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JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year

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  • FISHY1118
    Originally posted by GBinOz View Post

    Hi Fishy,

    Hope you enjoy the videos. Keep in mind that the WC's brief was to convince the American public that the assassination was the work of a lone nut, and to suppress all evidence that contradicted that notion. Quite a task, and they succeeded with only 25% of the population.

    This is a another video that I enjoy, but it's 2 1/2 hours long:

    Description#JFK #PRESIDENT #KENNEDY #ASSASSINATED #ASSASSINATION The Wizard of Oswald: JFK Assassination Documentary (2013)

    Good for filling the lunch and tea breaks in the Ashes.

    Cheers, George
    Exacly that George , Lets not for get either that it was LBJ instructions that a lone gunman be the ''Only'' outcome of the findings.

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  • GBinOz
    Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
    Hi George, Welcome back to this topic, i look forward to watching these videos later on tonight .Im sure they will be of much interest and no doubt show an abundance of evidence thats contradicts the Warren Commission .......Againnnnn
    Hi Fishy,

    Hope you enjoy the videos. Keep in mind that the WC's brief was to convince the American public that the assassination was the work of a lone nut, and to suppress all evidence that contradicted that notion. Quite a task, and they succeeded with only 25% of the population.

    This is a another video that I enjoy, but it's 2 1/2 hours long:

    Description#JFK #PRESIDENT #KENNEDY #ASSASSINATED #ASSASSINATION The Wizard of Oswald: JFK Assassination Documentary (2013)

    Good for filling the lunch and tea breaks in the Ashes.

    Cheers, George

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  • FISHY1118
    Hi George, Welcome back to this topic, i look forward to watching these videos later on tonight .Im sure they will be of much interest and no doubt show an abundance of evidence thats contradicts the Warren Commission .......Againnnnn

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  • GBinOz
    Hi Fishy, and other fellow conspiracy nuts,

    There is some interesting conjecture on the throat shot here:

    Gil Jesus' examination of Zapruder Frames 225-237 and his conclusion that Kennedy's actions together with the physical evidence indicate that a bullet entere...

    On the theme that the throat shot came from the front, through the windscreen, from the vicinity of the south knoll, there is some interesting facts on the "pickup man" in the Cancellare photo who fails to be seen in the Zapruder film, starting at about the 25 min mark:

    Even this film has noticeable cuts and bruises. Our adversary will never stop diligently laboring to prevent us from learning the truth.Watching the tremendo...

    Some more on the Cancellare film here: Audit

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    Question to be answered: For what reason would anyone take the trouble to edit the pickup man out of the ZP?

    Finally, this video is a bit longer but is chock full of interesting information:

    To follow Bart Kamp's JFK Assassination channel please go to purchase his book from Amazon go to:

    Cheers, George
    Last edited by GBinOz; 07-01-2023, 04:40 AM.

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  • FISHY1118
    Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post
    Nothing was faked and conspiracy theorists know it well. They’re just too committed to admit that they’ve been duped by obsessive a. No one in 60 years has ever produced a single piece of evidence of forgery. Not one. Conspiracy theorists simply fall back on “it doesn’t fit with my version of events so it must be a forgery.” It’s all a bit sad.

    Case solved in 1963. It was utterly, physically impossible for Oswald to have been guilty. The case has been kept alive by crooks like Garrison, Lane and Stone.
    #2638 post on the topic and you've managed to learn nothing .

    Not surprised really after that poor taste post of yours #2635

    A senseless insulting mock and dig at others for their opinions which they've backed up with countless and abundance of evidence on a serious topic, and all you've done is come back from your extended well earn break no doubt with more of the same nonsense that got you booted in the first place. Shameful.

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  • Herlock Sholmes
    Nothing was faked and conspiracy theorists know it well. They’re just too committed to admit that they’ve been duped by obsessive a. No one in 60 years has ever produced a single piece of evidence of forgery. Not one. Conspiracy theorists simply fall back on “it doesn’t fit with my version of events so it must be a forgery.” It’s all a bit sad.

    Case solved in 1963. It was utterly, physically impossible for Oswald to have been guilty. The case has been kept alive by crooks like Garrison, Lane and Stone.

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  • FISHY1118
    Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post
    Not interested in obfuscation or excuses to dodge answering Fishy. I’ve answered way, way more questions on this thread than those supporting conspiracy (and so has Fiver) and it’s not even close. The questions I raised about the mythical throat shot from the front hasn’t ever been answered on here. It’s been studiously avoided.
    Just as George ,cobalt P.I and myself and others have asked many yet still unanswered questions .

    Fake autopsy photos of the back of jfk head , fake Zapruder film , pristine bullet pics ( George covered that one over and over and over but was never shown any answers or explanation as to how that evidence could be explained) .

    The list is to many to go through again , and I for one am surely no doing that with you .

    The WC findings were rubbish . That has been clearly shown on this thread .

