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JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year

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  • #46
    Conspiracy theorists give the lie that no one could re-create those shots when they have been recreated several times. Oswald ‘performance’ has been beaten.
    When I use the word 'conspiracy' in context of the assassination of JFK, I refer to what I perceive was a conspiracy to kill the President, and in my opinion that conspiracy included Lee Harvey Oswald.

    It seems that when you use the word 'conspiracy', you use it regarding a perceived conspiracy to hang the blame onto Oswald whom you consider had nothing to do with the assassination.

    Two different things.

    We are suffering from a plethora of surmise, conjecture and hypothesis. - Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure Of Silver Blaze


    • #47
      Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post
      Hi MS

      From Bugliosi page 964 ‘Dallas police performed a paraffin test on Oswald’s hands at the time of his interrogation to determine if he’d recently fired a revolver, and the results were positive, indicating the presence of nitrates from gunpowder residue on his hands.’

      As for Ruby, there’s just no evidence for any other reason, everything indicates that he killed Oswald for the reasons that he stated.

      And that test would figure since he'd fired shots at the unfortunate Officer Tippit, but did they find anything on his cheek from the firing of the rifle, the reports seem to indicate no. LHO was no innocent, but did he fire the fatal shots at Kennedy or was he a patsy as he claimed? With regard to Ruby, the stated reasoning seems extremely weak and I suspect that's one of the areas where there was a cover up.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Graham View Post
        I lived in the USA for a number of years and always had an interest in both the JFK Assassination and the general political climate in the late 1950's/early 1960's. They were very uncertain times. It happens that I cannot recall discussing the JFK case with any American who felt that there wasn't a conspiracy to remove JFK. Some people seem to think that anyone who believes in a conspiracy automatically believes that Oswald was not involved - that is, a 'patsy'. Well, I for one believe that there indeed was a conspiracy to remove JFK and that Oswald most certainly was part of it. I have little doubt that he was up there in TSBD with his cheap Mannlicher-Carcano, and that at least one bullet from this rifle struck Kennedy. I also cannot be convinced that on that day he was the only gunman who fired at JFK. I also cannot be convinced that Oswald was not himself killed to ensure his silence. Anyone who thinks that Ruby did it because he 'felt sorry' for Mrs Kennedy is IMHO naive. I haven't read Bugliosi but have to say that I would take a hell of a lot of convincing to accept that Oswald acted totally alone.

        I recall seeing a documentary where acoustic tests were done in Dealey Plaza on the recording (a policeman left his radio on, and all the shots were recorded).
        Didn't they conclude there was more than one shooter from the acoustic evidence?
        Regards, Jon S.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Wickerman View Post
          I recall seeing a documentary where acoustic tests were done in Dealey Plaza on the recording (a policeman left his radio on, and all the shots were recorded).
          Didn't they conclude there was more than one shooter from the acoustic evidence?
          Yeah Jon, that's pretty much right.
          The United States House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) sat in 1976 and concluded that JFK was "probably" asassinated as a result of a conspiracy.

          The main, but not the only, factor was the dictabelt recording of a police motorcycle rider on the presidential cavalcade which seemed to show an extra shot, ergo, another shooter, ergo, a conspiracy.

          Needless to say, some doubt has been cast in the accurof the dictabelt recordings


          • #50
            Originally posted by Graham View Post
            When I use the word 'conspiracy' in context of the assassination of JFK, I refer to what I perceive was a conspiracy to kill the President, and in my opinion that conspiracy included Lee Harvey Oswald.

            It seems that when you use the word 'conspiracy', you use it regarding a perceived conspiracy to hang the blame onto Oswald whom you consider had nothing to do with the assassination.

            Two different things.

            I don’t understand that statement Graham. ‘...whom you consider had nothing to do with the assassination’ ?

            I believe that there was no conspiracy at all and that JFK was killed by LHO working completely alone.

            Sir Herlock Sholmes.

            “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


            • #51
              Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post
              If there was a second gunman and a conspiracy what kind of idiot would choose the grassy knoll which they knew would be full of people in front and a car park and railroad behind!? They would surely have gone for another tall building.

              Oswald didn’t even have to be a great shot. 3 shots fired, one missed completely, one hit JFK in the back (no assassin aims for the back) and one direct hit. So it’s one and a half out of three. Enough though.
              Hi HS

              The grassy knoll as it’s become known is the little hill with brush and trees that leads directly up to the railroad bridge. It’s the overpass that Kennedy’s car goes under right after they take off after they relalized he was shot. It’s actually the perfect place to take a shot from.

              Full disclosure. If I had to bet my life on it I would say no second shooter. But not by much. It was extremely crazy times then and many very shady things involving assasinations and murders were being done by our deep state intel, DOD, etc.

