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JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year

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  • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
    The "ballistics expert" who invented the Single bullet theory was a young lawyer, Arlen Specter.

    'nuff said.


    The video showing Specter stating that he developed his theory based only on drawings because photo evidence was not available to him, offers him some remission for his opinion. He is seen on that video going as far as to say that when photo evidence becomes available he may be proven to be in error. Prophetic insight on his part, which can only serve to soften opinion on his motives.

    Cheers, George


    • Originally posted by GBinOz View Post
      Hi Fishy,

      Compliments on your post # 3864.

      For many years I believed that the fatal head shot originated from the grassy knoll. However, when I reviewed the evidence presented by Sherry Fiester, that all the injures to JFK's head were confined to the right hand side, I realised that, while there were shot(s) from the grassy knoll, none of them were incident upon the president's head. The angles just don't add up for that conclusion. I am now persuaded that the fatal head shot originated from the south knoll, and that there was an almost simultaneous shot from behind. This may have been from the TSBD, or from the Daltex building. The shallow wound in the President's back was, I believe, intended to be so in order to tie that wound to the Carcano. This round would have been hand loaded using a reduced charge and fired through a 30 calibre rifle utilising a sabot, and probably came from the Records Building rooftop where a cartridge case was found some years later.

      It seems that while we are in general agreement, there is some room for differences.

      Cheers, George
      That being said George ,we agree the fatal shot came from the front .
      'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


      • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

        Of course she did , so did Governor Connolly

        Not to mention the the Dr's at parkland hospital who exposed the fake autopsy photos of the back of jfks head.

        C399 , the Mauser rifle , the slug from Tifrom body , the Wallace recording, im afraid its to easy to expose the warren commission lie .

        There's so much more. I'll be posting it all.
        If you're not willing or able to go into what's actually being written to you, then the more useful & convincing reply is always to not reply at all. Always.

        Have fun with your 'so much more'.
        "You can rob me, you can starve me and you can beat me and you can kill me. Just don't bore me."
        Clint Eastwood as Gunny in "Heartbreak Ridge"


        • Originally posted by FrankO View Post
          Unfortunately, she did nothing of the kind. She told that her husband's wounds were caused by one bullet and he couldn't be hit in both his upper body and wrist if he held his right hand at about shoulder level, which the Zapruder film shows he did until at least frame 279 and then again from frames 320 to 330.

          Why dont i just let Nellie Connally explain it to you [6 mins in ]

          If that isnt enough , just remember, your about to call this women a liar, who btw was in the limo on the most famous day of the most famous assassination of out time . Most likely even before you took your first breath on this planet!!! . Do you and herlock even realise how dumb , stupid and idiotic that looks ????
          ​Governor Connally's Story

          'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


          • Originally posted by FrankO View Post
            If you're not willing or able to go into what's actually being written to you, then the more useful & convincing reply is always to not reply at all. Always.

            Have fun with your 'so much more'.
            Thanks franky for pointing that out , should be ''Tippet''

            Oh and btw , have you been paying attention to the 3875 post on this topic ?. Because if you had then you would see how willing ive been in my replys . Have fun ''tuning in'' .
            Last edited by FISHY1118; Today, 08:23 AM.
            'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


            • Actual evidence [by request ]

              Exposing the Warren Commision lie, again.......

              Roger Craig and the 7.65 Mauser

              [4.mins 51 secs]

              Dallas County Sheriff's Deputy Roger Craig tells the story of how police found a 7.65 Mauser in the Texas School Book Depository on November 22, 1963. His story is supported by the sworn affidavits of Sheriff's Deputy Eugene Boone and Deputy Constable Seymour Weitzman. Boone later recanted his description and Weitzman refused to talk about it, but Craig never wavered.

              Note: the weapon's identification as a Mannlicher-Carcano was not released to the press until after authorities "found" records that Oswald had purchased such a weapon.

              Remarkable that such a hugely important identification claim of the rifle used to kill the President could make it to the highest level of national news broadcasts with our most famous TV news broadcasters like Charles Collingswood and Walter Cronkite himself being allowed to report that the rifle was ID'd as a Mauser (for two days! ) before someone back in Dallas got it right?

