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The Best Ever Trump Put-Down?

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  • The Best Ever Trump Put-Down?

  • #2
    I think the best Trump put-downs are still the ones by Ted Cruz and Lindsay Graham from summer 2016. Also because of having the benefit of observing Cruz and Graham 5 years later...

    1. "Donald Trump is a Jackass":

    2. "Donald trump is a pathological liar":
    Last edited by Svensson; 12-15-2020, 05:05 PM.


    • #3
      Yet for the past however long it has been, these two clowns have been brown-nosing Trump.

      They are both disgusting Senate specimens.

      Happy Christmas. Stay safe.

      Never believe anything until it has been officially denied.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Simon Wood View Post
        Yet for the past however long it has been, these two clowns have been brown-nosing Trump.

        They are both disgusting Senate specimens.

        Happy Christmas. Stay safe.

        Yep, you've pretty much nailed that one Simon.

        Have a a great Xmas.


        • #5
          The poor guys wife can't stand to hold his hand in public.

          Doesn't seem like value for money, he should ask for a refund.
          Thems the Vagaries.....


          • #6
            Whitehouse inundated with hundreds of requests from Trump associates for a Pardon.
            "Only the best" Trump said, "We're going to hire the best of the best".

            What a bunch of crooks.....
            Regards, Jon S.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Al Bundy's Eyes View Post
              The poor guys wife can't stand to hold his hand in public.

              Doesn't seem like value for money, he should ask for a refund.
              I don´t know if you have heard it before, but there is a story about when Jannike Spies, at the time the young and beautiful wife of the three-times as old travel agency tycoon Simon Spies, was asked whether she took her husband for the money. Her answer was ingenious: "Nope - it was he who took me for the money..."


              • #8
                Well, I’ll grant you Trump is an idiot, but there are pros and cons. Off the top of my head, three “pros”:

                A tax cut that put a little money in my pocket.

                Stemming the tide of foreign invasion, for a while at least.

                Putting some stability into the Supreme Court: hopefully his most lasting achievement. As long as Biden doesn’t cheat the way FDR threatened to do (but didn’t).

                And his worst fault? Being idiot enough to get people voting for that other crowd instead, including a bunch of crazy radicals!

                Politics stinks. It’s Hobson’s choice. No moderation these days. We were better off in the 1950s when people were much more in agreement. “Consensus politics,” they called it back then. Consider the radical volte-face in public attitudes between “I Like Ike” and “We Hate Trump.” Oh, for the Good Old Days of civility!
                Last edited by Gordon; 12-23-2020, 11:21 AM.


                • #9
                  "crazy radicals"? like who..?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Al Bundy's Eyes View Post
                    The poor guys' wife can't stand to hold his hand in public.

                    Doesn't seem like value for money, he should ask for a refund.
                    The FLOTUS got a lot closer to the President than holding his hand. They have a son. The couple has been together for thirteen years I am sure there are times when they do not get along just like every couple. Unfortunately for them, they are always in the public eye.


                    • #11
                      Hi Gordon, I would not describe anyone who ascends to the most powerful office in the world, as an "idiot'. President Trump is not a perfect man. He is a narcissist and at times obnoxious. Just like every other President, I disagree with some of his policy decisions. I did not like the fact he pulled out of the climate accord. He could have ended the self-imposed sanctions without pulling out of the group. America needs to take the lead in fighting global warming. However, under the Trump administration America has reduced carbon emissions to the lowest since 1990. China, Russia, and India need to do much better. I feel the President should pull all of our troops out of senseless wars and I have some concerns with operation warp speed.

                      I think President Trump has done surprisingly well. He negotiated four major peace treaties in the Middle East. Moved the American Embassy to Jerusalem recognizing the true capital of Isreal. He reduced the number of American troops in Afghanistan and Syria. He is the first President who did not get the United States into a military conflict since Jimmy Carter. He got rid of NAFTA and replaced that horrible trade deal with the USMCA trade agreement. He ended the Trans Atlantic Partnership. He created the greatest economy America has ever known with record-low unemployment and record-high economic growth and even after the pandemic and shutting down the economy our current economy is better than any time during the Obama administration. The President signed the V.A. Accountability Act and an all-inclusive Veterans Choice Bill Veterans Affairs now has a 91% approval rating. The President signed the Criminal Justice Reform Bill He created opportunity zones for minority communities and provided long-term funding to historic black colleges Secured America's borders, built up the military, and returned America to the space race by establishing a fifth military branch the Space Force.

                      Let us be honest. Casebook has a very intelligent membership. The reason why President Trump has received so much resistance from the political establishment and establishment run media is he is not a globalist. His policies have not been horrible. In fact, his policies have been good for America and he is certainly no worst than any other President in recent American history. His big crime is he is not a member of the political establishment that includes Democrats and Republicans that have controlled the country for years, since Reagan. President Trump is not in favor of the "Great Reset" or a "New World Order." He is a Nationalist that puts America first. He put it best when he said "They hate me because I am fighting for you." Who is "they" you might ask? They are the Globalists. Globalism is a worldwide movement to move towards a one-world socialist or communist system. Members of the Globalist movement are very powerful politicians, businessmen, and world leaders. England will never be allowed to leave the E.U. I hope that Globalism will lead to a wonderful new world where everyone lives in a Star Trek utopia, but I have my doubts. Most of us are just pawns in the game of life and we are being manipulated and controlled. I feel very helpless.

                      Keeping with the good-natured fun of the topic. Here is my favorite Trump put down.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Svensson View Post
                        I think the best Trump put-downs are still the ones by Ted Cruz and Lindsay Graham from summer 2016. Also because of having the benefit of observing Cruz and Graham 5 years later...

                        1. "Donald Trump is a Jackass":

                        2. "Donald trump is a pathological liar":
                        Kamala Harris inferred Biden was a racist and said she believed the women who claimed Joe Biden sexually assaulted them. People say and do anything to win an election and when the election is over, all is forgotten. That is how the game of politics is played.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by celee View Post

                          Kamala Harris inferred Biden was a racist and said she believed the women who claimed Joe Biden sexually assaulted them. People say and do anything to win an election and when the election is over, all is forgotten. That is how the game of politics is played.
                          Graham wasn't running for office in 2016.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by rjpalmer View Post

                            Graham wasn't running for office in 2016.
                            Yes, I think Graham ran for President in 2016. REgardless are all two-faced who care about nothing except money and power.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by celee View Post

                              Yes, I think Graham ran for President in 2016. REgardless are all two-faced who care about nothing except money and power.
                              I wish I can delete posts with typos. I Think Graham ran for President in 2016. Regardless, most politicians are corrupt and all they care about is money and power.
                              Last edited by celee; 12-28-2020, 07:10 PM.

