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JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year

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  • There are many armchair experts on here whose knowledge of how to carry out a textbook assassination and transfer of power is so impressive that I’m surprised that one of the CIA, MI6, Mossad or the KGB has not called on their services. So far as I am aware anyhow.

    Reality is never textbook and no conspiracy can be perfect since it is built upon a falsehood that can unravel and be exposed. Jesse Curry noted that there was a problem placing Oswald with the gun on the 6th floor; the only witness to the 6th floor is Brennan whose ID was hesitant at best. The links between Oswald and the rifle are of similar strength. A mail order under a false name he was known to use (a devious ploy that fooled no one) reputedly with his signature. A mail box where nobody could remember him signing for the package. And contested photographs authenticated by his wife Marina, a woman as wronged as Mrs. Kennedy herself, whose testimony was considered unreliable by the WC itself. Just as Mrs. Kennedy, in a state of shock and grief, was used to give a visual stamp of approval to the LBJ inauguration so was Marina Oswald used in a similar manner by the Warren Commission.

    Given that Oswald was so proud of the backyard photos that he sent them to a radical magazine, it seems odd that he did not furnish them as evidence of his revolutionary zeal when seeking visas in Mexico City from the Cuban and Soviet embassies. One CIA report claimed he was boasting of wanting to assassinate JFK so the photos would surely have helped. It’s almost as if he did not know they existed.

    The Oswald (real or impersonated) who turned up in Mexico City was out of his league. He wasn’t a member of the USA Communist Party or even some Trotskyite splinter group but the sole member of the FPFC New Orleans branch. He had been outed as a fake defector to the USSR a few years earlier. Oswald was on a fool’s errand but a Cuban transit visa found in his jacket pocket after being gunned down by the DPD when resisting arrest: that would have been the perfect conspiracy.


    • Brilliant research Clint Bradford and Tony Marsh (who are both conspiracists) proving that the Zapruder Film is categorically authentic. But then most of us already knew that.


      Sir Herlock Sholmes.

      “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


      • Originally posted by GBinOz View Post

        Proof?? Opinions from two forums and a blog owned by whatever this is:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	339
Size:	24.4 KB
ID:	806757

        Thank you for establishing your standard of proof. We'll keep that in mind for all your posts, particularly the ones where you're yelling fake, fake, fake. What was it that you posted:
        "Anyone who says fake is a ......." (insert expletive here).

        PROOF from Mr Integrity
        Click image for larger version

Name:	lol-rotflmao.gif
Views:	341
Size:	29.1 KB
ID:	806758
        'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


        • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

          More nonsense. To understand who killed Kennedy you only have to follow the evidence at it points to only one conclusion…that Kennedy was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald alone.

          What conspiracy theorist need to do is very simple and obvious. They need to stop treating every error and every bit of witness discrepancy as sinister. They need to stop paying attention to witnesses who are clearly and obviously untrustworthy. And they need to stop listening to proven liars like Mark Lane.

          And I notice that, yet again, you have no qualms about chucking in an insults whilst sulking at things I’ve said. I’ve never watched a single episode of the Kardashians just for the record. The ‘players in the political arena’ are irrelevant because this wasn’t a conspiracy. Can you or Cobalt or George or PI point to one single piece of actual evidence of people like LBJ or Hoover being involved in the assassination (and I’m not talking about theoretically or in terms of speculative motives?)

          And finally can anyone explain how the assassination was in any way a regime change? Do CT’s consider Kennedy a dictator? They do realise that the Democrat party was still in power after the assassination or was the party as a whole in such fear of Il Duce Kennedy they they didn’t have their own opinions and beliefs and that they could only get their own way with him dead? I’ll say it again…

          please grow up.
          Your following the wrong evidence in my opinion. The WC is not evidence of what many eyewitness saw and heard and testified to .So back to you ,so please get smarter.
          'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


          • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

            Your following the wrong evidence in my opinion. The WC is not evidence of what many eyewitness saw and heard and testified to .So back to you ,so please get smarter.
            That’s what you call evidence of something. Just because you don’t trust the WC you think that everyone should dismiss it. It’s not going to happen. Testimony given in front of the Commission is vital evidence from witnesses. I realise that you might prefer witness who suddenly remember stuff 20 years later but I prefer proper evidence.

            Sir Herlock Sholmes.

            “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


            • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

              You forget that Oswald attacked Officer Macdonald and pulled a gun on him. The gun that he’d used to kill Tippit.

              And while we mention Tippit, what possible reason or benefit would conspirators have had for killing Tippit. Just to add complications and to increase the chances of being caught?
              Nonsense, Oswald didn't shoot Tippit.

              And the fact you have to ask that question shows you haven't any knowledge of what was on at the time . Or that you'd paid any attention to this topic when its already been explained.
              'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


              • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

                Very silly Fishy.

