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JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year

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  • Herlock Sholmes
    Originally posted by Fiver View Post

    Reynolds was one of four men at the Reynolds Motor Company who heard shots and saw a man with a gun running.

    L. J. LEWIS, 7616 Hums, Pleasant Grove, Texas, advised he is presently self-employed as a wholesale car dealer. LEWIS advised that on the afternoon of November 22, 1963, he was on the used car lot of Johnny Reynolds Used Cars together with HAROLD RUSSELL and PAT PATTERSON, during which time they heard approximately three or four gun shots coming from the vicinity of Tenth and Patton Avenue, Dallas, Texas. Approximately one minute later he observed a white male, approximately thirty years of age, running south on Patton Avenue, carrying either an automatic pistol or a revolver in his hands, and while running was either attempting to reload same or conceal the weapon in his belt line.

    Upon reaching the intersection of Patton Avenue and Jefferson Street, Dallas, Texas, the individual then proceeded west on Jefferson, at which time LEWIS advised he went into the office of Johnny Reynolds Used Cars and called the Dallas Police Department to advise them of the fact that the shooting had just occurred just north of the intersection of Jefferson and Patton Avenue.

    LEWIS advised PAT PATTERSON and WARREN REYNOLDS attempted to follow the individual, and to the best of his knowledge, HAROLD RUSSELL had gone in the direction of Tenth and Patton Avenue to determine what had happened. LEWIS advised he later was informed that a Dallas uniform police officer had been shot at the intersection of Patton and Tenth Street in Dallas, and that in all probability the individual they had seen running south on Patton Avenue with a gun in his possession was the individual responsible for sane.

    LEWIS was shown a photograph of LEE HARVEY OSWALD, New Orleans PD No. 112723, dated August 9, 1963, at which time Mr. LEWIS advised due to the distance from which he observed the individual he would hesitate to state whether the individual was identical with OSWALD.


    Mr. B.M. PATTERSON, 4635 Hartford Street, Dallas, Texas, currently employed by Wyatt's Cafeteria, 2647 South Lancaster, Dallas, Texas, advised he was present at the used car lot of JOHNNY REYNOLDS' on the afternoon of November 22, 1963.

    PATTERSON advised that at approximately 1:30 PM, he was standing on JONNY REYNOLDS' used car lot together with L.J. LEWIS and HAROLD RUSSELL when they heard shots coming from the vicinity of 10th and Patton Avenue, Dallas, Texas. A minute or so later they observed a white male approximately 30 years of age, running south on Patton Avenue, carrying what appeared to be a revolver in his hand and was obviously trying to reload same while running. When the individual reached the intersection of Patton Avenue and Jefferson Street, he placed the weapon inside his waistband and began walking west on the north side of Jefferson Street. As the individual was walking WARREN REYNOLDS suggested that they follow the individual to determine, his location in order that they could later notify the Dallas Police Department. At this point, he was unaware that a police officer had been shot and thought perhaps that the shooting had resulted from some marital problem. As the individual reached Ballew's Texaco Service Station located in the 600 Block of Jefferson, the individual made a turn in a northerly direction and proceeded behind Ballew's Texaco Service Station where the individual discarded a jacket which was later recovered by the Dallas Police Department. The aforementioned individual was not observed again by either he, PATTERSON, or WARREN REYNOLDS.

    PATTERSON was shown a photograph of LEE HARVEY OSWALD at which time he identified said photograph as being identical with the individual he had observed on the afternoon of November 22, 1963, running south on Patton Avenue with a weapon in his hand.​


    WARREN REYNOLDS, part owner, Johnny Reynolds Used Car Lot, 500 Jefferson Street, Dallas, advised on the afternoon of November 22, 1963, while sitting in his office, he had observed an individual running south on Patton Avenue toward Jefferson Street and then walking at a fast rate of speed west on Jefferson. As the individual was running down Patton Avenue, he had a pistol or an automatic in his possession and was apparently attempting to conceal same in his belt while he was running. REYNOLDS advised he had previously heard shots coming from the area of Tenth and Patton Streets and, thinking that possibly a marital argument had occurred and a shooting had taken place, he attempted to follow the individual in order that he could inform the Dallas Police Department of the individual's location.

    He advised he stayed at a safe distance behind the individual and last observed the individual to turn north by the Ballew Texaco Service Station, and from this point he did not again observe the individual. He advised he made inquiry at Ballew's Texaco Service Station, and they informed him the individual had gone through the parking lot.

    REYNOLDS advised approximately five or ten minutes later he was informed by an unknown source that the individual whom he had been "tailing" had shot and apparently killed a uniform officer of the Dallas Police Department.

    REYNOLDS was shown a photograph of LEE HARVEY OSWALD, at which time he advised he is of the opinion OSWALD is the person he had followed on the afternoon of November 22, 1963; however, he would hesitate to definitely identify OSWALD as the individual.


    HAROLD RUSSELL, employee, Johnny Reynolds Used Car Lot, 500 Jefferson Street, Dallas, Texas, advised that on the afternoon of November 22, 1963, he was standing on the lot of Reynolds Used Cars together with L.J. LEWIS and PAT PATTERSON, at which time they heard shots come from the vicinity of Patton and Tenth Street, and a few seconds later they observed a young white man running south on Patton Avenue carrying a pistol or revolver which the individual was attempting to either reload or place in his belt line. Upon reaching the intersection of Patton Avenue and Jefferson Street, the individual stopped running and began walking at a fast pace, heading west on Jefferson.

    RUSSELL advised that he and PAT PATTERSON proceeded to the area of Tenth and Patton Avenue and that L.J. LEWIS went into the office of Reynolds Used Car Lot to call the Dallas Police Department.

    RUSSELL advised upon arriving at the intersection of Tenth and Patton he observed a Dallas uniform police officer lying on the ground in front of a Dallas police car, and from all indication the Dallas police officer was apparently dead. RUSSELL advised the police officer's weapon was lying on the front seat of the Dallas police officer's car. At this point an unknown individual stated to RUSSELL, "Let's take the police officer's gun end go get the S.O.B. who is responsible for this."

    RUSSELL advised he informed the unknown individual that he would remain at the police car so he could advise the other police officers upon their arrival of the direction in which the person responsible for the shooting had gone. RUSSELL advised approximately five minutes later Dallas police officers arrived, at which time he informed them of the general direction in which the person apparently responsible for the shooting had gone and also the fact that WARREN REYNOLDS and PAT PATTERSON, employees of Johnny Reynolds Used Car Lot, had attempted to follow the individual as he headed west on Jefferson Street.

    RUSSELL advised he had furnished the foregoing information to the Dallas Police Department on the afternoon of November 22, 1963. RUSSELL advised he was not a witness to the actual shooting of the Dallas police officer and could only testify to the fact that he had observed an individual whom he now knows as LEE HARVEY OSWALD leaving the scene.

    RUSSELL positively identified a photograph of LEE HARVEY OSWALD, New Orleans Police Department # 112723, taken August 9, 1963, as being identical with the individual he had observed at the scene of the shooting of Dallas Police Officer J.D. TIPPIT on the afternoon of November 22, 1963, at Dallas, Texas.​


    Why would the Conspiracy target Reynolds, who thought it was likely Oswald? Patterson and Russell, were certain it was Oswald, and Reynolds supported them.. If the Conspiracy wanted to shore up weak testimony, why not target Lewis, who said he was too far away to identify the man?
    Fiver, do you still have that full list handy? The one containing all the witnesses who positively identified Oswald as the man that shot Tippit.

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  • Herlock Sholmes
    Originally posted by cobalt View Post

    Bullied by the pipe smoking, avuncular Mark Lane?? I watched Acquilla Clemmons' interview last night and I think Sonny Liston would have struggled to intimidate her. Her southern drawl might indicate a limited academic education but there is no evidence of her faculties or honesty being in question. She was perfectly lucid on the point of her believing she saw two persons involved in the murder of JD Tippit. She might have misinterpreted the situation of course but she was surely worth taking a statement from.

    I have read that the FBI did not take a statement from Acquilla Clemmons on grounds of her health: she was around 55 and suffered from diabetes. If she was 'bullied' by Mark Lane then it seems odd she was very open about being threatened by law enforcement a few days after the Tippit murder. Maybe Mark Lane was better at bullying people than LE carrying a weapon.

    But not so good as others. I think Warren Reynolds was the Tippit witness who was unable to identify Oswald as being at the scene. After being shot in the head, and surviving, his memory was jolted for the better and he was then able to confirm that Oswald was indeed the man he saw fleeing the murder scene.
    I did mention in #3480 which you might have missed that my memory played me false on that one Cobalt. It was actually Helen Markham. I should have checked before posting.

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  • Fiver
    Originally posted by cobalt View Post
    I think Warren Reynolds was the Tippit witness who was unable to identify Oswald as being at the scene. After being shot in the head, and surviving, his memory was jolted for the better and he was then able to confirm that Oswald was indeed the man he saw fleeing the murder scene.
    Reynolds was one of four men at the Reynolds Motor Company who heard shots and saw a man with a gun running.

    L. J. LEWIS, 7616 Hums, Pleasant Grove, Texas, advised he is presently self-employed as a wholesale car dealer. LEWIS advised that on the afternoon of November 22, 1963, he was on the used car lot of Johnny Reynolds Used Cars together with HAROLD RUSSELL and PAT PATTERSON, during which time they heard approximately three or four gun shots coming from the vicinity of Tenth and Patton Avenue, Dallas, Texas. Approximately one minute later he observed a white male, approximately thirty years of age, running south on Patton Avenue, carrying either an automatic pistol or a revolver in his hands, and while running was either attempting to reload same or conceal the weapon in his belt line.

    Upon reaching the intersection of Patton Avenue and Jefferson Street, Dallas, Texas, the individual then proceeded west on Jefferson, at which time LEWIS advised he went into the office of Johnny Reynolds Used Cars and called the Dallas Police Department to advise them of the fact that the shooting had just occurred just north of the intersection of Jefferson and Patton Avenue.

    LEWIS advised PAT PATTERSON and WARREN REYNOLDS attempted to follow the individual, and to the best of his knowledge, HAROLD RUSSELL had gone in the direction of Tenth and Patton Avenue to determine what had happened. LEWIS advised he later was informed that a Dallas uniform police officer had been shot at the intersection of Patton and Tenth Street in Dallas, and that in all probability the individual they had seen running south on Patton Avenue with a gun in his possession was the individual responsible for sane.

    LEWIS was shown a photograph of LEE HARVEY OSWALD, New Orleans PD No. 112723, dated August 9, 1963, at which time Mr. LEWIS advised due to the distance from which he observed the individual he would hesitate to state whether the individual was identical with OSWALD.


    Mr. B.M. PATTERSON, 4635 Hartford Street, Dallas, Texas, currently employed by Wyatt's Cafeteria, 2647 South Lancaster, Dallas, Texas, advised he was present at the used car lot of JOHNNY REYNOLDS' on the afternoon of November 22, 1963.

    PATTERSON advised that at approximately 1:30 PM, he was standing on JONNY REYNOLDS' used car lot together with L.J. LEWIS and HAROLD RUSSELL when they heard shots coming from the vicinity of 10th and Patton Avenue, Dallas, Texas. A minute or so later they observed a white male approximately 30 years of age, running south on Patton Avenue, carrying what appeared to be a revolver in his hand and was obviously trying to reload same while running. When the individual reached the intersection of Patton Avenue and Jefferson Street, he placed the weapon inside his waistband and began walking west on the north side of Jefferson Street. As the individual was walking WARREN REYNOLDS suggested that they follow the individual to determine, his location in order that they could later notify the Dallas Police Department. At this point, he was unaware that a police officer had been shot and thought perhaps that the shooting had resulted from some marital problem. As the individual reached Ballew's Texaco Service Station located in the 600 Block of Jefferson, the individual made a turn in a northerly direction and proceeded behind Ballew's Texaco Service Station where the individual discarded a jacket which was later recovered by the Dallas Police Department. The aforementioned individual was not observed again by either he, PATTERSON, or WARREN REYNOLDS.

    PATTERSON was shown a photograph of LEE HARVEY OSWALD at which time he identified said photograph as being identical with the individual he had observed on the afternoon of November 22, 1963, running south on Patton Avenue with a weapon in his hand.​


    WARREN REYNOLDS, part owner, Johnny Reynolds Used Car Lot, 500 Jefferson Street, Dallas, advised on the afternoon of November 22, 1963, while sitting in his office, he had observed an individual running south on Patton Avenue toward Jefferson Street and then walking at a fast rate of speed west on Jefferson. As the individual was running down Patton Avenue, he had a pistol or an automatic in his possession and was apparently attempting to conceal same in his belt while he was running. REYNOLDS advised he had previously heard shots coming from the area of Tenth and Patton Streets and, thinking that possibly a marital argument had occurred and a shooting had taken place, he attempted to follow the individual in order that he could inform the Dallas Police Department of the individual's location.

    He advised he stayed at a safe distance behind the individual and last observed the individual to turn north by the Ballew Texaco Service Station, and from this point he did not again observe the individual. He advised he made inquiry at Ballew's Texaco Service Station, and they informed him the individual had gone through the parking lot.

    REYNOLDS advised approximately five or ten minutes later he was informed by an unknown source that the individual whom he had been "tailing" had shot and apparently killed a uniform officer of the Dallas Police Department.

    REYNOLDS was shown a photograph of LEE HARVEY OSWALD, at which time he advised he is of the opinion OSWALD is the person he had followed on the afternoon of November 22, 1963; however, he would hesitate to definitely identify OSWALD as the individual.


    HAROLD RUSSELL, employee, Johnny Reynolds Used Car Lot, 500 Jefferson Street, Dallas, Texas, advised that on the afternoon of November 22, 1963, he was standing on the lot of Reynolds Used Cars together with L.J. LEWIS and PAT PATTERSON, at which time they heard shots come from the vicinity of Patton and Tenth Street, and a few seconds later they observed a young white man running south on Patton Avenue carrying a pistol or revolver which the individual was attempting to either reload or place in his belt line. Upon reaching the intersection of Patton Avenue and Jefferson Street, the individual stopped running and began walking at a fast pace, heading west on Jefferson.

    RUSSELL advised that he and PAT PATTERSON proceeded to the area of Tenth and Patton Avenue and that L.J. LEWIS went into the office of Reynolds Used Car Lot to call the Dallas Police Department.

    RUSSELL advised upon arriving at the intersection of Tenth and Patton he observed a Dallas uniform police officer lying on the ground in front of a Dallas police car, and from all indication the Dallas police officer was apparently dead. RUSSELL advised the police officer's weapon was lying on the front seat of the Dallas police officer's car. At this point an unknown individual stated to RUSSELL, "Let's take the police officer's gun end go get the S.O.B. who is responsible for this."

    RUSSELL advised he informed the unknown individual that he would remain at the police car so he could advise the other police officers upon their arrival of the direction in which the person responsible for the shooting had gone. RUSSELL advised approximately five minutes later Dallas police officers arrived, at which time he informed them of the general direction in which the person apparently responsible for the shooting had gone and also the fact that WARREN REYNOLDS and PAT PATTERSON, employees of Johnny Reynolds Used Car Lot, had attempted to follow the individual as he headed west on Jefferson Street.

    RUSSELL advised he had furnished the foregoing information to the Dallas Police Department on the afternoon of November 22, 1963. RUSSELL advised he was not a witness to the actual shooting of the Dallas police officer and could only testify to the fact that he had observed an individual whom he now knows as LEE HARVEY OSWALD leaving the scene.

    RUSSELL positively identified a photograph of LEE HARVEY OSWALD, New Orleans Police Department # 112723, taken August 9, 1963, as being identical with the individual he had observed at the scene of the shooting of Dallas Police Officer J.D. TIPPIT on the afternoon of November 22, 1963, at Dallas, Texas.​


    Why would the Conspiracy target Reynolds, who thought it was likely Oswald? Patterson and Russell, were certain it was Oswald, and Reynolds supported them.. If the Conspiracy wanted to shore up weak testimony, why not target Lewis, who said he was too far away to identify the man?

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  • cobalt
    So you ignore a pile of witnesses in favour of the one who was bullied by Mark Lane. A poorly educated, not very lucid woman badgered on tape. Good choice Fishy.
    Bullied by the pipe smoking, avuncular Mark Lane?? I watched Acquilla Clemmons' interview last night and I think Sonny Liston would have struggled to intimidate her. Her southern drawl might indicate a limited academic education but there is no evidence of her faculties or honesty being in question. She was perfectly lucid on the point of her believing she saw two persons involved in the murder of JD Tippit. She might have misinterpreted the situation of course but she was surely worth taking a statement from.

    I have read that the FBI did not take a statement from Acquilla Clemmons on grounds of her health: she was around 55 and suffered from diabetes. If she was 'bullied' by Mark Lane then it seems odd she was very open about being threatened by law enforcement a few days after the Tippit murder. Maybe Mark Lane was better at bullying people than LE carrying a weapon.

    But not so good as others. I think Warren Reynolds was the Tippit witness who was unable to identify Oswald as being at the scene. After being shot in the head, and surviving, his memory was jolted for the better and he was then able to confirm that Oswald was indeed the man he saw fleeing the murder scene.

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  • Herlock Sholmes
    Originally posted by Fiver View Post

    Your source claimed that the APB for the JFK included a clothing description. Your source was lying.

    Your source claimed that all of the Tippit murder witnesses gave an identical a clothing description. Your source was lying.​

    Your source claimed that Oswald was just walking down the street before he ducked into the Texas Theater. Your source was lying.​​

    Your source claimed that Johnny Brewer was lying about hearing of Tippit's murder on the radio. Your source was lying.​​​

    Your source said that all the descriptions of Tippit's murderer contradicted each other. Your source was lying.

    Your source tried to pretend that Aquilla Clemons was at least three witnesses. Your source was lying.

    ​Your source said Domingo Benavides changed his testimony after his brother was murdered, Your source was lying.

    Your source said the murderer of Eddy Benavides was never caught, Your source was lying.​

    Your source lied about the distance between the location of Tippit's murder and the Texas Theater.

    Your source lied about the time between Tippit's murder and the time Oswald was seen entering the Texas Theater.

    Your source lied about Jack Ruby having a house in Oak Cliff.

    Your source lied about JD Tippit's reason for being in Oak Cliff.

    Your source lied about JD Tippit having a mistress in Oak Cliff.

    Your source lied about JD Tippet working for Jack Ruby.

    Your source lied about Billy Lovelady looking almost the same as Oswald.

    Your source lied about Lovelady being a smuggler and gunrunner.

    Your source lied about Jack Ruby being a successful gunrunner.

    Your source lied by claiming Ruth Paine got Lovelady a job at the TSBD.

    Your source lied about the occupation of Ruth Paine's father.

    Your source lied about Ruth Paine knowing Allen Dulles.

    Your source lied about Oswald's level of security clearance.

    That's not a complete list of your source's lies.​
    Typical CT source id say Fiver.

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  • Herlock Sholmes
    Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

    ''Prove'' Mark Lane bullied her ? , that right ,again you cant .

    Some people when they make a mistake tend to waffle and deny and obfuscate (naming no names of course) Not me though... Fishy, my apologies I made an error of memory...I shouldn’t have checked first rather than relying on a fallible memory. Mark Lane didn’t bully Clemons. It was Helen Markham that he bullied (and yes there is plenty of evidence) Mark Lane is a perfect example of the kind of conspiracy theorist that is treated with great respect for some bizarre reason.

    Respected Dallas journalist Hugh Aynesworth, who in 1963 furnished Lane with copies of witness statements, said that Lane: “almost single-handed lay invented the lucrative JFK conspiracy industry.”

    Wesley Liebeler said of Lane: “ It’s just incredible to listen to him. If he talks for 5 minutes it takes an hour to straighten out the record.”

    Respected conspiracy theorist Harold Weisberg said of Lane: “ I only wish that Lane was content to steal from others, but he has this urge to invent his own stuff.”

    Mother Jones, a left wing intellectual publication described Lane as: “a huckster,” and “the Left’s leading hearse chaser.

    One of the many problems with Lane is shown in his book where he ignores many important witnesses but devotes 11 pages to a woman that worked as a Bartender at one of Ruby’s clubs two years before the assassination. As an example, just for you, he omits Press photographer Robert Jackson who, immediately after the three shots, he looked up to the TSBD and saw the 2 black men on the 5th floor straining to look up to the 6th. Following their line of sight he saw a rifle being drawn back into the 6th floor window. Talk about ‘selective.’ He ignores Jackson but waffles on for 11 pages about a bartender from 2 years earlier! He even failed to mention Johnny Brewer. This is the kind of evidence cherrypicking which I’d imagine that you would probably applaud.

