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JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year

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  • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
    Back to the murder of Tippet. Every eye witness who saw the murder of Officer Tippit gave contradictory descriptions of Tippett's killer(s). I say 'killers' because at least one witness claimed there were at least two individuals involved in the shooting of Tippet. One witness, Benevides, later retracted his statement to law enforcement after his brother was murdered. Both he and his brother looked alike, and it is believed that the murderer of his brother (who was never found) mistook his older brother for him.​
    Yet more lies from your source.

    * The witness descriptions were not copy-paste identical to others, but five people ID'd Oswald.
    * Only one witness, Acquilla Clemens, claimed to have seen two men leaving the scene. Most likely it was salesman and former marine Ted Calloway, who took Tippit's gun to hunt for Tippit's killer and taxi driver William Scoggins, who mistakenly though Calloway was police or Secret Service.
    * "The testimony of Domingo Benavides was taken at 2:30 p.m., on April 2, 1964". He never retracted this testimony.
    * Eddy Benavides was shot to death in February 1965. long after his brother testified.
    * Eddy Benavides' killer, Radford Lee Hill, was caught, confessed, and went to prison.

    "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

    "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


    • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
      Another witness [Clemmons] said she saw at least two men, not one, involved in the murder. She was warned or threatened by law enforcement representatives not to speak about her testimony to anyone, not even her family, or she might be in "serious trouble". She complied somewhat. Her testimony was never entered or quantified by the Warren Commission or the HSCA. Still, her statement is on file with the Dallas DA and in a filmed interview by Mark Lane that you can still see on YouTube. The only media interview she ever gave.
      Another witness? Your source had already pretended she was more than one person and now it's trying to use her a third time.

      Clemons is the only person who claimed two people left the scene of Tippit's murder. She's one of many people whose story became a lot juicier once Mark Lane talked to them.

      "In fact, the Assassinations Committee had had a veritable feast on Lane's inaccuracies in the King case, from his published interview with Ray's alibi witness, who admitted to the committee that he told Lane a false story in hopes of gaining fame and fortune, to his allegations about the Memphis police removal of black police detective Ed Redditt, who turned out to be as much a police spy as a security guard, and whose removal from a watch post near the Lorraine Motel was apparently motivated by nothing more than fear of reprisal from King's people should they discover the spying." - Mother Jones magazine​

      "Lane was not one to be fastidious with data. The glaring errors and extravagances in some of his statements cast unfortunate doubt on the rest of them. He tantalized the Warren Commission with a story about a meeting a week before the assassination between Ruby, the slain police officer J. D.Tippit (killed shortly after Kennedy)and the man who printed up "Wanted for Treason" posters with JFK's picture on them. But the affidavits were never forthcoming.​" - Mother Jones magazine​

      ""Lane has never seen a lily without wanting to gild it," complains rival conspiracy researcher Harold Weisberg. "I only wish he were content to steal from others, but he has this urge to invent his own stuff." - Mother Jones magazine​​​
      "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

      "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


      • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
        If LHO had murdered Tippit, he would have had to walk/jog/run nearly a mile in under thirteen minutes to get to the movie theater.
        Your source is lying again.

        Google Maps shows it was 0.6 miles from the murder site to the Texas Theater.

        Tippit was shot around 1:15pm. Oswald was seen entering the Texas Theater around 1:36pm.

        36 - 15 = 21. Not 13.

        Your source just failed elementary school subtraction.

        "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

        "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


        • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

          You'll have to do better than than that ,

          The third shot had already hit Kennedy before hill got close to the limo . , how did hill know it "entered" Kennedy in the lower back of the head? He was a SS agent not a doctor .

          An interview from 2023 well best not go there . .

          Oh and umm your forgetting something , the big hole in the back of Kennedy's skull where all his brains yused to be .

          Know look at the autopsy pics ,what do you see ? Fake.
          Was Governor Connally a Doctor?

          And here we are again with the evidence-free accusation ‘fake.’ Those x-rays have been verified as genuine. Because they were.

          Sir Herlock Sholmes.

          “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


          • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

            There was more fragments in Connally .

            Nurse Audrey Bell . From the list of liars ,morons , idiots

            CE399 was in pristine condition .