                The alleged memo supposedly came from the National Archives but they were contacted and did an in-depth search and found absolutely no record of it. The National Archives don’t just release random, undocumented records. This is absolute proof that the document in question is a fake. And we can add to this the errors pointed out by experts familiar with these types of documents.

                So you and St. George can giggle as much as you like. It’s a proven taken.

                Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post
                  How likely is it or how possible it that Kennedy’s x-rays were faked? In 1977 when the HSCA was set up they couldn’t have been more aware of the allegations of conspiracy and fakery that were everywhere so they went to extraordinary lengths in checking the genuineness of the x-rays….and no one could accuse the HSCA of being WC ‘apologists.’

                  From the x-rays taken of Kennedy when he was alive they examined dentition (which is as distinctive as fingerprints) and nasal sinuses (as distinctive as fingerprints) and compared them to the autopsy x-rays and found that they matched exactly. Anthropologists checked the post mortem x-rays against the pre mortem ones and found that the “turcica, cranial sutures, vascular grooves, and the air cells of the mastoid bone” were sufficient to conclude that both sets of x-rays were of the same person…Kennedy. Forensic anthropologists came to the exact same conclusion…that the x-rays were of Kennedy.

                  None of the x-rays showed even a single piece of evidence which even hinted at fakery.

                  Within the photos were what are known as stereo pairs. With the technology at the time it was essentially impossible to tamper or fake them without detection. There were more than one stereo pair and none of them showed evidence of fakery.

                  The x-rays were conclusively not faked and the shouts of ‘fake’ only sound hollower and hollower and display an embarrassing level of desperation.
                  Its not a question of how likely . They were .

                  As has been shown on this thread many post ago.
                  'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


                  • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

                    Nonsense, Oswald didn't shoot Tippit.

                    And the fact you have to ask that question shows you haven't any knowledge of what was on at the time . Or that you'd paid any attention to this topic when its already been explained.
                    Of course he did. Find me one single case when so many witnesses were all wrong. It’s impossible.

                    And what would be the chances of a man suspected of murdering the president just happen ending to pass the location of the murder of a police officer. It’s fantasy. It couldn’t possibly have not been Oswald. He was seen. It was his gun that he still had on him when arrested. You wouldn’t find a jury in an asylum who would have acquitted Oswald.

                    Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                    “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                    • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

                      Its not a question of how likely . They were .

                      As has been shown on this thread many post ago.
                      So posters on this thread know more than the experts at the HSCA? I didn’t know that. Which poster is the dental expert? Which one is the forensic anthropologist?

                      Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                      “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                      • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

                        Very silly Fishy.

                        The alleged memo supposedly came from the National Archives but they were contacted and did an in-depth search and found absolutely no record of it. The National Archives don’t just release random, undocumented records. This is absolute proof that the document in question is a fake. And we can add to this the errors pointed out by experts familiar with these types of documents.

                        So you and St. George can giggle as much as you like. It’s a proven taken.
                        You've also been shown on this thread a mountain of evidence other than that document of Oswald's connection to the CIA but ignored it . So I'll giggle some more
                        'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


                        • There are no cracks.... Where did you get grey-blue from?

                          (HERLOCK SHOMES)

                          There are indeed cracks.

                          And your claim that the jacket allegedly worn by Oswald could have looked grey or brown is disproven, as I said, because the said jacket was grey-blue, not grey-brown.

                          Where did I get it from?

                          Why, from the Warren Commission itself!​


                          Mr. BALL. I have here Commission’s 163, a gray blue jacket. Do you recognize
                          this jacket?


                          • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

                            So posters on this thread know more than the experts at the HSCA? I didn’t know that. Which poster is the dental expert? Which one is the forensic anthropologist?
                            No, posters just know the difference between a fake autopsy photo that contradicts that what ,medical expert opinion and eyewitness saw the President head and brain matter explode on the day .

                            Again more evidence of this have been made on this thread many times .

                            'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


                            • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

                              Of course he did. Find me one single case when so many witnesses were all wrong. It’s impossible.

                              And what would be the chances of a man suspected of murdering the president just happen ending to pass the location of the murder of a police officer. It’s fantasy. It couldn’t possibly have not been Oswald. He was seen. It was his gun that he still had on him when arrested. You wouldn’t find a jury in an asylum who would have acquitted Oswald.
                              Of course he didn't,

                              The evidence at the crime scene doesn't support your opinion

                              That has also been shown of many post on this thread .

                              I see a pattern here .

                              Can anyone see it ?

