Originally posted by GBinOz
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The spot Zapruder stood was an almost perfect vantage point except for the street sign. It can be used However to assist in angles and distances based on its specifications. We see it's use in frame by frame analysis but also see it's controversy of the when. When was Connally hit in relation to the frames?
The Plaza is a perfect kill zone so this Fact only adds to the problem of trust in any search for how it was done and whether Kennedy was professionally assassinated. Why did the motorcade go down Elm and just head straight fo the Freeway and Trade Mart. All issues that became legitimate questions. The answer became obvious in a classic Crossfire arrangement in Daltek, Book Depository and Grassy Knoll. Or at least it became an obvious point of any conspiracy theory of who. Who benefited? That answer became obvious- LBJ, Hoover, CIA, MOB and the Companies who feed the Military Industrial Complex.
The grassy knoll distance to target and angle to target ( Frame 313) is roughly around 60 feet. However the car was moving so the head would be a moving target in any case of firing position and angle. Frame 313 shows an explosion in the right temple as the head moves back and to the left in less than 1 second by frames. Having stood behind the fence where Lee Bowers saw 2 men at the time, it aligns easily with Frane 313
This Fact adds to the lack of trust in the WC.
The other angle would be from a perch on the 6th floor to Kennedys head and back/throat exit to Connally for a total of 7 entrances and 7 exits, including bone but somehow comes out pristine. Unlike the same jacketed bullet that hits the head that fragments into pieces no larger than a quarter of an inch and most 1 or 2 millimeters in size.
You can perhaps understand the doubt. Especially when Humes decided not to trace the path of the bullet from Kennedys back through his neck. As a result there was a need to explain Connallys wounds and hence the Single Bullet was born. Reasonable doubt was a result.
The Warren Commission Autopsy failures resulted in the endless Conspiracy theories. Zapruder frame 313 eerily matches an easy shot from the grassy knoll. Could Oswald make those shots in 4.8 seconds, was Connally hit with another shot, etc. etc.....
The folks who used technology to do laser scans and continue to advance the technologies do not support the Single Bullet theory based on the shooting angles. This challenge appeared in the Jim Garrison appeal on January 31, 1969. The laser scans support this appeal challenge. The alternative is Arlen Specters own theory Trying to prove it after the fact. Which one is right?
There is plenty of reasonable doubt in this case. The Warren Commission did not satisfy it and only fueled the doubt. The 60s were a turbulent time and created PTSD for many American citizens who lived it. Its not a joke.
Technology may still play a roll in this case.