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  • Originally posted by Svensson View Post
    or maybe you prefer to get your news from instagram rather than the BBC?

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    Of course there’s no doubt that lies have been told. We all know what a dangerous tool the internet is when it comes to lies and propaganda but do you believe that the issues are solely on one side of the debate Svensson?

    If a proportion of the people have real concerns about excessive, uncontrolled immigration is it reasonable or fair to dismiss those fears because you feel that they are all based on the fact that those people have just swallowed misinformation online? That there are no intelligent, well informed people who see problems that might actually be real? Or maybe real real but exaggerated? This is one of the most annoying parts of this whole debate (and I’m not just talking about on here.) It’s the assumption that anyone expressing a concern about immigration is either a racist or some gullible idiot whilst those on the other side are all intelligent, well-balanced saints. How can problems be solved in these circumstances?

    Earlier in the thread I posted links to reputable polls carried out by companies regularly used in all forms of media including the BBC. All of them showed that there is a very, very sizeable portion of the UK public who have those concerns. Is it right they those concerns are all dismissed by the people who they themselves placed in power to deal with the concerns that they have? This one YouGov poll for example has 6 issues listed that concern the public before the recent election.

    Which of the following do you think are the most important issues facing the country at this time? Please tick up to three.

    In order:

    Equal 1st - The economy and Health.
    Second - Immigration.
    Equal 3rd - The Environment and Housing.
    4th - Crime.

    So the average Uk citizen (who I prefer not to think of as being a racist thug) is more concerned about immigration that he/she is about the Environment, Housing or Crime. Why does no one brush aside their concerns about the Economy or Health in the same way that they brush aside their concerns about immigration? I think that we all know the answer to that one but it’s one of those things that has to remain unsaid.

    Politicians from the right and from the left constantly and repeatedly betray the citizens of this country and I’ve always voted Labour so I’m not from the Right let alone the extreme right. I want nothing to do with Team Racist Thug or Team Woke Liar either, which appears to be our options out in the real world at the moment. Which causes the greater problem in our society? Team Woke Liar by a mile imo. I know this upsets some but it’s true. It’s what the evidence tells me. But….whatever our viewpoint the only way forward in the real world is for everyone to come to the centre, to accept that everything they believe isn’t always spot on accurate, to cast aside any fear of being critical and to realise that it’s the duty of every country to put its own citizen’s welfare first.

    Sir Herlock Sholmes.

    “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


    • Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post

      Looks like Ricky Jones, the Labour man is suggesting we need to 'cut all their throats'

      Looks like you get all upset when the boot is on the other foot. Just a few days ago you were writing poetry when Nazi thugs were looking to kill people just becasue they have brown skin.
      Last edited by Svensson; 08-08-2024, 12:00 PM.

