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JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year

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  • other than the bullet found with connolly, were there any others found?
    "Is all that we see or seem
    but a dream within a dream?"

    -Edgar Allan Poe

    "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
    quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

    -Frederick G. Abberline


    • Click image for larger version  Name:	861CAE0D-69E4-44B1-98C9-C821D13B7843.jpg Views:	0 Size:	39.1 KB ID:	804815

      The entry wound at the back of Kennedy’s head. Despite what crap the CT’s say to the contrary.

      Sir Herlock Sholmes.

      “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


      • Often forgotten…

        A brief highlight..

        Warren oversaw changes in the American Constitution which were in a decidedly liberal direction. As Chief Justice under Eisenhower his court brought out a series of rulings which led to the end of McCarthyism. He also helped get the unanimous decision that led to the de-segregation of schools in the USA and then other rulings that helped eliminate Jim Crow laws. His court upheld the law that prohibited segregation in public institutions. He gave out rulings that changed for the better criminal procedure including the Miranda Warning. His court also wiped out state laws which banned inter-racial marriage. All of these achievements and others got him acclaim from both Democrats and Republicans.

        When he began studying Law he left the employment of one company because of the corruption that he saw. When the First World War came along he volunteered for officer training camp but was rejected on I’ll health grounds (haemorrhoids) He had an operation to cure them but by the time it was done the camp was closed but he enlisted as a Private in 1917. He remained in the Army reserve until 1934.

        In politics he was a progressive Republican. He rejected contributions and mainly self-funded his campaign despite not being anything like wealthy.

        As a DA he fought corruption in government. In 1927 he launched a huge corruption investigation against a Sheriff which he won. When one of his own agents admitted to perjuring himself to win a bootleg case Warren took charge of prosecuting him. In 1936 he won a controversial case prosecuting corrupt union officials for the murder of an engineer. He was certainly anti-Japanese but considered them a security issue. Later in life he came to regret the relocation of Japanese families without evidence of disloyalty.

        When asked about his decision to raise Warren to the Supreme Court, Eisenhower said:

        “Warren has had seventeen years of practice in public law, during which his record was one of remarkable accomplishment and success.... He has been very definitely a liberal-conservative; he represents the kind of political, economic, and social thinking that I believe we need on the Supreme Court.”

        Justice Stewart said of Warren:

        “Warren's great strength was his simple belief in the things we now laugh at: motherhood, marriage, family, flag, and the like.”

        No man is perfect of course. Or even close. But we have a second assassination here. The assassination of Earl Warren’s character (along with the other Commissioners, their investigators not to mention the pathologists). Conspiracy theorists clearly have no qualms about accusing this obviously patriotic man of knowingly taking part in the corrupt cover-up of the murder of the President. Just accuse people of the most despicable things and there you go.

        Any tactic will do.

        Sir Herlock Sholmes.

        “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


        • Herlock,
          I applaud your persistence, but we're encountering a barrier of confirmation bias from several posters, which is a psychological thing people may do, usually to support a deeply held conviction.I'm not sure we can knock down the barrier.

          I was alive at the time of the JFK assassination, but only a young schoolgirl. My Catholic school sent us to church to pray "for the President", and later sent us all home. My family were Kennedy supporters, so naturally shocked by the event. I have a memory of being in the car with my parents and brother, heading home after church, and hearing news on the radio about Ruby's murder at the police station.
          My dad bought books and read about the Warren Commission and so forth, including questions of conspiracy.

          Much later, in high school, I saw the Zapruder Film presented in a classroom. That is an extraordinary event to witness, even at a remove in time and distance. I haven't read a lot of literature on the assassination, but have seen many tv documentaries on the subject, and have read a very interesting article on the psychology of conspiracy theorists.

          I've been reading this thread, and it is entertaining, if nothing else. I don't think the CT's can agree on anything except that they are "smarter" than the rest of us.

          Pat D.
          Von Konigswald: Jack the Ripper plays shuffleboard. -- Happy Birthday, Wanda June by Kurt Vonnegut, c.1970.


          • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
            other than the bullet found with connolly, were there any others found?
            Hi Abby,

            The Connolly bullet is the only one that we know about, apart from fragments. Unfortunately the Presidential limousine was washed and cleaned and had the windscreen changed before it could be examined for evidence.

            Initially the Bethesda doctors announced that it had been lodged in JFK's back wound, and had fallen out during heart massage. This is what Hoover told LBJ. It was only after it was determined that there were too many wounds to be accounted for by three bullets, and the magic bullet story was invented, that they switched the source to Connolly. Actually, the lack of crushing to the bullet's nose makes it far more likely to have been from Kennedy's back wound than to have smashed through Connolly's bones.

            Cheers, George


            • Originally posted by Pcdunn View Post
              I applaud your persistence, but we're encountering a barrier of confirmation bias from several posters, which is a psychological thing people may do, usually to support a deeply held conviction.I'm not sure we can knock down the barrier.

              I was alive at the time of the JFK assassination, but only a young schoolgirl. My Catholic school sent us to church to pray "for the President", and later sent us all home. My family were Kennedy supporters, so naturally shocked by the event. I have a memory of being in the car with my parents and brother, heading home after church, and hearing news on the radio about Ruby's murder at the police station.
              My dad bought books and read about the Warren Commission and so forth, including questions of conspiracy.

              Much later, in high school, I saw the Zapruder Film presented in a classroom. That is an extraordinary event to witness, even at a remove in time and distance. I haven't read a lot of literature on the assassination, but have seen many tv documentaries on the subject, and have read a very interesting article on the psychology of conspiracy theorists.

              I've been reading this thread, and it is entertaining, if nothing else. I don't think the CT's can agree on anything except that they are "smarter" than the rest of us.
              On the jfk assassination they are.
              thats obvious.
              'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


              • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post
                Click image for larger version Name:	861CAE0D-69E4-44B1-98C9-C821D13B7843.jpg Views:	0 Size:	39.1 KB ID:	804815

                The entry wound at the back of Kennedy’s head. Despite what crap the CT’s say to the contrary.
                Speaking of crap, whered you did this fake pic from . Gullible again. Kennedy had half his head blown off with his brain all over the place and you want us to believe this lie? . Yeah wait they superglued it back together befor this pic was taken ?? .

                Its embarrassing to see you defend the w.c rubbish .
                'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


                • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post
                  I don’t have the energy to discuss George’s or anyone else’s utter nonsense. The evidence is there and cannot be disputed except by conspiracy theorists. We could go on forever. Nothing will convince these gullible saps from swallowing conspiracist crap. You cannot reason with people who treat this subject like a religion. It’s sad and pathetic.

                  17 pathologists - wounds from the rear - game over.
                  Sad that you believe the lie you were fed by the W.C.
                  'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


                  • Originally posted by Pcdunn View Post
                    I applaud your persistence, but we're encountering a barrier of confirmation bias from several posters, which is a psychological thing people may do, usually to support a deeply held conviction.I'm not sure we can knock down the barrier.

                    I was alive at the time of the JFK assassination, but only a young schoolgirl. My Catholic school sent us to church to pray "for the President", and later sent us all home. My family were Kennedy supporters, so naturally shocked by the event. I have a memory of being in the car with my parents and brother, heading home after church, and hearing news on the radio about Ruby's murder at the police station.
                    My dad bought books and read about the Warren Commission and so forth, including questions of conspiracy.

                    Much later, in high school, I saw the Zapruder Film presented in a classroom. That is an extraordinary event to witness, even at a remove in time and distance. I haven't read a lot of literature on the assassination, but have seen many tv documentaries on the subject, and have read a very interesting article on the psychology of conspiracy theorists.

                    I've been reading this thread, and it is entertaining, if nothing else. I don't think the CT's can agree on anything except that they are "smarter" than the rest of us.
                    I think you’re right Pat. There must be few more frustrating experiences than discussing/debating with a conspiracy theorist. You just can’t get over this deep desire that they have to be able to claim “I know a secret that you just can’t see.” It’s like having a cause to believe in - conspiracy theorists are the ‘good guys’ battling against authority. They get so obsessed with quibbling over tiny details that they completely lose sight of how ludicrous their claims are.

                    I just made a post as a reminder of Earl Warren. One of the many whose reputation CT’s casually trash because of their obsessions. Does he really sound like the kind of man who would betray his country for no apparent reason except as some kind of favour to LBJ; even though we know that he wasn’t keen on taking the job?

                    Bad new though Pat. I just found out that he was a Freemason……the bastard!!