              Also, I know from experience, 9 times out of ten when something gets hit with a bullet, it goes in the opposite direction of the impact. Think tests done with actual corpses. That’s all I can say.

              And no question, Oswald was a better than average shot, so we can put that one to rest.

              But whether he fired the fatal shot, that’s another question.


              • #52
                Originally posted by barnflatwyngarde View Post
                Yeah Jon, that's pretty much right.
                The United States House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) sat in 1976 and concluded that JFK was "probably" asassinated as a result of a conspiracy.

                The main, but not the only, factor was the dictabelt recording of a police motorcycle rider on the presidential cavalcade which seemed to show an extra shot, ergo, another shooter, ergo, a conspiracy.

                Needless to say, some doubt has been cast in the accurof the dictabelt recordings
                Hi Barn,

                At the HSCA 2 acoustic experts from Queen’s College New York analysed the dictabelt recordings and said that they could hear ‘impulse sounds’ which no one else could hear, using mathematical computations. From that they gave a 95+% certainty of a fourth shot which got everyone excited and many convinced.
                Unfortunately in 1982 a panel of top physicists headed by a Harvard professor was gathered by the National Research Council. They analysed the dictabelt recordings and heard the same ‘impulse sounds’ that the two acoustic experts had heard. The problem was that they had occurred one minute after the assassination when the limousine was on its way to the hospital.
                Bugliosi said ‘The HSA conclusion was blatantly incorrect and unprofessional, an unfortunate, serious blemish on an otherwise excellent effort.

                Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                • #53
                  Originally posted by barnflatwyngarde View Post
                  Abby, apparently Russo in his later years worked as a cab driver, so he was probably your man.
                  Thanks barn

                  He also was driving with who I believe he said was his son who appeared to be a teenager? This was in the early nineties.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
                    Hi HS

                    The grassy knoll as it’s become known is the little hill with brush and trees that leads directly up to the railroad bridge. It’s the overpass that Kennedy’s car goes under right after they take off after they relalized he was shot. It’s actually the perfect place to take a shot from.

                    Full disclosure. If I had to bet my life on it I would say no second shooter. But not by much. It was extremely crazy times then and many very shady things involving assasinations and murders were being done by our deep state intel, DOD, etc.

                    Also, I know from experience, 9 times out of ten when something gets hit with a bullet, it goes in the opposite direction of the impact. Think tests done with actual corpses. That’s all I can say.

                    And no question, Oswald was a better than average shot, so we can put that one to rest.

                    But whether he fired the fatal shot, that’s another question.
                    Hi Abby,

                    I agree that they were times when perhaps people were having their eyes opened that not all politicians/officials were honourable men and women. All countries go through this I suspect. I think that when LHO killed JFK it was a time ripe for conspiracy thinking.

                    My own opinion is that it’s pretty much impossible for Oswald not to have killed Kennedy. The evidence is just so overwhelming. Toward the end of Bugliosi’s book he does a sort of resume of 50 points about events of that day and the evidence. Everything about Oswald’s actions, from leaving his wedding ring and giving his wife $170 saying ‘get whatever you need,’ (he was very tight with his cash.) To The nonsensical ‘curtain rods’ story. To the definate fact that it was his gun that fired the shots (also the revolver that killed Tippit.) To his actions in leaving Dealey Plaza. All scream ‘guilt.’

                    Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                    “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post
                      Hi Abby,

                      I agree that they were times when perhaps people were having their eyes opened that not all politicians/officials were honourable men and women. All countries go through this I suspect. I think that when LHO killed JFK it was a time ripe for conspiracy thinking.

                      My own opinion is that it’s pretty much impossible for Oswald not to have killed Kennedy. The evidence is just so overwhelming. Toward the end of Bugliosi’s book he does a sort of resume of 50 points about events of that day and the evidence. Everything about Oswald’s actions, from leaving his wedding ring and giving his wife $170 saying ‘get whatever you need,’ (he was very tight with his cash.) To The nonsensical ‘curtain rods’ story. To the definate fact that it was his gun that fired the shots (also the revolver that killed Tippit.) To his actions in leaving Dealey Plaza. All scream ‘guilt.’
                      Absolutely Oswald was the shooter. I’m just not totally convinced he was the only one. He definitely took the shot that went through his neck, but if he missed one or two shots other than that is the question IMHO.

                      And I’m also not saying if there was another shooter it had to be some grand conspiracy, it could have been as simple as Oswald and some other loser he knew. Like one of the Cuban ex pats who was pissed at Kennedy after the failed bay of pigs debacle.

                      I’ve also found it odd that Oswald was screaming I’m just a patsy as he was being hauled in. Yes he was trying to get away at first but at that point he must have known the gig was up so you would think he would say something like I’m innocent, I didn’t do it, or proudly announce he did it or keep his trap shut. I’m just a patsy de facto means other people were involved, no?

                      Odd thing to say at that point IMHO.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
                        Absolutely Oswald was the shooter. I’m just not totally convinced he was the only one. He definitely took the shot that went through his neck, but if he missed one or two shots other than that is the question IMHO.

                        And I’m also not saying if there was another shooter it had to be some grand conspiracy, it could have been as simple as Oswald and some other loser he knew. Like one of the Cuban ex pats who was pissed at Kennedy after the failed bay of pigs debacle.

                        I’ve also found it odd that Oswald was screaming I’m just a patsy as he was being hauled in. Yes he was trying to get away at first but at that point he must have known the gig was up so you would think he would say something like I’m innocent, I didn’t do it, or proudly announce he did it or keep his trap shut. I’m just a patsy de facto means other people were involved, no?

                        Odd thing to say at that point IMHO.
                        If I remember correctly Abby, after Oswald made the ‘patsy’ statement he said something like ‘ I’ve only been accused because I lived in the Soviet Union.’ Those who say conspiracy and make documentaries never show that bit though. Oswald was simply saying that it was the only reason that he was getting blamed.

                        Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                        “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post
                          If I remember correctly Abby, after Oswald made the ‘patsy’ statement he said something like ‘ I’ve only been accused because I lived in the Soviet Union.’ Those who say conspiracy and make documentaries never show that bit though. Oswald was simply saying that it was the only reason that he was getting blamed.
                          Yeah I don’t recall ever hearing that part. If true than yes, the patsy statement makes more sense.

                          But it could also mean those who knew it used me because of it. Like he’ll be the obvious scapegoat, fall guy etc.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by barnflatwyngarde View Post
                            Yeah Jon, that's pretty much right.
                            The United States House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) sat in 1976 and concluded that JFK was "probably" asassinated as a result of a conspiracy.

                            The main, but not the only, factor was the dictabelt recording of a police motorcycle rider on the presidential cavalcade which seemed to show an extra shot, ergo, another shooter, ergo, a conspiracy.

                            Needless to say, some doubt has been cast in the accurof the dictabelt recordings
                            "some doubt" it has been exposed as total nonsense, based on 8 seconds of static filled recording "3 acoustic experts" concluded they could prove a 4th shot, but it relied on the open mic of HB McLain being in a 1 metre circle on the corner of Houston and Elm.

                            McLain gave evidence he was nowhere near the spot but half a block away, so obviously McLain is part of the conspiracy, even though we have film evidence that he could not have been in that spot.

                            The House of Representatives Select Committee's "probable conspiracy" is based on 8 seconds of static filled radio recordings and an acoustic theory that is just simply wrong. Ignore the acoustic evidence and the committee's findings point to Oswald being the lone assassin without involvement from anyone else.
                            Last edited by DirectorDave; 10-24-2017, 06:07 PM.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post
                              If Ruby killed Oswald as part of a plot then it was the worst organised plot in history. He first went to a Western Union office to mail some money to one of his strippers, any delay or queue would have scuppered the plan. There was a policeman at the top of the ramp at the car park of the police station. Fortunately a member of He public spoke to him which allowed Ruby to go down the ramp. By the time the officer saw him he was inside. He crossed the floor of the car park and arrived just as Oswald was brought out. Earlier Oswald had said that he was cold and that he wanted a jacket so the police went and found him one. If Oswald hadn’t have asked for it he would have been out and into the car before Ruby got there. So Oswald must have been a part of a conspiracy to get himself killed.
                              Isn't the argument that Ruby was a reluctant hitman, put up to it by the conspirators? There was an anonymous tipoff to the FBI that Oswald was going to get toasted as they transferred him from the jail. Some theorists claim the tipster was Ruby doing his utmost to get out of it.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post
                                If Ruby killed Oswald as part of a plot then it was the worst organised plot in history. He first went to a Western Union office to mail some money to one of his strippers, any delay or queue would have scuppered the plan. There was a policeman at the top of the ramp at the car park of the police station. Fortunately a member of He public spoke to him which allowed Ruby to go down the ramp. By the time the officer saw him he was inside. He crossed the floor of the car park and arrived just as Oswald was brought out. Earlier Oswald had said that he was cold and that he wanted a jacket so the police went and found him one. If Oswald hadn’t have asked for it he would have been out and into the car before Ruby got there. So Oswald must have been a part of a conspiracy to get himself killed.

                                Witnesses came forward to say how obsessed Ruby was with Kennedy. I’m unsure but he may have been the only club owner to close his club out of respect.
                                Also Oswald’s army rifle records were found and they showed that he was easily good enough to make the shots despite conspiracy theorist lies that he was a poor shot.
                                And yet ruby easily got to him and killed him dead.
                                There’s so much convoluted wacky ness and crazy luck. I swear you couldnt make this stuff up.

