Originally posted by Shelley
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We do have a very detailed list of what Eddowes was wearing and her possessions. However she was found in City police territory. Also as the Ripper scare became more heightened towards the end, I think more care and attention to detail was given.
However at the Nichols crime scene scant observation was given to detail. The body was stripped and the clothes dumped. Again I don’t feel detailed observations were created about things like clothing when documenting these earlier crime scenes.
So while it is a guess on my part I reckon on a cold night sleeping rough that Martha was fairly well prepared for the cold conditions. These women wore layers of clothing because they actually keep you warmer than one thick coat.
So yes I am guessing but I think it a good guess that Martha had on other layers under her dark dress and long black Jacket, which simply weren’t considered important enough to mention. The list of ‘outer clothing’ being recorded only for identification purpose, not as a clue to whether Jack was a STABBER or SLASHER.