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The Best Ever Trump Put-Down?

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  • #46

    As for the E.U. and I concede I am not an expert. It is my understanding that England voted twice to leave the European Union because Russia allegedly influenced the results of the first election. Could be wrong. It is also my understanding that England voted to leave the E.U. but can not officially leave until a trade deal is agreed on. I could be wrong. However, In your eagerness to prove me wrong you missed the point of my comment. My point was that the Globalists who wished to keep England in the E.U. used the same Russian interference conspiracy the Democrats used to claim Trump stole the election. I found that amusing. I believe, and I could end up being wrong, that the Globalists are trying to delay any trade deal because they want to force England back into the E.U. or at the very least make a deal that would end up leaving everything status quo. I do not follow British politics, however, I did enjoy Celebrity Big Brother, So, if a trade deal has been reached do not call me a liar. The narrative I was pushing is the Globalists pushed the idea that Russia subverted the will of Western Democracy in order to kill the populace movements in America and England.


    • #47
      Originally posted by celee View Post
      U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth has soared under President Trump, topping 3% in 4 quarters under his administration.
      • 2018 annual GDP growth was 2.9%
      • In the first quarter of 2019 GDP growth was 3.1%

      President Trump is unleashing economic growth and jobs. Since his election, the Trump administration’s pro-growth policies have generated 6 million new jobs, the unemployment rate has fallen to its lowest point in 50 years, and wages have grown at more than 3% for 10 months in a row.
      Which is exactly what have said. Trumps best years were 2.9, 2.3 and 2.3% growth. Obama's best years were 2.9, 2.5 and 2.5% growth as per

      So, do you still stand by the statement that Trump has had 4.8% economical growth and that his economy is objectively much better than Obama's?



      • #48
        In the second quarter of 2018, President Trump achieved 4.1% economic growth. I know I read he had a higher quarter. I will do some research after football and if I am wrong I will admit it. The problem is the web is saturated with articles filled with "adjusted numbers" trying to prove the President's economy was not as good as he claimed. So, it takes some digging. I almost wish I sided with the Trump haters, LOL.



        • #49
          Originally posted by celee View Post
          As for the E.U. and I concede I am not an expert. It is my understanding that England voted twice to leave the European Union because Russia allegedly influenced the results of the first election. Could be wrong. It is also my understanding that England voted to leave the E.U. but can not officially leave until a trade deal is agreed on. I could be wrong. However, In your eagerness to prove me wrong you missed the point of my comment. My point was that the Globalists who wished to keep England in the E.U. used the same Russian interference conspiracy the Democrats used to claim Trump stole the election. I found that amusing. I believe, and I could end up being wrong, that the Globalists are trying to delay any trade deal because they want to force England back into the E.U. or at the very least make a deal that would end up leaving everything status quo. I do not follow British politics, however, I did enjoy Celebrity Big Brother, So, if a trade deal has been reached do not call me a liar. The narrative I was pushing is the Globalists pushed the idea that Russia subverted the will of Western Democracy in order to kill the populace movements in America and England.
          ok, so it seems that you also misunderstood me and tbh, this is is probably also my fault because I find if difficult to address so much of what I consider as incorrect all at the same time.

          Let me take a step back: The reason why I am so particular on these facts is that I think you have the wrong idea based on wrong facts. And I feel that once you have the full and correct facts, you may come to different conclusions. The UK leaving the EU is actually a prime example that I have come across many times in the past and I admit that this issue is close to driving me insane. Full disclosure, I was born in Germany, moved to England when I was still a teenager and I am right now relocating to the Netherlands. I have grown up on a diet of European freedom (my friends are English, French, German, my wife is Dutch with a English mother and my own father was French, so I and my family are basically a multinational mess but I am immensely proud of it). The reason I am relocating is that my employer has moved a lot of resources to Amsterdam due to Brexit and I see this as a professional opportunity. My views on Brexit are that it is a shame from a UK point of view and that people have been lied to about an economical case when there is none. The only case to be made in Brexit is that there is more autonomy coupled with a slightly smaller economy but Nigel Farage prefers to talk about fishing (which is 0.1% of the UK economy) and blue passports. IMO, it was essentially an emotional decision to leave the EU but they dressed it up as an economical one. Too many people believed it without looking at the actual facts.