                              Could it be the evidence and the amount of times one has to go over the same ground again ?
                              'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


                              • Originally posted by cobalt View Post
                                The conspirators had from the 6th June 1963, the date JFK’s Texas visit was announced, to organise the assassination. On 25th September Dallas was confirmed as a host city and the motorcade, which Kennedy wanted, confirmed on 4th October. There would have been three main objectives: to organise a team of shooters; to select the best place from which to shoot; and to provide a suitable ‘patsy’ the assassination could be blamed on in order to draw public attention away from the real conspirators.
                                1) If you're wanting to pitch a lone gunman narrative, assembling a team of snipers is a vastly stupid way of attempting it. Every additional shooter is another person you have to get in and out undetected. Every additional weapon will require faking or removing all ballistic evidence. Every additional location will require faking or removing all ballistic evidence, plus all medical evidence.

                                Which means you need to bring in medical personnel from the nearest hospital as part of the conspiracy. Plus whoever is going to do the autopsy. Plus those members of the Dallas PD hat handle crime scenes. You also have to keep these additional dozen or more people quiet for the rest of their lives.

                                And if any of the evidence leaves Dallas, you have know way of knowing who will examine it. The Conspiracy would want to move heaven and earth to keep the autopsy, ballistics, and print evidence in the hands of people they have bought off. The rifle going to the FBI would be a probable disaster for the Conspiracy, yet Dallas PD who would have to be part of the Conspiracy let it happen. JFK's body being autopsied anywhere else would be a probable disaster for the Conspiracy, yet LBJ and the Secret Service insisted on it and Dallas PD who would have to be part of the Conspiracy let it happen.

                                Or they could just use a single shooter and not have to bring in dozens of additional Conspirators and not have to fake or destroy any evidence.

                                2) The best place to shoot from would be a place with a clear line of fire for the maximum amount of time, a stable firing platform, minimal obstructions between the firing position and the target, difficulty in spotting the shooter, ease of undetected escape, and minimal lateral (side to side) movement. The later is important because the more the target is moving across your field of vision, the more you have to adjust your aim and the greater the chance of missing.

                                The Manhole is excellent for escape, but poor in all other ways. It would be easily visible. Bracing with one hand would mean a one-handed shot. The limo itself would block line of sight. With extraordinary luck you might get one shot off with almost none of the target visible.

                                The Overpass is excellent in many ways - clear line of site along most of Dealey Plaza, no obstacles, minimal lateral movement, good bracing position. It also provides no concealment for the shooter, no way of escaping undetected.

                                The Book Depository had clear line of site along most of Dealey Plaza. The start of the route was partially obscured by trees. It had a stable firing platform. Good concealment from people outside the building, excellent concealment from inside due to stacks of boxes. Chance of undetected escape was good. Minimal lateral movement of the target.

                                The Daltex building was similar to the Book Depository. It had a slightly better line of fire. The target had slightly more lateral movement. It did not have as good of concealment from other people in the building. I don't know how many people were present, but chances of undetected escape were probably pretty good.

                                The Grassy Knoll had excellent cover against being detected from the front. It was wide open from the back - a shooter would have been easy to spot. It had better visibility than the Manhole, but street signs, concrete walls, and trees blocked much of the line of sight. Even the JFK movie, which fudges the position and time shows this. It also shows maximum lateral movement and no bracing position, making it a poor choice for accurate fire. It's also an inferior place for escape, the parking lot was full of cars and the shooter would have to take time to scoop up expended shell casings. They also couldn't just abandon the rifle, which is a problem for any second shooter location.

                                3) Making Oswald a patsy requires several things.

                                You have to ensure that he is at the Book Depository on the right day and time. Oswald's history shows that he was erratic enough that him doing something dumb and getting fired was a significant risk.

                                You have to ensure Oswald has no alibi for the time of the shooting. This is basically impossible, especially doing it without being detected by Oswald or anyone else in the Book Depository.

                                You have to plant a rifle, cartridges, fiber, and print evidence without being detected by Oswald or anyone else in the Book Depository.

                                You have to ensure that someone who looks like Oswald is seen with a rifle at the right time to have been the shooter, but escapes the building undetected.

                                The only way this has a slight chance of working is getting Oswald to meet you on the 6th floor at lunch time, hoping no one else saw you and that he didn't tell anyone. You then kill Oswald with his own pistol, fitted with a silencer and leave the body in the sniper's nest.

                                Instead, Oswald escapes the building undetected, kills Officer Tippett, tries to kill Officer McDonald, is not killed resisting arrest, is allowed to speak to the press, and isn't killed until over 45 hours after he is arrested.

                                4) You have to ensure none of the Conspirators get cold feet or have attacks of conscience before, during, or after the killing,

                                5) You have to have a motive. Just saying "regime change" doesn't cut it. The Conspirators need something important enough that they are willing to risk execution for. It has to be something they believe they could never get from JFK, but something they are near certain to get from his successor. And
                                "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

                                "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer

