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JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year

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  • A list of the crazy coincidences that needed to happen for Oswald to have done the shooting per the Lone Nut theory?

    [FOR THE WHY WOULD HE WHY WOULDNT HE POSTERS ,as i know how much they like it ]

    .. Maybe Frazier didn't know the difference between 2 feet and 3 feet?" or "Maybe Connally didn't realise he'd been shot till a few seconds later?"

    Oswald was really lucky that Buell Wesley Frazier was able to give him those lifts at such short notice, otherwise he'd have had to carry his rifle to work on the bus.

    Oswald was really lucky that the Post Office worker who handled the rifle delivery to his PO Box didn't know the rules about not accepting deliveries to people with different names to specific PO Boxes... (and also lucky that the worker who let him pick the rifle up was unaware of that rule as well...

    Ordering a rifle using an assumed name for the crime that you hope to use to get your real name into the history books. Sounds like a foolproof plan right there.

    12:25 PM, when the limo is scheduled to pass, LHO is on the second floor. Very clever. How better to become a big somebody and get into the history books than being five floors away from your snipers nest and your weapon at the precise time your target is scheduled to pass?

    12:30 PM, LHO shoots from the sixth floor window.

    12:32 PM, LHO seen again on the second floor, not winded or sweating. What an actor. Excuse me, that should be "actor/athlete!"

    Y Oswald was VERY lucky that the motorcade was running late since he left it to the last second to go charging up those stairs.

    He was a hell of an athlete... he beat Victoria Adams down that staircase and she two floors head start and no evidence to hide.

    'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


    • Tomlinson's WC testimony starts on page 128 of Volume 6. He's asked about the elevators, the stretchers and even of the construction of the stretchers. But he's never shown CE 399 and asked to identify it as the bullet he found. Why not ?

      And what of the others who handled the stretcher bullet ?

      Why wasn't O.P. Wright ever called to give testimony ?

      Why wasn't SS agent Richard Johnson ever called to give testimony ?

      SS Chief James Rowley gave almost 40 pages of testimony.

      Why wasn't he shown CE 399 and asked to identify it as the bullet he handled ?

      More lies and coverups from the phoney Warren Commision Conspiracy group

      These people were lawyers and prosecutors. In addition, they pre-interviewed witnesses and knew exactly what the witnesses were going to say in advance of their testimony. They knew EXACTLY what they were doing. They avoided asking them to identify the bullet because they knew they wouldn't. Same goes for not calling Wright and Johnsen. If it was an innocent mistake, they would have called them back to get their sworn testimony on the record. Several witnesses made more than one appearance. I believe that it's much more likely that they tried to pull a fast one, but some junior staffer realized they hadn't established a chain-of-possession and made it known.

      It was declared to be the "stretcher bullet" by Melvin Eisenberg, during his questioning of Robert Frazier on page 428 of Volume III :

      "Mr. Frazier, I now hand you Commission Exhibit 399, which, for the record, is a bullet, and also for the record, it is a bullet that was found in the Parkland Hospital following the assassination."

      Since when does legal counsel get to determine what is evidence by proclamation ?

      Who testified that this bullet was found at Parkland Hospital ? Who identified it ?

      No one. Eisenberg's proclamation that this was the bullet found in Parkland Hospital was not based on any document or testimony.

      This bullet has no certifiable chain-of-possession prior to its being in the possession of FBI agent Elmer Todd.

      And for that reason, if I were Oswald's lawyer, I would have gotten this "evidence" thrown out at trial.
      'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman



        Evidence of Deception Regarding President Kennedy's Back Wound

        "During the autopsy at Bethesda Naval Hospital another bullet hole was observed at the base of the back of President Kennedy's neck slightly to the right of his spine which provides further enlightenment as to the source of the shots. The hole was located approximately 5 1/2 inches ( 14 centimeters ) from the tip of the right shoulder joint and approximately the same distance below the tip of the right mastoid process, the bony point immediately behind the right ear." ( Report pgs. 88-89 )

        No piece of evidence in this case screams "deception" louder than the President's non-fatal back wound. That deception mainly concerned the destruction of Dr. Humes' original autopsy notes and then re-writing of his autopsy report which misrepresented of the location of the wound. But the autopsy photographs indicate that the prosectors were quite clever in the manner of how they handled the body when taking measurements.

        Deceptive measurements

        Using the mastoid process and the acromion as measuring points was brilliant from a deception standpoint. The mastoid process is the bony structure behind the ear and by being part of the head, is easily moved as the head moves.

        The Acromion is top outer edge of the shoulder blade and is also easily moved by moving the shoulder up and down.

        Dr. Cyril Wecht, Director of the Institute of Forensic Sciences at Duquesne University School of Law and Chief Forensic Pathologist of Allegheny County ( PA ) wrote in a letter dated February 10, 1967 :

        "the acromion and/or the mastoid process are not customarily or routinely used by forensic pathologists as landmarks in pinpointing the location of bullet wounds on the body. Therefore, on must ask why these points were used by the pathologists who performed the autopsy on President Kennedy." ( Accessories After the Fact, Sylvia Meagher, 1967, pg. 141 )

        Dr. Wecht's point is not only well taken, it's a proven fact.

