Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes
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I agree with Herlock, I hate if you have anything slightly off to say about immigration you are a racist. That is totally wrong. And I do personally feel, even in the NE of England where immigration is probably at it's lowest feel a second class citizen in my own country. Funny you go to Poland there are hardly any and I mean nearly zero Muslims there. Why because they are not allowed to build mosques. It's a Catholic country and the people will not allow the country to lose it's identity. Ours has gone.
Case in point for the first time in a few years I was in Whitechapel in Feb. I was absolutely shocked. My mate and myself where probably the only white chaps walking up the main road. This is England's capital city. The road signs, the Tube signs all in Arabic. I mean what? I wonder what would happen if I went to a Muslim country and wanted to build a Catholic Church and change all the road signs to include English? The reason multiculturalism does not work is because the immigrants won't let it work. If they come to England they should adopt our values but they refuse so in essence destroy England as it was before they came, they are taking away our identity - this is what is wrong.
So no I'm not against immigration, of course I'm not but I am against the idea it's a one way street and I'm very against if you stand up against it you are deemed racist. Yes we know it can go hand in hand but not in all cases. And do not get me started on refugees... that is wrong on all sorts of levels.
Jesus good job Ed is banned from here ain't it
