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  • #61
    Mass immigration is a tenet of American colonialism and here we have an American trying to tell us how wonderful and amazing it is that a culture that has lasted a thousand years is being destroyed and we should like it because that's the way it is in California.


    • #62
      I was talking about the prevalence of foreign language street signs in a major global city with a large immigrant population but…whose culture is being destroyed?



      • #63
        The English culture that was born out of the Norman conquest of 1066 and the remnants of the much older Anglo-Saxon culture that went before it.


        • #64
          Thanks. That’s what I thought you’d say.



          • #65
            Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post

            Here you go, Whitechapel Tube, Whitechapel High Street, next door to the place Polly Nichols had her inquest...

            Click image for larger version  Name:	Clipboard01.jpg Views:	0 Size:	89.7 KB ID:	836753

            My Bengali isn't the best sorry, but I think it reads something like...

            "The Jewes are the men..."

            I think it may be spelt incorrectly.

            "Great minds, don't think alike"


            • #66
              As a Brit I can proudly say that we are the most bastardized nation on the planet; a wonderful hybrid of just about every ethnic group you can imagine.

              Americans are just the same

              And what's wrong with that?

              Absolutely nothing.

              If you want to visit somewhere that has much less diluted and saturated ethnic complexities, then visit Eastern Kenya where the most "pure" homsapien DNA can be found and the result of much less cross-breeding having occurred.

              And what's wrong with that?

              Absolutely nothing.

              The British are a wonderful blend of what happens when the homosapiens integrated over thousands of years with the neanderthal specie and so unless you're from a remote area of Kenya, then in a non-geographical sense; you're just as "foreign" as anyone else.

              Be less concerned about "why" there are signs in Bengali outside a London tube more concerned about why those in power are deceitful corrupt and untrustworthy liars who will do anything to retain power.

              And if I were an American, I wouldn't waste time using the "its in our constitution" excuse drawn from an outdated and archaic set of "rules" written down years ago by a load of old white guys; id ask WHY you're only able to choose between a man who has clear mental incapacity, memory issues and possible dementia, or a man who is a convicted racist homophobic misogynistic criminal?

              2 great nations that are still living in the past.

              The British and Americans are the most hypocritical and cross bred interacial peoples on the planet and until the day that we accept and embrace the latter and reject and oppose the former,...then the world will never change.

              *adjusts t-shirt made in Bangladesh, takes a sip of Kenyan coffee...sighs...looks out the window at the beautiful British morning.

              "Great minds, don't think alike"


              • #67
                Originally posted by Tab View Post
                How did know that a 'regardless, the point is the same' was coming.
                Mind reader, I do not know...

                Originally posted by Tab View Post
                Well perhaps you should try harder when ranting on a public forum about immigration. The truth is you saw a twitter post or Facebook post stating the lie, it confirmed your evident bias, so you took it at face value and then repeated it for others to do the same.
                Mind reading now not working. No, like I said I was in Whitechapel in Feb. Had a pint in the Ten Bells, the Blind Beggar. I showed my mate a couple of the murder spots etc. So unfortunately like your other posts you are completely and utterly wrong. You are also very wrong labelling me a racist because I fear the decline of our National Identity and fear that multiculturalism is not working. I don't know did you read on social media if any dares to try and discuss immigration (or vote for Brexit) etc then you must label them a racist? That is why immigration is suffering because of people like you who basically demonise anyone who tries to fix it or even discuss it. Like I said you should be ashamed.. However next time you are in Whitechapel look around. You will see the signs. Or if you can't be arsed use Google Earth. So one I'm not a liar and two I'm certainly NOT a racist.

                Originally posted by Tab View Post
                The rest of your post is the same nonsense. I'm taking Herlocks advice and leaving it alone.
                Good idea as you clearly have a huge bee in your jolly bonnet and are vastly ill informed.​
                Last edited by Geddy2112; 06-29-2024, 07:52 AM.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post
                  No, like I said I was in Whitechapel in Feb.
                  Ah yes, when you saw all those road and tube signs in Arabic.

                  Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post
                  I don't know did you read on social media if any dares to try and discuss immigration (or vote for Brexit) etc then you must label them a racist? That is why immigration is suffering because of people like you who basically demonise anyone who tries to fix it or even discuss it. Like I said you should be ashamed..
                  I have said multiple times that immigration is a discussion that needs to be had, and that I am more than happy to discuss numbers, policy, population sustainability, the actual percentages of legal and illegal immigration and the various reasons for them - student visas, skilled worker visas, humanitarian visas. Also happy to discuss the multitude of benefits the immigrant population provide our nation. The extremely necessary roles they have in so many sectors including social care, that would absolutely collapse if we didn't have skilled labour from abroad. The fact we are only in that situation because of government policy on stripping NHS of funding. Also happy to discuss peoples 'genuine' complaints about the negative aspects of immigration. To be honest though, the vast majority of issues can be placed at the foot of government policy over however many years. Public services, social housing etc... However, discussing this with people who say things like being the only "white chap" walking down the road, is not something I am happy doing. So please imagine me un-happy while I am typing this.

