It’s seems that no matter how much evidence is provided conspiracy theorists still want to quote Roger Craig. Let’s look at 3 of the pieces of nonsense that he’s most known for.
The Rambler
In a November 22nd affidavit he claimed that a full 15 minutes after the assassination he saw Oswald run down the Grassy Knoll and get into a Rambler station wagon driven by a dark complexioned man. Could this have actually happened? Actually yes it could. Marvin Robinson and Roy Cooper both saw the same incident which certainly adds weight to the story. In addition Craig later claimed that he entered Captain Will Fritz office while he was interviewing Oswald and he heard Fritz say: “what about the car?” To which Oswald supposedly replied: “That station wagon belongs to Mrs. Paine. Don’t try to drag her into this.” Conspiracy theorists eyes must have lit up when they heard this because they are forever trying to find ways of maligning Ruth Paine.
Captain Fritz said that Craig was never in his office during the interview. Conspiracy theorists tried desperately to disprove this by showing Craig seen through a frosted glass window but it was the wrong room.
Robinson and Cooper were interviewed the next day when everyone in America knew what Oswald looked like and they didn’t ID him as the man that they’d seen.
Ruth Paine did own a station wagon but it was a different type (a Chevrolet, license number NK 4041)
At the time of Craig’s sighting (12.45) Oswald was on a Dallas bus. They found the ticket with the drivers individual mark on it (Cecil McWatters) and he was seen on the bus by his former landlady Mary Bledsoe.
The non-existent Mauser.
We have Officers Weitzman and Boone, DA Wade and Craig saying that the rifle found was a Mauser and Craid said that when Fritz held it up he saw the inscription ‘7.65 Mauser.’
Weitzman actually said that it looked like a Mauser: “at a glance.”
Boone said: “it appeared to be a Mauser.”
Wade said: “ It’s a Mauser, I believe.” But he was never on the 6th floor and so was just repeating what he’d heard.
Craig didn’t mention this inscription at any of his early interviews or in front of the Warren Commission. It’s yet another ‘late addition.’ No one else saw it either.
The rifle was photographed by Tom Alyea, Officer Studebaker and numerous newspaper photographers. The HSCA photographic experts checked all of the photographs plus the backyard photos plus an up-to-date photograph of the Mannlicher Carcano from the National Archive and unanimously concluded that they were all the same rifle.
During the Garrison fiasco the LA Free Press interviewed Craig along with Penn Jones (the looney who claimed that loads of deaths involving people connected to the assassination were all ‘mysterious)
FP: Did you handle that rifle [the Mannlicher Carcano]?
Craig: Yes I did. I couldn’t give its name because I don’t know foreign rifles, I know it was foreign made, and you loaded it downward into a built-in clip. The ID man took it and ejected one live round from it. The scope was facing north, the bolt facing upwards and the trigger south. But there was another rifle, a Mauser, found up on the roof of the depository that afternoon.
Free Press: a Mauser on the roof. Who found it?
Penn Jones: I don’t know who found it, but I do know that a police officer verified its existence. No one had then or had ever done so since.
There was no Mauser found in the TSBD. And certainly not on the roof as Mr Craig claimed!
The time of Tippit’s death.
Hans Christian Craig said that just as the rifle was discovered an officer entered the 6th floor to tell Fritz that a Police Officer had been shot. Craig said that he looked at his watch and it was 1.06. The WC concluded that Tippit was killed at 1.15 so clearly Craig’s time is an issue. So was Craig correct?
Of course he wasn’t….come on….it’s Craig we’re talking about.
The rifle was discovered at 1.22. Confirmed by Weitzman and Boone. Weitzman couldn’t be exact with his time but Boone could because he looked at his watch.
We also know that the first reports of Tippit’s death on Police radio was 1.16-1.17. Ten minutes after Craig said.
What did Craig say about this before 1971? Let’s look at the Free Press interview again.
Craig: Tippit went to Oak Cliff, and subsequently was killed. Why he went to Oak Cliff I can’t tell you; I can only make an observation. He was going to meet somebody.
FP: Do you know what time he was killed?
Craig: It was about 1.40 -
Penn Jones: No it was a little before 1.15.
Craig: Was it?
Penn Jones: Yes, Bill Alexander -
Craig: Oh, that’s right. The broadcast was put out shortly after 1.15 on Tippit’s killer, and it had not yet been put out yet on Oswald as the assassin of President Kennedy.
So first he though 1.40 then agreed with the correction to 1.15 then in 1971 he moved it back to the more sinister 1.06 and don’t the conspiracy theorists just love old Roger for it.
Roger Craig simply cannot be trusted. He’s a fantasist. Harold Weisberg said so, Mary Ferrell said so. The evidence says so. Yet conspiracy theorists on here are more than happy to quote him though. It says a lot and is very sad.
