Highly recommend reading ( Google it) The Summary of Pleadings to District of Columbia Court dated January 31,1969. To get All copies of XRays and Photographs.
STill an issue in 1969. By Jim Garrison
The Summary includes 3 experts -
Dr Dave McClelland- senior surgeon at Parkland
Dr Robert Forman- Head of Anthropology at U of Wisconsin
Dr Cyril Wecht- One of Leading Forensic Pathologists in USA
In the Summary there are exhibits and analysis , including Warren Commission exhibits that illustrate the most thourough scientific analysis i have yet seen. Including JFKs admission note by McClelland which identifies the head wound to the Temple. ( keep in mind there was NO knowledge of Zapruder as the Frame 313 shows- a shot to the Temple) This was Parklands cause of death. Right there in the WC Report !
It also completely debunks the Single Bullet theory and fallacies of the Ramsay Clark autopsy analysis in 1968.
It uses angles of trajectory and the Zapruder frames to determine the conclusion that shows Oswald, from his perch on the 6th floor, and the vertical and horizontal angles, and the supposed exit wound in the throat, would have shattered Kennedys Vertebrae.
In addition, the Zapruder frames show that when Kennedy is hit ( around frame 225) , Connally does not react. In fact at 18.3 frames per second he does not react until almost 1 second later.Oswald could not have gotten the 2nd shot off in less than 1 second?
But wait..it was just a lag in the bullets trajectory. The full metal jacket bullet that hit NO bone in Kennedy but has a lag? The Magic Bullet. Ok.
There is obviously much more in this Summary including thorough analysis in metal fragments.
Bottom line is this Legal Appeal illustrates how the WC contradicts itself and fails actual scientific analysis.
Read it for yourself. Debunk the Experts if you wish.
Have Fun...don't let it drive you crazy ! Cheers.
STill an issue in 1969. By Jim Garrison
The Summary includes 3 experts -
Dr Dave McClelland- senior surgeon at Parkland
Dr Robert Forman- Head of Anthropology at U of Wisconsin
Dr Cyril Wecht- One of Leading Forensic Pathologists in USA
In the Summary there are exhibits and analysis , including Warren Commission exhibits that illustrate the most thourough scientific analysis i have yet seen. Including JFKs admission note by McClelland which identifies the head wound to the Temple. ( keep in mind there was NO knowledge of Zapruder as the Frame 313 shows- a shot to the Temple) This was Parklands cause of death. Right there in the WC Report !
It also completely debunks the Single Bullet theory and fallacies of the Ramsay Clark autopsy analysis in 1968.
It uses angles of trajectory and the Zapruder frames to determine the conclusion that shows Oswald, from his perch on the 6th floor, and the vertical and horizontal angles, and the supposed exit wound in the throat, would have shattered Kennedys Vertebrae.
In addition, the Zapruder frames show that when Kennedy is hit ( around frame 225) , Connally does not react. In fact at 18.3 frames per second he does not react until almost 1 second later.Oswald could not have gotten the 2nd shot off in less than 1 second?
But wait..it was just a lag in the bullets trajectory. The full metal jacket bullet that hit NO bone in Kennedy but has a lag? The Magic Bullet. Ok.
There is obviously much more in this Summary including thorough analysis in metal fragments.
Bottom line is this Legal Appeal illustrates how the WC contradicts itself and fails actual scientific analysis.
Read it for yourself. Debunk the Experts if you wish.
Have Fun...don't let it drive you crazy ! Cheers.