Time to pull the curtain down
Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post
It’s amazing what bias and the desperate desire to bolster a theory will bring people to. And let’s recall what Trevor said (and Trevor has no theory to support.) He accepted that Phillips TOD estimate was completely unreliable and yet he still favoured it over three witnesses. I’ll stick my neck out and say that this is one of the most bizarre pronouncements that I’ve ever heard in my 35 years of interest in the case! It’s simply staggering.
Nothing bizarre at all, one of the two scenarios has to be the right one. I like you am entitled to make a calculated guess, which one is right and I have made that guess, and that all it is a guess, the same as you suggesting that the witnesses could not be mistaken, we know that is not correct. As I have said before it cannot be conclusively proved what the TOD was, accept it and move on, and stop arguing for the sake of arguing.
This debate should have been ended days ago. The moment that the incontrovertible evidence was produced showing that Phillips simply could not have accurately estimated the TOD. In how many fields would we get complete laymen disputing the words and writings of the foremost experts on a subject? Can you believe the arrogance? Can you believe the desperate lengths that posters will go to to try and discredit perfectly plausible witnesses? Witness that the police at the time considered plausible. And on such pathetic and biased grounds.
The debate should have ended days ago, but your are one of those who wont allow it to end, practice what you preach stop posting on the thread, what are you achieving ?
That Dr Phillips could not have accurately estimated the TOD to preclude 5.30 is an established fact. Anyone debating this is debating every authority on the subject. Therefor Phillips TOD can be disregarded. This is a fact.
But it it not an ascertained fact !
We have three witness. Like all witnesses, they are not perfect. A desperate attempt has been made to dismiss Cadosch (mainly by Fishy) purely on the grounds that he was cautious about hearing the ‘no.’ In other circumstances caution would strengthen the case for Cadosch honesty but not with the dishonest it doesn’t. He was confident about the noise but because he was cautious about the ‘no’ then he should be dismissed. Has anyone ever heard such nonsense? As Michael has said, what are the chances that, in an unoccupied yard, early in the morning, a voice and a noise are heard and they are not connected to the murder? How much do we wish to stretch believability to pander to the terminally biased?
The nonsense spoken about the passageway conversation between Chandler and Richardson is bizarre. Why would Richardson lie to put himself at a crime scene with a knife when he had no need to. This is palpable nonsense. Could Richardson have missed a body? He was 100% certain not and we have absolutely no reason to disbelieve him. Forget Fish’s sketched manipulations just look at the photograph and you have your answer. There’s no way that he could have missed a body. Chapman definitely wasn’t there at 4.50.
And finally the only witness of the three who causes an issue and it’s simply one of timing. Yes she could have been mistaken. But the fact that she was confident after viewing the corpse gives weight to her testimony. So it’s down to time. Fishy dishonestly refuses to accept what every single person interested in this case knows, that we have to make allowances for timings with people who usually didn’t own watches or even clocks. Is it impossible that Long was 15 minutes out? Of course it isn’t. Is it impossible that Cadosch might have been 15 minutes out? Of course it isn’t. Is it impossible that both Long and Cadosch were both 7 or 8 minutes out? Of course it isn’t.
The witnesses outweigh the Doctor. They have to because the doctors TOD can safely be disregarded. I’m no longer interested in wasting time debating with the biased and the illogical. Fish, Fishy, The Baron are welcome to their fantasies and their theories. None of us should take someone seriously that believes that Annie Chapman was murdered and mutilated in a carriage by the Queens 72 year old Physician then dumped in the backyard by a famous painter and a deranged coach driver. That kind of drivel elimintates anyone from a sensible discussion of the case.
The witness testimony is unsafe
Annie Chapman TOD 5.25/5.30 beyond all reasonable doubt.
Please stop repeating this over and over again its getting boring and its not proven !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
End of.
Thanks Trevor , you saved me the trouble
Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post
It’s amazing what bias and the desperate desire to bolster a theory will bring people to. And let’s recall what Trevor said (and Trevor has no theory to support.) He accepted that Phillips TOD estimate was completely unreliable and yet he still favoured it over three witnesses. I’ll stick my neck out and say that this is one of the most bizarre pronouncements that I’ve ever heard in my 35 years of interest in the case! It’s simply staggering.
Nothing bizarre at all, one of the two scenarios has to be the right one. I like you am entitled to make a calculated guess, which one is right and I have made that guess, and that all it is a guess, the same as you suggesting that the witnesses could not be mistaken, we know that is not correct. As I have said before it cannot be conclusively proved what the TOD was, accept it and move on, and stop arguing for the sake of arguing.
This debate should have been ended days ago. The moment that the incontrovertible evidence was produced showing that Phillips simply could not have accurately estimated the TOD. In how many fields would we get complete laymen disputing the words and writings of the foremost experts on a subject? Can you believe the arrogance? Can you believe the desperate lengths that posters will go to to try and discredit perfectly plausible witnesses? Witness that the police at the time considered plausible. And on such pathetic and biased grounds.
The debate should have ended days ago, but your are one of those who wont allow it to end, practice what you preach stop posting on the thread, what are you achieving ?
That Dr Phillips could not have accurately estimated the TOD to preclude 5.30 is an established fact. Anyone debating this is debating every authority on the subject. Therefor Phillips TOD can be disregarded. This is a fact.
But it it not an ascertained fact !
We have three witness. Like all witnesses, they are not perfect. A desperate attempt has been made to dismiss Cadosch (mainly by Fishy) purely on the grounds that he was cautious about hearing the ‘no.’ In other circumstances caution would strengthen the case for Cadosch honesty but not with the dishonest it doesn’t. He was confident about the noise but because he was cautious about the ‘no’ then he should be dismissed. Has anyone ever heard such nonsense? As Michael has said, what are the chances that, in an unoccupied yard, early in the morning, a voice and a noise are heard and they are not connected to the murder? How much do we wish to stretch believability to pander to the terminally biased?
The nonsense spoken about the passageway conversation between Chandler and Richardson is bizarre. Why would Richardson lie to put himself at a crime scene with a knife when he had no need to. This is palpable nonsense. Could Richardson have missed a body? He was 100% certain not and we have absolutely no reason to disbelieve him. Forget Fish’s sketched manipulations just look at the photograph and you have your answer. There’s no way that he could have missed a body. Chapman definitely wasn’t there at 4.50.
And finally the only witness of the three who causes an issue and it’s simply one of timing. Yes she could have been mistaken. But the fact that she was confident after viewing the corpse gives weight to her testimony. So it’s down to time. Fishy dishonestly refuses to accept what every single person interested in this case knows, that we have to make allowances for timings with people who usually didn’t own watches or even clocks. Is it impossible that Long was 15 minutes out? Of course it isn’t. Is it impossible that Cadosch might have been 15 minutes out? Of course it isn’t. Is it impossible that both Long and Cadosch were both 7 or 8 minutes out? Of course it isn’t.
The witnesses outweigh the Doctor. They have to because the doctors TOD can safely be disregarded. I’m no longer interested in wasting time debating with the biased and the illogical. Fish, Fishy, The Baron are welcome to their fantasies and their theories. None of us should take someone seriously that believes that Annie Chapman was murdered and mutilated in a carriage by the Queens 72 year old Physician then dumped in the backyard by a famous painter and a deranged coach driver. That kind of drivel elimintates anyone from a sensible discussion of the case.
The witness testimony is unsafe
Annie Chapman TOD 5.25/5.30 beyond all reasonable doubt.
Please stop repeating this over and over again its getting boring and its not proven !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
End of.

Thanks Trevor , you saved me the trouble