Originally posted by PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR 1
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You are making an elementary mistake!
You have not taken into account the much lower propensity to commit violent crime among the Jewish community.
That means the odds of the killer's being Jewish were much lower than your estimate.
Crime levels - especially levels of violent crime - were much lower among Jews.
The Board of Trade Report on Immigration noted that the proportion of Russian and Polish Jewish immigrants in prison was relatively lower than the English population.
(Kevin Lally; Board of Trade: Reports, pp.60-62)
In his report to the Select Committee on immigration, the superintendent of the police in Whitechapel division noted that most crimes [committed by foreigners] were of a relatively minor nature.
(Kevin Lally; Select Committee: Emigration and Immigration, pp.43-45)
Jew-baiting and Jew-beatings were common.
(Englander; evidence of Superintendent Thomas Arnold of H Division, Select Committee on Emigration and Immigration (Foreigners), qq. 875-909)
It was Arnold who, together with Warren, decided that the graffito needed to be removed promptly in order to prevent an anti-Jewish riot.
There is no evidence of Gentiles being beaten by Jews.
There is no evidence of Jews in Whitechapel attacking Gentile women, as for example the man seen by Schwartz was seen doing.
Booth mentioned the rarity of wife-beating among Jews in The Booth Collection (B351/ 69, 81).
It was rare for Jewish men to attack Jewish women at home, let alone Gentile women in the street.
They were described by Charles Dickens Jr as among the best fathers, sons, and husbands in the metropolis.
(Dickens's Dictionary of London, by Charles Dickens, Jr., 1879)
To say that it is unlikely that the man who assaulted Stride was Jewish would be a considerable understatement.
One fact that went un-noticed, or at least un-remarked on, by the alienists and the more xenophobic elements of the press, was the fact that by and large when the Jewish immigrants moved into a neighbourhood they tended to have a remarkably civilising effect on their surroundings. Social workers, reformers and even the police were quick to observe how an influx of Jews into a particular neighbourhood would soon raise the standards and behaviour in some of the worst parts of London. Streets and blocks, notorious for violence and crime, became comparatively well behaved after Jewish families moved in...
So, when the Whitechapel murders confronted the East End of London with a new type of crime, unprecedented in its barbarity, the gentile population were only too willing to blame the murders on the immigrant community.
Sir Henry Smith described the Jews as
a class whose conduct contrasts most favourably with that of the Gentile population of the Metropolis.
(From Constable to Commissioner, Chapter XVI: Of the Ripper and his deeds-and of the criminal investigator, Sir Robert Anderson)
A police officer tangentially connected to the Whitechapel murders case, noting the low proportion of crimes in Whitechapel committed by Jews, and complaining of the accusations being made against and physical treatment of the Jews on the day of the Hanbury Street murder, commented:
Therefore if [the Jews] were base enough to take advantage of this knowledge [that the vast majority of crimes in Whitechapel are committed by Christians] and impugn and molest every respectable Christian pedestrian they chanced to meet [as the writer had seen Christians doing to Jews], no doubt riot and disorder would be the result daily.
(Letter to Evening News, 11 September 1888)
But that did not happen.
Jews were the targets of violence in the docks:
The absence of Jewish employment from the port transport industry, noted by Ben Tillet in evidence before the Select Committee on Sweating, owed much to violence and intimidation.
(Englander; Select Committee on Sweating; Stallard (1867, pp. 8-9))
Gentiles were not targeted by Jews.
There has never been a recorded case of a Jewish serial killer in England - and your suspect is a Polish Jew and there is no recorded case of a Polish Jewish serial killer anywhere, nor even of a Polish Jew having assaulted a Gentile woman in Whitechapel!
I issued last year, on this forum, the challenge to provide evidence of Jews attacking Gentile women in the East End of London in the late nineteenth century, but no-one has come up with a single case.
Anderson wrote:
for it is a remarkable fact that people of that class in the East End will not give up one of their number to Gentile justice.
He did not write:
for it is a remarkable fact that Jews of that class in the East End are in the habit of attacking Gentile women.
He knew it was not true.
Your statements, that the killer is likely to be Jewish and that the odds on the killer being Jewish must roughly equal the very large percentage of that local population which was Jewish are both obviously wrong.
No better than the statements in 1888, that an English Man could not be the killer.
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