I accept that Scott meant successful all along, as it could be argued that one isn't really an assassin unless he is successful. However, I do think that unsuccessful assassination attempts are just as relevant to the matter at hand as successful ones, and without considering them, we have a smaller sample size, and therefore a less reliable stat.
The shooter in the Kennedy assassination was much further away from Kennedy than the shooters in the other 3 presidential assassinations were from their targets, which accounts for 2 of the things that Scott mentioned. The other 3 assassins were so close to the president that they could hardly deny that they did it. And it stands to reason that the shooter would use a different kind of weapon if he's shooting from a considerable distance from the president than if he's standing right next to him. We can be sure that whoever was shooting at Kennedy was shooting with a rifle or something like it, can't we? If you think someone was shooting at him from the grassy knoll, you don't think he was using a weapon similar to the one that shot Lincoln, do you? So I see no importance at all in the fact that Oswald was the only successful presidential assassin to use a rifle.
The shooter in the Kennedy assassination was much further away from Kennedy than the shooters in the other 3 presidential assassinations were from their targets, which accounts for 2 of the things that Scott mentioned. The other 3 assassins were so close to the president that they could hardly deny that they did it. And it stands to reason that the shooter would use a different kind of weapon if he's shooting from a considerable distance from the president than if he's standing right next to him. We can be sure that whoever was shooting at Kennedy was shooting with a rifle or something like it, can't we? If you think someone was shooting at him from the grassy knoll, you don't think he was using a weapon similar to the one that shot Lincoln, do you? So I see no importance at all in the fact that Oswald was the only successful presidential assassin to use a rifle.