            Every way you look at it c399 is the Warren Commission biggest lie .

            I’d suggest that you check a dictionary for the word ‘pristine.’ The bullet certainly wasn’t pristine. What we did get though is an example of the same type of bullet, fired through a few feet of wood, then dug out and found to be less damaged than c399.

            But it looks like you are accusing the 4 people that independently confirmed Fraziers results as liars, morons, idiots Fishy. Isn’t that the case? How else can you describe those highly regarded experts that confirmed the results of another highly regarded expert?


            Sir Herlock Sholmes.

            “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


            • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

              Sorry I'm not buying that ,

              You can't just speculate they all lied.

              Remember they saw Kennedy 10 mins after he was shot, surely you dont believe they could have made all that up ? We are talking the president of the u.s . .

              The list of just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

              Let see who else we can add to it that makes the Warren Commission findings look totally stupid.

              Again you appear to have an issue with reading what’s posted and then commenting on it specifically. At no point did I accuse them all of lying. You made that false assumption. Bugliosi analysed in depth what those Parkland doctors said. He also interviewed many of them personally. You should read the results. But I forgot. You only read things that confirm your preconception.

              Sir Herlock Sholmes.

              “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


              • Originally posted by Fiver View Post

                This is a mix of inaccuracies and outright lies by your source. Hardly surprising when it had already parroted Jim Garrison's lunacy about the Abundant Life Temple.

                Actual police tapes show a great deal of confusion on where Oswald went.
                75 NBC News is reporting DOA.
                Dispatcher That's correct.
                75 (?) That the officer?
                Dispatcher Yes.

                This is at least 8 minutes before Johnny Brewer saw Oswald.

                "A white station wagon believed to be P (Paul) E (Ellis) 3435, unknown make or model, late model, occupied by two white males, left this fellow's station going east on Davis and believed they had a shotgun or rifle laying in the back seat."

                "We're shaking down these old houses out here in the 400 block of East Jefferson right now."

                "Send squad over here to Tenth and Crawford to check out this church basement."
                223 (Tires squealing, noises) 223, he in the library at Jefferson - east 500 block Marsalis and Jefferson.
                223 223.
                Dispatcher What's the location, 223?
                223 (Ptm. C.T. Walker) Marsalis and Jefferson. In the library. I'm going around the back. Get somebody in front. Get them in fast.
                Dispatcher Any unit near Marsalis and Jefferson at the library.
                550/2 (Sergeant Gerald L. Hill) A witness reports that he last was seen in the Abundant Life Temple about the 400 block. We are fixing to go in and shake it down.
                Dispatcher Is that the one that was involved in the shooting of the officer?
                550/2 Yes.

                Needless to say, there was lots of police activity in the area before Johnny Brewer saw Oswald.

                Mr. BREWER. I looked up and out towards the street and the police cars----
                Mr. BELIN. When you looked up, did you step out of the store at all?
                Mr. BREWER. No; I was Still in the store behind the counter, and I looked up and saw the man enter the lobby.​

                Mr. BELIN. All right, you saw a man going into what you referred to as this lobby area?
                Mr. BREWER. Yes; and he stood there with his back to the street.
                Mr. BELIN. When did he go in now? What did you hear at the time that he stepped into this lobby area?
                Mr. BREWER. I heard the police cars coming up Jefferson, and he stepped in, and the police made a U-turn and went back down East Jefferson.
                Mr. BELIN. Where did he make the U-turn?
                Mr. BREWER. At Zangs.
                Mr. BELIN. Do you remember the sirens going away?
                Mr. BREWER. Yes; the sirens were going away. I presume back to where the officer had been shot, because it was back down that way. And when they turned and left, Oswald looked over his shoulder and turned around and walked up West Jefferson towards the theatre.
                Mr. BELIN. Let me hold you a minute. You used the word Oswald. Did you know who the man was at the time you saw him?
                Mr. BREWER. No.​