The Rambler
In a November 22nd affidavit he claimed that a full 15 minutes after the assassination he saw Oswald run down the Grassy Knoll and get into a Rambler station wagon driven by a dark complexioned man. Could this have actually happened? Actually yes it could. Marvin Robinson and Roy Cooper both saw the same incident which certainly adds weight to the story. In addition Craig later claimed that he entered Captain Will Fritz office while he was interviewing Oswald and he heard Fritz say: “what about the car?” To which Oswald supposedly replied: “That station wagon belongs to Mrs. Paine. Don’t try to drag her into this.” Conspiracy theorists eyes must have lit up when they heard this because they are forever trying to find ways of maligning Ruth Paine.
Captain Fritz said that Craig was never in his office during the interview. Conspiracy theorists tried desperately to disprove this by showing Craig seen through a frosted glass window but it was the wrong room.
Robinson and Cooper were interviewed the next day when everyone in America knew what Oswald looked like and they didn’t ID him as the man that they’d seen.
Ruth Paine did own a station wagon but it was a different type (a Chevrolet, license number NK 4041)
At the time of Craig’s sighting (12.45) Oswald was on a Dallas bus. They found the ticket with the drivers individual mark on it (Cecil McWatters) and he was seen on the bus by his former landlady Mary Bledsoe.
The non-existent Mauser.
We have Officers Weitzman and Boone, DA Wade and Craig saying that the rifle found was a Mauser and Craid said that when Fritz held it up he saw the inscription ‘7.65 Mauser.’
Weitzman actually said that it looked like a Mauser: “at a glance.”
Boone said: “it appeared to be a Mauser.”
Wade said: “ It’s a Mauser, I believe.” But he was never on the 6th floor and so was just repeating what he’d heard.
Craig didn’t mention this inscription at any of his early interviews or in front of the Warren Commission. It’s yet another ‘late addition.’ No one else saw it either.
The rifle was photographed by Tom Alyea, Officer Studebaker and numerous newspaper photographers. The HSCA photographic experts checked all of the photographs plus the backyard photos plus an up-to-date photograph of the Mannlicher Carcano from the National Archive and unanimously concluded that they were all the same rifle.
During the Garrison fiasco the LA Free Press interviewed Craig along with Penn Jones (the looney who claimed that loads of deaths involving people connected to the assassination were all ‘mysterious)
FP: Did you handle that rifle [the Mannlicher Carcano]?
Craig: Yes I did. I couldn’t give its name because I don’t know foreign rifles, I know it was foreign made, and you loaded it downward into a built-in clip. The ID man took it and ejected one live round from it. The scope was facing north, the bolt facing upwards and the trigger south. But there was another rifle, a Mauser, found up on the roof of the depository that afternoon.
Free Press: a Mauser on the roof. Who found it?
Penn Jones: I don’t know who found it, but I do know that a police officer verified its existence. No one had then or had ever done so since.
There was no Mauser found in the TSBD. And certainly not on the roof as Mr Craig claimed!

The time of Tippit’s death.
Hans Christian Craig said that just as the rifle was discovered an officer entered the 6th floor to tell Fritz that a Police Officer had been shot. Craig said that he looked at his watch and it was 1.06. The WC concluded that Tippit was killed at 1.15 so clearly Craig’s time is an issue. So was Craig correct?
Of course he wasn’t….come on….it’s Craig we’re talking about.
The rifle was discovered at 1.22. Confirmed by Weitzman and Boone. Weitzman couldn’t be exact with his time but Boone could because he looked at his watch.
We also know that the first reports of Tippit’s death on Police radio was 1.16-1.17. Ten minutes after Craig said.
What did Craig say about this before 1971? Let’s look at the Free Press interview again.
Craig: Tippit went to Oak Cliff, and subsequently was killed. Why he went to Oak Cliff I can’t tell you; I can only make an observation. He was going to meet somebody.
FP: Do you know what time he was killed?
Craig: It was about 1.40 -
Penn Jones: No it was a little before 1.15.
Craig: Was it?
Penn Jones: Yes, Bill Alexander -
Craig: Oh, that’s right. The broadcast was put out shortly after 1.15 on Tippit’s killer, and it had not yet been put out yet on Oswald as the assassin of President Kennedy.
So first he though 1.40 then agreed with the correction to 1.15 then in 1971 he moved it back to the more sinister 1.06 and don’t the conspiracy theorists just love old Roger for it.
Roger Craig simply cannot be trusted. He’s a fantasist. Harold Weisberg said so, Mary Ferrell said so. The evidence says so. Yet conspiracy theorists on here are more than happy to quote him though. It says a lot and is very sad.