        When we look at Oswald's autopsy ( CE 1981 ), also a murder that involved a gunshot wound to the torso, we see that the measurements were taken from the top of the head and the midline of the body.

        Using the mastoid process and the Acromion as landmarks is ridiculous because neither one is stationary and both can be moved easily to produce whatever measurement is required.

        And the evidence indicates that that's exactly what they did.

        Forcing the head backward

        The below graphic shows how the distance between a fixed location ( bullet hole B ) and the mastoid process ( A ) is shortened when the head is tilted backward.

        If measurements are taken while the head is tilted backwards, not only is the distance going to be shorter than it really is, when the head is returned to its normal position, the "B" position will move up closer to the reference point "A".

        This is what they did to President Kennedy. They jerked his head all the way back to take measurements and one of the autopsy photos shows the creases in his neck as a result of the head's forced position.

        By using these false measurements in the 1964 drawings done by Harold Rydberg, it created the fallacy that the wound was in the base of the President's neck rather than below the top of his shoulders, as seen in the autopsy photo.

        It also substantiated Humes' re-written autopsy report that located the wound was in the "base of the right side of the neck". ( 16 H 983 )

        This was not supported by the autopsy photos, the autopsy face sheet, the death certificate, the clothes of the President or the testimony of witnesses.

        Exposing the Deception

        Any deception regarding the location of the President's back wound begins and ends with Commander Humes.

        Dr. J. Thornton Boswell assisted Humes in the autopsy and on his face sheet is the correct location of the back wound.

        I say correct because the prosectors did not find out about a bullet wound in the throat until Saturday morning, long after the body had left the morgue.

        In his testimony, Dr. Humes admitted that he had not spoken with Dr. Perry about the tracheotomy until Saturday morning and that's when he found out about the wound in the throat.

        Humes testified that, "he had done a tracheotomy and as a point to perform his tracheotomy he used a wound which he interpreted as a missile wound in the low neck, as the point through which ot make his tracheotomy incision."

        Mr. SPECTER. When did you have that conversation with him, Dr. Humes ?
        Commander HUMES. I had that conversation with him early on Saturday morning, sir.
        Mr. SPECTER. On Saturday morning November 23d ?
        Commander HUMES. That is correct, sir. ( 2 H 362 )

        Humes never saw the wound in the front of the throat. He assumed it was a tracheotomy and never examined it. By the time he found out it was a tracheotomy made through a bullet wound, the body was gone and there was no chance of examining it.

        The document problem

        The location of the back wound on Dr. Boswell's original face sheet, showing the back wound to be below the top of the shoulders, is corroborated by other evidence.

        President Kennedy's personal physician, Dr. George Burkley's death certificate describes the location of the wound at "about the level of the third thoracic vertebra". ( red dot )

        The report of the two FBI agents present during the autopsy, James Sibert and Frank O'Neill, reported that "Dr. Humes located an opening which appeared to be a bullet hole which was below the shoulders and two inches to the right of the midline of the spinal column." ( ARRB MD 44, pg. 5 )

        The clothing problem
        More corroboration of a bullet hole below the top of the shoulders comes from the physical evidence provided by Kennedy's shirt and jacket. Both show bullet holes well below the top of the shoulders.

        It becomes more apparent when you look at the President's shirt from the front. It becomes obvious that the bullet hole is well below the top of the shoulders and well below the knot of the tie.

        In his own testimony to the Warren Commission, Dr. Humes testified that the holes in the President's coat and shirt were 6 inches below the top of the collar. ( 2 H 365 )

        The FBI also measured the holes in the back of the President's shirt and coat and found that the hole in the coat was 5 3/8" below the collar and the hole in the shirt was 5 3/4" below the top of the collar. It reasoned that the 3/8" difference was due to the shirt collar "sticking up above the coat about a half an inch." ( 5 H 60 )

        This was in conflict with Humes' autopsy report that located the "neck" wound only 5 1/2 inches ( 14 cm ) below the tip of the right mastoid process. ( 16 H 980 )

        As anyone can see, the mastoid process is well ABOVE the top of the collar, meaning that any measurement below the top of the collar using the mastoid as a reference point should be greater than the measurement to the top of the collar.

        Unless, of course, you jerk the head backwards to take your measurements. Which is what they did.

        Humes tried to explain the discrepancy by saying the Kennedy was waving to the crowd and this waving process caused the coat and shirt to rise up. ( 2 H 366 )

        He used Commission Exhibit 396 to prove his point. But CE 396 shows the President with his elbow resting on the body of the car and his hand raised.

        Here's JFK with his arm up on the car. As you can see, his shirt and coat are certainly not "bunched up" enough to align the holes in the shirt and coat with the hole in the back.

