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JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year

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  • Originally posted by Fiver View Post

    It's not a problem if you read the actual evidence.

    Mr. HILL. Then we went back over to the house next door, which would have been the first one east of this one, and made sure it was securely locked, both upstairs and downstairs. There was no particular sign of entry on this building at all. At this point we came back out to the street, and I asked had Owens received any information from the hospital on Tippit.
    And he said they had just told him on channel 2 that he was dead. I got back in 105's car, went back around to the original scene, gave him his car keys back, and left his ear there, and at this point he came up to me with a Winston cigarette package.
    Mr. BELIN. Who was this?
    Mr. HILL. This was Poe.
    Mr. BELIN. You went back to the Tippit scene?
    Mr. HILL. Right.
    Mr. BELIN. You went back to 400 East 10th Street?
    Mr. HILL. Right. And Poe showed me a Winston cigarette package that contained three spent jackets from shells that he said a citizen had pointed out to him where the suspect had reloaded his gun and dropped these in the grass, and that the citizen had picked them up and put them in the Winston package.
    I told Poe to maintain the chain of evidence as small as possible, for him to retain these at that time, and to be sure and mark them for evidence, and then turn them over to the crime lab when he got there, or to homicide.

    Mr. POE. I talked to a Spanish man, but I don't remember his name. Dominique, I believe.
    Mr. BALL. Domingo Benavides?
    Mr. POE. I believe that is correct; yes, sir.
    Mr. BALL. What did he tell you?
    Mr. POE. He told me, give me the same, or similar description of the man, and told me he was running out across this lawn. He was unloading his pistol as he ran, and he picked the shells up.
    Mr. BALL. Domingo told you who was running across the lawn?
    Mr. POE. A man, white man.
    Mr. BALL. What was he doing?
    Mr. POE. He was unloading his pistol as he run.
    Mr. BALL. And what did he say?
    Mr. POE. He said he picked the two hulls up.
    Mr. BALL. Did he hand you the hulls?
    Mr. POE. Yes, sir.
    Mr. BALL. Did you put any markings on the hulls?
    Mr. POE. I couldn't swear to it; no, sir.
    Mr. BALL. What did you do with the hulls?
    Mr. POE. I turned the hulls into the crime lab, which was at the scene.​

    Mr. BARNES. I photographed the scene; yes. There was a couple of hulls that was turned over to me.
    Mr. BELIN. Do you mean empty shell casings?
    Mr. BARNES. Empty .38 caliber hulls was turned over to me at the scene by patrolman--I believe I would be safe in saying Poe, but I am not sure about that.
    Mr. BELIN. How do you spell that?
    Mr. BARNES. P-o-e, I believe is the way he spells it.
    Mr. BELIN. You think he was the one that turned over some shells?
    Mr. BARNES. I believe it is. I am not too sure right now, but I believe that is what is on the report. I would have to check it to be sure.​

    Mr. BELIN. Sergeant, I will ask you to examine Commission Exhibits Nos. Q-74, Q-75, Q-76, and Q-77, and ask you to state whether or not there appears to be any identification marks on any of these exhibits that appear to show that they were examined or identified by you?
    Mr. BARNES. I placed "B", the best that I could, inside of the hull of Exhibit 74---I believe it was Q-74 and Q-75, as you have them identified.
    Mr. BELIN. Now all four of these exhibits appear to be cartridge case hulls, is that correct?
    Mr. BARNES. .38 caliber.
    Mr. BELIN. .38 caliber pistol?
    Mr. BARNES. Yes.
    Mr. BELIN. They are kind of silver or chrome or grey in color? You can identify it that way?
    Mr. BARNES. Yes.
    Mr. BELIN. How many of these hulls, to the best of your recollection, did you identify out there?
    Mr. BARNES. I believe that the patrolman gave me two, and Captain Doughty received the third.
    Mr. BELIN. The two that the patrolman gave you were the ones that you put this identification mark on the inside of?
    Mr. BARNES. Yes.
    Mr. BELIN. What instrument did you use to place this mark?
    Mr. BARNES. I used a diamond point pen.
    Mr. BELIN. You put it on Q-74 and Q-75?
    Mr. BARNES. It looks like there are others that put their markings in there too.
    Mr. BELIN. Did you have anything to do with identifying either the slugs that were eventually removed from Officer Tippit's body, or the pistol?
    Mr. BARNES. No.
    Mr. BELIN. You never put any identifying marks on those. Is there anything else that you did out at the crime scene?
    Mr. BARNES. We made a crime sketch of the scene.
    Mr. BELIN. You made a crime sketch of the scene?
    Mr. BARNES. Yes.
    Mr. BELIN. Anything else?
    Mr. BARNES. No; not that I can recall at this time.
    Mr. BELIN. What did you do with those cartridge case hulls, Q-74 and Q-75?
    Mr. BARNES. We placed them in our evidence room, and turned them over to the FBI. I believe Special Agent Drain of the FBI was the agent that took them.

