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When Flying Saucers Attack!

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  • When the site was first set up, Gary Hesletine was a popular fixture in UFO magazine and published a lot of his data via the magazine. I am pleased the site has taken off and is done in a serious manner.
    Regards Mike


    • I believe it was 100 years ago today (local time) that those two flying saucers collided over Tunguska.
      This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

      Stan Reid


      • Who first coined the phrase "Flying saucers? arse!"


        • In 1947 Kenneth Arnold had a sighting over the Cascade Mountains, in Washington. He said "They skipped across the sky like a saucer across water".

          The American press dubbed them "Flying Saucers", the rest is history.
          Regards Mike


          • Hi Mike,

            I'm just curious - when you are approached about a haunted house or building or site, how much time and research do you spend before examining the site itself - or do you put off the research first so as not to give yourself or your fellow ghost hunters any preconcieved ideas?

            Best wishes,



            • Hi Jeff,
              I usually have two weeks but it takes me a day to do a full history of the building. This is typed up and locked in my metal carry case, even the wife is kept from viewing it. It comes out on the night of the investigation but remains in my hands at all times.

              This helps me verify anything that the medium comes up with and stops people thinking they heard something. The owner of the property gets a copy of my history at the end of the investigation.

              If its a home with a family it's usually short notice so I do a brief history but the real research goes on afterwards.

              Most of the known haunted locations are known to me as I have collected over 170 location histories so it is rare that something is happening that I don't know about. I am also pretty well known and get told about new cases daily which keeps me on my toes!
              Regards Mike


              • Mike,
                I didnt realise till just reading your last post how much you were "in" to the ghost "business". So here is a question....Have you experienced anything ,at any time that has convinced you completely and utterly, that ghosts exist,in the form of returning spirits, and not as merely an occurence that you couldnt find a normal explanation for?Im talking here,of course about personal experience not third party ones.
                kind regards


                • Many moons ago when I was a 21 year old, I was working night shifts at a local victorian sweet factory. I was a depositor (Sweet maker) and ran a line making sweets.

                  During down time I helped on other lines or helped the toffee re-processing man called Bernie. Bernie was a no nonsense mechanic and operated a huge vat which hardened toffee was poured into, it changed state into liquid and was stored in big plastic tubs.

                  The produce was stored on the 2nd floor of the building and a place which was out of bounds, unless you had a security pass. This was due to health and safety, and so the big boss knew were you was.

                  We took a pallet truck and a pallet full of toffee up to the 2nd floor, closed the lift and proceed through some doors and around a corner to the far end of the building. Walking past pallets of repro-toffee, and down to his storage area.

                  Suddenly we heard a loud "Bang", Bernie stopped and turned and we looked in the direction of the noise to see a middle aged male, brown hair, and brown overalls, walk behind some pallets heading towards the double doors, and lift. He ignored us.

                  As he walked into the walkway, he looked at us, then we noticed he had no legs, but we gave chase, thinking he had gained illegal access to the floor. He rounded the corner and I remember looking at the forklift mirror placed high on the wall to see if he was there, and it still did not register that he was floating!

                  He went through the double doors, but they never opened, then carried on past the lift through another set of LOCKED double doors! We ran up to the doors and looked through the glass windows and he was nowere to be seen!

                  We called for the lift, which on occasion had a white haired scottish gent pressing the buttons and helping load and unload. He came up to our floor and opened the lift. We questioned him, asking if anyone had passed, yet no one other than Bernie and I had been in the lift that night.

                  All other routes up to that floor were secure, and it was rare for staff to carry out work on there other than the day shift, but even they used a remote corner.

                  We called for the security staff who checked the floor and confirmed we were the only two on that floor, and that had been during the night!!

                  The factory had quite a lot of stories, but what set this apart was the fact thet "He" looked at us! I am certain he could see us!

                  We had a cup of coffee and settled down in the canteen when the white haired scottish bloke walked in. He sat in the corner alone and in his deep scottish accent smiled, "You have seen it, you have seen the unspeakable evil!"

                  With that we all started laughing and the tone lifted.
                  I had several experiences there, that was the longest and most memorable, plus Bernie was there to experience it. It was a lovely place with loads of history.

                  On other occasions at different locations I have asked for lights to turn on and they have done, I have asked for noises on floors above in empty buildings and listened as footsteps run across the floorboards.