        Not only was the hole in the President's back too low to have exited just below his Adam's apple, the path of the bullet that caused it was estimated at 45-60 degrees DOWNWARD. ( ARRB MD 44, pg. 5 )

        Researcher Paul Lee shows exactly how ridiculous the amount of "bunching up" the jacket and shirt had to do in order for the bullet holes to line up.

        In addition, the FBI's photos of the front of the President's shirt deliberately hid the fact that the bullet hole was too low to make the throat wound by making sure the shirt was closed enough so the hole wouldn't show from the front.

        The FBI's photographs of the shirt and coat were omitted from the Warren Commission exhibits.

        And there was another problem for the Commission : the bullet that made the holes in that clothing never transited the body.

        Lack of a track
        It is a complete and utter impossibility for a bullet to travel through a human body and not leave a bullet track in its wake.

        In this case, the prosectors tried to probe the back wound and could not.

        Dr. Humes testified to the Commission that, "attempts to probe in the vicinity of this wound were unsuccessful without fear of making a false passage." ( 2 H 361 )

        He further testified that, "we were unable, however, to take probes and have them satisfactorily fall through any definite path at this point." ( ibid. )

        In his deposition to the ARRB, Col. Pierre Finck was asked about probing the back wound:

        Q: Did you insert a probe into the wound in the back ?

        A: From what I remember, we tried at the time. It was unsuccessful. ( ARRB deposition of Pierre A. Finck, MD, 5.24.96, pg. 92 )

        When questioned about the probing, Dr. J. Thornton Boswell told the ARRB that it went in a "very short distance. Three inches about." ( ARRB depsoition of Dr. J. Thornton Boswell, 2.26.96, pg. 119 )

        In their 11/26/63 report on the autopsy, FBI agents Sibert and O'Neill said that the back wound was "probed by Dr. Humes with the finger" and that "further probing determined that the distance travelled by this missile was a short distance inasmuch as the end of the opening could be felt with the finger." ( ARRB MD 44, pg. 5 )

        Their report went on to say that, "no bullet could be found in the back" and that inspection revealed there was "no point of exit". ( ibid. )

        This evidence indicates that an attempt was made to probe the back wound that and attempt revealed that the bullet that caused it penetrated only a short distance, so short that its end could be felt with the fingertip.

        This unsuccessful probing proves that the bullet did not transit the body and that there was no connection between the back wound and the wound in the President's throat.

        On page 2 of the FBI's Supplemental Report dated January 13, 1964, the report reads, "there was a small hole in the back of his shirt and coat approximately six inches below the collar."

        The Report goes on, "the bullet that entered his back had penetrated to a distance of less than a finger length."

        Secret Service Agent Clint Hill testified that he saw the back wound at Bethesda after the autopsy was completed, as the morticians were preparing it to be placed in the casket. He described its location as, "about 6 inches below the neckline to the right hand side of the spinal column." ( 2 H 143 )

        Secret Service Agent Glen Bennett was on the running board of the followup car and reported that he saw a "shot hit the President about 4 inches down from the right shoulder". ( 18 H 760 )

        None of the physical evidence and none of the witnesses' descriptions corroborate a wound at the base of the neck.


        But that didn't stop the House Select Committee on Assassinations from publishing a drawing of JFK depicting his position as the bullet transited his body. It was a most ridiculous rendering, showing Kennedy leaning forward and the bullet entering his back above the shoulder at the level of the 7th cervical vertebra.

        The truth is that the witnesses were correct that the wound was below the top of the shoulders. The autopsy photo shows the wound below the top of the shoulder. The death certificate indicates the wound was below the top of the shoulder. The autopsy face sheet shows that the wound was below the top of the shoulder.

        All of this evidence is correct. The wound was below the top of the shoulder.

        Humes had been confused because there were no bullets in the body and the back wound had not penetrated very far. The FBI called their office and found out a bullet had been found on a stretcher in Parkland Hospital. Humes assumed that that was the bullet that had made the wound in the back and had fallen out during cardiac massage.

        I suggest that this is what was in his original autopsy notes, which he destroyed.

        The deception began on Saturday morning, when Dr. Humes spoke to Dr. Perry on the phone and found out that there had been a bullet wound in the throat, a wound that he missed.

        Dr. Humes gleaned from Dr. Perry any and all information regarding Dr. Perry's observations of the throat wound and the damage to the surrounding area, including the trachea.

        "Dr. Humes concluded that the missile that entered the upper back had traversed the body and exited in the anterior portion of the neck although he had not observed...any such hole during the examination of the body." ( 7 HSCA 16 )

        How is that even possible ? How on earth can anyone conclude that a wound is a wound of exit if they've never even seen it ? How can you tell the direction of the bullet if you never saw the exit wound ?

        You can't. It's all an assumption.

        And it was an assumption that was not supported by the President's clothing, the witness observations and the documentation presented prior to Dr. Perry telling him of a bullet wound in the throat.

        All of the evidence prior to that Saturday morning phone call to Dr. Perry is correct.