    Have you actually posted anythnig of interest here ?
    'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


    • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

      Have you actually posted anythnig of interest here ?
      Just another long cut and paste. As you would be aware Fishy, a revolver can be emptied of expended cases via the ejector rod, but that would also eject any live rounds. To remove only expended rounds (you don't remove live rounds when reloading), you have to pull them from the cylinder individually. So then, do you throw them on the ground to provide the police with evidence, or put them in your pocket? If you're trying to set someone up, you throw them on the ground. On the other hand, if the handgun was an auto, as originally reported, the cases are already on the ground and time has to be spent locating and picking up the expended cases.

      Use common sense and the case solves itself.
      Last edited by GBinOz; Today, 07:31 AM.


      • Originally posted by GBinOz View Post

        Just another long cut and paste. As you would be aware Fishy, a revolver can be emptied of expended cases via the ejector rod, but that would also eject any live rounds. To remove only expended rounds (you don't remove live rounds when reloading), you have to pull them from the cylinder individually. So then, do you throw them on the ground to provide the police with evidence, or put them in your pocket? If you're trying to set someone up, you throw them on the ground. On the other hand, if the handgun was an auto, as originally reported, the cases are already on the ground and time has to be spent locating and picking up the expended cases.

        Use common sense and the case solves itself.
        Thanks for that post George.
        'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


        • Originally posted by Patrick Differ View Post
          80,000 pages of documents are being released tomorrow 3/18/2025. Unredacted.

          That's alot of documents compared to 13,000 released in 2022.

          We hopefully at least learn why they were withheld. Hey is this finally it? Who knows?

          The truth is coming.
          'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


          • Originally posted by A P Tomlinson View Post
            Obviously this posed a problem for the narrative, as Oswald SHOULD have been on that staircase. It was the only way he could have got down to the 2nd floor lunchroom in time to meet Truly and Baker. He was on the second floor within 90 seconds of the shots being fired.
            The recreation walkthrough showed that such a timing was possible, but never considered introducing any known factors that might dispute it.
            If Victoria Adams was able to sprint down 4 flights of stairs in 60 seconds while wearing three inch heels it is a problem for Oswald killing JFK.

            But it's an even bigger problem for the Conspiracists. NotOswald in the sniper's nest has to make it down one more floor and out of the building in the same amount of time.

            "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

            "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


            • Originally posted by A P Tomlinson View Post
              They twisted Bonnie Ray Williams in knots till he finally said something they liked and that became his testimony.
              Williams put Oswald on the 6th floor around 11:55am, asking for the elevator to be sent back up. If that's the worst they can get, this is a pretty incompetent Conspiracy.

              Originally posted by A P Tomlinson View Post
              They turned Charles Givens into a super witness by somehow, (after several statements and affidavits made to FBI and DPD saying he had last seen Oswald pre 12.00pm when Givens went down for his lunch,) following a closed door session with Belin, he was suddenly on the sixth floor at 12:15 to 12:20 observing Oswald over by the snipers nest. A view that had they checked in advance would have proved pretty difficult to demonstrate with the boxes intact as the photos taken on the day showed that such a view was blocked.
              Everything you say about Given's testimony is wrong.

              Mr. BELIN. When did you see Lee Harvey Oswald next?
              Mr. GIVENS. Next?
              Mr. BELIN. Yes.
              Mr. GIVENS. Well, it was about a quarter till 12, we were on our way downstairs, and we passed him, and he was standing at the gate on the fifth floor.
              I came downstairs, and I discovered I left my cigarettes in my jacket pocket upstairs, and I took the elevator back upstairs to get my jacket with my cigarettes in it. When I got back upstairs, he was on the sixth floor in that vicinity, coming from that way.
              Mr. BELIN. Coming from what way?
              Mr. GIVENS. Toward the window up front where the shots were fired from.

