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When Flying Saucers Attack!

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  • Originally posted by Celesta View Post
    We still haven't made a move on the shooting business. I'll have to do some nudging, I guess.
    Don't forget the 3 day waiting period.

    I shot my AR-15 for the first time.
    Last edited by sdreid; 03-05-2009, 07:30 PM.
    This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

    Stan Reid


    • Hope all are well.

      I am battling with the decision of wether to leave the Paranormal Investigative field, and concentrate more on the Ripper Research.

      I have made great progress in my ripper work, but feel I am not spending enough time with it, due to other committments!
      Regards Mike


      • Hi Stan, We'll have to get the shooting lessons behind us. Guns are in a shortage right now. I'm going to have to go look that up--AR-15. Wonder if my alter ego has one of those.

        Hi Mike, Just when I was getting used to knowing a real ghost hunter? Just kidding. Good luck on the decision-making.
        "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



        • Cel - An AR-15 is basically an M-16 without the selector switch.
          This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

          Stan Reid


          • You have such cool toys! In the UK, the closest we get to a fire arm is a spud gun, which you poke into a potatoe, and fire by releasing compressed air! There pretty harmless, but if you don't clean them they smell!

            I would love to visit Stan, and just shoot stuff!

            Bradley has been really ill this weekend, he was rushed to emergancy Docs last night, and it appears he has an ear canal infection! He has vomitted a number of times this morning.

            I still have not made a decision as to my future in the paranormal, I would prefer to write about it, than be a part of it, like Ripperology, there is a lot of politics involved!
            Regards Mike


            • Hi all,

              Mike, I am sorry your hamster died. I have been a pet fancier for many years (cats and dogs), and it tears me up when they die. Are you replacing the pet?

              Celesta - Mom is fine now, and getting out of the house more and more. I am all right too at this moment.

              My lack of involvement on the Board is due to my getting involved in some other websites. I have to find a way of balancing them off. on each other.

              Stan - just when we thought the whole Senatorial seat issue was over...I think that gentleman is going to wish he never agreed to take the Senate seat. It's a poisoned appointment.

              I noticed the death of Wendy Richards of "Are You Being Served?" last week.
              Since then Charlie Chaplin's son Sydney passed on...he had a fairly decent career (in the 1950s and 1960s, including a TONY Award) on the Broadway stage. His only recalled films are his Dad's LIMELIGHT and THE COUNTESS FROM HONG KONG.

              Ms Richards' made a likeable Ms Brahams. Of the original cast I think that only Frank Thornton, Mollie Sugden, and Nicholas Smith are still alive.* Only two years ago or so we lost John Ingram, who gave a remarkable twist to the reply "I'm free!" when asked "Are you free?"

              *The actor who played the third salesman in the Men's Wear (with Arthur Brough and Ingram) is also alive, but I forgot his name. I actually saw him in an episode of KEEPING UP APPEARANCES as an "acquaintance" of Rose.

              Best wishes,



              • Hi Jeff, glad to hear you and your mum are doing well, and nice to hear from you.

                We have discussed replacing Spot, but not just yet, the children are coping and getting on with it, we still have "Noddy" the Rabbit, and "Fish" the goldfish, so they have enough to deal with.

                Hope to hear about these new websites your working on.
                Regards Mike


                • My brother had his follow-up with the cancer surgeon this morning and the news is bad. Instead of just one lymph gland being effected, all of them were. The doctor thinks it's in his thyroid. More surgery to come on Mar. 24th. I'm in shock right now. See you later.

                  Mike, I hope your son is feeling better.
                  "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



                  • Sorry to hear about your bother Celesta, my son's problems are small compared to what your Brother must be going through! Give him our wishes!
                    Regards Mike


                    • Thanks, Mike. I misunderstood what he told me. He and his wife were in shock, and so was I. He was either walking or driving, so the phone sounded kind static-y. I talked to him and his wife again, just now, and the lymph nodes were all clear except the one going to the thyroid. That sounds a lot better than what I thought. So I'm just trying to cool it and trying to get psyched about the King Tut exhibit we're going to see tomorrow. Wish we'd gotten tickets for later, now.

                      So how is Brad, anyway? Those ear infections can be bad news. Wish you guys could go with us. Bet Bradley would love it!
                      "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



                      • Hi Celesta,

                        I'm sorry about the situation with your brother. A friend of mine is currently fighting a similar problem with the return of thyroid cancer. Good is all I can say, I'm sorry to have to admit.

                        Best wishes.



                        • Hello Jeff,

                          Good luck is ample good wishes. Thank you.
                          "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



                          • Hi Guys,
                            We have been really busy recently, Susan had to have her Nuclear Medicine at Hospital, which takes about 6 hours, so we were confined to the hospital all day yesterday, but all the scans went well, we just need the results!

                            Bradley is getting on, and currently at school, we went to a local museum recently and they too have their own mummy!
                            Regards Mike


                            • At 1 yesterday I felt something in my eye, and throughout the day it got worse, with loads of pain and weeping. Shortly after 4 I was admitted to the A+E to have my eye looked at, as the vision was becoming cloudy, and the pain getting worse. After having my eyeball sedated, I was poked and prodded by a doctor, and had my upper and lower eyelids cleaned. Vision has returned, and whilst it is still a little cloudy, I can see and function quite normally. I am currently taking some mad solution that has to be rubbed into my eyeball, and one of the ingrediants is lambs wool! I must be BAA-rking!
                              Regards Mike


                              • All the best Mike. I took my parents to the eye doctor yesterday and my mom is going in for cataract surgery in a few weeks.
                                This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                                Stan Reid