                  I am a believer in the stonetape theory and have written about it in relation to graveyards and castles. I believe that some things are caught in a loop, but every now and again we get some action in response to a question, and when that happens, I get a very humble feeling.
                  Regards Mike


                  • Hi Mike,

                    Never saw a materialization or a floating figure, but occasionally I have had
                    experiences at night. This last week I've been in bed with a cold in the head, and that might have some effect in this, but I thought last night I briefly heard somebody speaking at about 2:00 A.M. in the living room (when we were all asleep). Dreaming of course is a possiblility.

                    My weirdest dream was about a decade ago - my father (who died in 1991) was sitting at the edge of my bed, and telling how he spent time talking to an old family friend who died in the early 1980s.

                    But there seems rational explanations for both connected to sleep and inner memory. So I can't say my experiences are the sort that fully convince me.

                    Best of wishes,



                    • If a person is so skeptical that they won't even consider such things can happen there is going to be no convincing them to accept what you say about them.

                      I experienced nothing as amazing as Mike did, but I had some strange encounters, with some mysterious figures, a few times, when I was in my twenties. I can't prove I saw what I saw and heard, or that the spirits I encountered were real. They were. I saw them. I'm not stupid, gullible, or easily fooled.

                      People who experience the paranormal are often at a disadvantage because they are often pitted against those, who refuse, to be open-minded, and accept that there may be realms, which are separate from our own, and which may intersect our own, like in a Venn diagram, however temporarily. Healthy skepticism is fine, debunking is a must, but skepticism for the sake of skepticism or of being trendy, does no one any good. An open-minded skeptic is another matter.

                      Mike, I have the sense that events are somehow recorded on the area where they occurred. Is this the idea you were expressing?
                      "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



                      • Interesting story mike....Ive had 2 experiences in seperate locations,each time I was seriously troubled, or uneasy to put it mildly.But whatever it was that I felt (rather than saw) I cant believe it (they) were spirits of dead people,I dont think such a thing could exist,and if they did ,wouldnt it be reasonable to expect every square foot of a country to be haunted (bearing in mind the number of humans who have died through the centuries? I believe those ghosts,demons and spirits come from within us (products of our imaginations) rather than from without.
                        I see the Sun Newspaper has started again with its annual b.s promotion..i.e "H ave YOU seen a u.f.o? write in and tell us " Now there will be this deluge of alien abductions,half eaten cattle and crop circles stories again....the muppets will be out in force again for a few weeks.....there is only one thing id use the sun newspaper for..and decency forbids me from mentioning it here.
                        Last edited by dougie; 07-02-2008, 04:52 AM.


                        • In several locations were events happen quite a lot in the same area, I have taken samples of rock, which upon closer inspection appears to be "Quartz".
                          Quartz is used in the production of video and audio cassettes so it is my theory that these are replays from the past.

                          Yet some cases are unusual as whatever is there, appears to have a sense of intelligence and can knock in response to questions. Myself and friends have witnessed apparitions which appear to demonstrate intelligence, ie they look at you!

                          At one location in Hull I was asking for tapping (2 taps yes/3 taps no) in response to questions. The funny thing is the taps appeared at the furthest point in the room, when I walked over they appeared at the spot I had been standing!! This went on for about 30 mins and was recorded on camera, dictaphone and even CCTV. The room was in darkeness but exterior lighting was pretty bright so I could see everything in the room, and yet these "spirits" were having fun at my expense!

                          Whilst this is exciting, it's also pretty scary to know they are watching you, as much as you are trying to watch for them!
                          I have dealt with non believers and my response is always the same, "Join me".
                          I have taken people who don't believe around buildings with reported activity, and usually within two hours, they not only believe but want answers.

                          My reply is always the same here "Don't we all!"

                          I have seen the latest UFO news in the Sun and there is also the documentary on this week about the Berwyn Mountains UFO crash, which was investigated by Jenny Randles.

                          You do get your fair share of cranks and nutters, I dealt with one lady who talked to angels, I asked her a question and she went into a trance, telling me "They have taken the question higher!"

                          When she finally replied she smiled "God has said No!"

                          Regards Mike


                          • Hi Mike, are you familiar with the true story of 'The Golden Spruce'?


                            • Originally posted by plang View Post
                              Hi Mike, are you familiar with the true story of 'The Golden Spruce'?
                              Not well versed in it, I know it took place in British Columbia but other than that not a lot.
                              Regards Mike


                              • Mike, there is something very paranormal about it. The white raven in particular.
                                You will need to read the book to see what I mean.
                                Please see my post under 'Book Recommendations'.


