Originally posted by Abby Normal
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So, given the evidence we have, somehow JtR has to get out of there unseen, and also Lechmere/Cross and Paul have to get out of the area without seeing PC Neil. Given the rough estimates of the position of PC Neil, likely to be in one of the streets north of Buck's Row when Lechmere/Cross and Paul exit, it's looking like that is possible for pretty much all the beat variations, and given PC Neil's testimony that he noted PC Thain passing the far end of Buck's Row, we also know that someone on the lookout could have spotted/become aware of Lechmere/Paul at the same point, which would lead to JtR fleeing the scene. Working out where PC Neil was at that time, then will provide us with constraints on potential routes of escape from the area that result in JtR not being seen by PC Neil. And given the number of possible routes out of the area, that will be entirely possible I suspect. And those possible exits routes could be informative.
- Jeff