              Mr. BELIN. You were standing at that point, and where did you see Lee Harvey Oswald?
              Mr. GIVENS. Well, I was along here [indicating].
              Mr. BELIN. All right, you are pointing at a spot you say along in here?
              Mr. GIVENS. Yes, sir.
              Mr. BELIN. That would be near the east wall of the building?
              Mr. GIVENS. Yes, sir.
              Mr. BELIN. You can see a scale here that is from 0 to 20 feet. Well, it would be about 30 to 40 feet north of the south wall of that building, is that right?
              Mr. GIVENS. Yes, sir.
              Mr. BELIN. And around 10 feet or so away from the east wall, is that about right?
              Mr. GIVENS. That is about right.
              Mr. BELIN. Now, did you notice whether or not there were any cartons stacked up around the southeast corner of that sixth floor?
              Mr. GIVENS. Well, I didn't pay any attention about any being stacked, because we had taken all that stock from that side of the building and ran it down that side.
              Mr. BELIN. You had taken stock down from the west part of the sixth floor where you were working and put it there?
              Mr. GIVENS. Yes; ran it down the side right in front of the window.
              Mr. BELIN. Was he between that stock and the window, or was he on the other side of the window?
              Mr. GIVENS. He was between the stock and the window, coming towards the elevators.
              Mr. BELIN. Coming towards the elevators?
              Mr. GIVENS. Yes, sir.​

              Mr. BELIN. Now, you said that he had a clipboard in his hand?
              Mr. GIVENS. Yes; he had his board with his orders on it.​

              Mr. BELIN. Did you watch where he walked to?
              Mr. GIVENS. Well, no, sir; I didn't pay much attention. I was getting ready on the elevator, and I say, "Boy, are you going downstairs?"
              Mr. BELIN. What did he say to you?
              Mr. GIVENS. I say, "It's near lunch time."
              He said, "No, sir. When you get downstairs, close the gate to the elevator." That meant the elevator on the west side, you can pull both gates down and it will come up by itself.
              Mr. BELIN. What else did he say?
              Mr. GIVENS. That is all.
              Mr. BELIN. What did you say to that? Did you Say you would close the elevator gate, or not say anything?
              Mr. GIVENS. I said, "Okay," and got on the elevator.​

              Givens saw Oswald around 11:45, around 40 feet from the sniper's nest, armed with a clipboard, walking towards the elevators. Givens didn't even notice if there was a sniper's nest.

              If that's a 'super witness' then the Conspiracy are a pack of idiots.
              "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

              "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


              • Originally posted by Patrick Differ View Post
                Arlen Specter gave an interview to US News and World Report in 1966. Almost 3 years after the Assassination. He became, Chief Investigator for the Warren Commission. ( His words)
                in the interview he admits some shocking details. Like the contradiction between Parkland and Bethesday autopsy in terms of entry and exit wounds on Kennedy. He also said they used probabilities based on this some level of evidence and that the Warren Commission came up with the " conclusions". Shots came from behind because that's where the gun was found.
                He also did not know ( in 1966) whether the FBI or WC had seen all the Kennedy photographs. He believed the WC did not but it would not have changed the outcome. He was unsure of the FBIs actual involvement period.
                Specter also goes on to say that both Parkland and Bethesda had " limited access" to the body but he felt Humes had enough time for producing a detailed Autopsy report. Eventhough Humes destroyed his notes? ( or was told to?).
                Kennedys body was being prepared the morning of the 23rd.
                Limited access and time ?? Conclusions based on probabilities? We didn't need to see all the photographs?
                Specter in 1966. He had no idea who suppressed the photographs.
                That's an inaccurate description of the 1966 US News and World Report article.

                "it would be presumptuous of me to characterize my role as that of "chief investigator" on a key part of the assassination investigation."

                "The photographs and X-rays would, in the thinking of the Commission, not have been crucial, because they would have served only to corroborate what the autopsy surgeons had testified to under oath, as opposed to adding any new facts for the Commission."

                " It is my view now, and it has always been my view as a general proposition, that the greater the quantity of relevant evidence on any subject, the better off the fact finder is in knowing all of the material factors. So, from that generalization, it would follow that, even as corroborative information, photographs and X-rays would always be helpful."

                "Let me add one thought at this point, and that is that at the time the autopsy surgeons testified, in March of 1964, they had no way of knowing whether the photographs and X-rays would later be available to the Commission, to corroborate or to impeach their testimony."