                  Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post
                  However next time you are in Whitechapel look around. You will see the signs. Or if you can't be arsed use Google Earth. So one I'm not a liar and two I'm certainly NOT a racist.
                  I live 25 minutes from East London, my entire family going back as far as I can research lived in East London, many in the Whitechapel area. I know it well. There are no Arabic signs for me to see, so I am not sure why you want to die on that hill. Also, I never called you a racist, I said your post was xenophobic.

                  Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post
                  Good idea as you clearly have a huge bee in your jolly bonnet and are vastly ill informed.​
                  I think it is clear which one of us is more informed on this subject.

                  So much for me leaving it alone.

                  All the best


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post

                    Here you go, Whitechapel Tube, Whitechapel High Street, next door to the place Polly Nichols had her inquest...

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	Clipboard01.jpg
Views:	137
Size:	89.7 KB
ID:	836753

                    Its what I would call "deceptively cropping". It clearly says "Whitechapel station" in the arch that has been cropped out:

                    So you object to the Tube sign being in another language IN ADDITION to English? Personally, this is not something that would bother me but it changes the suggestion that Arabic/Bengali/Elf had REPLACED English as the primary language.


                    • #70
                      The second sign was added as a tribute to the contribution of the Bengali community in the area.

                      Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                      “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Tab View Post
                        Ah yes, when you saw all those road and tube signs in Arabic.
                        You are pointing out an non issue. Okay my mistake they are not Arabic, they are as you claim Bengali. Same meat different gravy. The fact is they are not in English regardless of what language they are in and that is my issue. I've been all round France, the Netherlands, Poland, Australia etc etc and not once have I seen other countries languages used. I mean you can't get a more diverse city than Melbourne but at the time of my visit, all signs in English only.

                        Originally posted by Tab View Post
                        However, discussing this with people who say things like being the only "white chap" walking down the road, is not something I am happy doing. So please imagine me un-happy while I am typing this.
                        So me telling the truth is not allowed now? Pointing out the truth is now xenophobic, racist or bigoted. Give over. That attitude is exactly one of the reasons we are in this 'immigration' dilemma. How is me pointing out the truth that I was the only white chap in a street xenophobic or racist? It's not it's called an observation and a truthful one at that.

                        Originally posted by Tab View Post
                        I live 25 minutes from East London, my entire family going back as far as I can research lived in East London, many in the Whitechapel area. I know it well. There are no Arabic signs for me to see, so I am not sure why you want to die on that hill. Also, I never called you a racist, I said your post was xenophobic.
                        Like I said I made a mistake regarding the Arabic, but the principle is the same. No need to hide behind the 'xenophobic' word we all know exactly what you meant.

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	Clipboard01.jpg
Views:	151
Size:	34.1 KB
ID:	836783

                        And for the record I have no problem with anyone from any country living here. Like I said my better half is Polish. The problem I do have is those people not adopting traditional British values and wanting us to change to suit them. That is a huge lack of respect and something I would never dream of asking another country to do for me. Hence multiculturalism will never work because they do not want it to work.

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	Image1.jpg
Views:	142
Size:	95.7 KB
ID:	836784

                        Apologies they are not in Arabic (no need to keep clutching at that straw) but some more examples of 'foreign language street signs.'

                        Originally posted by Tab View Post
                        I think it is clear which one of us is more informed on this subject. So much for me leaving it alone.
                        Yes I think it is very clear. And yes you just can't leave it alone. Keep clutching at the straws though. However it's not me who is the problem here. Also I note you never attacked Herlock for basically posting the exact same things I did. Funny that.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Svensson View Post

                          Its what I would call "deceptively cropping". It clearly says "Whitechapel station" in the arch that has been cropped out:

                          So you object to the Tube sign being in another language IN ADDITION to English? Personally, this is not something that would bother me but it changes the suggestion that Arabic/Bengali/Elf had REPLACED English as the primary language.
                          Yes it does say Whitechapel Station on the other arch, I never claimed it did not and like the other poster you are totally missing the point. The point is if people come and settle in this country and I'm obviously all for that then they should not expect/demand/suggest/whatever that we change to suit them, out of respect to the country they have decided to settle in they should adopt their values/languages/traditions etc. My wife learned the language first up, she never wrote to the council to get signs changed, she never demanded we open more Catholic churches (Poland being very Catholic) she never demanded anything, she adopted our traditions and mixed in with the 'British' society.
                          Just as a side I would imagine English is NOT the primary language in Whitechapel. Like I said I'm making an observation, which I, in my opinion is not right out of respect. However that makes me xenophobic, racist, bigoted etc. No it does not at all and I totally resent the suggestion. I'm all for multiculturalism but I can't make it work if the 'other side' is unwilling and that is the huge problem.


