Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!
In all seriousness though you make some good points Sherlock that warrant discussion. Apologies for the length. I really hope people here engage with this reply, these are important topics that deserve attention. I'll lay off the snark... probably.
Whole heatedly agree that we are a country on our knees at the moment. Pick any public service out of a hat and it has been reduced to bones on life support. However, I don't see us as soft. Ignoring the dismissive "even if a few of them might be nurses" jab, I believe that net migration is a 'positive' on the whole, but could absolutely be improved upon.
I am going to assume you are talking about legal immigration and the figures associated with that as you mention shipping people in. Illegal immigration, small boats etc..., is a significantly smaller percentage of people arriving here, and a different situation to deal with. Happy to discuss this later though.
I believe the reported spike in immigration (which could also be called scare mongering) over the last 4/5 years is what has people up in arms, and what has been seized upon as the evil that is the cause of all our ills. Everyone quoting increases in the millions each year. It should be noted though that net migration is actually much lower. However, the vast majority of this increase is down to the loss of free movement since Brexit. If were still in the EU and there wasn't a war going on in Ukraine, the numbers would be on average the same as pre-pandemic, with some sources stating they might actually be lower. Just over two thirds of the 2023 immigration numbers are down student visas (increase due to Brexit), and humanitarian visas. The other third-ish is skilled work visas.
So lets look at the first two thirds first. Student visas for 2023 are around 40% of the total number. These people are paying to be here in education, contributing the to local economy in shandies alone, working and paying taxes like the rest of us. The down side is that not many actually stick around after education to live and work. Humanitarian visas, Ukraine, Hong Kong etc... count for around 20%. Personally I have no problem with these at all. You ask why we have a moral obligation to look after people just looking for a better financial option, but I don't agree with the "better financial option" premise of that question regarding legal immigration. I would say we absolutely have a general moral obligation though, and I would say it is one of the things that make us a great nation, and makes me EXTREMELY proud to be British. Not everything we have done is relegated to past, as an example I believe we have a definite obligation to the people of Hong Kong.
The last third is work visas, which as I have noted before, even though you suggest otherwise, I don't believe we could actually function in a lot of vital areas without foreign workers. British people just aren't willing to do the jobs the immigrant population perform. Even if the pay and conditions were what they should be and everything was funded properly, I still don't think it would happen. Could this system for work visas be improved, absolutely. They have just stopped the allowance for dependent visas, except in certain circumstances, which I think may have been taken advantage of. However, these people perform vital roles in our society, contribute to the communities they are in, pay taxes and NI and are generally just a net positive to our society.
The additional stress legal immigration places our crumbling infrastructure is measured in a fraction of a percent, it will make no difference IMHO. The idea that just stopping immigration will help is flawed, and nothing but a distraction. I believe it would actually be detrimental and a slippery slope.
I have addressed the other argument regarding it destroying our culture, so no need to rehash it.
A quick note on the 'ghettos' comments. I would suggest this is just a case of 'awful humans' being 'awful humans', and nothing to do with them being immigrants. There are far more 'ghettos' stocked to the brim with wholly British people than foreign. A ghetto is a ghetto, and the fact they exist in any form is a failing of our public services, not our immigration policy.
Happy to hear thoughts/corrections/opinions on the above.
This is interesting, but again not the whole picture and it is framed once again to enrage. We haven't sent aid to India for a decade now. The money is sent via business, infrastructure, economic investment etc.... These are investments that are intended to yield returns and help with global targets on things climate. I'll say it again, the world is a much smaller place and we can't be thinking in such an isolationist manner.
This is a little way from the immigration conversation, and more a "Woke culture has gone mad" conversation. Which I will leave alone.
I agree that there is nothing wrong with being proud of our nation despite our past mistakes. I am not sure what the reference to demonising people for having very human failings is. Some human failings should absolutely be demonised in my book, but I think I am not understanding what you are saying.
I am hopeful there will be.
All the best,
In all seriousness though you make some good points Sherlock that warrant discussion. Apologies for the length. I really hope people here engage with this reply, these are important topics that deserve attention. I'll lay off the snark... probably.
Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes
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I am going to assume you are talking about legal immigration and the figures associated with that as you mention shipping people in. Illegal immigration, small boats etc..., is a significantly smaller percentage of people arriving here, and a different situation to deal with. Happy to discuss this later though.
I believe the reported spike in immigration (which could also be called scare mongering) over the last 4/5 years is what has people up in arms, and what has been seized upon as the evil that is the cause of all our ills. Everyone quoting increases in the millions each year. It should be noted though that net migration is actually much lower. However, the vast majority of this increase is down to the loss of free movement since Brexit. If were still in the EU and there wasn't a war going on in Ukraine, the numbers would be on average the same as pre-pandemic, with some sources stating they might actually be lower. Just over two thirds of the 2023 immigration numbers are down student visas (increase due to Brexit), and humanitarian visas. The other third-ish is skilled work visas.
So lets look at the first two thirds first. Student visas for 2023 are around 40% of the total number. These people are paying to be here in education, contributing the to local economy in shandies alone, working and paying taxes like the rest of us. The down side is that not many actually stick around after education to live and work. Humanitarian visas, Ukraine, Hong Kong etc... count for around 20%. Personally I have no problem with these at all. You ask why we have a moral obligation to look after people just looking for a better financial option, but I don't agree with the "better financial option" premise of that question regarding legal immigration. I would say we absolutely have a general moral obligation though, and I would say it is one of the things that make us a great nation, and makes me EXTREMELY proud to be British. Not everything we have done is relegated to past, as an example I believe we have a definite obligation to the people of Hong Kong.
The last third is work visas, which as I have noted before, even though you suggest otherwise, I don't believe we could actually function in a lot of vital areas without foreign workers. British people just aren't willing to do the jobs the immigrant population perform. Even if the pay and conditions were what they should be and everything was funded properly, I still don't think it would happen. Could this system for work visas be improved, absolutely. They have just stopped the allowance for dependent visas, except in certain circumstances, which I think may have been taken advantage of. However, these people perform vital roles in our society, contribute to the communities they are in, pay taxes and NI and are generally just a net positive to our society.
The additional stress legal immigration places our crumbling infrastructure is measured in a fraction of a percent, it will make no difference IMHO. The idea that just stopping immigration will help is flawed, and nothing but a distraction. I believe it would actually be detrimental and a slippery slope.
I have addressed the other argument regarding it destroying our culture, so no need to rehash it.
A quick note on the 'ghettos' comments. I would suggest this is just a case of 'awful humans' being 'awful humans', and nothing to do with them being immigrants. There are far more 'ghettos' stocked to the brim with wholly British people than foreign. A ghetto is a ghetto, and the fact they exist in any form is a failing of our public services, not our immigration policy.
Happy to hear thoughts/corrections/opinions on the above.
Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes
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Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes
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Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes
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Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes
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All the best,