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The could be knife Thomas Coram found on October the 1st 1888

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  • Bridewell
    I understand the many policeman were freemason's if not all back in 1888, This is a hipothesis of mine, Let's say that the Royal family, the British goverment, the police and the freemason's were all worried of the disputes that the working population were creating in 1888 !! their worries were that they thought that a revolution could break out just as some year's earlier had happened in France !!

    So the Royal family, the goverment, the freemason's and the police working together planed and executed the whole story of Jack the Ripper to distract the population especially that of the East end who were disputeing and organising rally's to protest on their terrible working condition's,

    So this four mentioned parties acted out all the murder's and filled the East End with policemen !! thus the population were now more worried of this maniac on the loose that fighting for their right's, remember that the majority of the working popultion of the East End worked in semi slavery codition's.

    Any way !! thing's calmed down the murderer was never caught and funny enogh the working codition's bettered !! Funny thing that the Berner club where stride was suposed to have been murdered played an important role of creating the first working union's of London and the world I supose.

    If this hipothesis is true, we will never know who Jack the Ripper was as the mentioned four parties are still acting thier role and making sure that the truth remain's well burried !! hence my dead end's !!
    You are claiming that the police (all of them Freemasons) have been conspiring for more than 100 years? What a load of tosh. Why would there be a conspiracy covering a knife which lay undiscovered and forgotten for a century? Most likely explanations? Thrown there by a man who feared being stop-searched or dropped/forgotten by a tramp who slept there at one time. Oh, but I was a policeman for 30 years (never a Freemason then or now), so I would say that, wouldn't I - just to throw you off the scent?

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  • RockySullivan
    If someone had got a hold of this knife from the police, why would they bury it there? It just seems kind of like a strange conclusion to draw, it's like finding a brass ring in the thames and just KNOWING it was annie chapman's

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  • Rosella
    Nico, the British working classes suffered from a long trade recession in the 1880's plus a rural depression and bad harvests (worse actually in the earlier part of the decade) which affected the whole country.

    In the 1890's came the New Unionism, mass unionism for dockers, miners and so on, which, in contrast to the earlier small craft unions, really helped the working classes. None of this had anything to do with the Royal family and/or Freemasons.

    Generally speaking, the conditions for working class people in Britain gradually improved throughout the 19th century and into the Edwardian period.

    There was no more anxiety in the upper regions of society about the working classes rioting and taking over in the 1880's than there was in the 1870's, just a trade dip. The real danger of revolution in Britain occurred much earlier in the century when the Industrial Revolution brought in more and more new machinery.

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  • Michael W Richards
    Originally posted by niko View Post
    Hi everybody, still no luck with my research !! "dam".

    Many people think that the Thomas Coram knife was a round ended knife and about an inch wide. (which to my believe is not so)

    The following I think explain's quite well that the blade of the knife was wider than an inch and the point (tip) was rounded off.

    Dr Phillps coment on the knife appeared in the Daily Telegraph, 6 Ocober -

    The knife produced on the last occassion was not sharp pointed, was it ? - No, it was rounded off at the tip which was about an inch across. The blade was wider at the base. Was there anything to indicate that the cut on the neck of the deceased was made with a pointed knife ? - Nothing.

    He also claim's it was a sliceing knife. All the best.

    Just like a long bread knife of the period...something you would find in any kitchen...perhaps like the one whose door was open to the passageway Liz was killed in.

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  • niko
    Originally posted by RockySullivan View Post
    This is a pretty funny thread. Why would Coram's knife end up buried under the railway arch? More likely Pipeman's knife that he hid after he chased down schwartz and needed to ditch. I would DEF look into this possibility Niko
    Rocky might be funny to you but I'm totally serious !! I leave you to look up Schwartz as I am uninterested in him !!

    We all know that Thomas Coram found a bloodstained knife with a hankerchief wrapped around the handle secured with a thin string along the Whitechapel road where pc Drage was on fixed position nearly 24 hour's after the double event.

    We all know that the knife Coram found was exhibited at Stride's inquest.

    We all know that the Coram knife was in posession of the police for many year's.

    We all know that the Coram knife went missing from police custody !! I was told probably taken by a souvinier hunter.

    I know that a few year's before I found the knife in the arch that the police were searching the arch floor with metal detector's.

    i know when I found the knife it had a rotten cloth wrapped around the handle secured with a thin string.( the Coram knife had a hankerchief secured with a thin string)

    I know that the knife has three notches carved into the side of the handle.

    T know that the knife was fabricated before 1900.

    I know that every lead that I research end's up in a dead end.

    Rocky if you think this thread is funny after you read the next paragraph you will think this thread is hilarious

    I see that everyone express their opinion's and hipothesis freely on this forum so I will do the same.

    I understand the many policeman were freemason's if not all back in 1888, This is a hipothesis of mine, Let's say that the Royal family, the British goverment, the police and the freemason's were all worried of the disputes that the working population were creating in 1888 !! their worries were that they thought that a revolution could break out just as some year's earlier had happened in France !!

    So the Royal family, the goverment, the freemason's and the police working together planed and executed the whole story of Jack the Ripper to distract the population especially that of the East end who were disputeing and organising rally's to protest on their terrible working condition's,

    So this four mentioned parties acted out all the murder's and filled the East End with policemen !! thus the population were now more worried of this maniac on the loose that fighting for their right's, remember that the majority of the working popultion of the East End worked in semi slavery codition's.

    Any way !! thing's calmed down the murderer was never caught and funny enogh the working codition's bettered !! Funny thing that the Berner club where stride was suposed to have been murdered played an important role of creating the first working union's of London and the world I supose.

    If this hipothesis is true, we will never know who Jack the Ripper was as the mentioned four parties are still acting thier role and making sure that the truth remain's well burried !! hence my dead end's !!

    My personal opinion is that ET was the murderer !!

    All the best.


    Gora Euskadi !! viva France and the rest of the world too !!

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  • RockySullivan
    This is a pretty funny thread. Why would Coram's knife end up buried under the railway arch? More likely Pipeman's knife that he hid after he chased down schwartz and needed to ditch. I would DEF look into this possibility Niko

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  • niko
    Hello everybody !! still havn't found the needle !! everything that I research end's up in a dead end !! I'm starting to believe that all this dead end's are there intetionally. Here is the latest dead end.

    Going back to the arch where I worked and found the knife, The british rail railway arch was the premisis used as a london taxi garage. My boss hired a cab to a Jew called John who worked the street's with the taxi, John's brother in law was a policeman who's beat inculded the street where the arch was, my boss would sometimes offer the policeman a cup of coffee and he would shelter himself from the cold.

    One day my boss said to me "that copper seem's stupid !! cos everytime he comes in for a cup of coffee he start's stareing at the brickwork of the arch, as if he is looking for something" my boss was right because I myself had wittnessed that too !! One day John told me that his wife was a teacher at my school (I was 14 at the time and the afternoon's after school I worked in the garage and Saturday's all day) he told me that she would like to talk with me and to visit her at her classroom , so one afternoon I poped round to her class, she welcomed me and was very plesant. she said that I knew her husband and her brother the policeman. She asked me how I was doing in my studies and if I liked working in the Taxi garage, I replied that I was doing well in school and enjoyed working in the garage.

    Now here comes the big question !! she then asked me the following question "has anything strange been found in the garage where I worked ?" strange like what I replied ? like a pair of sisscor's or a KNIFE !! I replied "NO" not that I know of But three year's later I did find something strange in the garage !! the KNIFE !!

    This teacher left my school and became headmisstress of another school in my area, I contacted the school and also sent a friend of mine who is a preist to the school, the school told us that she had retired some year's back, we asked for her contact detail's but they denied us any information about her. another dead end !!

    I) would love to talk with this teacher and ask her why the hell did she ask me if a pair of sisscor's or a KNIFE was found in the arch !! I'm 100& sure that she would shed some light on the knife that I found so many year's ago.

    All the best,


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  • niko
    Originally posted by Chris View Post
    Does that mean that you've decided the person you mentioned previously (Aaron Raphael Cohen, b. 1921) is not the right one?
    Hi Chris, not exactly there is the possibilty that Aaron Cohen changed his name, as many people do, this is so difficult !! I contacted a person from my childhood who knew Eddie very well and ths person gave me this new name, also the address.

    When all this happened with Eddie I was 12 and now I am 47, this was a very long time ago, I am working from memory and the fact is I class myself of having a good memory ! If I am wrong about Aaron Cohen I will apoligise imideatly, I clearly rember Eddie telling me that he was going to earn a lot of money for something that his relatives had done in the pass !!

    This is like finding a neddle in a haystack, all the best.


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  • Chris
    Originally posted by niko View Post
    Hello everyone, I need some help on my quest !! I have tried everthing in my mean's but no luck.
    I am searching for some information on a person, this person is vital in my research, this is the information that I have on this person.

    Birth - London, possibbly Mile End E1 or Bow E3. Year of birth 1920 or around.

    Name - Eddie. Laurence. Lovering. His christian name could be Aaron or maybe Edward or Edwin as he was known as Eddie.

    Address - 305 Bancroft Road, Mile End, London E 1, I am sure that he lived at this address the year's betwween 1970 and 1980. There is also another address that could be helpful, number 2 Jebb Street Bow London E3.

    Relgion - Jewish.

    I would be very grateful for your help, I know that there are very good researcher's on this site, (shame I can't say the same for myself) so I think that I might find some information with your aid, such us birth certificate, death certificate or electoral register information. Thankyou for your co-operation, all the best.
    Does that mean that you've decided the person you mentioned previously (Aaron Raphael Cohen, b. 1921) is not the right one?

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  • niko
    Ineed some help please.

    Hello everyone, I need some help on my quest !! I have tried everthing in my mean's but no luck.
    I am searching for some information on a person, this person is vital in my research, this is the information that I have on this person.

    Birth - London, possibbly Mile End E1 or Bow E3. Year of birth 1920 or around.

    Name - Eddie. Laurence. Lovering. His christian name could be Aaron or maybe Edward or Edwin as he was known as Eddie.

    Address - 305 Bancroft Road, Mile End, London E 1, I am sure that he lived at this address the year's betwween 1970 and 1980. There is also another address that could be helpful, number 2 Jebb Street Bow London E3.

    Relgion - Jewish.

    I would be very grateful for your help, I know that there are very good researcher's on this site, (shame I can't say the same for myself) so I think that I might find some information with your aid, such us birth certificate, death certificate or electoral register information. Thankyou for your co-operation, all the best.


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  • niko
    Originally posted by Errata View Post
    The three marks on utensils were used to identify halavi, milk. An only of wooden vessels that could not be boiled. Fish were not part of that. Fish are parve, and any utensil for fish does not require marking as it is something of a neutral food. And anything you would use a pen knife for would be parve or basari. Neutral or meat. So either way it should not have halavi markings on it.

    So why are they marked? No idea. Clearly they were marked on purpose. What that purpose is, I don't even have a guess.
    Hi Errata, Jon claimed that the the three notches were used on knives only used for fish in Jewish culture.
    The knife I have has three notches carved on the side of the wooden handle, your right they were done on purpose, why ? my only thought is they were carved to indicate three attacks, possibly three murder's but who really knows their meaning is who carved the notches, all the best.


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  • Errata
    Originally posted by Jon_Slider View Post
    Hello, first post. I found this thread while searching the net for knives with 3 notches.
    The three marks on utensils were used to identify halavi, milk. An only of wooden vessels that could not be boiled. Fish were not part of that. Fish are parve, and any utensil for fish does not require marking as it is something of a neutral food. And anything you would use a pen knife for would be parve or basari. Neutral or meat. So either way it should not have halavi markings on it.

    So why are they marked? No idea. Clearly they were marked on purpose. What that purpose is, I don't even have a guess.

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  • andy1867
    Originally posted by niko View Post
    Amazing pen-knife Andy 1867 !! but are you sure it only took a second or did it take 39 second's, all the best.

    Called the Norfolk Knife Nico, made by Joseph Rodgers and Sons Sheffield for The Great exhibition of 1951, I can remember seeing it in a museum in the City as a kid, a bit off topic tho' sorry

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  • Harry the Hawker
    rounded end

    Hi all,

    Don't know whether this has been mentioned before, apologies if so, but I was once told that the points were often broken or rounded off on the personal knives of sailors (in the Royal Navy, possibly also on merchant vessels), presumably to prevent stabbings on board.


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  • niko
    Originally posted by andy1867 View Post

    Thats not a knife!

    THats a knife....(gotta stick up for Sheffield Cutlers)....I reckon its the one that killed Martha Tabram...only took a sec
    Amazing pen-knife Andy 1867 !! but are you sure it only took a second or did it take 39 second's, all the best.


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