          the UK was a member of the EU for 40 years. Many professional and business relationships and laws needed to be unstitched and resolved in a controlled manner. Failure to do so would have been a failure of politicians to look after their citizens interests on either side of the English Channel. This is what the Withdrawal agreement was all about and this is what Theresa May could not deliver which ultimately cost her her job. Boris Johnson delivered the withdrawal agreement by putting the EU border between the UK and Northern Ireland which is what May didn't want. the issue here was that that the EU were intent on protecting their external borders which is fair enough IMO. So all the hoo-ha about the UK leaving the EU does not require an international conspiracy against the working class for an explanation. I don't know what Steve Hilton is talking about on fox News these days but I can tell you that no one shed a tear when he left these shores. We're just glad that this little weed is finally gone. It seems that his warped world-views have met fertile ground in the US right-wing media.

          This brings us to Trump and his lies. You state that " I do not care if he wants to blow his own horn." but I think that this is extremely crucial as you need to trust people how they present their own record. How would you be able to trust a worker's claims that he has produced X units of some product the previous week if you accept that he can "blow his own horn"? Accountability is crucial in life, trust is crucial in life. If you say that you are OK with Trump lying to you, then how can you objectively judge his performance? I'm basically saying that you should not accept lower standards in those who lead your country.

          For the record. I think trump's economic performance is OK. Nothing special but unlike him, I don't think that it has to be. You can have a good economy that is looking after its workers properly, gives them health care and gives them realistic chances to socially advance if you put in good work. There is no need to break records especially not when this is at the expense of the populations living conditions. I feel that his minor improvements in economic stats have been bought with massive tax-cuts that were not needed at the time (unless "ego" qualifies as "needed"). Another comparison that should be interesting, the US now have a national debt of more than 100% of GDP. Germany has a national debt of around 65% of GDP.

          Slight change of subject but I still feel it's necessary to mention at one point:

          - Free or almost free (nominal fee) university education.
          - free health care at the point of access.
          - parental leave at 70% plus of income for up to a year and in most cases for at least 6 months.
          - Commitment to carbon neutral economies by 2050-ish.
          - shutting down fossil fuel plants.
          - High-speed rail links to replace the need to travel by car and plane as much as possible.
          - strict environmental regulations
          - banning combustion engines by 2040-ish

          All of the above is what Republicans like to label as "Socialism". All of the above is what we already have in the EU, in some cases for decades now. I have checked with my friends and family, none of us is aware that we are living in a socialist country (and I had family in the German Democratic Republic...)

          Last edited by Svensson; 01-03-2021, 09:17 PM.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Svensson View Post

            You're trying to save Trump's backside by splitting hairs now. If does not matter if he was suggesting it as a cure or as a treatment. Bleach does not belong into a human body except for the purpose/intent of killing that person. A fifth-grader should know this but Trump does not have the mental capacity of a fith-grader to know this. And yes, we did listen. Very carefull. And we concluded that he hasn't got a flippin clue what he is talking about.

            I do. It is exactly zero. And if you are curious to find out, watch this video. If you have ever lied as a ten-year-old, you will recognise what is going on here.
            I am sorry I have not responded to your post earlier. For some reason, I have not seen these post until this afternoon that is why I am behind.

            You suggested in an earlier post the President said to use a disinfectant to cure the virus. He never recommended that people use household disinfectants. I do not remember him ever using the word bleach. All kinds of memes hit facebook about Clorox but the President asked the Doctors if some form of disinfectant could be used as a treatment. There is a difference between asking a question about disinfectant being used for treatment and recommending people use bleach.

            I posted I do not know how much Bible knowledge the President has. I was not defending his knowledge of the Bible. You criticized the President for holding a Bible up in front of a Church. I guess you feel a person has to be a Bible Scholar to own a Bible? Just kidding I understand your point. You feel it was hypocritical for The President who you feel knows nothing about the Bible and does not live a Christian life to go to Church and hold up the Bible. First, if that was the standard all people were held to the Church's would be empty. Second, there is more to the story than the President going to Church and holding the Bible. The President walked to the Church, Bible in hand because the Church was one of the oldest churches in America, our country's founders attended the Church. it had great religious and historical significance. Rioters burned it down. The President went to the Church to show solidarity with the men who fought and died for our country and who attended the Church. He held up the Bible to show solidarity with Christians. Honestly, I do not understand why people are more outraged that President Trump held up a Bible than they are about the burning of a Church.

            I watched the video you suggested. The President claimed the Bible was personal to him and he did not want to discuss his favorite book. He later claimed "John 1" was his favorite. Did you watch the video I posted President Trump's comments on Charlottesville?
            Last edited by celee; 01-03-2021, 09:23 PM.


            • #51
              Originally posted by celee View Post

              I am sorry I have not responded to your post earlier. For some reason, I have not seen these post until this afternoon that is why I am behind.

              You suggested in an earlier post the President said to use a disinfectant to cure the virus. He never recommended that people use household disinfectants. I do not remember him ever using the word bleach. All kinds of memes hit facebook about Clorox but the President asked the Doctors if some form of disinfectant could be used as a treatment. There is a difference between asking a question about disinfectant being used for treatment and recommending people use bleach.

              I posted I do not know how much Bible knowledge the President has. I was not defending his knowledge of the Bible. You criticized the President for holding a Bible up in front of a Church. I guess you feel a person has to be a Bible Scholar to own a Bible? Just kidding I understand your point. You feel it was hypocritical for The President who you feel knows nothing about the Bible and does not live a Christian life to go to Church and hold up the Bible. First, if that was the standard all people were held to the Church's would be empty. Second, there is more to the story than the President going to Church and holding the Bible. The President walked to the Church, Bible in hand because the Church was one of the oldest churches in America, our country's founders attended the Church. it had great religious and historical significance. Rioters burned it down. The President went to the Church to show solidarity with the men who fought and died for our country and who attended the Church. He held up the Bible to show solidarity with Christians. Honestly, I do not understand why people are more outraged that President Trump held up a Bible than they are about the burning of a Church.
              For me, it was about Trump's intent to stoke up the "religion vs. non-religion" conflict which has always been part of US politics. it was a stunt to blatantly shore up the religious vote which is ludicrous because he clearly does not give a toss about Religion. He just blatantly uses religion to get votes in an obvious and therefore despicable way. To be honest, this is probably one area where I actually agree with Trump. I am a hard-core atheist but I recognise that the church has a valuable social function. Here in Europe, we don't have these mega-churches that fleece their congregation out of their pension and the church almost never gets involved in politics (the current Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby might be an exception but in his case, I believe that he is coming from a humanitarian and compassionate angle, so I have no problem with it). If Trump wants my respect then he would at least be honest about the fact that he is not religious and you can still defend the rights of those who want to go to church or be a practising such-and-such. It can;t be that hard but again, he chose to lie.

              If people have vandalised a church, then the authorities should work on finding the perpetrators and not use tear-gas to disperse an unrelated crowd exercising their rights to peacefully protest. And all of this was exactly timed to coincide with a photo-opportunity. Pretty lame from someone who pretends to be an alpha-male....
              Last edited by Svensson; 01-03-2021, 09:48 PM.


              • #52
                I wish I'd never started this bloody thread!


                • #53
                  Originally posted by barnflatwyngarde View Post
                  I wish I'd never started this bloody thread!

                  Why? I think it's pretty good :P


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Svensson View Post

                    For me, it was about Trump's intent to stoke up the "religion vs. non-religion" conflict which has always been part of US politics. it was a stunt to blatantly shore up the religious vote which is ludicrous because he clearly does not give a toss about Religion. He just blatantly uses religion to get votes in an obvious and therefore despicable way. To be honest, this is probably one area where I actually agree with Trump. I am a hard-core atheist but I recognise that the church has a valuable social function. Here in Europe, we don't have these mega-churches that fleece their congregation out of their pension and the church almost never gets involved in politics (the current Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby might be an exception but in his case, I believe that he is coming from a humanitarian and compassionate angle, so I have no problem with it). If Trump wants my respect then he would at least be honest about the fact that he is not religious and you can still defend the rights of those who want to go to church or be a practising such-and-such. It can;t be that hard but again, he chose to lie.

                    If people have vandalised a church, then the authorities should work on finding the perpetrators and not disperse an unrelated crowd exercising their rights to peacefully protest using tear-gas. And all of this was exactly timed to coincide with a photo-opportunity. Pretty lame from someone who pretends to be an alpha-male....
                    We disagree about what motivated the President. Everything the President does in public is a photo opportunity. He definitely was trying to show his base that he stood with them and the rioters who burned down the Church were not in charge.

                    The people in front of the White House were asked to leave three times because The President wanted to come out and there were reports that the protesters were throwing rocks and other projectiles at the Secret Service before the D.C. police used pepper spray on the protesters. There is a huge problem in America with the press. Half the country believes one thing and the other half of the country believes something else depending on what news source a person is listening to. I was not there so I do not know if the crowd was violent or not. I do know when people are asked to leave by the secret service they should leave. The President's safety is inportant.

                    I hope the people who burned down the Church were punished. I know if a mosque had been burned down liberals would go crazy demanding justice.

                    I agree, President Trump does try to secure the religious vote and he probably is not the most religious person. However, that is all part of politics, Democrats like Nancy Pelosi claim to be devout. Joe Biden was photographed going to church. None of those people live a good Christian lifestyle.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by celee View Post

                      Did you watch the video I posted President Trump's comments on Charlottesville?
                      I have not but I think I know the press conference pretty well because I happened to watch it live. it was in the aftermath of Heather Heyer being run-over ISIS-style by a white supremacist member.

                      I remember it because I was thinking that Trump was suggesting that when there are fascists and anti-fascists, "there are good people on both sides". As a German, is completely unthinkable but alas, it did happen.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by celee View Post

                        The people in front of the White House were asked to leave three times because The President wanted to come out and there were reports that the protesters were throwing rocks and other projectiles at the Secret Service before the D.C. police used pepper spray on the protesters.
                        the protest was going on for several hours and the protesters were starting to throw stones just as Trump was planning to go to the Church? Come on!

                        Sniff-test -> FAIL!!!!


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by barnflatwyngarde View Post
                          I wish I'd never started this bloody thread!
                          Well you did. And now you'll have to live with that burden.
                          Thems the Vagaries.....


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by barnflatwyngarde View Post
                            I wish I'd never started this bloody thread!
                            I actually did post my favorite Trump put down in an effort to join in the fun but nobody commented. Sorry, I got a little off topic but there is nothing wrong with a friendly discussion. I think this video is hilarious.


                            • #59
                              Sorry, I'm German and I have no humour


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Svensson View Post

                                I have not but I think I know the press conference pretty well because I happened to watch it live. it was in the aftermath of Heather Heyer being run-over ISIS-style by a white supremacist member.

                                I remember it because I was thinking that Trump was suggesting that when there are fascists and anti-fascists, "there are good people on both sides". As a German, is completely unthinkable but alas, it did happen.
                                OK, fair enough. Trump did say, during one interview that there were fine people on both sides of the argument. The press took that comment and inferred he was talking about the white supremacist being fine people. He was not and the press knew it. That day a statue of Robert E Lee was being removed from a park. People who were not part of a white supremacist group showed up to protest the removal of the statue and there were people who were not part of any anti-fascist group who were there supporting the removal of the statue and those fine people were caught in the middle of the violence between the two extreme groups. That is who the President was referring to.

                                If you watched the Press conference live then you know The President strongly condemned white supremacy, racism, and violence. The Democrat establishment and the bias media kept the false narrative going for three years that President Trump said white supremacists were fine people and he refused to condemn the violence. They were lying to the public. The media in America is terrible.

                                Take five minutes to refresh your memory. (9) President Trump condemns Charlottesville violence - YouTube
                                Last edited by celee; 01-03-2021, 10:47 PM.