                Originally posted by Patrick Differ View Post
                Sure...I'm going to believe the Chief Investigator for the WC who apparently...just wasn't sure.
                Spector never claimed to be the Chief Investigator, And he was sure about a lot of things.

                "The evidence is overwhelming that Lee Harvey Oswald was the assassin of President Kennedy. There can be no real doubt on that subject, based on the factors of ownership of the weapon which was found on the sixth floor of the Texas Schoolbook Depository Building, the handwriting links to Oswald's having ordered that weapon, the fact that it is scientifically, ballistically proved beyond question that the whole bullet found on the stretcher in Parkland Hospital came from that weapon, that the two major fragments found in the front seat of the presidential limousine came from that weapon.

                Further indications of Oswald's guilt are his rapid exit, fleeing from the site of the Texas Schoolbook Depository Building and the later killing of Officer [J.D.] Tippit, which was witnessed by several people, plus photographs showing Oswald holding a rifle identified as being the Manlicher-Carcano which was used.

                In conjunction with a whole host of other evidence, those were just highlights which, I think, answer conclusively and far beyond that which we normally proven criminal cases that Oswald was the assassin


                "I would certainly stand foursquare behind the Commission's conclusion that there was absolutely no evidence called to the Commission's attention which would indicate a coconspirator on the case."


                "There were people who ran off in the direction of the grassy knoll, but there was no one who saw anyone on the grassy knoll with a weapon, as, for example, eyewitnesses did see a rifle protruding from the sixth floor of the Texas Schoolbook Depository Building. There were no ballistic marks of any shot having come from the area of the grassy knoll, as there were indications that shots came above and to the rear — for example, the wound on Governor Connally's back and the wound on the back of the President's head, and the mark on the windshield of the presidential limousine, which indicated that at least a fragment of a bullet had struck the windshield from the rear."


                " I think it is important to note that the conclusion that one bullet went through the President's neck and inflicted all the wounds on the Governor was not a prerequisite to the Commission's conclusion that Oswald was the sole assassin. The point is often made that such a conclusion is indispensable to a single-assassin finding, but that is not so."

                "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

                "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


                • Originally posted by scottnapa View Post
                  if there is no body, there is no evidence from that body admissable at a trial.
                  That is true, but irrelevant. JFK's body did not cease to exist just because it was moved.

                  "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

                  "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


                  • Originally posted by Fiver View Post

                    That is true, but irrelevant. JFK's body did not cease to exist just because it was moved.
                    Wow. Finally.


                    • Originally posted by Fiver View Post

                      That is true, but irrelevant. JFK's body did not cease to exist just because it was moved.
                      Wow. Finally.


                      • THE MIINOX CAMERA part 1
                        The camera is proof of FBI malfeasance, but not everyone understands or sees it for what it is. Often WC apologists like DVP shampoo rinse and repeat troublesome issues. Quoting DVP's web page:
                        BEN HOLMES SAID:
                        The Minox camera (and the way the FBI dealt with it) demonstrates a 'conspiracy' to hide the evidence of Oswald's intelligence connections.
                        DAVID VON PEIN SAID:
                        The only possible response to this item on Holmes' silly list is -- LOL!
                        I guess maybe Holmes thinks President Kennedy was shot with a Minox camera on Elm Street, huh?
                        This is how far down the "evidence chain" a mega-kook like Ben Holmes must dig in order to satisfy their need for a "plot" in the JFK case. Pathetic, isn't it?

                        DVP is not interested in the truth
                        He has a greater need: to mock someone who disagrees with him .

                        Nor is Mr. Holmes 100% correct, the FBI is presenting fiction as fact.
                        It is a post-assassination slight-of-hand; a coverup rather than a conspiracy, as the camera plays no role in the assassination, And this FBI conspiracy is limited to J Edgar Hoover who denies the Minox camera was found in the Paine's garage.FBI wants no items that suggests any connection with gathering There are significant rumors in Dallas that Oswald was a paid CIA and FBI informant. So no CIA ONI MI or FBI leads are wanted or followed up on.
                        Theresult is the FBI is willing to destroy and manipulate evidence. In this instance the deception is based on optics—the public image of this Minox spy camera is based on it’s use in James Bond movies. The camera’s size makes it idea for indoor espionage work. Photographing items in a safe or secret documents. No flash. That is why light meter is utilized for low light situations.

                        Last edited by scottnapa; Today, 09:18 PM.


                        • THE MIINOX CAMERA part 2
                          Testimony of Gus Rose, the Dallas Police officer before the House select committee on Assassinations (HSChereA):

                          The HSCA turns a critical eye on FBI and CIA deceptions
                          Unlike the WC and DVP, the HSCA chose to investigate with a dedication to facts.

                          MORIARTY - How many photographs and negatives did you find?
                          ROSE - We found quite, several photographs.
                          MORIARTY - I mean of him. ("Him" refers to Lee Oswald) ( PHOTO discussed is taken in Japan uploaded)
                          ROSE - Oh, of this particular, I don't recall but the one photograph and the negative.
                          MORIARTY - I think we last talked about a Minox camera and some film in it being among the property.
                          ROSE - We found this camera and of course, we brought it and a whole lot of other property in, as possible evidence in the case. And uh, while we were marking the evidence for later identification by us to be used in evidence we did, Stovall and I, did take a close look at this Minox miniature camera and it did have a roll of film in it. As time passed and after the Warren Commission was appointed, uh, a couple of F.B.I. agents made three different trips to our office to talk to me about this camera. They said that after they had received all the property they found that I had made a mistake, and that that really wasn't a camera, it was a Minox light meter. However, as I told them at the time, I was sure that I had not made a mistake, it definitely was a camera and definitely did have film in it. However, they wanted me to change that in our property invoice to read Minox light meter and not read Minox camera. We never did change it. Uh, Captain Fritz instructed me if I was sure I was right not to make any changes in any reports, tay with what was right.

                          Click image for larger version

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                          • Originally posted by scottnapa View Post

                            Wow. Finally.
                            All evidence from the JFK autopsy would have been legal for a trial in Texas. JFK's body did not cease to exist just because it was moved.
                            "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

                            "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


                            • Originally posted by scottnapa View Post
                              There is sufficient proof of FBI intervention. One, insertion; changing newspaper story in Times Herald.
                              The Dallas Times Herald article said "Dr. Perry added, "It is conceivable it was one wound, but there was no way for me to tell. It did however appear to be the entrance wound at the front of the throat." The article makes it clear that the two wounds that might be from the same bullet are "Wounds in the lower front portion of the neck and the right rear side of the head."

                              Why would the FBI, or anyone else, for that matter, insert the idea that the head wound and the neck wound were from the same bullet? If they were manipulating the press, why would they leave in "The front neck hole was described as an entrance wound. The wound at the back of the head, while the principal one, was either an exit or tangential entrance wound. A doctor admitted that it was possible there was only one wound." or " "There were two wounds. Whether they were directly related I do not know. It was an entrance wound in the neck." or "Dr. Clark replied. "The head wound could have been either an exit or a tangential entrance wound."

                              Perry repeated these statements in an ABC interview that evening, that the neck wound was a "small penetrating wound that appeared to be the entrance wound." and that the head wound was a quite large one that could have been either an exit wound or a tangential wound of the skull."

                              The so-called manipulation of the press requires inserting a sentence that contradicts the autopsy report and leaving in five sentences that contradict the autopsy report.

                              Who’s running this Conspiracy – Moe, Larry, and Curly?​

                              "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

                              "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


                              • Originally posted by scottnapa View Post
                                Two, substitution; the Minox camera fraud .
                                The police inventory lists:
                                1 Stereo Realist Camera and Case
                                1 Small German camera and black case on chain and film
                                1 Russian .35 mm camera and brown case

                                If Oswald was a patsy, then there couldn’t have been anything incriminating on the film of any of the cameras.

                                If there was something incriminating on the missing camera then:
                                * Oswald must have been part of the Conspiracy.
                                * Oswald was an inept member of the Conspiracy for taking incriminating photos.
                                * Oswald was even more inept for not concealing incriminating evidence.
                                * The Conspirator sent to collect the rifle was inept for not removing the incriminating evidence.
                                * The Conspirator who took the camera was inept. The barely competent thing to do would be to take the film and leave the camera. The smart thing to do would be to replace the film with a new roll. Even taking the film out, exposing it, and putting it back would be less dumb than taking the camera.

                                That’s before we get into how would the Conspiracy know which of the three cameras to take.

                                Who’s running this Conspiracy – Moe, Larry, and Curly?
                                "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

                                "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer