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  • Fiver
    Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

    You proved nothing , you saw and heard the truth from the tape conversation , start from there and youll work the rest out . Its your sourse that is wrong your, imformating is incorrect . It always has been .
    Your source claimed that the APB for the JFK included a clothing description. Your source was lying.

    Your source claimed that all of the Tippit murder witnesses gave an identical a clothing description. Your source was lying.​

    Your source claimed that Oswald was just walking down the street before he ducked into the Texas Theater. Your source was lying.​​

    Your source claimed that Johnny Brewer was lying about hearing of Tippit's murder on the radio. Your source was lying.​​​

    Your source said that all the descriptions of Tippit's murderer contradicted each other. Your source was lying.

    Your source tried to pretend that Aquilla Clemons was at least three witnesses. Your source was lying.

    ​Your source said Domingo Benavides changed his testimony after his brother was murdered, Your source was lying.

    Your source said the murderer of Eddy Benavides was never caught, Your source was lying.​

    Your source lied about the distance between the location of Tippit's murder and the Texas Theater.

    Your source lied about the time between Tippit's murder and the time Oswald was seen entering the Texas Theater.

    Your source lied about Jack Ruby having a house in Oak Cliff.

    Your source lied about JD Tippit's reason for being in Oak Cliff.

    Your source lied about JD Tippit having a mistress in Oak Cliff.

    Your source lied about JD Tippet working for Jack Ruby.

    Your source lied about Billy Lovelady looking almost the same as Oswald.

    Your source lied about Lovelady being a smuggler and gunrunner.

    Your source lied about Jack Ruby being a successful gunrunner.

    Your source lied by claiming Ruth Paine got Lovelady a job at the TSBD.

    Your source lied about the occupation of Ruth Paine's father.

    Your source lied about Ruth Paine knowing Allen Dulles.

    Your source lied about Oswald's level of security clearance.

    That's not a complete list of your source's lies.​

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  • Herlock Sholmes
    Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

    Prove he wasnt ? , oh thats right you cant .
    Your wish is my command Fishy.

    In 1990 an unemployed salesman called Ricky White called a Press conference at the JFK Assassination Information Centre in Dallas to claim that his late father Roscoe, a deceased former police officer, was the Grassy Knoll gunman. He claimed to have learned this from his father’s diary which he, rather unsurprisingly, failed to ever produce.

    Then, step forward barking mad Beverley Oliver who claimed to have seen White in Dealey Plaza, in his police uniform, walking away from the Knoll. She had claimed to conspiracy theorist Gary Shaw in 1970 that she was the elusive ‘Babushka Lady,’ even though she would only have been 17 at the time and photographs of her showed her to have been a slim teenager whilst the Babushka Lady was clearly a more matronly figure. Then in 1988 she backtracked and said that she wasn’t the Babushka Lady after all but that she was ‘somewhere’ in Dealey Plaza! She wouldn’t say where (maybe she was in the drain?) Oliver couldn’t have seen even name the make and type of camera that she’d used to film the assassination but, sadly for her, that type of camera didn’t exist until 6 years later! Oops! Barking mad Bev also claimed to have had a 2 hour private conversation in a Miami Hotel room with Richard Nixon in 1968. She even contacted James Earl Ray’s defence team in 1997 claiming to have explosive evidence about the assassination of Martin Luther King. Did she? You’ll never guess. No..she didn’t. Even the majority of conspiracy theorists give Oliver a wide berth. One of the most respected conspiracy theorists, Paul Hoch, said that Beverley Oliver had “very low inherent credibility.” He even to,d the HSCA not to bother with her. This is the kind of proven fantasist that conspiracy theorists rely on. Oliver Stone had this obvious liar as a consultant on his three hour lie ‘JFK!’ Hardly a surprise.

    On 22nd November 1963 Roscoe White hadn’t even begun his police training yet. It began on December 4th, so Oliver couldn’t have seen him in Dealey Plaza in his uniform. White’s son said, and this is a cracker, that he recalled his father and 4 other men practising for the assassination. The fact that he wasn’t yet 3 at the time didn’t appear to bother him.

    So Fishy…that’s White utterly demolished. Even the lunatic fringe of conspiracy theorist don’t have time for White or Oliver but if you are willing to nail your colours to the mast by being taken in by this tissue of nonsense then it’s up to you. It just makes it easy for the Lone Gunman side to show that you will believe anything that you read.