              Seems someone like Day and especially Constable Seymour Weitzman himself would have caught their mistaken ID before their Mauser ID went national.

              Didn't Weitzman wait one or more days before going on TV to publicly correct his mistaken ID for the found rifle? Seems he would have caught his mistake as soon as Cronkite and dozens of other national news people were telling the world of his identification of the murder weapon as a Mauser the day and evening of the assassination.

              That long time period before Weitzman sheepishly and embarrassingly confessing his grossly negligent ID of the rifle is what gives me suspicion thoughts about the whole affair.

              I've seen it argued that the misidentification was because they just glanced at it.

              First of all, what cop "glances" at at what is a murder weapon and the most important piece of evidence they will ever touch in their entire lifetimes?

              Second "glancing at it" -how, EXACTLY, does that work? I want a detailed explanation at how anyone, much less EVERYONE, could "glance" at the rifle. Did they keep their eyes covered with their hands the whole time except for one quick peek? Did they run up to the rifle, and then stole a quick look at it as they turned to immediately run away?

              I know this sounds like I'm kidding, but I'm not. Anyone who thinks the cops "glanced" at it, I would pose the same question. If you came within an arms length of it and looked at it for more than a few seconds, it was not a glance. If you held it in your hands, you certainly did not glance at it.

              And one of the cops owned a sporting goods store, didn't he? It really doesn't matter, it just further underlines how unbelievable it all is. I don't care how much the profile of the Mannlicher looked like a Mauser from a distance. Anyone who could read would not mistake both the make AND the caliber.

              I have never once heard a convincing argument as to why I, or anyone, should honestly believe the cops in Dallas read the words "MADE ITALY" and thought to themselves "This rifle was made in Germany" and read "CAL 6.5" and thought to themselves "Cal 6.5 means 7.65." Especially someone who owned a store that sold rifles, but let's get real - these were all good ol' Texas boys in 1963. Each and every one of them was familiar with firearms.

              'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


              • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

                Why dont i just let Nellie Connally explain it to you [6 mins in ]

                If that isnt enough , just remember, your about to call this women a liar, who btw was in the limo on the most famous day of the most famous assassination of out time . Most likely even before you took your first breath on this planet!!! . Do you and herlock even realise how dumb , stupid and idiotic that looks ????
                ​Governor Connally's Story

                I know what she said: that her husband's wounds were all caused by one bullet, the second of 3 in total that were fired. According to the governor that wasn't before frame 130 in the Zapruder film, but the thing is that he held his right hand at about shoulder level from frame 128 or so to at least frame 179 and then again at least from frame 320 until 330. So, the point is: how can he have been hit both in his upperbody and his wrist by a downward shot when he held his hand, holding the hat, clearly above the point of exit in his upperbody? And how could he still have held his hat after the third and, according to the Connally's, final shot?

                And I'm not calling or going to call this woman a liar. I call her human and human memory isn't a recording machine, unlike a camera.
                "You can rob me, you can starve me and you can beat me and you can kill me. Just don't bore me."
                Clint Eastwood as Gunny in "Heartbreak Ridge"


                • ACTUAL EVIDENCE .[as requested]

                  Connally Doc: "Bullet is in the leg, it hasn't been removed"

                  Excerpt from Dr. Robert Shaw's press conference of November 22nd, 1963 after Governor Connally's emergency surgery. At that time, the doctor said the bullet that did the damage to Governor Connally was still in his leg and would be removed before he went to the Recovery Room. This blows away the Warren Commission's contention that CE 399 was the bullet that did all the damage and fell out of the Governor's leg onto a stetcher

                  [1 min 29 sec]

                  Yes, it's hard to believe that Parkland Hospital had so many idiots for medical staff.

                  Doctors and nurses who couldn't tell an entrance wound from an exit wound.

                  Doctors and nurses who saw holes where there were none and missed the ones that were there.

                  And now a doctor who located a bullet in the thigh that had already fallen out.

                  Glad I never had to go to THAT hospital.
                  'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


                  • Originally posted by FrankO View Post
                    I know what she said: that her husband's wounds were all caused by one bullet, the second of 3 in total that were fired. According to the governor that wasn't before frame 130 in the Zapruder film, but the thing is that he held his right hand at about shoulder level from frame 128 or so to at least frame 179 and then again at least from frame 320 until 330. So, the point is: how can he have been hit both in his upperbody and his wrist by a downward shot when he held his hand, holding the hat, clearly above the point of exit in his upperbody? And how could he still have held his hat after the third and, according to the Connally's, final shot?

                    And I'm not calling or going to call this woman a liar. I call her human and human memory isn't a recording machine, unlike a camera.
                    Lets just say, ill take her memory over the Zfilm that was conveniently used and fitted to support the warren commission findings . Tell me , what year was the film released to the public?
                    'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


                    • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

                      I,ll save you the trouble of another long boring post . .You,ve just accused the Medical Experts doctors at Parkland hospital ,who on the day of the assassination OF LYING .!!! Expert that saw the back of JFKS head with a massive hole blown out that looks nothing like the fake autopsy photos . All before you took your first breath. . You should quit right now . . You,ll forgive me if i ignore anything you say about the jfk autopsy photos ,at least untill you get your medical degree.
                      I haven’t accused a single Parkland doctor of lying. So you invented that.

                      And what about the Parkland doctors that didn’t place the wound in the back of the head? And what about the main doctor who admitted that they could easily have been mistaken.

                      You have no answers I’m afraid Fishy. All that you can do is to keep cutting and pasting the words of other conspiracy theorists who keep repeating the same nonsense.

                      Let me tell you what proper evidence is Fishy. Evidence that stands up in court. Ask any legal person what a Judge and Jury take notice of…

                      On your side….some people in Dealey Plaza who saw/heard shots and were trying to save their own lives. A split second gunshot.

                      Plus….a few largely inexperienced doctors….in a traumatic situation, in a situation when they were, admitted by themselves, totally focused on the throat and chest, many of whom weren’t near to the head, in a situation where the LOCATION OF THE ALLEGED WOUND WASN'T VISIBLE….and with a wound to the side of Kennedy’s head running blood to the base of his head.

                      Against…three pathologists specifically examining that wound…photographs confirming the wound…x-rays confirming that wound…a film showing a wound to the side of Kennedy’s head and definitely not the back…14 more pathologists who examined and confirmed the 3 pathologists work…the numerous independent experts who examined the photographs and x-rays in minute scientific detail and found absolutely no evidence of tampering.

                      Dream on…in court this is an open and shut case. Conspiracy theorists genuinely should be embarrassed for even entertaining this kind of thing for a second.

                      Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                      “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                      • Originally posted by FrankO View Post
                        I know what she said: that her husband's wounds were all caused by one bullet, the second of 3 in total that were fired. According to the governor that wasn't before frame 130 in the Zapruder film, but the thing is that he held his right hand at about shoulder level from frame 128 or so to at least frame 179 and then again at least from frame 320 until 330. So, the point is: how can he have been hit both in his upperbody and his wrist by a downward shot when he held his hand, holding the hat, clearly above the point of exit in his upperbody? And how could he still have held his hat after the third and, according to the Connally's, final shot?

                        And I'm not calling or going to call this woman a liar. I call her human and human memory isn't a recording machine, unlike a camera.
                        Hi Frank,

                        This is a huge issue in this type of conversation. Fishy is quite free and easy in calling the WC and the Bethesda pathologist liars but we only have to suggest that a witness or some witnesses might have been mistaken (a proposition that he would accept without quarrel on other threads) and he immediately accuses us of calling them liars. You can’t discuss the case sensibly with this approach (especially combined with the deluge of cut and pasting from conspiracist websites).

                        Some people are either unwilling or incapable of debate.

                        Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                        “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                        • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

                          ACTUAL EVIDENCE .[as requested]

                          Doctors and nurses who couldn't tell an entrance wound from an exit wound.
                          An unbelievable statement. You do realise that medical professionals take specific training for that. Just being a doctor or nurse isn’t sufficient.