        All of the evidence obtained after that is false.
        'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


        • Head Games --- The deliberate and fraudulent coverup of President Kennedy's head wound -- Conclusion


          The wound test

          "This particular skull blew out the right side in a manner very similar to the wounds of the President..." ( Testimony of Alfred Olivier, 5 H 89 )

          More lies. The right side of the test skull referred to looked nothing like JFK's lateral xray.


          It looked nothing like the right side of JFK's head in the autopsy photos.

          Dr. Olivier blamed this difference on not having the "limiting scalp" holding the bone in place or the test. ( ibid. ) But if one or any of the controls in an experiment is faulty ( i.e. the gelatin/goat skin couldn't hold the bone in place ), the experiment itself becomes worthless and proves nothing.

          Dr. Olivier replicated the scalp by an elaborate method of coating the skull with gelatin and trimming it down to the thickness of the tissues overlying the skull. He then covered it with a goat skin to replicate the scalp. ( 5 H 88 )

          This was the way they tested damage on skulls.

          Commission Exhibit 860 is the skull is the same skull shown in Exhibit CE 861, albeit with the goat skin attached. It appears that the whole side of the skull was blown out without any damage to the goat skin.

          It also appears that the remaining cavity caused by the loss of skull bone is easily detected by the naked eye.

          This shows that the gelatin/goat skin combination was "limiting" enough to keep the goat skin on the skull and without any visual damage to the skin. The test also indicates that there was less fragmentation of the skull than is shown in the xray. In the xray, there is massive fragmentation of the rear and the top of the skull.

          If the test proved anything, it proved that a shot hitting the skull from behind inflicted a wound quite different from the wound showed in the xrays and photographs. There was no little flap of skull opened on the right side of the head as there was in the autopsy photo. Instead, the whole right side of the skull was blown off. And the fragmentation of the skull was different from that of the xray.

          But the Commission's presentation of the xrays as evidence had its own problems.

          The Xray problems

          Among the problems critics had with the xrays was that missing skull fragments show up in the lateral xray even though they arrived at Bethesda after the skull xrays had been taken.

          It's documented that the skull fragments arrived "late during the autopsy", yet the lateral xray, taken before the autopsy began, shows the missing bone intact.

          Another problem was that the lateral xray showed a massive wound in the front of the skull above the right eye, not seen on any of the autopsy photos.

          The Warren Commission never published the autopsy photographs and Xrays, so the task of authenticating them fell on the House Select Committee on Assassinations.

          Normally, you would think, that the best person to authenticate the Xrays would have been the person responsible for taking them.

          But we're talking about the United States Government here. So what they did was to go to an outside source who compared the autopsy Xrays to Xrays in Kennedy's medical history and determined that, yes, the Xrays were of the same person. And that person was John F. Kennedy.

          The man who took them at the autopsy, Jerrol Custer, was never asked to authenticate the xrays in evidence as the ones he took. And there's a reason for that:

          Another strange tactic used by the HSCA was to publish the skull xrays with the teeth cropped out.

          The HSCA published Xrays of the teeth, but separately from the skull Xrays. The expert who identified the teeth was Dr. Lowell Levine a forensic odontologist experienced in the identification of victims of unnatural death. ( 7 HSCA 39 )

          His method involved comparing dental and sinus Xrays of the President taken between 1960 and 1962 and obtained from the Kennedy Library to those taken at the autopsy.

          The problem I have with it is that the Committee only published photos of the dental and sinus Xrays received from the Kennedy Library.

          It did not publish photos of the autopsy Xrays nor did it show any side-by-side comparisons of the two.

          As you can imagine, this lack of transparency creates more questions then it answers.

          If this was an act of deception by the HSCA, it didn't end there.

          The HSCA lies

          Among the lies that the House Select Committee withheld from the public was that the autopsy doctors agreed with the Dallas doctors that there was a massive wound at the rear of the President's head. Not only did the Committee not publish the autopsy doctors' location of the head wound, they did not allow the Parkland doctors to view the autopsy photographs and x-rays.

          This suppression and omission of evidence is at the least troubling, at the most conspiratorial proof of a coverup.

          The Committee also offered several drawings from professional medical artist Ida Dox, including one that depicted the President's head being shot from behind with the top of his head blowing off and an exit in the front of his skull.

          No witness who saw the President's head wound ever described the head wound as depicted in this drawing.

          The autopsy photographs and xrays do not support any bone loss at the top of the head.

          The Committee never went after descrepancies in the official record, like Dr. Humes' description of an entry wound in the back of the neck and the same wound being described in the Sibert/O'Neill report as being located "below the top of the shoulders". ( ARRB, MD 44, pg. 5 ) It heard from Navy photographer Robert Knudsen, ( ARRB MD 135 ) but never asked him if there had been different versions of autopsy photographs.

          It also heard from autopsy witnesses Boyers, Riebe and Custer. It interviewed Paul O'Connor, James Curtis Jenkins and mortician Tom Robinson. In spite of the accounts of all these witnesses, the Committee concluded that there was no evidence that President Kennedy had been shot from the front.

          In short, the HSCA avoided investigating the crime properly. Whether or not this was by design is not clear, but for all its work and time spent, it was an effort in futility.


          These many years later, the Crime of the 20th Century has still not been satisfactorily closed. The Warren Commission's investigation of the crime began with a forgone conclusion and as such, was actually not an investigation at all but a gathering of evidence to prove one individual was guilty.

          In order to achieve that narrative, it had to ignore witnesses who had evidence to the contrary. It had to falsely report what witnesses said and physical evidence that proved the suspect was innocent simply vanished into thin air.

          The House Select Committee's investigation was no more a success in finding the truth. Like the Warren Commission, it too started with a forgone conclusion that organized crime was behind the assassination. Sadly, it was less an investigation than it was a stage show.

          In the end, it concluded that the President was probably killed as a result of a conspiracy that involved Oswald. But it failed to name his co-conspirators and to bring indictments against them.

          The release of records by the Assassination Records Review Board in the 1990s revealed that, like the Warren Commission, the HSCA suppressed testimony and failed to pursue evidence that was presented to it.

          Evidence from witnesses like James Chaney, one of the Dallas motorcycle officers who flanked the right rear of the Presidential limousine. In an interview right after the assassination, he said that he saw the President struck "in the face".

          Neither the Warren Commission nor the House Select Committee ever called James Chaney.

          Perhaps the most damaging testimony to the authenticity of the autopsy photos was that of Saundra Kay Spencer, the Naval Photographic Center technician who developed the autopsy photos.

          She told the ARRB that the autopsy photos in the National Archives were not the autopsy photos she processed. She testified that the images in the photos were not the same, the backgrounds were different, there were no photos of the autopsists taking measurements and the paper used for the Archives' photos is not the same paper she used at NPC in 1963. ( ARRB testimony of Saundra Kay Spencer, 6-5-97 )

          Equally interesting was the revelation by Xray tech Jerrol Custer that his superior, Dr. John Ebersol told him that a "bust" was being prepared of JFK. ( ARRB testimony of Jerrol Custer, 10.28.97, pg. 144 )

          Was this "bust" superimposed on the real autopsy photo to create the "Superior" photos ?

          There's an old saying that, "the government cannot investigate itself". Two Federal "investigations" into the assassination of President Kennedy have produced no level of satisfactory closure.

          There were many tragedies that came from this assassination. The President was dead and his family destroyed. His wife was a widow and his kids fatherless. His brother never recovered from his loss.

          There was the similar tragedy of the Oswald family, leaving Marina Oswald a widow and her kids growing up in someone else's house. And the stigma of being related to a man who history says killed the President of the United States.

          Then there are the tragedies of the 58,000 American families who lost a loved one in Vietnam, a war Kennedy was preparing to pull out of.

          Perhaps the greatest tragedy of all is that something else died that Friday afternoon in November : the truth.

          Over the years, many Americans have lost trust in what their govenment says. And the government has earned that distrust. It all began here, with the lie that one man, firing from behind, killed a President he admired for no apparent reason.

          We may never know for sure WHO was behind the assassination. People have their theories, of course.

          But what we CAN do is to expose the original "investigation" for what it was--- a fraud.

          An attempt to satisfy the public that "Oswald was the sole assassin, that he had no confederates who are still at large, and the evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial."

          To this end, the government institutions which we trust failed us. The FBI never conducted a normal homicide investigation but rather collected evidence against one man.

          The Secret Service, who was responsible for the President's life, played a major role in the coverup of his assassination. It removed the President's body from Texas illegally. It harassed the Parkland witnesses and controlled evidence like the President's limo, the President's corpse and the autopsy photos and Xrays.

          The US Military played a role in the coverup as well, choosing inexperienced administrators to perform the most important autopsy of the 20th century, administrators they could control and keep silent.

          Only when we have the courage to look into the darkness and expose its evil can we be sure that this will never ever happen again. And while there are some who are afraid to look into that darkness for fear of what they may see, there are still those of us brave enough to to bring to light how the hate of the security apparatus for President Kennedy allowed the assassination and the lies they perpetrated in order to cover up their complicity.

          'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


          • Head Games --- The deliberate and fraudulent coverup of President Kennedy's head wound -- Conclusion

            Part TWO

            Part Three
            'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


            • Originally posted by GBinOz View Post

              Hi Frank,

              I'm not referring to timings. You pointed out that the hat was held at shoulder level. How can a descending shot through the back and out the front at about 15cm below the nipple manage to then hit the back of the wrist at shoulder level?

              Cheers, George
              Hi George,

              That's precisely my point - it can't. Therefore, if Connally's wounds were all caused by one bullet only, then that must have happened when he held his right hand lower than the exit wound on his upperbody.

              The best,
              "You can rob me, you can starve me and you can beat me and you can kill me. Just don't bore me."
              Clint Eastwood as Gunny in "Heartbreak Ridge"


              • Originally posted by GBinOz View Post

                The forensics evidence shows the fatal shot came from the south knoll. I do not discount a possible almost simultaneous shot from the rear, but from a lower vantage point than the TSBD.
                I agree George

                "Great minds, don't think alike"


                • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

                  There you have it , you see the problem now dont you ,yet you cant even admit that much . Everywhere you look ,the Magic Bullet, the Fake Autopsy photos , the Mauser rifle, the Tippet killing slugs , the 4th kill shot bullet , the Grassy knoll etc etc what do the all have in common .? They all contradict and show the lies and inconsistancies of the Bogus Warren commission conspiracy which you fell for .
                  Two questions…

                  First - I ask George, Cobalt, Patrick or anyone that is on the same side of this debate as Fishy to stand up and tell me that this post of his makes any sense at all in relation to the post it’s allegedly responding to.

                  Fishy asked if I believed that the Parkland doctors who felt that they had seen a wound at the back of Kennedy’s head were lying, mistaken etc.

                  I answered the question unequivocally that I thought that they were MISTAKEN.

                  How can anyone reply with “there you have it…” Why no response to my answer of “mistaken?”

                  Perhaps Fishy now believes that witnesses can never be mistaken?

                  Second question - why has Fishy refused to answer my question, which was about whether he thought that those at Parkland who didn’t think that there was a wound in the back of Kennedy’s head were lying, mistaken etc… *

                  From experience I’m expecting Fishy to avoid answering this one…let’s see (I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt)

                  * Dr. Charles Baxter testified that the head exit wound was in the “temporal parietal” area.

                  Dr. Robert Grossman, the Neurosurgeon who accompanied Dr. William Kemp Clark into the trauma room said that the large defect he saw was “in the parietal area above the right ear.” Bugliosi, being an honest investigator, added that Grossman’s credibility on this matter might be questioned though. He elucidates in an endnote which is on the cd-Rom which accompanies his book which I don’t have the facility to read so I can’t explain further.

                  Dr. Adolphe Giesecke Jr testified that the exit wound extended from “ the brow line [ridge above the eye] to the occiput on the left (sic) hand side of the head.”

                  Dr. Marion T. Jenkins, anaesthesiologist, said he saw “a great laceration on the right side of the head (temporal and occipital)”

                  Dr. Kenneth Salyer said that the exit wound was in the “right temporal region.”

                  Dr. Donald Seldin, Chairman of the Department of Medicine, said that “ the entire frontal, parietal and temporal bones were shattered….I believe that the official story is accurate in all details.”

                  What about the above then Fishy?

                  And what about Dr. Charles Carrico, one of the two main Doctors? He was asked if the doctors who said that they believed that they had seen a wound at the back of Kennedy’s head. What did he say?


                  They clearly were mistaken. Most were nowhere near the head. The alleged wound was in an area of the head that they couldn’t have seen. We can eliminate one Doctor ….Crenshaw as a fantasist. Parkland is an empty sack.

                  Humes, Boswell and Finck.

                  Honest and correct without question.
                  Last edited by Herlock Sholmes; 03-26-2025, 11:13 AM.

                  Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                  “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                  • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
                    Dallas Police Chief Curry believed one shot came from the front

                    [13 secs ]

                    And Alex Jones believed that the Sandy Hook massacre was a conspiracy. Do you believe that he was right just because he said it and some people agreed with it.

                    Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                    “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                    • Perhaps Fishy can give us an approximated time of when he will have finished posting the entire content of Gil Jesus’ website onto this thread and we can all just come back when he’s done? With other posters of both sides trying to actually discuss the case, you know…using our own thoughts, we are perhaps in danger of slowing down Fishy’s important project. When he’s finished perhaps I’ll begin cut and pasting Vince Bugliosi’s book? At 1600 pages though I’m unsure how long it will take…a couple of years at least. Then perhaps I’ll go over and clog up one of the ripper threads by cutting and pasting the entire Sourcebook or Sugden. Perhaps we can start a new thread ‘cut and pasting’ corner?

                      Someone makes a point or asks a question and someone replies with a direct answer (if it was in response to a question) or they give their own thoughts (if it was in response to a point)

                      Is this too much to expect?

                      Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                      “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                      • Fiver wrote:
                        So why do you feel it was necessary for anyone other than LHO to kill JD Tippit?
                        It's a fair question. I think we CTs tend to focus on the perceived weakness of the evidence that places Oswald at the Tippit shooting: timings, ID evidence, shell casings, Texas Theatre witnesses etc. But if not Oswald, then who and why?

                        We assume the Tippit killing was linked to the JFK assassination. A Dallas officer had not been killed on duty for around a dozen years so it would be one almighty coincidence for that to happen within 45 minutes of the presidential murder. The manner of the killing- more akin to a professional execution rather than a fleeing felon shooting his way out- would indicate something out of the ordinary as well. The fact that the murderer was confronted whilst apparently doing no more than walking along the sidewalk, yet felt the need to resort to violence so quickly, also lends weight to a link with the JFK assassination. So I will work on the basis that the two murders were connected.

                        The answer must lie in the reason why Tippit pulled up his police car and approached a member of the public. The notion that this person matched the description seems insufficient. Tippit had been driving around for about 20 minutes after this radio bulletin and must have passed half a dozen such persons: even if the walker was a rough match there had to be some further reason for Tippit to stop. He had no reason to assume an assassin from Dealey Plaza would be out for a stroll in Oak Cliff. Had Tippit been detailed to a roadblock near the crime scene, or asked to scrutinise rail and bus stations (did these basic procedures take place that day?) then that would have been a different matter. So I can't believe he nonchalantly confronted a pedestrian on wild suspicion; but then neither was this a routine stop given what transpired.

                        So why did Tippit stop? Well, we know his behaviour was reportedly erratic around this time. His sitting parked outside the GLOCO station- which I think predates his radio instruction to move into that general area- is well supported. The failed telephone call from the Top Ten Record shop and the hard stop of the Andrews' vehicle are not so definite but do correspond to the overall picture of the man who accelerated away from the GLOCO station. Bizarrely, Tippit was considered such a familiar presence in Oak Cliff, an area few miles from his regular beat, that some witnesses actually assumed he was a local patrol officer. Tippit had some connection with the Oak Cliff area that predated the assassination and has never been satisfactorily explained.

                        So who killed Tippit? I think Tippit was killed by a person connected to the JFK assassination and I don't mean Oswald obviously. I think he knew, by sight at least, the person he stopped and that person viewed Tippit as an immediate danger to the conspiracy.

                        But why was it necessary to kill a police officer in broad daylight? Well, once your group has shot the POTUS an officer is not such a big deal. Tippit, rather like Oswald, was beginning to realise that events had spiralled out of control and sensed a danger to himself. Both men were killed/arrested within an hour of each other reaching for a weapon. Tippit's stopping of the pedestrian was an attempt to regain some control over events, an action which was not welcomed.


                        • Herlock- since you called me out regarding Fishy's ongoing responses - I assume meaning Conspiracy Theorists v Warren Commission- I will give it a shot in the interest of civil debate.

                          For me the angles, timing and photographic evidence illustrate a different conclusion than the WC Report makes. In truth, the Parkland Doctors only had 20 minutes in a fruitless effort to save Kennedy surrounded by Secret Service and FBI and staff.

                          The fact that there was a massive head wound is obvious. In Parkland they were trying not to move the head but entrance and exit matter. The Parkland Doctors, with gunshot wound experience, they were trauma Doctors, thought the neck wound was entrance and head wound was at the temple. In Zapruder we see Kennedy grab his neck and Connally not immediately reacting. Immediate is not an easy analysis because you are dealing in 18.3 frames per second or the Zapruder film speed.

                          But there is another issue for me and this is an easier test. Where was Connally sitting ,, where was Kennedy sitting and where was the 6th floor window in relation to both? In other words, was there an alignment that matches the single bullet theory?
                          That answer is NO ! Take a look at the Photo that shows the first Large X on Elm Street in relation to the 6th Floor. It illustrates a major problem with the Single Bullet Theory
                          First, the angle from the 6th Floor downwards to Kennedy is 6 stories minus several feet ( bottom of Street to Kennedys back and neck)
                          Second, the horizontal distance to the X ( edge of 6th floor window to Kennedys back, is about 60 ft. Plus the Car orientation is perpendicular to the road putting Connally , who is sitting in front of Kennedy and like Kennedy resting an arm on the same horizontal plane, would require Connally to be offset 10 inches to the right of where he was sitting for a pass through alignment of the single bullet. Basic Geometry.
                          ( Not only can you easy visualize this in photographs the laser scans guys proved it using digital twin technology).

                          In order for the single bullet to work consider the mechanical facts. A shooter firing downwards and to the left away from the window strikes Kennedys back, then moves left and up a few degrees and makes an exit out the neck In a perfectly straight trajectory ( 1/4 inch round hole in the neck) and then travels downwards again and enters Connally who is sitting directly in line with Kennedy on the horizontal plane , hits the 5th rib , exits again goes through Connallys wrist and lodges in his thigh. Then it pops out and is found on Connallys gurney.

                          Except Connally was not sitting 10 inches to Kennedys left. But the magic bullet was needed to explain Oswald.

                          The WC needed to have Oswald as the guy so the government and People could move on. I get that. But what was true?

                          Humes was just as frustrated as others in having to short circuit the Autopsy. He also felt pressure and was unhappy with the Autopsy sketches that he had to base his testimony on. In his words, the sketches were done by the artist who did not have access to the Autopsy photos.

                          For me the head shot is similar to the Single Bullet. Somehow through neck spasms the laws of Newton do not apply. The debris field matches the head direction in the Zapruder film. The government will have us believe a bullet hit Kennedy in the back and then exploded out the front at the temple. The Zapruder film shows no entrance spark or anything of that nature. But in this case, unlike the Single Pristine bullet , this bullet shatters inside the brain from compression ?
                          Yet the Zapruder film does not show what you originally see. A head shot to the temple forcing the head back and to the left which is seen in the film.

                          Humes admits the sketches were not based on Autopsy photos or xrays. Why not? Who knows?

                          Oswald could have been a shooter. But the Zapruder film and other photos show something else. These are not the Drones you are looking for.


                          • The fact that there was a massive head wound is obvious.”

                            If it’s so obvious Patrick then why did at least 6 doctors disagree? Why are those wrong? I’m sorry Patrick but you are doing what conspiracy theorists always do. You overcomplicate.

                            Dr. Charles Carrico was at Kennedy’s head; no one got closer. He thought that he saw a wound at the back of Kennedy’s head but he admitted that ‘absolutely’ they could have been wrong. If Carrico can easily admit of this possibility then the question has to be…why are conspiracy theorists (none of whom were there of course) so absolutely intransigent in their belief that no such mistake could have been made? I think that we all know why…it’s because their belief in conspiracy is of the level of a religious faith and all must comply to this.

                            In crime, we don’t discard physical evidence, the autopsy photographs and the x-rays have been proven many times to have been totally genuine. The Zapruder film is also 100% genuine and proves beyond any doubt at all that there was no wound to the back of Kennedy’s head. This is proven and no further discussion on it is needed. Those online that says it’s faked are lying. Simple as that.

                            The autopsy was 100% genuine. Any attempt to say that it wasn’t deserves no response because it’s a sick joke perpetrated on the public by those who seek to benefit from it.

                            There is not a group of conspirators in the entire history of this planet or any other (including potential parallel universes) that would have left themselves so much to do post shooting. Note Patrick, I’m not stating that it’s doubtful, I’m stating my thoughts as clearly as possible…it is physically and logically impossible for this ‘conspiracy’ to have taken place.

                            After the shooting these moronic plotters left themselves these things to do…

                            To plant prints on Oswald’s on the rifle and around the nest.

                            To leave three cartridges and keep their fingers crossed that no one found a fourth bullet.

                            According to some…remove a Mauser.

                            Hoped that Oswald didn’t blab.

                            Hoped that no one saw a non-Oswald’s shooter leave the building.

                            Hoped that the authorities gathered in every single photograph and cinematic film without fail.

                            Hoped that no one saw a Grassy Knoll gunman.

                            Hoped that the GK gunman didn’t hit Kennedy’s in such a way that 100% proved a shot from the front.

                            Hoped that no one at Parkland noticed a huge (non-existent) back of the head wound.

                            Convinced 3 men of high reputation to betray their country and President.

                            Hoped and prayed that no one ever had a rush of conscience and owned up to the plot.

                            Convinced the 14 pathologists that followed (including major conspiracy theorist Cyril Wecht) to betray their country and to risk their reputations in supporting the autopsy conclusions.

                            Hoping that no one from the HSCA had an attack of conscience and owned up to lying.

                            Convinced Oswald’s wife, brother and friends to support his guilt.

                            To frame him for the Walker assassination attempt.

                            No doubt we could add many more. So you would have to believe that our conspirators lumbered themselves with this categorically impossible ‘to do’ list when they could have had Kennedy killed without any of these. Simply and efficiently.

                            No. We cannot give this a minutes credence. Conspiracy theorist are just wrong. But how can we discuss the case properly Patrick when people keep bleating about ‘fakes’ or ‘forgeries.’ It’s like trying to explain how someone escaped by saying “what if he could fly and we didn’t notice.” Nothing is more frustrating than the fact that conspiracy theorists have created their own list of ‘get outs.’ We see this tactic online all the time. If you have no answer…label someone, call them a name. It’s an obfuscation tactic.

                            Common sense, respect for evidence, reason and logic tell us that Oswald killed Kennedy.

                            Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                            “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                            • Originally posted by cobalt View Post
                              Shooting from inside a high rise building, or from behind a fence, offered more concealment than anything on offer at the other two locations, Ft. Worth and the Trade Mart. Both the latter two were obvious 'hotspots' where the Security Detail would be on their mettle. By the time the motorcade was heading for the Stemmons Freeway crowds had thinned and any threat in the minds of the security men would be nearer to amber alert rather than red alert.
                              Security would likely relax around Dealey Plaza, so that is a point for Dealey Plaza.

                              Outside the Hotel Texas in Ft Worth, JFK was surrounded by high rise buildings. And standing still for several minutes on a raised platform, both of which makes for an easier target an a lot more time to aim. And there's a clearer line of sight than at Dealey Plaza. And the raised platform was surrounded by hundreds of people, which would both distract JFK's security and mean security would have to fight their way through the crowd to try to pursue a gunman.

                              "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

                              "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


                              • After the shooting these moronic plotters left themselves these things to do…
                                There then follows a list of strawmen, ripe for burning.

                                It has been pointed out on numerous occasions that the lone gunman theory is a figment of the WC imagination and no more. The assassins in Dealey Plaza set out to kill the POTUS and they succeeded. Why on earth would they care about photographs of the Grassy Knoll or direction of bullets? All they needed was a link to Cuba (Oswald) and a rifle on the 6th floor.

                                Johnson partly scuppered their plans by steering the lone gunman theory which, in its WC form, depoliticised the crime.