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  • FISHY1118
    Originally posted by Al Bundy's Eyes View Post
    Now that is sarcasm!
    No its sad really.
    Last edited by FISHY1118; 06-30-2023, 09:59 PM.

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  • Al Bundy's Eyes
    Now that is sarcasm!

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  • Herlock Sholmes
    Click image for larger version

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    Grassy Knollington: Conspiracy Theorist

    Grassy's friend: Hey, look Grassy! An Ice-cream van's just pulled up. Do you fancy a Ninety-nine?**

    Grassy: Eh?! A Ninety-nine? Nine times eleven is Ninety-nine! Don't you see?! Nine-eleven!! The attack cooked up by George Bush and his pal Bin Laden to spark revolution in the Middle East ... Hmm ... Nine ...? Revolution? Sounds familiar?

    Grassy's friend: Not really, no.

    Grassy: You bet! Try this for size - "Revolution Number Nine" on the Beatles' White Album lasts 8 minutes 15 seconds exactly ... that's 495 seconds ... or 99 times 5! Ninety-nine - like the ice cream ... and five - the number of victims of the so-called Whitechapel Killer...

    Grassy's friend: Who?

    Grassy: Jack the Ripper! Nickname of the Royal murderer and arch Freemason Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence, whose first victim was discovered in 1888 ... on August 31st! Fast forward to August 31st 1997 ... Lady Diana is killed when her Mercedes - driven by double agent Henri Paul - hits Pillar Thirteen in the Pont d'Alma Tunnel in Paris. Henri Paul? Sounds familiar? Get this! Actor Paul Henry plays an actor called Benny in the 70s soap Crossroads***!

    Grassy's friend: Benny ...?

    Grassy: Benny looks after Miss Diane - Lady Diana! Geddit? Not only that - but surprise surprise! Paul McCartney records the theme tune to Crossroads on his 1975 album Venus and Mars ...

    Grassy's friend: Paul McCartney?

    Grassy: Yes! The self-same McCartney who sang "Revolution Number Nine" on the White Album! White!! Like ice-cream, George Bush's White House, the Whitechapel Murders and the Fiat Uno that forced Henri Paul's Mercedes off the road! Track nine on the White Album is "Martha My Dear"! ... Hello?! Cut to Martha's Vineyard, USA ... Ted Kennedy crashes his car into the water at Chappaquiddick on July 18th 1969 ... the exact same day that Paul McCartney - Yes! Him again! produces the Mary Hopkins single "Pebble and the Man", catalogue number Apple CT1!

    Grassy's friend: You've lost me there, Grassy ...

    Grassy: Apple CT1 was released as a promotion for Wall's Ice Cream! The same ice-cream that's in a Ninety-nine!

    Grassy's friend: So ...?

    Grassy: Exactly! "Ice cream" is an anagram of "ace crime", like 911, the Whitechapel murders and the assassination of Lady Di in her Mercedes. Mercedes have hosted business seminars at the NEC International Conference Centre**** in Birmingham (where Crossroads was made) ... as have ... get ready for this ... Cadbury's!! Cadbury's who make the chocolate flakes for 99s!!! Coincidence!? I don't think so! Let's look at the evidence ... The Queen (who later knighted Paul McCartney for so-called services to music) opened the NEC Conference Centre on June 12th 1991! That date ring any bells? It should do - because George Bush Sr (former US president and long-time business associate of the Bin Laden family) had a birthday on June 12th 1991!

    Grassy's friend: Grassy ...

    Grassy: 1991! It's an anagram of 99 and 11, don't you see? 99 divided by 11 is Nine! Nine-Eleven!!/ And what's more, 1991 was George Bush's 67th birthday!

    Grassy's friend: ... Erm ...

    Grassy: That's what they what you to think, but just look at the figures! 67! 6 and 7! Six plus seven is 13 ... Thirteen!!! The number of letters in "Osama Bin Laden", "Paul McCartney", "The White Album" and "Wall's Ice Cream"!!! 13 is also the number of the pillar in the Pont d'Alma tunnel that Lady Di's car crashed into!!!

    Grassy's friend: So do you fancy a Ninety-Nine or not, then?

    Grassy: No thanks! That cone is merely the tip of a huge sinister global conspiracy that goes all the way to the top! {To ice cream vendor} Have you got any lollies left Mister?

    Ice Cream vendor: Let me see now ... Well, we've got plenty of orange Zapruders, a few Mint Choc Chip Jack Rubys, and I think there's one or two Bohemian Grove Black Helicopters in the Freezer ... or what about a shape-shifting Illuminati Lizard with hundreds and thousands?

    I couldn’t resist a bit of Viz but I have to say that I’ve heard Jim Garrison come up with less believable stuff than the above.

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  • Herlock Sholmes
    Not interested in obfuscation or excuses to dodge answering Fishy. I’ve answered way, way more questions on this thread than those supporting conspiracy (and so has Fiver) and it’s not even close. The questions I raised about the mythical throat shot from the front hasn’t ever been answered on here. It’s been studiously avoided.

