Hi Investigator
Please pardon me for butting in, but
Sorry but no it doesn't...the point where the two club members meet the policemen is "in Commercial Road between Christian Street and Batty Street". This is still quite close to the scene of the crime. You may find the map on Page 125 of CSI Whitechapel is particularly helpful in this respect. It's at most four or five minutes from the club....
Because this is a Socialist/Anarchist magazine which sees the Police Force as servants of the Capitalist State. It will try to do everything in its power to criticise/undermine them...
All the best
Please pardon me for butting in, but
Thanks for the reply, I have no issue with establishing that the F.P.goes off at 01.00 since it sets the time that the two Berner boys met Lamb. This logically shifts the commencement of the search to 12.45 - 12.50
I also note that some question the Arbeter Fraint article. What is to be gained for them to make a public claim of a delay in finding the police?
All the best