                Mr. BELIN. Then what did you see this man do?
                Mr. BREWER. He turned and walked out of the lobby and went up West Jefferson toward the theatre, and I walked out the front and watched him, and he went into the theatre.
                Mr. BELIN. What theatre is that?
                Mr. BREWER. Texas Theatre.
                Mr. BELIN. Why did you happen to watch this particular man?
                Mr. BREWER. He just looked funny to me. Well, in the first place, I had seen him some place before. I think he had been in my store before. And when you wait on somebody, you recognize them, and he just seemed funny. His hair was sort of messed up and looked like he had been running, and he looked scared, and he looked funny.
                Mr. BELIN. Did you notice any of his actions when he was standing in your lobby there?
                Mr. BREWER. No; he just stood there and stared.
                Mr. BELIN. He stared?
                Mr. BREWER. Yes.
                Mr. BELIN. Was he looking at the merchandise?
                Mr. BREWER. Not anything in particular. He was just standing there staring.​

                Oswald wasn't just "walking down a street". He looked scared and like he had been running. He ducked into the lobby of Brewer's shoe store when a police car approached, watched until the police car was gone, then ducked into the Texas Theatre without paying.

                Proper evidence Fiver. It won’t go down well but what else can you do?

                Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                • Originally posted by Fiver View Post

                  Another witness? Your source had already pretended she was more than one person and now it's trying to use her a third time.

                  Clemons is the only person who claimed two people left the scene of Tippit's murder. She's one of many people whose story became a lot juicier once Mark Lane talked to them.

                  "In fact, the Assassinations Committee had had a veritable feast on Lane's inaccuracies in the King case, from his published interview with Ray's alibi witness, who admitted to the committee that he told Lane a false story in hopes of gaining fame and fortune, to his allegations about the Memphis police removal of black police detective Ed Redditt, who turned out to be as much a police spy as a security guard, and whose removal from a watch post near the Lorraine Motel was apparently motivated by nothing more than fear of reprisal from King's people should they discover the spying." - Mother Jones magazine​

                  "Lane was not one to be fastidious with data. The glaring errors and extravagances in some of his statements cast unfortunate doubt on the rest of them. He tantalized the Warren Commission with a story about a meeting a week before the assassination between Ruby, the slain police officer J. D.Tippit (killed shortly after Kennedy)and the man who printed up "Wanted for Treason" posters with JFK's picture on them. But the affidavits were never forthcoming.​" - Mother Jones magazine​

                  ""Lane has never seen a lily without wanting to gild it," complains rival conspiracy researcher Harold Weisberg. "I only wish he were content to steal from others, but he has this urge to invent his own stuff." - Mother Jones magazine​​​
                  And Mother Jones was a left-wing magazine and not a pro-establishment one. Two of the most celebrated and heavily quoted conspiracy theorists ever (Harold Weisberg and Mary Ferrell) absolutely mistrusted Lane. They had no time for him. Many conspiracy theorists quote him as if he’s a paragon. Bugliosi gutted him like a fish.

                  Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                  “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                  • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

                    Dont worry herlock i know you wont watch the tippit video i posted . As far as bela lagosi goes, like i said its been done to death over this thread ,no need to go over old busted theories.
                    I don’t recall his involvement in the case Fishy but I wouldn’t be surprised if some CT hadn’t tried. The fact that he was dead wouldn’t have worried them. Dracula needed a stake through the heart to be killed of course.

                    Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                    “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                    • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
                      Now, a few tidbits. Jacob Rubinstein a.k.a "Jack Ruby", had recently bought a home in Oak Cliff. Less than a few blocks from where Officer Tippit was murdered. The witnesses and the residents of the neighborhood where Officer Tippit was murdered knew him. He was regularly seen in the community and visiting the home, where he would later be murdered.

                      This might not seem strange unless you realize the Oak Cliff district was never Officer J.D. Tippit's patrol area. The Dallas PD can't account for the entirety of his actions leading up to and immediately after the assassination that day. Tippit was seen at least once bullying customers so he could use a pay phone at a local [Oak Cliff] laundromat just before or during JFK's assassination. He was known to frequent this very laundromat regularly. Again, this laundromat wasn't his regularly assigned patrol area. Go figure.