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  • FISHY1118
    All this and much has been discussed at length previously Herlock.

    Theres no need to go back over old ground when the same arguement could be used against WC theory supporters ,where much of the contradictory evidence to the Warren Commission findings was never responded to or adequately answered sensibly .

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  • Herlock Sholmes
    Isn’t it strange? On one hand we have Dr. Perry, who was trying to save Kennedy’s life and not performing a wound analysis, who changes his opinion on reflection and after evaluating the full evidence. Naturally when CT’s see this they shout ‘coercion’ and ‘cover-up,’ but when Roger Craig suddenly ‘remembers’ seeing the word ‘Mauser’ on the rifle a full ELEVEN years later and without ever mentioning this revelation before, CT’s have absolutely no issue about believing him and using him as evidence. When Weitzman admits to an error he’s accused of being a liar. Beverly Oliver remembers stuff years later and it’s fine. Why is that acceptable?

    Why is it that it’s acceptable that Lee Bowers suddenly remembers seeing a flash only after a friendly chat with Mark Lane? Why are CT’s in complete denial of the utterly disgraceful way (available to read and listen to) that Lane badgered the poorly educated Helen Markham to alter her testimony…something that many CT’s have even had to admit was appalling?

    The case is rife with pro-conspiracy witnesses suddenly ‘remembering’ stuff years later which CT’s swallow hook, line and sinker. But when a Doctor changes his opinion it’s assumed as evidence of conspiracy? What about Carrico and Jenkins who said ‘exit wound,’ what about Baxter who wasn’t sure? Again, these Doctors were solely focused on trying to save Kennedy’s life… they weren’t analysing the wound closely.


    All over the case CT’s love to produce a diagram or two showing how they have solved something that proper experts haven’t but there’s glaring omission. Why is there never a diagram tracking the bullet that supposedly cause the throat ‘entry’ wound. It’s because they realise of course that this was physically impossible. How could a bullet fired from the front right of Kennedy (on the Knoll by a gunman that no one ever saw) have exited where it did? And we’re not talking about how high or low the wound was either. I’m asking why wasn’t the ‘exit’ wound on the left side of Kennedy’s body? Now, if CT’s are consistent (which they usually are when it comes to being wrong) they’ll suggest some kind of airbrushing of photographs but I’m no longer willing to waste words on such proven silliness. So where is the left side exit wound? Or do CT’s have their own magic bullet? One that entered Kennedy’s throat and turned to the left before disappearing into thin air?

    Furthermore, if the bullet hit from the front right surely Kennedy should have been thrown to the left toward Jackie? That’s what suggested about the effect of the head wound or did the laws of physic change from bullet to bullet?

    And finally, if the bullet didn’t come from the Knoll (and it clearly didn’t) where did it come from? George has suggested the overpass but the eleven people that were on there failed to notice a man firing a rifle just like no one noticed our ‘man’ on the Knoll? Where there drones in 1963?

    These questions never got a response when I’ve posted it before and I assume that they won’t get one now and certainly not a sensible one. Kennedy’s throat wound was an exit wound. It couldn’t have come from anywhere else.
    Last edited by Herlock Sholmes; 06-30-2023, 09:31 AM.

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  • FISHY1118
    Originally posted by PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR 1 View Post

    Very interesting - which is why I had to post it.

    I had read before that the doctors were pressured into keeping their mouths shut but I don't think I had ever seen such a clear exposé of how the WC counsel got a doctor to appear to change his opinion.

    Of course, the WC counsel played plenty of games, like prompting Mrs Markham when she testified and was providing unhelpful testimony.

    Evidence was manipulated, distorted and suppressed on a grand scale, culminating in the Warren Commission Report, a document containing lies from beginning to end.

    There was even a monumental lie in its preamble - the claim that the Report's findings did not depend on the Single Bullet Theory, when without it - as everyone knows - the Report's conclusions would collapse.

    Why else would we having such arguments with defenders of the WC Report about the SBT?

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    Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

    Interesting post P.I , The amount of contradictory evidence of that to which the warren commission claims happened is staggering. Far too much to ever be ignored or put into the they all lied or were mistaken or never existed. basket.

    Very interesting - which is why I had to post it.

    I had read before that the doctors were pressured into keeping their mouths shut but I don't think I had ever seen such a clear exposé of how the WC counsel got a doctor to appear to change his opinion.

    Of course, the WC counsel played plenty of games, like prompting Mrs Markham when she testified and was providing unhelpful testimony.

    Evidence was manipulated, distorted and suppressed on a grand scale, culminating in the Warren Commission Report, a document containing lies from beginning to end.

    There was even a monumental lie in its preamble - the claim that the Report's findings did not depend on the Single Bullet Theory, when without it - as everyone knows - the Report's conclusions would collapse.

    Why else would we having such arguments with defenders of the WC Report about the SBT?
    Last edited by PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR 1; 06-30-2023, 12:40 AM.

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