                          • #73
                            Hi Geddy
                            So you've never been to Wales, Scotland or Cornwall? You really didn't need to go far to see examples of dual language signs.
                            Secondly, I work in Mental Health in East London so have come into contact with many of the people you're stereotyping. In fact a number of them are good friends. they are in the main friendly, hard-working and care more about this country than I ever could. My boss is a Muslim and I work alongside Christians, Hindus, Sikh and Jewish. Their English is always excellent. In fact the younger generation/s almost always speak good English, it's only the older generation/s that tend not to. Remember trying to learn a second language when older is much more difficult than doing it when young.
                            All the best


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post

                              You are pointing out an non issue. Okay my mistake they are not Arabic, they are as you claim Bengali. Same meat different gravy. The fact is they are not in English regardless of what language they are in and that is my issue. I've been all round France, the Netherlands, Poland, Australia etc etc and not once have I seen other countries languages used. I mean you can't get a more diverse city than Melbourne but at the time of my visit, all signs in English only.
                              I honestly don't understand the issue with having ADDITIONAL signage in another language. It doesn't "erode" anything, and does nothing but help people. You keep banging on about other countries and your belief in their superior immigration stance because of... *checks notes*... street signs. Again you come back with these sweeping statements like a child would, yet every single country you mention has multi-lingual street signs in various places, mainly in cities for obvious reasons, but also further a field like places close to borders with other countries. Just visit Chinatown in any city in any country and be prepared to seethe with anger at the non-native signage. Best take some beta blockers before you go though.

                              Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post
                              So me telling the truth is not allowed now? Pointing out the truth is now xenophobic, racist or bigoted. Give over. That attitude is exactly one of the reasons we are in this 'immigration' dilemma. How is me pointing out the truth that I was the only white chap in a street xenophobic or racist? It's not it's called an observation and a truthful one at that.
                              Ah, the age old battle cry. Just an observation, just stating the truth, just facts good sir. I think context might be important, and the fact you absolutely stated that fact to make a point. It wasn't just saying random facts. The point you were making was that you feel there were way to many brown faces on that street for your liking. That sounds a lot like... what's the word..........

                              Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post
                              Like I said I made a mistake regarding the Arabic, but the principle is the same. No need to hide behind the 'xenophobic' word we all know exactly what you meant.
                              No hiding required. You are more than welcome to use the word racist and xenophobic interchangeably, but they have distinct and separate meanings. You original post was xenophobic.

                              Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post
                              And for the record I have no problem with anyone from any country living here. Like I said my better half is Polish. The problem I do have is those people not adopting traditional British values and wanting us to change to suit them. That is a huge lack of respect and something I would never dream of asking another country to do for me. Hence multiculturalism will never work because they do not want it to work.
                              I don't think you understand the term multiculturalism.

                              Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post
                              Apologies they are not in Arabic (no need to keep clutching at that straw) but some more examples of 'foreign language street signs.'
                              Oh the humanity, think of the children!

                              Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post
                              Yes I think it is very clear. And yes you just can't leave it alone. Keep clutching at the straws though. However it's not me who is the problem here. Also I note you never attacked Herlock for basically posting the exact same things I did. Funny that.
                              Of all the many things I brought up regarding immigration, all the pro's and con's there is to talk about, the only thing you are worried about is them coming for our "CuLTurE". Like you're gonna be losing your Sunday roast or something. British culture is an evolving, living thing. Just need to look back a couple of hundred years to see how what you consider "British Culture" has changed, in no small part due to immigrants. The world is a smaller place, and getting smaller every day. Let's embrace it, and all the cultures in it. Clinging on the past like we need to stay in some un-changeable frozen state is crazy. What it means to be British is changing every day, and it has changed every day in the past. Lets just get on with living in the now and making the best future for ourselves. Nostalgia does nothing but keep you locked in a longing that will never be fulfilled.

                              All the best,
                              Last edited by Tab; 06-29-2024, 11:48 AM.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Cody75111 View Post
                                Hi Geddy
                                So you've never been to Wales, Scotland or Cornwall? You really didn't need to go far to see examples of dual language signs.
                                Secondly, I work in Mental Health in East London so have come into contact with many of the people you're stereotyping. In fact a number of them are good friends. they are in the main friendly, hard-working and care more about this country than I ever could. My boss is a Muslim and I work alongside Christians, Hindus, Sikh and Jewish. Their English is always excellent. In fact the younger generation/s almost always speak good English, it's only the older generation/s that tend not to. Remember trying to learn a second language when older is much more difficult than doing it when young.
                                All the best
                                Agree. I also come in to contact regularly with social care workers, those that look after the elderly, disabled, vulnerable. The overwhelming majority foreign workers, who work with conditions and in a system I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, and they are the most respectful, kind and generous people I have ever met.

                                All the best,

