To pick up on a few comments made by HS.
I can't see why Oswald would carry $175 on his person to go to work. The wedding ring could be seen as odd but he could have been making a personal statement to his wife by leaving it.
Even assassins have to eat. Lunch break was usually around noon so he had time for a sandwich or two before building the sniper's nest. According to WC testimony from one of the the three back employees on the 5th floor, Oswald usually carried a lunch but sometimes bought his lunch from a mobile van which served the TSBD.
From WC testimony Oswald was on the first floor when he asked about why people were peering out of the windows earlier in the morning. The exact content of this conversation is vague since Jarman or Norman (I forget which) said they conversed for a few minutes although Oswald's contribution was remembered as little more than a disinterested reply. Oswald would certainly have known that JFK was visiting Dallas but not necessarily that the President was passing the TSBD on route.
If Oswald was the malcontent marxist with a grudge described in the WC report, he passed up a big opportunity a month earlier, 25th October I think, when Adlai Stevenson visited Dallas. Stevenson was admittedly more a dove than a hawk on matters Cuba -which is presumably why he was attacked by some Texan burghers- but his visit was surely worth Oswald dusting down the Carcano to get in some shooting practice.
And although Kennedy's comments on Cuba may have riled Oswald, I would have thought McCarthyite supporter and failed presidential candidate Richard Nixon offered a more appealing target. Nixon was in Dallas in a legal capacity on the 21st November, speaking at a hotel within walking distance of the TSBD. In fact this was the hotel which JFK staff had hoped to book for his presidential visit but a commercial group -for whom Nixon worked- declined to cancel their prior arrangement. Thus was the Trade Mart decided upon as the place where JFK would speak at 12.30 on the 22nd November.
He leaves $175 and his wedding ring - did he suddenly get forgetful or was he hoping to pick up a woman at work and he didn’t want to appear married?
He isn’t carrying a lunch pack, why? Because he’s going to be busy at lunchtime.
He gets to the 6th floor and becomes the only man in Dallas not to know that Kennedy was coming.
If Oswald was the malcontent marxist with a grudge described in the WC report, he passed up a big opportunity a month earlier, 25th October I think, when Adlai Stevenson visited Dallas. Stevenson was admittedly more a dove than a hawk on matters Cuba -which is presumably why he was attacked by some Texan burghers- but his visit was surely worth Oswald dusting down the Carcano to get in some shooting practice.
And although Kennedy's comments on Cuba may have riled Oswald, I would have thought McCarthyite supporter and failed presidential candidate Richard Nixon offered a more appealing target. Nixon was in Dallas in a legal capacity on the 21st November, speaking at a hotel within walking distance of the TSBD. In fact this was the hotel which JFK staff had hoped to book for his presidential visit but a commercial group -for whom Nixon worked- declined to cancel their prior arrangement. Thus was the Trade Mart decided upon as the place where JFK would speak at 12.30 on the 22nd November.