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  • Herlock Sholmes
    Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

    The Fact you had to take that statement of Hills out of context and suggest ''some new theory'' , tells me your desperate herlock . Give up . theres plenty more actual evidence to come .
    I haven’t a clue what you mean about context Fishy and I suspect that no one else does too. Perhaps you could point the that part of the quote that you posted which mentions a shot from the front?

    “In the book Five Days in November by Clint Hill and Lisa McCubbin Hill, the agent recalls the grisly scene: 'The president, without a doubt, has suffered a fatal wound. 'My God! They have shot his head off!' Mrs. Kennedy shrieks. 'Get us to a hospital!' I scream at the driver. 'Get us to a hospital!' As the car accelerates, I wedge myself on top of the rear seat, trying to get my body above and behind Mrs. Kennedy and the president, to shield them from whatever shots might still be coming...In the car, Mrs. Kennedy is in shock. Staring at her husband, his head bleeding into her lap, she moans, 'Jack, oh, Jack. What have they done?' And then, 'I have his brains in my hands.' Quietly, she adds, 'I love you, Jack.' Nothing else is said as we speed down Stemmons Freeway at about eighty miles an hour. I turn my head and my sunglasses blow off...Time has stopped. It feels like an eternity before we arrive at the hospital. In reality, it has been just four minutes since the shots rang out in Dealey Plaza.'​“

    The part in red seems to tell us quite clearly that Hill hadn’t a clue which direction the shots were coming from.

    Someone saying something on the internet isn’t evidence Fishy. You appear not to understand this. ‘See it/believe it’ isn’t the route to truth. It’s simply confirmation bias.
    Last edited by Herlock Sholmes; 03-10-2025, 12:09 PM.

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  • FISHY1118
    Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

    You have provided nothing Fishy accept a few of highly selective quotes. The shout of ‘fakes’ are just childish yells in the absence of actual evidence. Actual evidence proves Oswald’s guilt 100%.

    When was Kennedy’s head ‘blown off’ Fishy? Is this a new theory?
    The Fact you had to take that statement of Hills out of context and suggest ''some new theory'' , tells me your desperate herlock . Give up . theres plenty more actual evidence to come .

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  • FISHY1118
    Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

    So you ignore a pile of witnesses in favour of the one who was bullied by Mark Lane. A poorly educated, not very lucid woman badgered on tape. Good choice Fishy.

    What a remarkable coincidence. Oswald passes the area where Tippit was killed as he was looking for a man matching Oswald’s description. Around 10 witnesses mistakenly identify him then he’s arrested with the murder weapon. All a stage show. It’s unbelievable that anyone would fall for it.
    ''Prove'' Mark Lane bullied her ? , that right ,again you cant .

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  • FISHY1118
    Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

    Don’t you actually read evidence Fishy? You appear to just pick out bits that you like. Even most conspiracy theorists dismiss the Wallace story. The Roscoe White story is even worse. No one believes that. You might as well have named Gull.

    Prove he wasnt ? , oh thats right you cant .

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  • Herlock Sholmes
    Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

    Clemmonds clears LHO OF tippets murder.
    So you ignore a pile of witnesses in favour of the one who was bullied by Mark Lane. A poorly educated, not very lucid woman badgered on tape. Good choice Fishy.

    What a remarkable coincidence. Oswald passes the area where Tippit was killed as he was looking for a man matching Oswald’s description. Around 10 witnesses mistakenly identify him then he’s arrested with the murder weapon. All a stage show. It’s unbelievable that anyone would fall for it.

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  • FISHY1118
    Thanks James Jenkins , Added to the list. ng

    ''James Jenkins on JFK's Back of Head Wound Being the Size of a Closed Fist at 1991 Dallas Conference''

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  • FISHY1118
    Originally posted by GBinOz View Post
    When Trump told a friend "if they showed you what they showed me, you wouldn't release it either", it's not likely to be anything about LHO. That wouldn't need to be suppressed for 60 years. I think it has to be something that goes to the very top of the government and the oligarchs of the time.

    You might like this one George , [if you havent seen it already] , im impressed. 3%83%BC%E3%83%AC%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%83%92%E3%83% 87%E3%83%AB

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