                    Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                    “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                    • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

                      Sad that you believe the lie you were fed by the W.C.
                      Sad and despicable that you try to trash the reputations of so many people.

                      Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                      “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                      • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

                        Speaking of crap, whered you did this fake pic from . Gullible again. Kennedy had half his head blown off with his brain all over the place and you want us to believe this lie? . Yeah wait they superglued it back together befor this pic was taken ?? .

                        Its embarrassing to see you defend the w.c rubbish .
                        When you have a single original thought of your own Fishy I might tax one of my brain cells to debate with you.

                        Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                        “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                        • Originally posted by GBinOz View Post

                          Hi Abby,

                          The Connolly bullet is the only one that we know about, apart from fragments. Unfortunately the Presidential limousine was washed and cleaned and had the windscreen changed before it could be examined for evidence.

                          Initially the Bethesda doctors announced that it had been lodged in JFK's back wound, and had fallen out during heart massage. This is what Hoover told LBJ. It was only after it was determined that there were too many wounds to be accounted for by three bullets, and the magic bullet story was invented, that they switched the source to Connolly. Actually, the lack of crushing to the bullet's nose makes it far more likely to have been from Kennedy's back wound than to have smashed through Connolly's bones.

                          Cheers, George
                          thanks george
                          what do you make of the small apparent entrance wound in tje back of kennedys head?
                          "Is all that we see or seem
                          but a dream within a dream?"

                          -Edgar Allan Poe

                          "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
                          quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

                          -Frederick G. Abberline


                          • Originally posted by GBinOz View Post

                            Hi Abby,

                            The Connolly bullet is the only one that we know about, apart from fragments.

                            Initially the Bethesda doctors announced that it had been lodged in JFK's back wound, and had fallen out during heart massage. This is what Hoover told LBJ. It was only after it was determined that there were too many wounds to be accounted for by three bullets, and the magic bullet story was invented, that they switched the source to Connolly. Actually, the lack of crushing to the bullet's nose makes it far more likely to have been from Kennedy's back wound than to have smashed through Connolly's bones.

                            Cheers, George
                            Hi George,

                            Humes explained that the doctors were commenting as they worked on the autopsy, and their comments were recorded. Because they could not find the exit wound, it being hidden by the tracheotomy, they debated what might have happened to the bullet as they worked. Hoover may have told LBJ of this, but it wasn't a Bethesda announcement as you suggest, it was part of a recorded conversation fairly early in the autopsy, and was not a conclusion. As you are aware, Humes talked to the Parkland doctors about the exit wound before completing his final report.


                            • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

                              Speaking of crap, whered you did this fake pic from . Gullible again. Kennedy had half his head blown off with his brain all over the place and you want us to believe this lie? . Yeah wait they superglued it back together befor this pic was taken ?? .

                              Its embarrassing to see you defend the w.c rubbish .
                              i beleive this is a well known and confirmed photo of kennedys head taken by doctor. Kennedy did not have half his head blown off, the wound from the head shot was on the upper right side (if viewed from behind) of the skull with some of the skull parts blown off but alot still attached by skin flaps. there was also a small bullet hole (apparently the entrance wound) in the back of the head.

                              if it is indeed an entrance wound then that is strong argument that the fatal head shot came from behind, but of course dosnt preclude the possibility of two head shots one from behind and one from the front/side, although imho zapruder seems to show kennedy being struck only twice, one through the back/neck and then the fatal head shot. which imho from zapruder does look like it comes from the front/side, contrary to all the evidence that indicates a fatal head shot from behind.and yes it is a conondrum for me i admit, especially agter talking to many experienced shooters who say the same..that is that if he was hit from behind in the head he would have jerked forward, not back, and that it would be just as unlikely that a skull part would have been blown backwards.
                              "Is all that we see or seem
                              but a dream within a dream?"

                              -Edgar Allan Poe

                              "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
                              quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

                              -Frederick G. Abberline


                              • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

                                When you have a single original thought of your own Fishy I might tax one of my brain cells to debate with you.
                                No you won't, because
                                we have tried, but your incapable of any understanding of fact from fiction in relation to the JFK assassination.

                                So you just keep believing the WC rubbish like the rest of masses and we'll know like the rest, you too have been hoodwinked
                                'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman

