fan of this author?

                          Okay, if not DeLint, how about Neil Gaiman?
                          "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



                          • Hi Celesta,

                            Since I don't read fiction, you hear the sound of one hand clapping from me.

                            On a sad note, I just heard that Arthur C. Clarke died.
                            This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                            Stan Reid


                            • Originally posted by sdreid View Post
                              Hi Jeff,

                              That case could be it or I might have been thinking of witness Alan Close (Wallace) or "murder suspect" John Duff (Croydon) who believe were both killed in the war.

                              At any rate, I did finally get Rip#87 thanks to Eduardo so I did get the read the well done obituary you wrote for Goodman.
                              Hi Stan,

                              Thanks for the kind comment about the obituary on Jon. I'm afraid it did not get as much commentary when the issue came out due to the photograph of Lawende getting so much attention. Oddly enough parts of it were cut referring to the death (the same week as Jonathan Goodman) of a family friend, Lee Gordon. Lee had been suffering from Altzheimer's for eight years, and was finally carried off by pneumonia. Jon knew Lee and his wife Babette Gordon through my family, and had chaparoned them around London on a visit back about 1995. But the section dealing with Jon and the Gordons was cut by the editor. Ironically enough, Babette Gordon had weakened herself in her worrying about her ailing husband. She died suddenly about six weeks after Jon and Lee. I ended up writing an obituary notice about her and Lee in my Synagogue's newsletter. And (this will follow me forever I suppose) it too was edited down.

                              Another portion of the obituary dealt with Jon and me going to see my former boss from my high school's library, Mr. Bernard Titowsky. Mr. Titowsky was now (this was in 1991 - he died in 1993) the owner of a bookstore that had a fine selection of used books (many on criminal history). If you read Jon's book TRACKS TO MURDER (his travelog murder book about criss-crossing America to California, stopping off to look at the sites of various famous cases - I reviewed the book a few years ago), Jon described the visit to Mr. Titowsky who was connected to an infamous case. His bookstore, the Austin Book Shop, was originally on Austin Street in Queens. It was on the stoop of his front door there that Kitty Genovese was stabbed to death in 1965, while dozens of people in that area heard her screams for help but did nothing. Jon's account told most of what Titowsky told him about what the situations really was about, but left out one aspect to it that my obituary filled in.

                              I heard of the death of Clarke in Sri Lanka (where he lived). I have to admit that while I saw 2001: A SPACE ODESSEY, I never read that or any of his books. As a result I never wrote to him. But when I was at college I did hear a lecture by Anthony Burgess (author of A CLOCKWORK ORANGE) and spoke to him afterwards. Burgess was discussing his latest novel, THE NAPOLEON SYMPHONY.

                              Best wishes,



                              • Hi Jeff,

                                Yes, Clarke had a good "real" mystery TV show too but I've forgotten what its name was.

                                I also heard today that someone was arrested or something of the sort for trying to sell Alistair Cooke's body.

                                The Genovese case was a sensation. An OK movie, Death Scream, was based on it. Winston Mosley claims he's innocent now and wants out.
                                This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                                Stan Reid