                      Also, Officer Tippit was having an affair with one of Jack Ruby's dancers. Tippit had gotten her pregnant, which back then [circa 1963] would have been disastrous for his career. Not only that, Officer Tippit was married with children at the time. Suspiciously, on the morning of the assassination. His wife stated he kissed his little boy and told him, "No matter what happens, I want you to know I love you." The dancer that Tippit was seeing lived in the house that he was killed in front of. And Tippit and other law enforcement personnel regularly worked for Jack Ruby as bouncers and bagmen in his two clubs.
                      And by 'tidbits" your source means "blatant lies".

                      * Jack Ruby didn't have a house in Oak Cliff. He lived in an apartment on Ewing Street.
                      * Tippit was only in Oak Cliff because the police dispatcher ordered Tippit and other officers to Oak Cliff to cover for officers who had gone to the site of the JFK shooting.
                      * The laundromat story is fictional.
                      * The only person to claim to be Tippit's mistress was Johnnie Maxie Witherspoon. She didn't work for Jack Ruby. Tippet didn't get her pregnant. She didn't live in the house that he was killed in front of. She said that the relationship ended in the summer of 1963.
                      * There is no evidence that any Dallas Police worked as bouncers or bagmen for Jack Ruby.
                      * There is ample evidence that Jack Ruby was his own bouncer.
                      * There is no evidence that Ruby ever needed a bagman.

                      You source is using a series of lies to character assassinate a police that was just doing his job. It's textbook blaming the victim.

                      And even if every one of these lies was true it doesn't change the fact that Oswald murdered Officer Tippit.
                      "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

                      "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


                      • Originally posted by Fiver View Post

                        And by 'tidbits" your source means "blatant lies".

                        * Jack Ruby didn't have a house in Oak Cliff. He lived in an apartment on Ewing Street.
                        * Tippit was only in Oak Cliff because the police dispatcher ordered Tippit and other officers to Oak Cliff to cover for officers who had gone to the site of the JFK shooting.
                        * The laundromat story is fictional.
                        * The only person to claim to be Tippit's mistress was Johnnie Maxie Witherspoon. She didn't work for Jack Ruby. Tippet didn't get her pregnant. She didn't live in the house that he was killed in front of. She said that the relationship ended in the summer of 1963.
                        * There is no evidence that any Dallas Police worked as bouncers or bagmen for Jack Ruby.
                        * There is ample evidence that Jack Ruby was his own bouncer.
                        * There is no evidence that Ruby ever needed a bagman.

                        You source is using a series of lies to character assassinate a police that was just doing his job. It's textbook blaming the victim.

                        And even if every one of these lies was true it doesn't change the fact that Oswald murdered Officer Tippit.
                        That’s the problem Fiver. Someone says ‘something’ and it becomes ‘evidence.’ Rumours and legends are considered as fact and before you know it they get taken up by people who pick them up like groceries from a shop because they are just what they’ve been looking for. “I like that…I think I’ll have it..” etc.

                        Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                        “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                        • In 1978 former CIA accountant James B. Wilcott swore under oath before the House Select Committee on Assassinations that Lee Harvey Oswald was a "regular employee" of the Central Intelligence Agency, and that Oswald received "a full-time salary for agent work for doing CIA operational work." Wilcott testified that he was told by other CIA employees that money he had personally disbursed to an encrypted account (RX-ZIM) was for "the Oswald project or for Oswald." Wilcott's testimony was kept secret for decades, but can now be read in full by
                          In 1996 former Deputy Counsel for the House Select Committee on Assassinations Robert Tanenbaum testified at the ARRB hearing in Los Angeles by saying, "the Attorney General of Texas, Henry Wade the District Attorney and Leon Jaworsky counsel to the Attorney General, on the transcript spoke to the Chief Justice and said in substance, as I recall, that they had information from unimpeachable sources that Lee Harvey Oswald was a contract employee of the CIA and the FBI."

                          Where was all this in the warren commission ?
                          'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


                          • Originally posted by GBinOz View Post

                            Recently by Douglas P. Horne: The Two NPIC Zapruder Film Events: Signposts Pointing to the Film'sAlteration In 2009, I believed I had discovered new evidence in the JFK assassination never reported by anyone else: convincing photography of the through-and-through bullet hole in the windshield of the JFK limousine that had been reported by six credible witnesses. I revisited that evidence today, and am more convinced than ever that the bullet hole in the limousine windshield is what I am looking at in those images. But the readers of this piece don’t have to take my word for it – you … Continue reading →


                            Thought you might like this one George , the truth is out about LBJ and Mac Wallace . Those prints that were suspected of being Wallaces in the TSBD were tru.