                          It’s the reason why when a an autopsy is to be done on a gunshot wound no one says “fetch Nurse Smith from the maternity ward. She can deal with it.”

                          Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                          “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                          • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
                            Actual evidence [by request ]

                            Exposing the Warren Commision lie, again.......

                            Roger Craig and the 7.65 Mauser

                            [4.mins 51 secs]

                            Dallas County Sheriff's Deputy Roger Craig tells the story of how police found a 7.65 Mauser in the Texas School Book Depository on November 22, 1963. His story is supported by the sworn affidavits of Sheriff's Deputy Eugene Boone and Deputy Constable Seymour Weitzman. Boone later recanted his description and Weitzman refused to talk about it, but Craig never wavered.

                            Note: the weapon's identification as a Mannlicher-Carcano was not released to the press until after authorities "found" records that Oswald had purchased such a weapon.

                            Remarkable that such a hugely important identification claim of the rifle used to kill the President could make it to the highest level of national news broadcasts with our most famous TV news broadcasters like Charles Collingswood and Walter Cronkite himself being allowed to report that the rifle was ID'd as a Mauser (for two days! ) before someone back in Dallas got it right?

                            Seems someone like Day and especially Constable Seymour Weitzman himself would have caught their mistaken ID before their Mauser ID went national.

                            Didn't Weitzman wait one or more days before going on TV to publicly correct his mistaken ID for the found rifle? Seems he would have caught his mistake as soon as Cronkite and dozens of other national news people were telling the world of his identification of the murder weapon as a Mauser the day and evening of the assassination.

                            That long time period before Weitzman sheepishly and embarrassingly confessing his grossly negligent ID of the rifle is what gives me suspicion thoughts about the whole affair.

                            I've seen it argued that the misidentification was because they just glanced at it.

                            First of all, what cop "glances" at at what is a murder weapon and the most important piece of evidence they will ever touch in their entire lifetimes?

                            Second "glancing at it" -how, EXACTLY, does that work? I want a detailed explanation at how anyone, much less EVERYONE, could "glance" at the rifle. Did they keep their eyes covered with their hands the whole time except for one quick peek? Did they run up to the rifle, and then stole a quick look at it as they turned to immediately run away?

                            I know this sounds like I'm kidding, but I'm not. Anyone who thinks the cops "glanced" at it, I would pose the same question. If you came within an arms length of it and looked at it for more than a few seconds, it was not a glance. If you held it in your hands, you certainly did not glance at it.

                            And one of the cops owned a sporting goods store, didn't he? It really doesn't matter, it just further underlines how unbelievable it all is. I don't care how much the profile of the Mannlicher looked like a Mauser from a distance. Anyone who could read would not mistake both the make AND the caliber.

                            I have never once heard a convincing argument as to why I, or anyone, should honestly believe the cops in Dallas read the words "MADE ITALY" and thought to themselves "This rifle was made in Germany" and read "CAL 6.5" and thought to themselves "Cal 6.5 means 7.65." Especially someone who owned a store that sold rifles, but let's get real - these were all good ol' Texas boys in 1963. Each and every one of them was familiar with firearms.

                            Ladies and Gents, here we are again. Our brilliant/stupid plotters. I can just imagine the words at the time….

                            DOH! We left the wrong weapon lying around!

                            No adult could accept this. Then again….

                            Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                            “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                            • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

                              Thanks franky for pointing that out , should be ''Tippet''

                              Oh and btw , have you been paying attention to the 3875 post on this topic ?. Because if you had then you would see how willing ive been in my replys . Have fun ''tuning in'' .
                              If only they were ‘your’ replies Fishy.

                              Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                              “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                              • Arlen Specter…..a totally honest man…..used the tools available to him to show how one bullet could have hit both men…..admitted that he couldn’t know whether time would prove him mistaken….reproduction using technology proved him 100% correct.

                                We should now call it the single bullet fact. Which leaves us with only one magic bullet. The disappearing bullet the conspiracy theorists have never come up with an explanation for.

                                Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                                “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”