                            Go straight to 5.48 of this video, Its Game Changer. [ of course the ''why would he', ''why wouldnt he gang'' will scream fake A.I . The lone gunman Oswald shooter is all falling to bits . The Truth will out , and it has done with more to come .
                            'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


                            • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
                              Billy Lovelady, a Texas School Book Depository team member, worked alongside LHO. Lovelady could have been LHO's brother (look up the name, see for yourself). Anyway, Mr. Lovelady had a fascinating history before his employment with the depository. He had been incarcerated and dishonorably discharged from the US Air Force for the crime of theft/gunrunning/smuggling.
                              Click image for larger version

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                              Lovelady and Oswald bore fare less resemblance than Grassy Knollington claims.

                              Unlike Oswald, Lovelady had an clear alibi, appearing in several photos and videos. they also show that Lovelady had very prominent bald spot in the back. Nobody seeing Lovelady from the side or rear would mistake the two.

                              While serving as an airman, Lovelady tried to sell three pistols that another man had stolen to a man that Lovelady knew was a police. Lovelady served no time, but was fined $200 for sale of stolen goods. Not for theft. Not for gunrunning. Not for smuggling. Lovelady was apprehended again in January 1961 for not paying the final $75. OV Campbell, VP of the Texas Book Depository paid the $75, with Lovelady paying the TSBD back out of his wages.

                              Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
                              Guess what one of Jack Ruby's more profitable ventures was.
                              Ruby had no profitable business ventures. One dodgy source claimed Ruby was a gunrunner, but there is no evidence to support the claim.

                              Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
                              Both LHO and Lovelady were referred to the TSBD by Ruth Paine.
                              * December 1961 - Lovelady gets a job for the TSBD. There's no evidence that he and Ruth Paine knew each other.
                              * September 1963 - Wesley Frasier gets a job for the TSBD.
                              * October 1963 - Ruth Paine, Marina Oswald, and some other women are having coffee at a neighbors. The topic of Lee Oswald's employment comes up and several possibilities are discussed. Linnie Mae Randall mentions that her brother, Wesley Frasier, recently got a job at the TSBD depository. Marina asks Ruth Paine to check if there were jobs available at the TSBD. Paine did so, even though she didn't know anyone at the TSBD.

                              Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
                              ​Mrs. Paine was a confidant of Marina Ozwald and just happened to be the daughter of a former State Department official.
                              Paine's father, William Hyde, worked for Nationwide Insurance, then for the United States Agency for International Development. He was not a former State Department official.

                              Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
                              ​Her aunt was formerly a secretary to Allen Dulles; if the rumors are true, her aunt was also one of Alen Dulles’ mistresses. Mrs. Paine considered Dulles not only a friend but an adopted ‘uncle’. Small world?
                              Dulles' mistress, Mary Bancroft was a friend of Ruth Forbes Paine, not a relative of Ruth Hyde Paine.
                              "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

                              "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


                              • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
                                Strange, a US Marine defector with a top-secret security clearance (that was never revoked, by the way) and a former gun smuggling guest of the US Military penal system happen to work at the same building, with the same company, on the same day, at the same time the presidential motorcade parade happened to drive by and both men looked nearly identical.
                                Oswald had "confidential" security clearance, like all the other members of his unit. Lovelady was never a gun smuggler.

                                And their pictures show that the claim "both men looked nearly identical" is laughable.

                                Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
                                LHO, if the conclusions are valid, was a paid informant for the FBI/US Customs and a "sometimes" operative/asset for the CIA by the Office of Naval Intelligence [ONI]. Yes, I know; bare with me.
                                Your source, Grassy Knollington, doesn't appear to realize that the US Customs Service and the FBI were separate law enforcement agencies. Ditto for the CIA and the ONI being separate intelligence agencies. At least it's smaller alphabet soup of agencies that Garrison had.

                                Then there's the total lack of evidence that Oswald worked for any of them.

                                "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

                                "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer

